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Chapter Track: "7 Years" ~Lukas Graham
~Jude Pov~

"Jude? You down there bud?"

I awoke with a start, hearing the deep baritone of Mr. Anderson's voice boom down the basement and I jumped up from my cozy sleeping space and rushed to the stairs.

"Hey, where ya goin'?"

I cut my eyes towards my uninvited guest and rose my index finger to my lips, telling him to keep quiet before peeking my head beyond the corner of the staircase so the waiting adult could see my face.

I smiled weakly, thinking on my feet, and gave a cough or two before sniffing, "Hi," I mumbled lowly and roughly. Mr. Anderson cringed, squinting his eyes as he peered further into the basement to study my face and I rubbed tiredly at my eyes, trying to further sell my ruse. My palms began to feel moist as the grating noise of my blood pumping began to resemble the sound of a judge's gavel repeatedly smacking against hardwood.

"Are you okay there Jude? You're not sounding too good," He sympathized and I nodded, numbly starting up the stairs, stumbling a bit on purpose. My stomach began to churn with anxiety, my body hating this lie I was weaving.

"I-I'm fine," I whispered before erupting into another faux coughing fit and he grimaced, quirking his lips slightly. His sorrowful eyes pinged my heart, making me feel even worse for lying to the person that took me in.

"No, no you're not. Look, how about you stay home today, 'Kay? I have to get to work at the tattoo parlor and Chess has already gone to the office but I promise when we get back, we'll bust out the snuggies and Oreo ice cream, how's that sound?"

'It sounds like the sweetest symphony to my ears but I most certainly do not deserve such pleasantries.'

"Good," I mumbled, quickly turning on my heels to hide my shame, and descended the stairs to the family room below and he chuckled warmly behind me, "Okay then Jude, see ya later buddy. Love ya," He said, uttering the last bit with a caring and earnest chime in his voice, and I paused, turning to give him a small wave and smile. He gave a tightlipped smile in return before gently closing the door, the soft clicking of the door shutting in place resonating in the room.

'I'm a liar. A dirty, filthy-'

"Hey Cupcake, still waiting for an all clear down here."

I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration before inhaling deeply, stretching my sides with air. I puckered my lips and blew out the "candle," which was just my pinky, like my uncle had taught me. I continued down the steps, hearing as the front door closed, and hugged my arms around myself.


Kallahan's face popped around the corner, concern and worry hidden in his eyes, and I shook my head, briskly walking past him. He rubbed his neck awkwardly, following me apprehensively with an arched brow.

"What's your deal?"

I spun on him and glared with as much disdain as I could possibly muster, causing him to flinch. He recovered quickly and looked around the room, avoiding eye contact with me, "What's wrong? Look, if I did something-"

"If? If? You come barreling through my window in the middle of the night, you assault my lips and harass my body with your kisses, you threaten me at gun point to give you residence, and you made me lie to my guardians without so much as a explanation," I erupted and he stared at me with shock scrawled all over his face. He chuckled, adding fuel to the already blazing fire within me, and held up his hands in mock defense.

"Don't bite my head off-"

"Don't test me."

"-I'll tell you."

"What," I breathed out, stunned by his compliance, and he smirked, nodding his head in the direction of the couch before jumping over the side and flopping onto the leather. I pursed my lips, walking around the couch like a civil human being, and sat on the edge of the couch as far from Kallahan as I could be.

A tense silence dawned upon us as he seemed to mull over what he was going to say, I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, watching him stare down at his folded, callused, hands.

"Well," I mumbled quietly, gaining his attention and he breathed out a laugh, running his hands over his face and through his already disheveled hair before looking at me with appraising eyes.

"I know you think I'm a criminal or whatever, most of Seattle thinks the same, but just hear me out. No interrupting," He told me, mostly in good jest if the somewhat playful glint in his eyes was anything to go by but I merely stated back at him, my face entirely placid.

