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When tides come out and boats wash up. Who's life is in the sand? Who's life is on the docks?


When dad's boat washed up on the shore one evening, we knew he was long gone. My name is Kai Ray Smith, nothing important apart from how I was named after my dad. I have a sister Nya, she hasn't spoke since dad's passing, and might I add was nearly two years ago, yet she's still my sister. My mother, Maya Smith, a wonderful women obsessed with star signs and horoscopes.

Nya and I are sat next to a tree leaning on it. Nya is three years younger then me so I have no idea what goes on in her twelve year old mind. She's usually focused more on drawings and colourings then talking. A good artist if I do say so myself. My interests are different to Nya, I'm more interest into sewing and clothing making. The boys at school think, and I quote "gay". Jokes on them I am. I always knew that I liked boys not girls. Girls who flirt with me for no reason just piss me off, I have no interest in any of them. I turn my head round to look at Nya. Having her black locks tied up in a ponytail and focused on her drawing. She was drawing Sparky, our old dog. Sadly, our dog died when a drunk idiot hit it with a car. That was one week before Dad's passing and Nya gotten even worse after the news of dad.

Nya's sunburnt lips curled into a tiny smile. I got more of my mother's looks, brown eyes with a strong jawline and Nya got dad's eye shape with dimples that appears when she smiles. Everyone in the family had black hair, until I dyed mine brown after a bet with my friend Lloyd at school.

"Kai, Nya!"

I can hear mum yell so Nya and I stand up and start walking towards her. Mum's wearing another one of her pink kimonos with her long black hair into her bun. Spread across her lips were a light pink shade of lipstick. "Kai I need you to do something and I need you to get it done by lunch, Nya you help too." Mum said. "What is it this time?" I groaned. "I need you to clear out the stuff in the barn attic, we have guests coming to stay for a few weeks." Mum says. "That's where I made my-" I try to state but mum cuts me off.

"Yes I know but we can' have the in the house!" She nearly snaps. Nya and I turn away and drag our feet to the barn. Mum owns our house and a barn about five minutes next to it. It's sort of counted as a house (better then ours if I'm honest) as it's modern and has bedrooms, kitchens and bathrooms in it. On the outside it looks like a barn where animals stay but inside it's a literal hotel. I walk up to the ladder leading up to the attic. The attic has a big double bed underneath a ceiling window and boxes everywhere. The boxes are filled with my material for clothes. Some are finished and some aren't. I start picking up the boxes and Nya stomps her foot. When she does that it means "what do I do?".

"Nya can you start bringing these to my room?" I asked. Nya nodded and picked up a big box and walked down the ladder with it. I start taking some boxes and leaving them by the bottom of the ladder, leaving them for Nya to collect. After half an hour all the boxes are gone and the room is finally tidy. I check my watch to see it's 11:55. Nya and I started walk out of the barn and towards the house. I enter the kitchen to see Mum waiting by the kitchen door. "Ah! And Lou this is my children, kai and Nya!" Mum moves out the way for us to see a tall man with a moustache and a boy standing next to him. I'm guessing the boy standing next to him is his son. The boy is really tall so I'm guessing he's older then me. He has smooth black skin and brow eyes and I swear there was a hint of purple in them. "Hi I'm Lou and this is my son Cole." Lou said. Cole just did a tiny wave at me then a tiny wave at Nya. "Kai do you mind showing Lou and Cole the barn?" Mum spoke. I nodded and walked out the door with Lou and Cole following. When we got to the barn I showed them the kitchen, the lounge and the two bathrooms and bedrooms.

"What's the WiFi password?" Cole asked taking out his phone from his back pocket. "It is....123456789" I stalled when my mind went blank. "Thanks dude." Cole said and patted my shoulder and ran off to his room in the attic. I smiled and left the barn and went back into the house. I ran of to my room and got a call from an unknown number. Of course I picked up, I'm bored.

"Hello?" I laughed.

"Kai Smith?" The voice on the other end questioned. "Yup that's me" I answered whilst giggling." The person on the other end took a deep breath and responded with...

"Your father is alive."


Hellloooo! This story is based off my book "Hide And Secrets" by Sophie Mckenzie (I really recommend it).

This will be lava and I hope you enjoy future chapters!

I will try to update very 1-2 days.

Word Count - 941


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