To Catch A Slade

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"Everyone in position?" Batman asked over the comm links.

"Yep!" Flash popped the 'p'.

"Here comes the target." Atom said from his perch. 

Slade, who was running after his contract, had no idea what was going to happen.

The scared man, Slade's contract, was just doing what the Justice League told him to do.

Soon, he saw the trap.

'Run through it, and make sure Slade runs after you through it.' he remembers Batman saying to him.

'You'll get out alive. Just do this for us.' Wonder Woman said to the contract.

The contract ran through the trap.

Slade ran after him, except, the trap closed on him.

The Justice League came out of the shadows.

"Slade." Batman said.

"Batman." Slade said.

"We'll find Robin. And you're going to a nice, space." Batman chose his words carefully. 

"Good luck with that." Slade said, and he banged on the glass of the containment. 

The glass had a small crack in it.

Slade smirked and banged again.

The crack got bigger, but didn't break.

"Now." Batman said.

Green Arrow pressed a button.

White colored Knockout-gas came poring from the bottom of the trap.

Slade laughed, "Batsy, I have a mask on. It has air-filtration through it. Knock-out gas won't work." 

"I don't need it to work." Batman said.

The trap had white smoke from the top to the bottom, making it impossible to see where Slade was.

Or rather, made it impossible for Slade to see out side.

Slade growled and slammed on the glass.

This time, the glass had a crack from the bottom of the glass all the way to the top.

Batman gave a signal.

A helicopter came down and Superman hooked the glass trap to several hooks on the helicopter. 

Another signal was given.

The pilot, Hal Jordan, a.k.a. Green Lantern, smiled and pulled the helicopter up.

Soon, the helicopter and the glass cage was in the air.

"Next stop, an isolated island." Hal Jordan smirked.

Meanwhile, Slade was being thrown around inside the glass cage, so he couldn't get to cracking the glass.


"Have you found him yet?" Batman asked over the comm links.

"We might have something." Question said.

"Here he is!" Huntress said over the comms.

Huntress and Question were currently going through a warehouse, looking into possible leads to Robin.

Huntress came out, carrying a passed-out Robin.

He had a few bruises on his face, no mask on, and a few tears on his outfit. 

Batman scooped Robin up into his arms and covered him with his cape.


Meanwhile, the helicopter dropped down the glass trap on the isolated island.

Slade fell to the side on the container.

"Okay, lets go set up the force field." Atom said to Hal.


"Now, let's get back to the Watch Tower." Hal said.

"Yeah, but can we get some tacos on the way back?" Atom asked.

"Of course!" Hal smiled.

The two of the got into the helicopter and were soon in the air.

"Activating the force field in 3...2...1!" Atom pressed a button.

A green force field came around the whole island.

It was also at that time, when Slade hit the glass.

The glass shattered into a thousand pieces or more. Who really knows, Slade didn't count them all. 

Anyways, the glass shattered.

Slade was free on the island to do what he wanted.


Robin moaned as he woke up.

When he did, he immediately realized that he was NOT in the room that Slade had him in.

"Hey there, chum." Batman said.

Batman was sitting at the edge of the bed, waiting for Richard to wake up.

"W-What?" Robin was confused.

"Hi." Batman said.

"How did I get here?" Robin asked, recognizing Batman's room in the Watch Tower.

"Huntress and Question found you. Slade has been taken to an isolated island where he won't bother anyone again." Batman said.

"B-but we had- We made a- I-" Robin trailed off.

"Whatever happened with Slade; it's over now." Batman said.

Robin shivered, "It's never over with Slade."


Slade walked around a portion of the force field.

He laughed.

Slade pulled out a few objects from his utility belt.


"We're getting food." Batman said as he put a change of clothes next to Richard.

Richard quickly put the clothes on and got up.

He was wearing blue jeans, purple socks, black sunglasses, and a black Batman shirt.

"So, what was this 'food' you were talking about?" Richard asked, smirking.

Bruce gave a short laugh.

"Right this way." Bruce led him out of the room and to the Cafeteria. 


"Amateurs." Slade smiled as he finished taking apart the last of the force field.

All that was holding Slade back from getting to Robin was an ocean. 

Slade smiled.

Too easy. 

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