Chapter Thirteen

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So this is my life. And I want you to know that I'm both happy and sad and I'm still trying  to figure out how that could be. - The perks of Being a Wallflower.
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Pearl's POV. 

It's Now Tuesday and I'm back in college trying to find courage from nowhere to finally thank you Silas form saving me. But where am I going to find such courage?  Somehow he  makes me feel so uncomfortable and his piercing green eyes all it does is stare at me as if it is looking straight to my soul trying to search for answers. Something he shouldn't look for, not in me.

I was so happy that Mom didn't get mad ,she was more happy  that the bus  driver got fired. She was too  concerned about it. 

And Furthermore,  I'm so thankful that Mrs.Williams did not fire me when I went for work yesterday,  she knew about the accident, I don't know  how,   and she forgave me she said she is happy that  I could walk properly now.

I thought I was going to lose my job, I was so scared of showing up yesterday,   the fears about money and future could not stop bothering me ,  I could not let the fear control me,  I'm the second 'daily breadwinner' on our family and I'm really proud about that.

Losing a job would make you feel inadequate, and a little  useless. It  would be harder to get up in the morning by yourself than when you 're rudely shocked into consciousness by the alarm clock .

I like Claire, she isn't harsh and arrogant towards me like the chief, Bernard, is. I got  insults after insults whenever I entered the kitchen.  He still calls me homeless even if I told him not to.
  But I did not bother with it. I don't want Mrs.Williams to hear any problem, at least not concerning me and other reason I didn't bother with him,  It has become a daily routine.

After the lunchtime rush had ended and it was time to go home, I attended Economics class and Literature as well. 

I Called  to Harpermeet up with me in the laddies bathroom. She showed up after a couple of minutes.

"So what's up ?" She asked. I look down to my fingers  twisting them  nervously.

"How do i  talk to Silas ?"  I'm so dumb,  who asks that?

" Just pretend he is a normal person. Even though he isn't.  "

I nod.

"Just don't do anything stupid he is a man whore,  I have told you this. He is worse than Raphael." 

"But b-but can you go and thank you him for me?"  Please please. I wanted to add but my throat cut me off.

" No girl. " 

"Please...." I begged. She nodded her head meaning no.

"Now start moving your Fatass before the guy leaves. Just in case he tries to do something to you kick his balls off ."

" ! "Harper

" What?  That's where their weakness are. In their Balls .  But You should know that,  don't You?  "

I didn't answer her , don't question about it cause I don't know ,  I rHarpereally didn't know.

"Now Shoo, Go. "

"Okay. "  I left her in the bathroom and walked to his class just next to 's.  HarperAs I did that,  I could hear the whispers that filled the corridor,  actually I could really hear them.

"Eww,  is this nerd seriously stepping inside our class?" One of then said.

The other said 'She should be ashamed,  she is nothing like us. She looks like a pick up trash girl in her old and sticking clothes." 
Said the red haired girl. I found   her so beautiful to find out she things so little about me.

'I know right. "  The other responded.

I looked down to my toes my face frowned  onto a sad gesture  but it doesn't matter even If the words hurt, it shouldn't.

When I finally looked up,  Silas was right in front of me. My heart jumped a bit. He scared me!

"Ignore their stares ."  He said with a coyly smirk on his lips.

His lips was an almost strong vivid pink color, its not big but not small, its the perfect shape.  They look so soft and... What is this!

I screwed myself  mentally. "I just want to er- um say thank you for saving me and-"

I took a deep breath "- Apologize for what i did  towards you at the  club I'm really  ashamed, it wasn't me it was the alcohol. Yes The alcohol. I'm really sorry. "

"If you only you knew how a fantastic dancer you are , you wouldn't be apologizing. "

  I gulped,  he really is a player.  I thought of what  tolHarperd me to do just in case he case he tries something but I calmly  faked a Sarcastic smile "Thanks I better get going. "

"Wait!" He pressed his hand on my palm stopping me.  I pulled it away and glanced at him.

"You look sad why? "

Is he just pretending to care?  Life threw me so much dirty and untruthful  people that I'm always suspicious.  And it became hard to trust people and make friends.

"Why do you care?" I asked . He doesn't know me , even if he saved me, probably just because he was human and he was just helping but still, he doesn't know me,  I can never know if he is bad influence.

" I just want to know. No girl should be sad at any cost. "

I faked a laugh. "Really? "

"Yap." He said, popping the 'P '. 
He kept on smirking but this time in an evil way. I swear there is something wrong with him.

"It's a usual thing,  nothing serious. " I decided to tell him because he looked like he wouldn't let me go if  I don't give him an answer.

"I insist."

"Why are you persistent? "

His jaw thighbones moved and his face turned angry , his eyes ever piercing.

"There was a group of  girls in the corridor who called me pick up trash  that's all,  nothing that I'm not used to hear. "

"You must be kidding me right? ,  your used to such shit? "

I nodded my head.

" Come on,  let's find those girls they seem like they lost their manners somebody has to remind them. "

He said grabbing my hands fimrly, his fingers closed to mines and pulling me to half -walking half -running behind him . My mouth dropped open,  closed , opened again.  My throat curled up so much I couldn't speak,  my mind refused to function ,my legs following him like it depended on him.  Why does he even care so much? I never needed a protector in my life and won't ever need one. Why can't he just let me be?

"Okay show me. " He muttered when we reached the parking lot.

The people are  staring at us , and mainly at me  awkwardly and deadly like I have just stolen their dream crush.

"Just let it  be. "  I pulled his rough hands from mine.

"Show. Me."

His murmured in a commanding tone , his angry piercing eyes  scaring me so I just pointed at the group of  girls who had just insulted me standing next to range rover cars.

He moved away and started to walk into their direction.

Oh God what have I just done?

I had to follow him but he was walking much faster done me it was literally impossible to catch up with him . He reached there first, pointing at me and  with a really angry tone he muttered,

"If I ever hear any of you offend the girl, you gonna have to deal with me. Fake dolls.  "

Their faces was priceless,  turning more red than a tomato. Before the Red haired could speak he turned away grabbed my hands and walk through a Audi R8  Black Car.  Did he just do that? 

He opened the front passengers  seat  and made me automatically get inside. He closed the door and sat on the drivers seat.

He switched his engine and the car went to life.

"Where are you taking me!  It's no need I have a car! " At least  I wish I had one.

"Really? You have a car? " He  tone was clear that he doesn't believe what I just said ." I see you coming by bus and you return by bus , in fact,  I remember the last time was when you almost died. "

Why is  his mood like a clock timer  going from smooth to Angry with just a snap?



you can get on writing a bunch of  comments And tell me what you think. Of course,  don't forget to vote and share. 

So much love,

Thank you.

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