rcv - english

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1. Hanger is to closet as tree is to……..

Answer: Branch

     2. What would be the next number in this series?

          15 ... 12 ... 13 ... 10 ... 11 ... 8... ?

          Answer: 9

Which one of the following five is least like the other four?

         Smile - Grin - Frown - Touch – Sneer

         Answer: Touch

4. Which one of the following five is least like the other four?

          Juice - Egg - Steak - Salad – Cheese

          Answer: Juice

         5. DIDIIDID is to 49499494 as DIIDIIDD is to………..

          Answer: 49949944

6        If you rearrange the letters NLIRBE, you would have the name of a

Answer: City: Berlin

7What would be the next number in this series?

144 ... 121 ... 100 ... 81 ... 64... ??

Answer: 49

    8 Niece is to nephew as brother is to

           Answer: Sister

9. Which one of the five choices makes the best comparison? LIVED is to DEVIL as 6323 is to….

     Answer: 3236

10. Even the most ___________ rose has thorns

    Answer: ugly

11. HAND is to Glove as HEAD is to

    Answer: Hat

12. If you rearrange the letters "ANLDEGN," you would have the name of a(n):

    Answer: Country: England

13. A boy is 4 years old and his sister is three times as old as he is. When the boy is 12 years old, how old will his sister be?

    Answer: 20

 14. Two girls caught 25 frogs. Lisa caught four times as many as Jen did. How many frogs did Jen catch?

    Answer: 5

15. Chinese is to Asian as Italian is to……….

   Answer: European

16. Which is the odd one out?

 Mars, Jupiter, Comet, Earth, Neptune

Answer: Earth,

17. A rancher is building an open-ended (straight) fence by stringing wire between posts 25 metres apart. If the fence is 100 metres long how many posts should the rancher use?

  Answer: 5

18. 11. If the day before yesterday is two days after Monday then what day is it today?

   Answer: Friday

 19. Which number should come next in the series

                             1, 3, 6, 10,15 , ………..

   Answer: 21

    20. Which number should come next in the series?

        13, 57, 911, 1315, 1719 

   Answer: 2123

   21. If two typists can type two pages in five minutes, how many typists will it take to type twenty pages in ten minutes?

       Answer: 10

    22. Two ducks and two dogs have a total of ………legs

        Answer: 12

  23. This sequence of four words, "triangle, glove, clock, bicycle," corresponds to this sequence of numbers "3, 5,12………”

         Answer: 2

   24. 27 minutes before 7 o'clock is ……… minutes past 6 o'clock

       Answer: 33

  25. If written backwards, the number, "one thousand, one hundred twenty-five," would be written "five thousand, two hundred ……….."

         Answer: Eleven

  26. The words, "auctioned, education, and cautioned," all use the exact ……… letters.

          Answer: Same

   27. If Monday is the first day of the month, the very next Saturday is the ……… day of the month.

          Answer: Fifth

   28. The numbers, 3-7-2-4-8-1-5, are read backwards as ……………

          Answer: 5-1-8-4-2-7-3.

     29. The odd numbers in this group add up to an  …. Number: 15, 32, 5, 13, 82, 7.

          Answer: Even

     30. This sentence has…….letters (without the words in the blank).

           Answer: 22.

     31. Frank is taller than John. Ralph is taller than Frank. Therefore, John is the ……. boy.

            Answer: Shortest.

      32. If each of seven persons in a group shakes hands with each of the other six persons, then a total of……….  handshakes occurs.

            Answer: 42.

    33 . ….. of the following numbers add up to the number 25: 17, 3, 2, 19, 5.

             Answer: Three

     34. The first vowel appearing in this sentence is the letter "……"

              Answer: E.

     35. Twenty- four hours are to one day as …… days are to June's length.

               Answer: Thirty.

      36. In the English alphabet, there are exactly…….. letters between the letter "M" and the letter "G."

                Answer: 5.

       37. By removing ……. letters from the word, "motherhood," the word, "home," can be formed.

                 Answer: 6.

        38. The letters of the word, "sponged," appear in ……….alphabetical order.

                  Answer: Reverse.

        39. Gary has only forty-eight dollars, but he can buy a bicycle that costs one hundred twenty dollars, (disregarding tax) if he borrows fifty-seven dollars from Jane and ….. dollars from Jill.

                   Answer: Fifteen.

         40. If Richard looks into a mirror and touches his left ear with his right hand, Richard's image seems to touch its ……. ear with its…..  hand.

                    Answer: left, right.

         41. John weighs 85 pounds. Jeff weighs 105 pounds. Jake weighs 115 pounds. Two of them standing together on the same scale could weigh ……. pounds.

                    Answer: 200 or 220.

         42. Which one of the following five is least like the other four?

Cat - Lion - Dog - Turtle - Elephant

        Answer: Turtle.

   43. Emily is four years old. Her big sister Amy is three times as old as Emily. How old will Amy be when she is twice as old as Emily?

             Answer: 16.

44.      Bowl is to cereal as envelope is to……….

           Answer: Stamp.

 45. What would be the next number in this series?

2 ... 3 ... 5 ... 8 ... 12 ... 17 ... ??

           Answer: 23.

45.      WOLF is to FLOW as 8526 is to………

            Answer: 6258.

46.      Which city is the odd one out?

 Paris, Rome, Seville, Berlin, Athens

                      Answer: Seville.

47.      A pie can be cut into more than seven pieces by making only…… diameter cuts through its center.

                Answer: Four,

48.      Nine chickens, two dogs, and three cats have a total of ……. legs.

                Answer: 38.

49.      The words, "every, how, hand, school," can form ……. words using, respectively, "one, ever, finger, girl."

                Answer: Compound.

50.      The following, disregarding punctuation, is spelled the same forwards as it is……: "Drat Saddam, mad dastard!"

                  Answer: Backwards.

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