Chapter 4

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I rolled over in the bed and let out a groan as the sun shined through the porthole into the room. I opened my eyes before immediately shutting them, "Why is everything so bright?"
I let out another groan as the door slowly opened, "Good morning." Newgate spoke as softly as he could, stifling a chuckle when I waved him to be quiet. Newgate shuffled over and carefully placed a hand on my lower back "I'll help you to the shower." I could feel a intense heat knock up in my stomach. Last night's events flashed before my eyes like a strange dream. I tried to push the feelings asides as I sat up in bed, pulling the sheets up to cover my exposed chest. "What happened last night?" Maybe if I pretend to be dumb, I can get a straight answer. Newgate furrowed his brow slightly, "You had fallen asleep in my bed and then after a nightmare, left to your room." I gave him a small nod, could he not recall or was he just trying to act like it didn't happen? I slid off the bed and stumbled around until I made it to the shower, complaining about never drinking again. "I'll find you some clothes and then I'll make some breakfast." Newgate left my comfiest pajamas that he could find before making his way to the kitchen to cook food to help me get over the hangover I was currently suffering from. After a while, I was snuggled back into my own bed with food sitting on the bedside table and a curtain over the porthole. "Just rest. You'll be better in no time." Newgate smiled before he left to gather supplies from the island we had just arrived at called Haven.

No pov
Newgate wandered around the flat island, making his way towards the town he could see in the distance. It was really peaceful. He paused to look around at the fields around him that was filled with flowers. "Beautiful, isn't it?" A voice came from his left side and he turned to see a small old lady. "Yes ma'am, it is." "Is that your ship?" She pointed to the Moby and Newgate nodded, "I just arrived with my first mate to resupply our ship." "Well do be careful here Deary, there are people here that don't like pirates too much." She told him as she started in the direction of the town "Here, I will show you around." "Oh, thank you ma'am." Newgate followed the old woman into the town, where she pointed out that the town was made up of two different halves. The weathly side and the slums on the other side. "Here in the middle, you can get what you need but don't stay pass sunset." She gave him a warning before leaving to attend to her own business. He glanced around the Slums as he began to make his way through with the money he had. They mostly needed food. He walked over to the market stalls and tapped on his chin as he listened to the crowd of people making their way through. Some wearing nothing but rags, other wore the cleanest of clothes and looked down on the people begging them for money or food as they hustled by. He frowned. This place made his heart sink. After a bit of wandering around the town Newagte shifted the bag of food on his shoulder and turned around, heading back to his ship. He couldn't stand how the rich people were treating the poor people as if they didn't exist. It made him angry. He thought about talking to Kairi when he got back to the ship, maybe they could do something to help the people. He cut down an alleyway and stopped when a bunch of dirty looking kids stopped in front of him. They had sticks and rocks. "Drop the goodies, Old Man." The kid in front of him looked to be roughly 15 years old. He had blonde hair that reminded Newgate of pineapple leaves. He glared at Newgate, gripping the stick in his hands. He hadn't been the one to speak but he didn't need to when his eyes said it all. These kids were from the Slums, they didn't have a lot of food and decided that stealing the food Newgate was carrying would be easier.
"And if I don't?" He asked, glancing at all of them. They were much weaker than him. He could easily take them all on. "Then we will just have to take it from you!" A kid behind the blonde kid yelled and they all charged forward with their sticks and rocks, aiming at Newgate, trying to hit him.
Newgate had no probably dodging the raged filled swings and easily pushed the kids back out of his way. "Just give us the food!" The blonde launched himself at Newgate, pulling back his stick. He called out in surprise when another stick collided with his and there in front of Newgate stood a young woman. She grinned slightly "Sorry, I'm late Captain." She easily smacked the stick out of the young boy's hands. "Ah, Kairi, glad you could join us." Newgate spoke as he set the bag down in front of him and opened it towards the children, "Please, take what you need."
"What." The younger blonde stared at Newgate with hawk like eyes, keeping the younger children behind him. Clearly, he was worried about this being a trap. "Go on, kids." Kairi gestured to the bag, "I think you've earned it." "Yay food!" The youngest cheered and ran forward, diving into the bag, and pulling out whatever she could carry in her small arms.
"Thank you Mister." She gave Newgate a toothy grin before she ran off with what she had taken; her parents waiting for her. The rest of the kids followed suit, each leaving to show their parents the food. All that was left was the 15 year old. He hadn't moved from his spot, letting all the younger kids go before him. Kairi leaned down into the bag and pulled out a loaf of bread and some pineapple "I guess it's your turn." She handed him the food, which he took after a few minutes. "Anything else you'd like to take to your family?" Newgate asked him and the young boy just gave him a glare, "I don't have any family." "Oh, I'm so sorry." Kairi spoke before she glanced at Newgate, "Could we?" The boy gave her an odd look as Newgate raised his brow in thought, "What is your name, young man." "My name is Marco." Marco replied sternly. "I would like you to join my crew." Newgate stated and the young boy looked at him in utter shock. No one had ever asked him to join anything. He wasn't quite sure though. Was this a trick? "Why should I?" "Well you would be cared for." Kairi started, "You would have meals cooked for you and a place to bathe and change into clean clothes." She leaned forward to dust off his face but he pulled out of her reach. She gave him a gentle look and just pulled back. "The log pose will be ready in three days, make your decision by then." Newgate spoke up before he placed a hand on Kairi's shoulder, "Let us return to the ship." She nodded and the two disappeared down the alleyway, leaving a confused Marco behind them.

