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Richard woke up in a white padded cell.

He started panicking.

Suddenly, Black Canary came in with Batman and Flash.

"Robin, it's okay." Black Canary said as Robin looked around.

"Slade? Where's Slade?" Robin asked, looking around frantically.

"Robin, it's for the better." Flash said, stepping closer to him.

"GET AWAY!" Robin screamed.

"Robin, he's not here. He left you." Batman said.

"You're lying! He wouldn't leave me! YOU LIE!" Robin yelled.

"No, he's not. Slade left." Black Canary said, her eyes had nothing but truth in them.

Richard looked at her eyes for a long time.

Then, it dawned on him.

Slade left him.

Slade, who he thought was the greatest, left.

Richard broke down crying.



"Thank you for your help." Superman shook Deadshot's hand.

"Just keep him safe. And make sure he's comfortable and knows that he's loved." Deadshot said.

"We will." Superman nodded.

"Good. He had his mind fucked with. Right now, he needs comfort and love. It's going to be a hard road." Deadshot said.

"We know. But he's in good hands." Superman smiled.

"And thank you for the waiver." Deadshot smiled.

"Go see your child." Superman said.

"You too." Deadshot gave a knowing smirk before leaving out of the Zeta-Tubes.


Superman looked over at Superboy.

It was high time he talked to him.


"Are you going to be okay?" Artemis asked Wally.

"Artemis...I lost my best friend. It was hell when he was gone. But if this is how it has to be to keep him safe, then so be it." Kid Flash said.

He wasn't happy, but he was happier than when Robin wasn't there.

"Black Canary says that it'll take him a while to recover." Artemis said.

"Yeah. Multiple Personality Disorder and Stockholm Syndrome. You can't get rid of them, but there's medication and therapy to help lessen the effects." Wally said.

"I know he won't trust you, but you can still be there for him." Artemis said.

"If he doesn't trust me, how can I help him?" Wally asked.

"Just let him know that you're there for him. There's nothing much more you can do. You can't force him to talk." Artemis said.

"I know. It's just...hard." Wally frowned.

"I know. I know." Artemis hugged him.


"How is Master Richard?" Alfred asked.

"Alfred. It's better if he stays up there. He'll have 24/7 surveillance and care. They'll take good care of him. Gosh. Slade fucked with him so badly. It's a wonder how he can still interact without going into a complete panic." Bruce said, putting his face into his hands.

"As you said, he'll be fine. All he needs is time and a little space." Alfred put his hand on Bruce's shoulder.

"I feel so...useless right now." Bruce sighed.

"I know. But we all do too." Alfred said.

~~~~~~~~~~(TIME SKIP [1 YEAR])~~~~~~~~~~~

"I want to fight crime again." Richard said during his therapy session with Black Canary.

"Uhm...I'm not sure that's a good idea, Richard." Black Canary said.

"You said I was making great progress! And I don't want to be stuck up here anymore! I want to help!" Richard argued.

"How about this...We try it for a week, but if you have an issues or you get worse, we stop. Does that sound fair?" Black Canary asked.

Richard nodded eagerly.

"So, Robin back on the streets!" Black Canary smiled.

"No. I can't be Robin. Not after all that. I'm not as innocent as Robin was. I've grown out of him." Richard said.

"If not Robin...then who?" Black Canary asked.

"Superman told me a story about his home world, Krypton. He told me about Nightwing and Flamebird. I was thinking... Nightwing." Richard smiled.

"Nightwing...I like it." Black Canary nodded.

Richard smiled, "I do too."

Okay, that's the end.

Should I end this series here or make a sequel about his adventures as Nightwing?

What do you think?

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