He sighed,"My old man got up to some events when he was younger, those events mostly concerning women. He was notorious around the club scene, if you ever needed him, don't check his house on Malisbury, check the club on 33rd and Main." He scoffed, dramatically rolling his eyes and I smiled lightly, giving a giggle or two which caused him to chuckle before his eyes darkened a bit, " And well, long story short, he raped and drugged and tipsy woman he found in a club. Unfortunately, I was the byproduct of that course of events and everyone and their cousin in Seattle has been waiting for me to slip up and become like him."

He paused, shaking his head as if telling himself he'd never turn out like that. I wanted to comfort him, but I withheld my emotions, settling with giving him what I thought to be a comforting smile. He returned the gesture, looking at me from the corner of his eye before glancing towards the ceiling.

"So, in a way, I guess I did become like him. I was an infamous heartbreaker in Seattle. Sure, I didn't rape anyone but I definitely hurt them with the emotional pain I put them through. I cheated, I played, I lied, and it all came back to bite me in the ass. It was stupid, I should've saw it coming, but no, I had to have her. I dated the Chief of Police's daughter. She was hot and a well known wild child so I went for it. I got it. Boy did I get it," He said with a reminiscent tone in his voice and I hugged myself tighter, attracting his attention. He smirked," Not in the way that you're thinking, we didn't go that far. In the middle of a rather, ha, intense groping session, Chief, or as Danielle called him, "Daddy," Fallon interrupted us." He scoffed at the memory, growing agitated and I shifted on the couch, turning to get a better view of him. His eyes were darker and his face was reddening with anger, his hands tightened in one big fist.

"She said I forced myself on her, immediately getting me in hot water. He couldn't arrest me without proof so I considered that a pretty lucky break until exactly one week later when I was sitting in an investigation room on account of mass drug possession," he paused, gauging my reaction but I had none, growing up around drug abusers in the orphanage, this wasn't a huge issue to me.

"I was framed."

That made my ears perk up in interest, my eyes widened and I stared at him incredulously and he shook his head knowingly as he watched my reaction, already figuring out what was going through my mind. 

"Go ahead, think I'm a liar, I don't care. But I know what happened. I don't use cocaine, I don't use any drugs at all! Fallon had my jacket I left at Danielle's and he put cocaine on it from the evidence locker. He knew where I lived because of my mom's rape report and he stashed cocaine all over the place: in the gutters, in the yard, behind bushes, inside a lawn gnome. When I came back from school that day, I was immediately arrested on my front lawn and taken in for investigation. I couldn't afford a lawyer and my mom, never really loving me because I was, and I quote, "the leftovers of her pain and suffering," wouldn't finance one. I was found guilty and sentenced to prison. Well, until I hijacked my transport vehicle and the officer's gun to escape, ending up here." As he concluded his story, my mouth was left agape. He chuckled, reaching over to shut my mouth for me with his thumb and index finger.

"So do you understand now why I acted the way I did?"

I nodded slowly, still processing the newly found information, and he smiled gently, pearly whites on full display. He brushed his thumb across my cheek before removing his fingers from my face, letting them drop to his sides. I watched as a mischievous glint moved into his eyes and I cautiously pushed myself further from his reach.

"I do regret the whole gun point thing but I don't regret the assaulting you with kisses, even if it was just to get on your "good side" I still enjoyed it," he winked, causing my face to redden immediately, and I looked away as he got closer to me. I shied away until he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer and he tilted his head to get closer to my ear. His breath dusted over my ear and I fought to keep control of my body as his teeth tugged on the flesh.

"You remember this right?"

At first I though he meant the pleasurable feelings he gave me but I soon felt a hard prodding in my side and I gasped, looking down to see the barrel of a gun. I nodded slowly. He
smirked, "I've been out of bullets for two days, it's not even loaded."

I gasped, pushing him off of me, and stood from the couch abruptly as he laughed obnoxiously before standing to his feet as well, hugging me tightly to his chest in apology.

Aww cute! I'm glad you guys have finally gotten to hear Kally's story! It means a lot to the both of us that you know what happened! Thanks for reading guys and hope to see you soon!

Me: "Say bye guys!"

Jude: "Bye." *shy wave from behind Kallahan.*

Kallahan: "See ya later cuties! Stay gorgeous!"

Question of the Chapter-
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Thanks guys! Love ya! See ya next time!

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