Chapter 1

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I packed up my belongings into a pack that was placed on my back. I sat in a tree waiting for my comersdes. I was still processing the unneeded death of the animal. It hurts me to my core.

The group wondered around grabbing their things. It was calm in the tree, perfectly balanced on a branch, green leaves swaying in the light breeze. It was calming.

Below was chaos.

"No I can't carry all your things!"


"hey guys! I caught a butterfly!"


"No you twat! I'm catching butterfly's!"

Eventually they collected their things and I made myself known by jumping from the tree. We stood around as we made sure we had everything. We set off to find some horses as Zora's Domain was ages away.

We walked for about 30 minuates and Wind spotted some horses in the distance. We placed down our stuff with Wild, as he could call his horse whenever he wanted.

The rest of us approached the Stallions. There where 8 stallions, one for each of us. Even though I think Wind is going with Legend.

Everyone was fighting who was going to go first and what horse they wanted, I got bored and the horses started to talk about how they think we are here. I moved out of the prickly bush and into the long grass. I approached a black and white Stallions and jumped on it. It tried to buck me off but I made sure to soothe it and talk kind words. The horse eventually accepted that I was staying and calmed down it's fit. I smiled and rode off leaving the others to get their own horse, the horses where now spread out as the commotion if me getting my horse disturbed them.

I waited with Wild and his steed which was a pearly white with what looked like Ancient technology on it. It looked odd but when I got to sit on the horse, the horse felt so clam and accepting to it's rider it was peaceful. The horse had alot of stamina aswell, Wild said it was perks of the Armour. My horse was also well built, and had strong legs. He was also quite fast, a bit slower than Wilds upgraded horse as it had less stamina, for obvious reasons.

The group eventually got their steeds and we planned where we where to go next.

"Near here is a Stable. They can clean your horse and help you Style it as long as your bond with it is strong. They will also give a saddle and all inclusive Protection for a 20 Rupee fee." Wild explained and we got on our horses.

"Let's go there, we can also probably cook Lunch there and carry on our way to the Domain." Legend replied.

We all agreed and Started to ride there. We where all having fun and racing eachother and we eventually arrived at the stable. It was a small stable. Only problem Wild forgot to state, it's in the middle of a frozen Dessert, and none of us had Winter attire.

"Come inside and keep warm." The owner of the stable said, taking our horses round.

"Now what? We're freezing cold!" Wind complained. He was wearing a thin shirt and shorts.

"Yes, please supply us with Winter clothes, if you have any" Legend said, his legs where basically tinting blue due to the lack of trousers.

Wild sighed and looked at his Sheika slate.

"If you stay here and rest in the beds, I'll teleport to Rito Village and buy you all some clothes. Kay?" He confirmed.

We nodded and went up to rent some beds to sleep in. Wild set off into a mist of blue strings to Rito Village.

The others Dozed off under the warmth of the blankets and soft beds, but I lay, head pounding, winde awake. The cold air biting at my skin wasn't Ideal. Nonetheless, I got up and went outside.

I had no idea where I was going, just wondering around, making sure the stable was still in view. Events of the past few days flashed in my mind. Unneeded Animal death, repeating over and over. Anger bubbled and threated to boil over but I pushed it down, breathing slowly to the cold air.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my Left shoulder. I instantly put my hand up to press down on the pain, but I felt a sharp object where my shoulder should be. I looked over and saw a arrow, straight though my Shoulder. Blood was dripping off it.

I turned around and saw the monsters what shot it. Bokoblins. I gritted my teeth and went to use my arm to grab my sword, only to realise I couldn't feel nor move my arm.

I panicked slightly and chose to just run. I cursed at myself for not fighting but I'm useless with my right hand. I entered the stable and collapsed in. My left leg also became numb and the left side of my face. I didint know what this was but it hurt.

I was able to get myself to the foot of the bed but not on top of it. I just layed there. My entire left side was tingling and burning. I felt tired and my eyes heavy.

Just then someone with quite long hair and a white shirt appeared Infront of my dimming vision.

They where saying words I couldn't comprehend and kept slapping me when I closed my eyes. I was just so...... Exhausted!

Soon a blue man came in and looked at me. He also had long hair but not as long as white shirt guy. He removed the arrow out of my shoulder as I felt a pinch of pain over the numbness. He examined it and he looked at the white shirt guy.

I could make out one word before I passed out.


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