Blown Open

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My sanity has broken.

WARNING: DID, Stockholm Syndrome, Murder, Strong Language 

Dick was nervous when he walked to his first class in the morning.

He didn't want to be beat again, but he was in a school full of villains, so it was bound to happen again at some point.

He handed his homework pile to Amanda Walker.

"How are you?" Amanda asked.

"Okay. It still hurts a bit. And I'm on some medicine." Dick said.

"I can tell. You're talking with a slight slur." Amanda said.

Dick nodded.

Amanda sighed, "Go sit down."

Dick smiled a small bit and took his seat.

Maybe today wouldn't be SO bad.


"Hey there kiddo!" Deadshot smirked as Robin came into the classroom.

"Sir." Robin nodded.

Deadshot frowned.

"How are you?" Deadshot asked.

"Fine." Robin said, pulling out his materials for class.

Deadshot bit his tongue.

The kid clearly wasn't fine.


"Well, I hope you had a fun vacation because you aren't on vacation any more." Black Beetle said, adjusting his glove.

Renegade didn't say anything. 

"Kid, I'm getting REAL tired of you shit." Black Beetle growled.

"You come here and think you can get any teacher into trouble. You can bully any student. Well, you can't. And I'm going to put you in your place." Black Beetle took out a weapon. 

Electricity was clearly seen zapping from said weapon.

"Hold him down." Black Beetle told the class with a sickening smirk.


Renegade limped out of Gym and to Ra's Al Ghul's class.

Mask it. 

Mask the pain.

This is not favoritism.

This is survival. 

Both Renegade and Robin knew that they needed to stay strong.

Rule #32, show not weakness. 

"NEVER show weakness, Robin. Weakness means that the enemy could hurt you. Weakness means failure. Don't fail me, Robin." Slade said. 

Batman had a similar rule. 


Renegade huffed.

He didn't need Batman.

He didn't need Deadshot.

Or Amanda.

Or Freeze.

Or even Slade!

Renegade could do this on his own.

Renegade WOULD do this on his own. 

Because this was not favoritism.

This was survival of the best.





"Hello, Robin." Catwoman purred as he entered. 

"Hello." Robin nodded.

He sat down and pulled out his materials. 

Catwoman frowned.

She knew instantly that something was wrong.

Call it motherly instincts, but she knew.

Richard wasn't okay.


Lunch was supposed to be quiet.

Of course, in Robin's life, nothing ever went to plan.

"Hey, Bird Brain!" Johnny yelled, Black Beetle right behind him.

"What's this I heard? You were interrupting Johnny's lunch time?" Black Beetle lied, smirking. 

Renegade just looked at him.

"I expect you to answer me, boy!" Beetle yelled, slamming Renegade's head into his lunch tray.

That was IT!

Renegade grabbed Black Beetle's arm and flipped him onto the floor.

Renegade then put his boot on Black Beetle's neck.

The light caught on the gloss of Renegade's gun.


Blood splattered across the floor, the room, and Renegade.

Everyone watched in shock.

Renegade pocketed his gun and went back to his lunch table.

He picked up his apple juice and took a sip.

His face was emotionless throughout the whole thing.

Lex Luthor and a few other teachers ran into the cafeteria.

"What happened?" Lex demanded to know.

"H-H-He killed him!" Johnny yelled and pointed, backing away from Renegade.

Renegade just sat drinking his apple juice as the blood and food fell down his hair.

"Everyone go to class. NOW." Lex Luthor commanded everyone. 

Renegade just sipped.


When Slade got to the cafeteria, a few people were finishing cleaning up the...accident. 

"What happened?" Slade demanded.

"Robin killed Black Beetle." Lex said.

Slade's eye widened for a little bit before he took control of himself again.

"Robin, why did you kill Black Beetle?" Slade asked.

"Fuck you." Robin said.

"Excuse me?" Slade said, voice slipping dangerously.


"You will NOT take that tone with me, young man." Slade said.

"Or what?" Robin held his gun up.

"You're not fast enough, boy." Slade said, holding up his own gun.

"Try me, you sack of shit." Robin's eyes held anger, defiance, and hatred.

"If I may intervene." Doctor Strange walked by Slade, getting the closest to Robin.

"You are angry because you  are confused." Doctor Strange said.

"Confused?" Robin looked at Doctor Strange. 

"Yes. You woke up covered in food and blood, holding a gun." Strange said.

Robin's eyes grew wide.

"Sh-Shut up!" Robin yelled.

"It's okay to be confused and have blackouts. It's only natural to occur because of your condition." Doctor Strange said.

"Condition?" Lex asked.

"I didn't do a class session on Dissociation Identity Disorder for nothing." Strange replied. 

The gun in Robin's hand shook.

"I don't have that!" Robin yelled.

"I have done a study of everyone who is in my class, Robin. You don't have to hide any more." Doctor Strange said.

Robin's eyes were wide, his breathing coming in short gasps.

Then, his eyes rolled into the back of his head.


"Hello. This is the Justice League. You are on a secure line that you're not supposed to be on. Please get off before we track you and make you get off." a voice said.

"Robin." Deadshot yelled.

Breathing on the other side of the phone stopped.

"What?" the person asked, voice shaking a bit.

"I know where Robin is. Please, you have to help." Deadshot said.

"One moment." the voice said and Deadshot heard some yelling and shuffling going on.

"This is Superman speaking. I heard you have valuable information." Superman said. 

"I know where Robin is. Please, you need to get him out of here." Deadshot said.

"May I ask your name?" Superman asked.

"Floyd Lawton." Deadshot said.

"Deadshot?" Superman was clearly angry.

"What I'm telling you is true! Slade has Robin!" Deadshot yelled quickly.

Superman stopped.

"What do you know. And if you're lying, I will personally see to it that you NEVER see the light of day again." Superman said. 

"Robin was taken by Slade. They are both currently at HIVE Academy. Please, you have to save him. He-He's not doing well." Deadshot said.

"Move. Floyd. Tell me." Batman's voice came through.

"I just told Super. Robin's with Slade, at HIVE Academy. He was recently beaten by two of the teachers here. He's not the same though. Not the Robin you knew." Deadshot said.

"What do you mean?" Batman asked.

"He killed Black Beetle today." Deadshot said.

A few gasps were heard; so he was on speakerphone.

"How heavily guarded is this place?" Batman asked.

"All teachers and students are villains." Deadshot said.

"And Robin. Anything that would prevent removal?" Batman asked.

"He has a collar and wrist bands. I think they monitor his vitals and do some other things. I'm not sure all of it, but I know it monitors vitals and limits where he's allowed to go. The building itself though, it has some good security. And it's quite well hidden." Deadshot said.

"And why are you helping us?" Flash asked.

"As much as I like our fights and all. He don't belong as a villain. It ain't right." Deadshot said.

"Someone's coming. I have to go. I'll contact you later." Deadshot said.

He quickly hung up and started working on the papers on his desk.


Meanwhile, down in the basement, a black body bag moved.

Suddenly, it was shredded apart by a blast.

A big figure sat up, gasping.

A bullet fell out of it's hand.

"That little shit is going to pay." 

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