Chapter 13

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The small boat stopped to rest at the tiny island, known as Voiceless Cove. They had been traveling for several days to get to this hidden island. The anchor sat sunk in the white sand that could be seen through the beautiful clear water. The figure jumped off the deck and landed on the shoreline, gazing at the thick jungle that stood before them. "Sir? Sir? Don't forget your bag." Another voice spoke up behind the first figure, who turned around to take the bag from the Captain of the boat. "Thank you for the ride." "Should I wait for you?" The Captain asked him as he had a busy schedule to keep. The man shook his head, "No, I will here for a few days." "Alright, well if you change your mind, we are heading out at first light." The Captain smiled softly as the man waved before heading into the jungle.

The man traveled for several miles before he stumbled across a clearing within the thick trees. There before him sat a small log cabin. It gave off a calming vibe as it proudly stood out amongst the towering trees. In front of the log cabin was two little boys, giggling and squealing loudly, as they chased each other around. The man took a small breath before he started forward, "Excuse me?" The two boys stopped in their actions and stared with wide, almost frightened eyes. They hurried inside after a few seconds and the door shut loudly. The man moved closer to the front porch, quietly listening to the boys shout over each other to explain about the stranger. He glanced up as the front door cracked open, revealing a green eye narrowing slightly at the man, "How did you find this place?" The tone was harsh but the man merely blew it off. "I'm looking for a woman-" "Who?" The person interrupted and he blew out the air in his lungs. "Kairi Iagina." "How do you know that name??" The door opened slightly more to reveal the barrel of a gun. "Well she is my mother." The man explained calmly and the green eyes widened slightly as they gasped, "Marco...?" The door opened wider to show the small woman. She looked quite shocked to see him. "In the flesh." He gave her a soft smile as she leapt forward, hugging the taller man tightly. "I thought we lost you!" Marco set down his bag before hugging the small woman, "It's okay Jun, I'm alright." She pulled back slightly, taking in his exhausted look, "How did you find us? Mom told me that this place was impossible to find." "Just followed the card." Marco pulled out the folded corner of a piece of paper. "Mama?" The two little boys leaned out of the doorway to stare up at the tall blonde man. Jun pulled out of her older brother's hold and turned to her boys, gesturing them over, "It's okay, this man isn't going to hurt anyone." The two boys slowly stepped out and closer to their mother, gripping onto either side of her dress. Jun turned to face Marco then gestured down at the boys, "These are the twins, Akito and Youta. Boys, this is your uncle Marco." "He looks like a pineapple." Youta muttered, narrowing his eyes. Akito just stared as he was really shy. "You must be exhausted, please come in." Jun gestured to the cabin door. "Maybe in a little bit, I came to see Mother." Marco rubbed the back of his neck as he explained. "Oh, she left on her evening walk a few minutes ago." Jun pointed off to the side of the cabin where a little path led off into the jungle, "She probably won't be back until after sunset." Marco glanced at the path that she was pointing towards before he looked back at his younger sister, "I guess a little rest wouldn't do any harm." Jun smiled warmly as she led the boys inside the cabin, "Go wash up, dinner will be ready in a few minutes." "Yes Mama." The twins grumbled softly as they wandered into the bathroom on the other side of the log cabin. "How long have you guys lived here?" Marco slowly wandered around into the open living room, carefully taking in the homily feeling spread throughout. Jun glanced over to Marco as she stirred the stew with her wooden spoon, "Ever since Mom left the Moby." Marco turned sharply at her words, "You were just a kid-!" "I know." Jun turned to face the wall and closed her eyes, "I-it..." She swallowed the lump in her throat, her voice trembling as she fought back tears, "It was harder than she thought." The wooden spoon clattered against the pot as Jun covered her mouth and took in a sharp breath. Marco's gaze softened as he walked over and carefully pulled her into his arms, "Let it all out." He rubbed her back as she sobbed against him. "Mama...?" Youta stepped out of the bathroom, "Why are you crying?" Akito's lip began to tremble as hurried over to hug his mother's legs. "It's nothing boys." Jun sniffed as she quickly wiped her tears away, "Could you set the table, please?" The boys nodded and made their way over to cabinets, climbing on a chair to grab four bowls then take them over to the table. Jun pulled away from Marco to stir the stew again, falling silent as she tried to keep her emotions in check. "How long is this guy supposed to be here?" Youta frowned at Marco. Ever since he got to their home, their mother has been sad and crying. Marco couldn't help but chuckle softly as he walked over to the table, "Well if it's alright with your mother, I would like to stay a few days." "You can stay as long as you want Oniisan." Jun smiled as she brought over the giant pot and set it down in the middle of the oak table. "But I don't want him to stay." Youta whined as the twins took their seats at the table. "He looks like a pineapple and smells like bog water." Youta stood up on his chair. "Youta, that's rude." Jun snapped sternly as Akito stared with wide eyes. Marco laughed and just took a seat, "It's okay, Jun, he is just being honest." "Why is he even here?? Grandma said we aren't supposed to let strangers into our house." Youta glared. "Mama said he's our uncle." Akito mutters under his breath after leaning over to his twin. "I don't care if he is the king himself." Youta growled and crossed his arms over his chest, "Grandma has always been right." Jun let out a tired sigh as she filled everyone's bowl. Marco rose a brow, "Youta, don't you trust your own mother?" "What kind of dumb question is that?" Youta tilted his head slightly. "Youta, that's enough, please sit down and eat your dinner." Jun finally had enough of his rude tone. Youta frowned but did as he was asked. "I'm sorry about that Marco, Youta has always been stubborn. Takes after his father." Jun apologized as she took her spot at the table. "Where is their father, if you don't mind me asking?" Marco took a sip of his water. "Probably at the bottom of the ocean, enjoying Davy Jones locker." Jun shrugged her shoulders, "Honestly I couldn't tell you. He ran off with some tramp after discovering I was pregnant. But as you can see, we get along just fine without him. How is the rest of the crew?" "That's why I came for a visit." Marco leaned back in his chair, placing his hands behind his head as he glanced up at the wooden ceiling. "Is everything alright?" Jun looked up from her food, moving her hair back behind her ear. Marco closed his eyes, letting out a tired sigh, "Honestly, not really." A loud bang against the door interrupted the conversation as the twins raced to the door, "Grandma's