Someplace New

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Robin shot at the ground at Superman's feet and then ran.

He flipped over Martian ManHunter, and ran across buildings.

"Robin, get back here. NOW! And makes sure you LOSE them this time!" Slade hissed angrily. 

Robin jumped down into the streets of Gotham as Superman caught up to him.

Renegade quickly ran and disappeared into a crowd of people.

Superman was left in the air looking for Robin, who had long since disappeared.  


Renegade handed Slade over the piece of equipment he stole.

"Good. Now since that's all I needed, we'll be leaving Gotham." Slade said.

"Where are we going?" Robin asked.

"I'm not telling you. But we are going somewhere where the Justice League can't get us." Slade said.

"Oh. O-Okay." Richard gulped, trying to process this.

"We'll be leaving tomorrow morning. You are to pack tonight. Only clothes." Slade said and handed Robin a small duffle bag.

Robin nodded.

"Go, now." Slade said as he grabbed the part Robin stole.

Robin rushed to his room.

There wasn't much Robin had in the room.

Really, all he had was the dresser of clothes that where 'his'.

They were all Slade's apprentice outfits and work out outfits.

Robin sighed and dumped the few articles of clothing into the duffle bag.

All that was in the dresser was now in his duffle bag.

Robin sighed.

This was really depressing.


Slade sighed as he picked up a syringe full of tranquilizer. 

He flicked the needle as he watched Robin finish putting all his stuff in the duffle bag.

Time for a certain birdie to take a nap.


When Richard came to, he was wearing a black shirt, an orange jacket, black skinny jeans, and black and white converse high tops.

"You 'ave to stop doin' that." Robin slurred a bit.

Slade didn't reply.

Instead, he put a plate on the coffee table in front of the couch Richard was on.

Richard stretched and took a deep breath in.

Except, something was on his neck, or rather, around his neck.

"Seriously? Again?" Richard asked, tugging on the black collar around his neck.

"You touch a window and you'll be unconscious in three seconds. You touch a door and you'll be dead in two seconds. Do I make myself clear?" Slade asked.

Richard gulped.

"Y-You don't actually mean that?" Robin questioned. 

"Try." Slade's eye narrowed.

Richard didn't dare move.

"Smart boy." Slade smirked.

Robin shivered.

"Welcome home. And this time, you won't be leaving." Slade hissed.

Richard's heart burst with dread.

He knew it would take a miracle for him to get out alive. 

Okay, I have a half plan for this, but it's ganna be amazing! *Evil smirk*  

And yes, you should be scared. 


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