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"Robin, Robin, Robin. What shall I ever do with you?" Slade asked as he circled around Robin.

"Set me free?" Robin asked innocently. 

Slade gave a laugh, "No."

"It's quite obvious that you don't want to be here. Why though?" Slade asked.

"Is that rhetorical?" Robin asked.

"Richard, I offered you everything you needed. Power, control, the best frighting techniques. Yet you still don't want to be here. So, what can I do to make you stay?" Slade asked.

"How about not killing my friends. Or threatening them or me with each others' lives." Robin said. 

"But you don't listen to me any other way." Slade said.

"I'll listen." Robin said.

"But all I have is your word. Nothing more, nothing less." Slade said.

"And all I have is your word. You don't let me know if my friends are alive or not. All I have is your word." Robin said.

"Fine. Let's make a contract." Slade said.

Robin thought for a moment.

"It won't hurt to hear me out." Slade said.

Robin nodded.


"Slade has Robin again!" Kid Flash yelled as he sped into the main room of the Watch Tower. 

"And how do you know this?" Black Canary asked with clenched fists.

"We went to meet Robin. But we were ambushed by Slade. He knocked us out. When we woke up Robin and Slade were gone." Aqualad said.

"You went to meet Robin." Batman growled.

"Yes. He was going to come with us until Slade popped up!" Kid Flash yelled.

"Why would Robin go with Slade again?" Batman asked.

"Slade tried to kill me. Robin exchanged my life with his." Kid Flash looked down in shame.

"Okay. We're looking for Slade now. It's about time he gets defeated...for good." Batman growled.

"Woah! Wait! Are we talking like..." Flash left a space empty.

"No. I mean we put him somewhere were he can't break out." Batman said.

Green Arrow snorted, "He can get out of anything."

"He could." Batman said.

"Oooh! What did you cook up for him?" Flash grinned.

"A trap. It'll hold him at his greatest strength." Batman pulled up plans on the computer.

"That's going to take a while to make." Flash analyzed the plans. 

"I have already started it, but will take a while." Batman said.

"We need to get Robin away from him as soon as possible." Black Canary said.

"Why do you think I brought this up here?" Batman asked as he pointed to the plans.

"Wait...are you asking for help?" Flash asked.

"No. I'm asking you all with me..." Batman refused to say he needed help.

"You are!" Flash jumped up and down.

"Look, this would go by faster if I had other supers on my team." Batman said.

Flash stopped bouncing and then got serious.

"Okay then, let's build ourselves a trap!" Green Arrow grabbed a wrench.


"Good Robin. Now you just sign there." Slade said and handed Robin a pen.

Robin took the pen into his shaky hand.

"I'm a patient man Robin." Slade said.

Robin still didn't touch the pen to paper.

He was afraid.

"Robin, things can keep going like they have been, or you make everyone's lives easier and sign the paper." Slade said.

"But what about me?" Robin asked.

"You're being selfish now? I thought that heroes weren't selfish." Slade said.

"I know...but...It's my life. What happens to me?" Robin asked.

"I take care of you. You're mine." Slade said.

"Or, your friends die and you become mine anyways." Slade said.

Robin let out a few tears.

"It won't be so bad Robin. You'll learn to like it." Slade said.

He had to do it.

For his friends.

For his family.

Robin had to give up his life to this madman.

For them.

Robin put the pen to the paper.

He neatly wrote the name, Robin.

"Don't worry Robin. You're mine now." Slade smirked evilly. 

Robin didn't feel good.

He didn't feel like he was saving anyone.

Instead, he felt like he just made a horrible mistake. 

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