BOOM, Bitch

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WARNING: Language

"Robin, stay after class." Deadshot called him the next day.

Soon, everyone had filed out.

"Yes?" Robin asked in a bored, emotionless voice.

"Therapy needs some...lightening up." Deadshot said before handing the book to him.

Robin looked at him with confusion before opening the book.

An explosive!

He could throw it at the window and get out!

But...did he want to?


The rest of his classes, Robin couldn't concentrate knowing he had an explosive with him.

He could get out of this school.

But Slade.

Could he leave Slade?

That thought alone caused him to panic.

The thought of leaving Slade, who had been nothing but kind to him in this weird world.

But...Slade hurt him.

But Slade also saved him.

Was Slade a hero or villain?

And could he leave Slade?

Could he leave the man that helped him through HIVE Academy, saved him when he about died?

Could he leave the man that kidnapped him and put his family and friend's lives on the line?

Could he do this?


Robin walked into the apartment that Slade and he were living in.

"How was your day?" Slade asked as Robin came in.

"Tiring. I'm going to go put my books up." Robin said, waving his stack of book, and the explosive, in front of Slade.

Slade's eye narrowed, but he didn't say anything.


Why did he just wave an explosive around?

He was supposed to act normal, but not this loose.

He was lucky the explosive didn't go off!

While Robin needed to be careless with his books, not that careless!


Slade's eye narrowed.

Did they start using guns or explosives in weapons class?

No, Deadshot would have told him if they did.

So, why did he smell gunpowder when Robin came in?

He'd have to investigate while Richard slept.

Maybe slipping him a sleeping pill with his dinner tonight wouldn't hurt.


Richard yawned.

"I'm ganna go sleepy now." Richard said before picking up his empty plate and glass and putting them in the sink.

Slade nodded and took his own dishes to the kitchen and started washing the dishes.

Soon, he heard Richard lightly snoring.

Slade put the last clean dish in the other side of the sink.

He then snuck into Richard's room.

Slade looked around until he spotted the pile of books.

The gunpowder smell was coming from the books.

Slade's eye narrowed.

He pulled off the top book and went through it.


He pulled the next book.


The next book.

It wasn't a book.

Slade's fists clenched, fury flashing in his eyes.

A hidden explosive in a fake book.

But who gave it to him?

Slade had explicit instructions that Robin was not to be near any unapproved weapons.

This was defiantly not approved.

But what was Robin going to do with it?

It's not like he could escape.

Robin still had the bracelets and collar on.

He'd get shocked and pass out before he could get two feet away.

Slade looked at the explosive for a few minutes.

Against his better judgement, he put it back.

What was Robin going to do with it?


"Do you have everything?" 'Like the explosive' Slade left out.

"Yep! Homework is all done and ready to turn in, books all here, and money for lunch." Richard nodded.

"Good." Slade nodded.

Richard hesitated before he went out the door.

He suddenly ran over to Slade and hugged him.

"I love you." Robin said before running out the door.

Slade stood still for a few minutes.

Slowly, he came back.

It was when he was walking over to the table to grab his keys that he felt it.

Or rather, didn't feel it.

His keys for Robin's bracelet and collar were gone!


Slade was going to kill him.

He ran out the door.


"So, Robin, are you going to talk today?" Strange asked.

"Actually, I wanted to know something." Robin said.

"Yes?" Doctor Strange asked.

"Is this a regular window?" Robin asked.

"Robin, you need to stop stalling. I know you do not want to talk to me about what happened, but you need to talk to someone. Is it going to be me or Slade?" Strange asked.

Robin sighed, "You."

He got up and looked out the window.

As he was looking out the window, he took out the key he took off of Slade and undid his bracelets.

He then undid his collar while Strange looked down at his notes.

Robin went back to his seat and took off his jacket, the bracelets and collar in the pockets of the jacket.

This left him in his apprentice outfit.

"Am I psycho?" Robin asked as he picked up his book on guns.

"No. Your mind just works differently." Strange said.

Robin nodded then got up and walked back to the window.

"I know what you're doing." Doctor Strange said.

"You do?" Robin was surprised.

"Yes. You're stalling. You don't want to talk to someone who was once your enemy. But let it be known that whatever is said in this room is between us." Strange said.

Richard gave a short laugh.

"I appreciate that doc. Listen, I have-" Robin started.

Slade suddenly kicked down the door.

"ROBIN!" he screamed.

Terror and dread quickly rushed into Robin's heart.

He did the first thing he thought of.

Throw the explosive.

He threw it at Slade, but then blacked out.


Renegade threw the explosive.

He then quickly took out one of his guns and shot the book.


The explosive ripped through the room.

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