Kairi pov
Newgate smiled softly at me, "Feeling better?" I gave him a sick look, "Not really..." I burped loudly before clearing my throat "Excuse me." I was having a hard time telling if he could remember the steamy night before. If he did, he wasn't letting on that he knew what I looked like without clothes. I rubbed my temples slightly, trying to remove the dirty thoughts that entered my mind. Who cares if he enjoyed it?
He is my target!
But...I enjoyed it...
Newgate just laughed and pulled me close to him. "In a couple more days you will start to feel better." "How come you didn't get sick?" I frowned at him as if it was his fault I had drank all of the sake on the ship. "Because I have a high tolerance and I have been drinking for many years, Kairi, I am a pirate after all." He reminded me and I gave him a shocked look "Wait, you've been a pir-" I halted in my words and looked around in a panic before racing over to the closest trashcan along the walkway, throwing up my breakfast. Newgate waited patiently for me. I turned and gave him a sad look "I feel so pathetic..." "Don't feel sad. Sake isn't really good for you anyways." He shrugged his shoulders lightly before glancing up to see the sun beginning to set, "Let us return to the ship, I have something to discuss with you." He gently nudged me back to the Moby.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked him softly as we sat on our ship, just enjoying the peaceful evening. I couldn't help the knotted feeling growing in my stomach. Were we going to talk about what happened last night?? Could I even bring myself to apologize? I had been drunk and completely out of my mind. "I think this town is rotten to it's core." Newgate frowned and gestured to the rich half "These folks treat those in the Slums like dirt, we should do something." Ah, so it was about the town. I tried not to show my letdown. "Like what?" I asked him as I laid back on the deck, "What are we supposed to do? We're pirates, the town isn't just going to stop and listen to us." "Maybe we can make a statement." He frowned in thought, "Those kids starve." Newgate stood and wandered off into the kitchen while I rolled over onto my stomach and looked into the water, staring at my reflection, "I really don't know what to do here, how are we supposed to help this poor town? Will they even listen to us?" I then smile softly when I get an idea. Before I hopped up and went to change  clothes into something more stage appropriate. With care I slipped off of the Moby and made my way back to town, over to the rich side. After a while of walking around and guessing, I made it to the Mayor's house.
I knocked on the door and waited patiently for an answer.
"What do you want?" The Mayor asked annoyed when he opened the door but nearly dropped his cigar out of his mouth when he saw the beauty standing at his door. "May I come in and speak to you for a moment, Mister Mayor?" I asked him gently and he opened his door wider, "Please, come in." I gave him a fake smile and pulled my dress up slightly as I walled into his house, "Thank you." 
After he led the beautiful woman over to his couch, he asked me what he could assist me with. "Mr. Mayor, I do apologize for bothering you so late at night but I do believe that something must be done for the children that live in the slums." "Why?" He asked me with a shrug of his shoulders, "It is not my responsibility to take care of the children." "But it is your responsibility to care for the people of your town." I stated, "And I am sure that if you take care of the Slums by cleaning it up and feeding the hungry and then offering jobs so they can care for themselves. What kind of mayor are you if you only take care of half of the town?" "A good one. No one cares about those poor people." He looked at me as if he was struggling to understand that they were in fact people. I shook my head no, "I do not think you are a very good mayor for only caring for the people that pay your salary." He shrugged his shoulders again, "Why do you care? With a dress like that you must be rich." He eyed me up and down. I shivered a bit as he continued speaking, "I think I will just have to shut down your suggestion. Our town doesn't need fixing."