home!" Youta reached for the door handle and swiftly opened the door, only to be immediately smacked on the head by a walking stick. "Ow! Grandma, that hurt!" He rubbed his head. "How many times do I have to tell you not to open the door unless you know for certain whose there!" Kairi's voice crackles to life. "But Grandma, you're the only one who comes out here." He whined at her as she stepped into the house. "It doesn't matter if you know it's only me. You must always check first." She shifted before turning towards the table, squinting her eyes, "Jun?" "Coming Mother." Jun quickly got up from the table and over to her Mother's side, gently taking off her coat and then leading her over to the table, "We have a guest visiting..." "You let someone inside!?" Kairi reached for her walking stick and turned in a semicircle, "Who's here?" "Momma, it's okay." Jun grabbed her hands and gently set her stick down, "It's just Marco." "Marco?" Kairi faced Jun and her eyes squinted again, "He's here?" "Mom." Marco stood up from the table and slowly made his way over to the old woman. She turned towards his voice, sticking her arm out to find him, "Where are you, boy?" Marco clasped her hands in his before stepping closer to embrace her into a hug. "I've missed you." Kairi fell silent upon tightly hugging his larger form. He pulled back to look at her face. The once young and tight skin, now sagged slightly with wrinkles. Her once beautiful bright eyes were completely dull. Her body that was once broad and tough, now weak and fragile. "How have you been?" Marco whispered. "Son," Kairi pulled back from the comfortable hug and shakily made her way over to the cabinets, searching for a drink. "To be completely honest, life's been horrible." "Really?" He took a few steps in her direction. "Youta, Akito, would you two please go collect the laundry." Jun said as he handed the boys the basket. "But Grandma just got home." They whined. "Ah, ah, I don't want to hear it." She shook her head and shooed them outside before Kairi continued, "I'm done Marco." "What." The smile quickly slipped off his face and replaced with concern. Kairi pulled out the sake bottle and then reached up for a few glasses, "I left the Moby, because I knew I was only going to live so long." She started to pour the sake, "I have been struggling these passed two years after your father's death." "Wait? You left the Moby because-?" Marco started before Jun interrupted, "Mom's dying." "I'm not dying anymore Jun Kokoro, I'm going on tonight." She turned to face her two children, "Fighting this long to raise you was a genuine blessing but I'm done now." "You can't just give up Mother!" Marco exclaimed. This was not what he was expecting to hear coming to visit his mother. "Marco, I know it hurts to hear especially after everything, and the hardships, I have put you through but I can't fight it any longer. My heartaches terribly." "What are you dying of? We can find a cure!" He suggested as he hurried over to her. "I don't want a cure Marco." Kairi leaned against the counter, "I don't think you can cure heartbreak." She swirled the sake in her glass before taking a sip. "Heartbreak?" Marco asked her, now he was quite confused. She poured them both a glass of sake and handed it to them, "It's not much of a story, if you want to know the truth." They both took the glasses and waited for Kairi to continue her story. She glanced at the both before she closed her eyes, thinking of where to start. "I'm not human. I am what mankind call a siren." "I thought that was just fairy tales?" Marco furrowed his brow. "That's what we would like you to think." Kairi set down her glass, "I was born on this island and as a young girl I had gone too far off the cove; I nearly avoided death once I washed up upon the shore. A young couple found me and thinking I was a little lost girl, took me in and began to care for me until that night. The night I had danced with pirates after heeding the call to the ocean. They rushed me to the doctors to "cure" me. And he surgically closed off my gills." She pointed to the scars at her neck, "Effectively cutting my life in half." Marco moved closer, seeing that her neck had been worked on. "Anyways the island treated me like some kind of demon constantly and my "father" began to drink and beat me. One night he tried to end my life by strangling me and out of desperation; I let out a cry." She tapped her glass a bit before filling hers up again, "The song of death is a powerful tool. Everyone who caused me harm suddenly fell under a trance and killed themselves. My "mother" survived but she lost her mind completely and-" "-became the crazy lady in the street." Marco's eyes widened slightly as he recalled meeting the woman and listening to her tall tale. "She did." Kairi sighed softly, "To cut my story short, on the island, once we visited; your father had taken me on a little picnic. It was adorable." Her eyes glazing slightly as she recalled the memory. "I wanted to know if he was the one I was looking for partner wise so I tried out my heart's song. Which is only used to find a siren's forever mate." Her smile changed to a deep frown, "But he's dead." She looked up at the ceiling, "Taken from us way before his time and now I will join him. These two years has been absolute torture!" The glass in her hand smashed against the ground, Kairi stumbled forward, both of her children rushing to catch her.
Marco pulled Kairi close to his body as he looked her over, trying to find a way to help her. His eyes held desperation. "Mother please," Jun whispered, "I'm so scared of being alone." She gripped at Kairi's small hand. Kairi's pink orbs slowly traveled from Marco to Jun, "Please don't be upset. I know you all just lost a lot but I just cannot hold on any longer. I'm so tired." She took a shaky breath, "Promise me you'll take care of each other." "I promise." They both whispered. Tears fell in droves down their faces as Kairi closed her eyes and soon fell still. She was gone. Gone to be with those in the afterlife.
"Mama!" The boys squealed as they rushed into the house, looking terrified. "What's wrong boys?" Jun quickly wiped her tears away and hurried to her children. "There's strange people in the woods!" They pointed out the open front door. Jun stood and slowly walked forward, letting out a sharp gasp as suddenly their cabin was surrounded by strange people. "Marco!" She called, fearful. Marco looked up from his mother's face to see the strangers silently making their way inside the cabin.  "Who are you?" He didn't want to start a fight unless it was needed. The taller man pointed to Kairi's body, "Her." Marco glanced at his mother before back to the man. He could see the gills and noticed their webbed hands and feet. "Sirens?" He questioned. The man didn't answer him before he shoved Marco away from her body and carefully picked her up, beginning to take her outside. "Where's he taking Grandma!" Akito asked as they all followed the man outside to see all of the others standing side by side, creating a long path from the cabin and out through the jungle. As soon as they stepped behind him as he walked, the others began to sing in some soft chant. Each other their bodies lighting up from a bioluminescence that clinged to their scaly and very colorful bodies.

