Chapter 1 - Reunion

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"Now you be good, or I'll come get you myself." Alfred spoke through the phone as Sam entered the Tower.

"I promise I'll be good, Alfred." Sam chuckled.

"Atta boy." Alfred waved before he hung up.

Sam sighed, his heart was pounding. It had been years since he'd even spoken to Dick so he was nervous. Level six, that's where he was. With all of the new Titans! Sam waited for the elevator doors to open before he slowly stepped inside, looking around.

"Can I help you?" A girl, probably a year or so younger than Sam with purple hair walked over.

"Oh, I'm here for Dick. Dick Grayson?"

"Can I... Ask for a name?"

"My name's Samuel." He told her,"Samuel Grayson."

"Grayson? Oh my god- Sammy." She nodded before she ran off.

Samuel stayed put, not expecting to be recognized. Had Dick been talking about him?

"Sam?" Dick ran through.

"Dick!" Sam smiled, running over to him.

"What the- What the hell are you doing here?" Dick chuckled.

"I wanted to stay with you, no way I'm staying with Bruce." Sam hugged him.

"I thought we agreed on that." Dick sighed and patted his back.

"I don't like being ignored." Sam sighed,"It was fine for a while and he'd sometimes talk with me but then he got another kid and I was left out."

"You're talking about Jason?"

Sam stopped,"You know about Jason?"

Dick pulled away from the hug and looked down the hall,"Jason?"

"He's here?" Sam hissed.

"Bruce sent him." Dick sighed.

"What is it now, Dick?" Jason groaned and walked out.

Sam crossed his arms, refusing to make eye contact with Jason.

"Oh- Sam?" Jason blinked,"Did Bruce send you to this hellhole too?"

"I came here to get away from you and Bruce."

"Well Bruce sent me here because he couldn't handle me." Jason shrugged.

"How sad."

"Hey bro, I'm just trying to be nice-"

"Oh yes, I'm sure." Sam sighed.

"Sam. Let's just... Let's catch up, yeah?" Dick patted Sam's back.

"Yeah... Yeah."

Dick took Sam through to the control room,"God, you're so grown up."

"It's been a while." Sam nodded slowly.

"Alfred would let me know how you were." He hummed.

"He told me how to find you." Sam told him.

"You were always his favourite." Dick chuckled.

"He felt bad for me." Sam mumbled.

"Sam." He sighed.

Sam hugged onto Dick, biting his lip.

Dick hugged his little brother,"And you haven't changed one bit, Sammy."

Sam hid his face, forcing himself not cry. He'd missed Dick so much.


"There you go, your form is almost perfect." Dick smiled at Sam.

"Yes!" Sam smiled excitedly.

"Hey Dick?" Gar walked through.

"Hm?" He looked over at Gar.

"Cops are calling you, in the control room." Gar nodded slowly.

"Of course." Dick sighed and walked off to the control room.

"Wanna go listen in?" Gar smirked at Sam.

"Obviously." Sam smirked as he hopped up.

"Come on." Gar ran off to the control room.

Sam chuckled and followed after Gar. Dick sighed and sat down at the control room chair, answering the call.

"Detective?" A man asked.

"I'm here, what seems to be the issue?"

"You... Specialise in troubled teenagers, right?"

"You could say that." Dick nodded slowly,"What are we talking here?"

"This chick turned my guy into a chicken."

"Ah... I'll be right there. Don't do anything." Dick warned him as he got up.

"So who was it?" Gar asked.

"What have I told you boys about listening in?" Dick crossed his arms.

"To always listen in?" Sam raised a brow.

"Don't use my words against me." Dick pointed.

"Aw, but it's fun." Sam hummed,"Now spill it."

Dick sighed,"I'm going to check out a girl."

"Ooh, is she pretty?" Sam teased.

"Not that that." Dick nudged him,"A girl like all of you."

Sam paused,"My question still stands."

"I think we better get going, can't leave the cops waiting." Gar chuckled.

"We? No. Just me." Dick nodded.

"But why?" Sam sighed.

"Because I'm your big brother and I say so."

"Can't argue with that." Gar shrugged.

"You're meant to be on my side." Sam nudged him.

"Sorry." Gar chuckled.

"I'll be back, okay?" Dick patted their backs before he left the room.

Gar looked over to Sam, seeing the look on his face,"You're going too, aren't you?"

"Obviously, I'm not missing this." Sam smirked as he walked out.


"So all you know is that... Her name is Anastasia, and she can turn people into... Chickens?" Dick blinked.

"That's right, sir." The other man nodded.

"Let me see her." Dick sighed

The officer nodded and opened the door, holding it open for Dick.

"Thank you." Dick nodded, walking in and sitting down across from the young girl.

She was probably about Sam's age. She had ginger hair and was staring off into space, cuffs on her hands.

"Anya? Am I right?" Dick spoke slowly.

Anya looked at him,"People usually guess Anna."

"Well I've heard about... Your talents from the men outside."

Anya raised a brow.

"Turning people into chickens? That's a new one." Dick chuckled.

Anya shrugged,"I didn't mean it."

"Well, I can help you learn to control it, use it for good."

"I've heard it before." Anya leaned forward, although her arms were now crossed... Her hands were loose?

"Reality warping... Must be fun." Dick sat back.

"It's okay, you can call me a freak." Anya chuckled.

Dick shook his head,"I know a lot of people like you, people who are special. Gifted."

