Chapter 10

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due to high command and some bribing....(you own me a unicorn [you know who you are]) I'm UPDATING!!!

I finally get home to my house around 8:30, my manager needed to go over some stuff with me. I already texted Alex, so he already knew I would be late. I get out my house keys out of my silver purse. I open the door and walk into the living room. I saw a really tall man along with 4 other guys, my band mates, and Alex's band. The tall man turns around and looks into my dark green eyes. He has blue eyes kinda long, black hair and his features, don't get me started, he looked like an angel. Alex saw me staring and said "Andy this is GiGi, GiGi Andy" I said shyly "hi" he says "hi" with his nice pearly whites. He follows up his introduction and says "this is my band, Alex already introduced me to yours, this is CC, Ashley, Jake, and Jinxx" as he said their names they all waved and said hi. "Let's go eat IM STARVING" Jack says. I had no idea we were going out to eat. " would y'all mind if I went to go change?, I didn't know we be going out to eat" they all nodded. So I ran upstairs to my bedroom and put on a PTV tank and white shorts with black splatters. I did a black smokey eye, I really felt good because I completely outdid that receptionist. I ran downstairs to see all the guys mouths drop to the floor. I look at Andy and me smirks at me and holds out his hand
more like elbow because we intertwine arms and start walking. Everyone is in front of us exempt Alex, I can tell he was staring daggers at Andy. I honestly didn't mind. Isn't that what all fathers do to girls crushes?We walk up to the car in complete silence, but I could hear everyone talking in the background, but at the same time I felt like I was dancing on air. We get to the car and he opens the door I say " thanks" he nods and smiles as I get in the car. We start talking and he practically tells me his life story. I feel bad for not doing the same, I'm just not ready for that kind of thing.

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