I exhaled softly and just excused myself. I had tried my best to change his mind but he was too stubborn. I fixed my dress with a huff and marched out of his door, "Good night then, Mr. Mayor." I began to make my way back to the ship. I started to pass through the Slums, developing an uneasy feeling as I glanced around; taking note of the people that were slowly making their way out of the alleyways and towards me. I hiked up my dress a bit and picked up my pace, slowly; trying not to alert the men that I had noticed them.
It didn't take long for me to rush down the streets in a full out sprint, trying to loose the men behind me. "Help!" I let out a squeak of fear as I turned a corner, only to come face to face with a dead end. I looked up at the walls and began to try and climb them.
Panic gripped at my mind as I scrapped my hands on the walls but couldn't get a strong enough grasp to pull myself up. "Help me..." I whispered, it was reminding me of trying to walk through my own village only being cornered and beaten like a stray animal. "Grab my hand!" A voice chirped out and I nearly gave myself whiplash as I looked up to see none other than Marco holding out his hands for me to grab, "Quick! Before they catch you!" I nodded and jumped up for his hands, my heels scrapping against the brick wall, the footing was completely impossible! Marco grunted and groaned, pulling with all the strength his tiny body had.
"Why are you so heavy!" He complained as my heel smacked against a small corner and I finally hoisted myself up. He grabbed at my dress, which had ripped in several places from the brick wall climb, and we managed to tumble back onto the roof as the angry mob rushed by. I panted out, "Thanks for the help." Marco shrugged, "It's no big deal." He dusted himself off "You better get back to your ship before they see you again." He grabbed a stick and then looked down over the wall, determining where he was going to land. "What are you going to do?" I questioned as he took the ripped pieces off of my dress. "I'm going to lead them away, just hurry back to your ship." Marco didn't wait for my reply as he jumped down and disappeared into the night. I frowned, concerned for the young boy, before just standing and dusting my dress off, "Back to the Moby."

On the way back, I jolt at the ringing from my Navy transponder snail and answered it hesitatingly, "Yes?"
"What is taking you so long!" My commander's enraged voice crackled through the snail. "It is taking a little longer than I thought to earn his trust." I replied swiftly, my cheeks slightly red. "If you don't get this mission over with soon then I am going to have to pull you out and put you back into the line of a mere foot solider!" He yelled and hung up before I could speak any further on the matter. I put the snail away before staring at the Moby that was sitting in the distance. Usually I could take down my targets with no problem but for some strange reason, everytime I tried to end his life, I just could not go through with it. Something deep in my heart keeps stopping me and with our actions the previous night I wasn't too sure I could kill him. But if I didn't finish this mission, I was going to be in so much trouble. With an annoyed sigh, I continued back to the Moby with my thoughts racing.

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