"Dick Grayson knows gifted people?" She gasped.

"The sarcasm is much appreciated."

"You're Dick Grayson. The Dick Grayson. Of course you'll know people." She smiled.

"Do you want to become one of those people?" Dick asked her.

Anya bit her cheek,"What's the perks?"

"Free food and wifi." Dick shrugged,"And being a superhero, but where's the fun in that?"

Anya tilted her head,"I'll think about it Grayson."

"You think about it." Dick got up.

"Come back in a while." She waved.

Dick nodded and walked off. A short while later someone else snuck in, someone different.

"You're not Dick." Anya tilted her head.

"Nope, I'm Sam." He shrugged.

Anya leaned forward,"Sam."

"Mhm, followed Dick all the way here." Sam leaned against the table.

Anya squinted her eyes, studying him for a minute.

"What? Am I pretty?" Sam tilted his head

"Am I?" She smirked.

"Hm." Sam hummed,"Yeah, I'd say so."

"Very forward." Anya hummed,"I recognise you."

"You look... Familiar." Sam nodded slowly.

"Are you that boy I had sex with a few weeks ago?" Anya gasped.

"I think I'd remember something like that." Sam shook his head.

"He looked kinda like you." She shrugged and got up,"Well, Sam Grayson... Have you ever wanted to stop crime?"

"Been trying but Mr Wayne kept trying to stop me." Sam shrugged, not questioning how she got his last name.

He didn't question it.

"What about three years ago on Backstreet Alley?"

"God, really making me think here." Sam sighed, closing his eyes.

"It's not that long ago." She chuckled.

"Three whole years." Sam groaned,"Hang on... No, no I do know you!"

"You recognise me now, cat boy?" Anya smirked.

"Yeah, you're the spooky alley girl that kicked my ass!" Sam pointed.

"Maybe you shouldn't have tried to stop me." She pointed back.


Sam hurried through the back alleys, he'd heard about some crime down that street and he was going to stop it.

"Is two hundred enough?" He heard a girl ask.

"That should do." He heard a man respond.

Hearing the conversation, Sam slowed down as he started to creep along the alley.

"Show me the your half first." She spoke.

"Why should I?" The man scoffed.

"So I know you're not fucking lying like normally, Josh."

"Well you haven't even done the whole job yet, Anya."

"Show me your half." Anya sighed.

Josh groaned and revealed a stack of bills.

Anya looked at it before she gasped,"Josh- Josh! Behind you quick!"

"Wha-" Josh spun around.

Anya quickly grabbed his stack, sprinting off.

"Hey!" Josh yelled.

Sam skipped forward and shoved Josh to the ground before running after Anya.

"What the hell-?" Josh grunted.

Anya quickly jumped up onto the ladders, climbing up it. Sam spotted her and grabbed a hold of a pipe, climbing up after her. When he arrived on the roof, there was no girl? Where was she?

"Weird." Sam sighed,"Lost another one.."

"Why are you following me?" The girl spoke from behind him.

Sam spun around,"I fight crime."

"And I'm crime?"

"Yep.' Sam hummed,"I'd make a guess that money doesn't belong to you or Josh."

"I made this money myself, he stole it from me. Stalker."

"Hm... Now do I believe that?"

"You could." Anya shrugged and began walking backwards.

"But I don't wanna." Sam hopped forward.

"You do realise crime means less talking, right?"

"Who else am supposed to talk to?"

"Aren't you meant to have a sidekick?" Anya hummed before she went to jump down.

"Sidekicks are for people who have friends." Sam shrugged, eyeing her movements.

"So you're admitting you're a loner?" She blinked.

"Eh, can't really hide it."

"Maybe you'll find a friend." Anya shrugged, grabbing the pole from his hands and wacked him.

Sam winced as he hit the ground, holding his shoulder, but he quickly shot back up. But when he got back up... She was gone.

"Dammit!" He cursed.


"So does that still hurt?" Anya tilted her head.

"Nah. I'm fine " Sam sighed,"Bruised from other fights."

"Finally made friends?"

Sam chuckled,"I did."

"And you go to this place for gifted children?" She hummed.

"Well, I'm not really gifted like the others, but yeah."

"You just get hit with stuff a lot."

"Pretty much." Sam shrugged,"No powers, just a stick."

"Do you think I should go with you?" Anya asked.

"Of course, it would be fun to have someone knew around." Sam nodded,"Besides, Dick's great."

Anya bit her cheek before she leaned back on her chair.

"So?" Sam hummed, leaned forward.

"I'll tell my answer to Dick."

"Speaking of him, he doesn't know I'm here... So I should probably get going." Sam nodded.

"You should get going, huh?" Dick spoke from behind him.

"Ehe... Yep. I really should." Sam slowly turned around.

"What are you doing here?" Dick sighed.

"I came to see."

"To see Anya?"

"We actually go way back." Anya smiled.

"Yeah, she... Well, she beat me up." Sam sighed.

Dick covered his mouth and sighed, it was really to cover his laugh,"Well that's... Sad for you, Sammy."

"I know, right?"

"You got beat by a girl." Dick whispered.

"Shut up- Girls are tough." Sam crossed his arms.

"Fuck yeah." Anya smirked.

"Let's just go home, Gar and I were gonna play video games."

"So, Anya. What do you wanna do?" Dick turned to her.

Anya looked between the brothers before she nodded,"When can I start?"

"Yes! Let's go!" Sam cheered.

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