Rune P-alaeophis

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"Here, there's evidence that dinosaurus weren't dragons." The girl put some papers before her companion as he was swinging on his chair. He opened folder with curiosity, but at the moment he saw pictures, he closed it up quickly. "But considering your reaction, maybe you are," added the girl when she saw his face.

"You..." The boy almost couldn't breathe because of shock, but after few deep breaths he gave her blaming look. "You are the worst coworker ever."

"Said someone who wanted us to write about dinosaurs."

"But this... This isn't..." He still couldn't take it.

"Fine, I'm sorry."


S dneškem jsem si popravdě nevěděla moc rady, ale nakonec se mi do cesty připletl tenhle tvor - jako dílem osudu :D Palaeophis je totiž obrovský prehistorický mořský had, který mohl mít délku autobusu. Ne přímo úhoř, nebo to o něm aspoň nepíšou, ale nápadně se mu podobá. A pro upřesnění faktů - nežil současně s dinosaury, objevil se až po nich. To se jen dívka pokusila o vtip, který jí úplně nevyšel

Au revoir

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