After walking through the jungle, they stopped at a cove. A beautiful cove that all glowed in the moonlight. Jun looked around before she pulled her two children close as the sirens gathered behind them, pushing them closer to the water's edge. Marco kept himself between Jun and the sirens as a protective barrier. The siren that had Kairi's body began to wade into the water. Her human skin slowly changing back to that of tiny glittery scales. Her colors were black mixed with pink. "What's happening to Grandma?" Youta asked as he looked up to his mother and uncle for an answer. Jun cleared her throat before she bent down to her children, "It's Grandma's time. S-she's..." Her voice broke as she tried to fight back tears, "She's going away to rest." "Is she coming back?" Akito mumbled. "No, Dear." Jun shook her head, "Grandma passed away and her soul is going to join the Great Warriors in the sky." "What! NO! We didn't get to day goodbye!" The twins glared at their mother, tears now streaming down their little faces. "Grandma, come back!" Akito yelled out, "I wanna say goodbye!" But she couldn't hear his screams. Jun bit her lower lip and pulled her children into a tight hug, "She's in a better place." "NO! I want Grandma back!" Youta screeched as he tried to get out of his mother strong hold. Marco closed his eyes. The scene before him tugged at his already aching heart. He wanted to block everything out. "GRANDMA COME BACK!!" The boys bawled, but it was all for not. Screaming to the heavens wasn't going to change the fact that she had died. The male siren placed her body onto a piece of driftwood and then turned to the shore, raising his arm as a signal.
All of the other sirens standing on the shore began to stomp their feet and clap their hands in a slow rhythm as the chant began again. Some in their native tongue. Others in English.

