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I need to update, but I'm not sure what to do any more. :\ I know how I want to do it, but Idk how to get to it... So, hold on while I try here!!!

Slade pulled hard on the vine.

It would have to do.

Slade slung his makeshift swords onto his back.

Today was the day he would escape this island! 

Slade pushed his makeshift raft into the vast ocean.

He grabbed his drift wood and started paddling to where he saw the light.

If his calculations were correct, by the time he got out far enough, a boat would be nearby. 

And he knew his calculations were correct.


Robin was sick of it!

Everyone there treated him like he was a fragile thing about to break!

He isn't!

If they weren't going to treat him right, he'd just go.

And that's why he was hacking the Justice League's computer.

He wanted to get out of this place.

He needed room to roam!

Room, like Gotham.


Slade gasped as he got above the waves of the ocean.

His raft had fallen to pieces because of the rough waves. 

So, he was left with his swords and a his drift wood. 

Slade knew he wasn't going to last out here very long.

'Maybe the Justice League aren't full of idiots.' Slade grimaced. 

He suddenly heard a boat's horn go off.

"HEY!" Slade moved his arms above his head rapidly.

Soon, the boat was close to him.


Richard smirked as he came out of the out of order phone booth in Gotham. 

It was time to have some fun!

A nearby store's alarm went off.

Richard smirked as he slipped on his mask.

It was time to kick some butt! 


"How did you get all the way out here?" One of the sailors asked Slade.

"My boat crashed. I'm the only one alive. I was treading the water for a while, not sure how long." Slade said, shaking underneath the blanket. 

"Here you go; this should warm you right up!" The cook handed Slade a cup of soup.

"Thank you." Slade said, taking the cup.

What? He may be a villain, but he still had manners.

Unlike some people. *coughJusticeLeaguecough*

"Where were you headin' before your ship went down Mr..." One of the sailors trailed off.

"Major Slade Wilson, United States Army." Slade said. (*1)

"Wow. The U.S Army out here? Must be something big going on!" One of the sailors said.

Slade laughed, "You have no idea."


Robin flipped down off the fire escape.

"Hey there fellows. I suggest you put the bags down and walk away." Robin said.

"Please, we ain't scared of you!" One of the men yelled and pulled out a gun.

He started firing at Robin.

Robin flipped and jumped out of the way of the bullets.

He then proceeded to take the two thieves down. 

"Amateurs." Robin snorted. 


"Thanks for the save." Slade said.

"No problem! Anything for a fellow shipmate!" One of the sailors said as they were tying the boat up. 

"Yes. Anything is such a broad subject." Slade said, pulling out his makeshift swords.

"Funny. Why'd you say that?" The one sailor asked.

"Because of this." Slade said and murdered them all.

"Sorry, no one can know that I'm off that island. The Justice League thinks that they got me. They have another thing coming." Slade said and put his makeshift swords back.

He then started walking off the pier that they parked in.

Slade looked at a sign.

He signed, "It'll be a while to get back to Gotham."

Slade spotted a truck in the parking lot.

It must belong to one of the men that he killed.

'He's not going to use it. I might as well.' Slade went back and rummaged through the mens' pockets until he found all of their car keys.

He then went back to the parking lot. 

Slade tried all the keys until he got to the last key set.

The last key set unlocked the truck.

Slade smirked as he got into the truck.

The first thing he checked was the gas tank; it was nearly full.

"It's like everyone wants me to get Robin back!" Slade chuckled to himself as he turned on the truck.

"It's a while to Gotham City. Need to get on it." Slade said as he shifted into reverse and backed out of his parking spot.

He shifted into first gear and started driving, making his way to the highway.

Soon, he was on the interstate, heading towards Gotham. 

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