Chapter 1

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A/N Pic is GiGi
"And now for the moment you have all been waiting for! LOVE STRUCK" a random band junkie screams into the mic. I was about to run on stage when my phone started to ring uncontrollably, I pulled it out of my pocket and took a quick look at who it was, "Patton State Hospital?" I say with confusion. I tap the green button and press the piece of metal to my ear. "Hello is this Gretchen Smith?" The person asks, I get a sinking feeling in my stomach as I shakily answer "Y-Yes this is S-She" the voice responded. "This is Patton State Hospital, I'm sorry to inform you but your family has died in a car crash this afternoon". That's when it snapped. I felt everything slow down like I was in another world. I back off of side stage and run to the nearest exit. I hear yelling, people chasing after me. I push open the doors and keep running. I get to the edge of the woods and trip on a branch. As I fell tears streamed down my face like a waterfall. "Why wasn't it me?!" I yelled.

      I canceled the show and was placed in a home, along with my entire band. They didn't want me to be left alone. They were true friends so they stayed with me unlike my manager who quickly dropped us after the 'show' They only left on the holidays, to visit Their families. Little did I know that place would be the death of me.
*End Of Flashback*
I woke up to someone shaking me vigorously. It was my room mate. She asked me "Dude whats your problem you were screaming in your sleep again?!?" she says to me with worried eyes "I keep on getting these nightmares of THE night" I said emphasizing 'the'. She just nods, blowing it off like no big deal. Which it wasn't but it would be nice to show some concern. Her name was Kay. She was my bass player for a popular band I used to be the lead singer in. Until the night my parents and brother died in a car crash."Are you considering what I told you yesterday?" she asked me. The one question that I dreaded the most. "Let's do this shit"

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