Run Fast

Run Far

Run To Thy Heavens

To Seek Out

Thy Dream

Run To Safety

But Please Protect

Those Of Us Left

The chants grew louder with each line spoken. Marco watched as the male set fire to the driftwood before pushing it out towards the large tree in the middle of the cove.

Run For My Dreams!
The line was now being repeated as the fire began to consume the wood and her body began to sink under the water. And once her body disappeared under the water, the chanting suddenly stopped and it become eeriely quiet as the male stood up on a large rock that was sitting in the water. "Today we lost a grand warrior." He took a small breath, "But she had been returned to the sky, along with the Great Warriors." He pointed up to the night sky where the stars gleamed brightly. "We are not here to cry over our lose but celebrate her life!" A cheer broke out through the crowd and Marco turned to see that the sirens cry as well. Maybe they knew his mother well.

Marco stared out at the cove before him. After the speech that was given, a party had broke out. Celebrating his mother's life. Even though they were suffering from a strong loss, he felt oddly comforted. Almost like a giant weigh had been lifted off of his chest, a least for a brief time. "There you are." Marco turned to see Jun walking towards him, her shawl wrapped around her shoulders as it was a crispy morning. "What are you doing up?" Marco turned to her as she headed over to sit with him. "I couldn't exactly sleep." She admitted and turned to look at the sky, the stars still shining so brightly. "Marco?" She gripped her hands, nervous, "What do I do now?" She was at a complete lost. Kairi had been a huge part of their lives and in keeping them completely safe. He leaned over and grabbed her hands to stop her fidgeting, "Come with me. Bring the boys." "Go with you where?" She was scared. "To Sphinx." Marco hummed, "There is a village there where we can live. And I will protect you and the boys, at any cost." "Isn't that the land of the samurai?" Jun mumbled as she scooted over to lean against her older brother, sleep beginning to catch up to her. "No, that's Wano. Sphinx is where Pops was born and no one will know you there. To start over completely." Marco explained and glanced to the sky as the sun was beginning to rise. Sphinx was a long ways away. If they were truly coming with him, it would be a long journey. He closed his eyes briefly. Don't worry Mother, Father, I'll take care of them.

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