Chapter 1: Normal Life

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Caitlyn's Pov

(Queen, New York November 2011. Caitlyn's Age: 14)

I was sleeping in my bed as I felt someone shook me up as I opens my eyes and groaned a bit.

Caitlyn: Who goes there? I'm blind but I can still beat you.

Roisin: Kid get up before you'll be late for school.

I grabbed my glasses and put them on and saw that it was my Aunt Roisin who shook me.

Caitlyn: Oh hey auntie, sorry I overslept. Was up until midnight.

Roisin: I know you just act like your father when you is sleeping.

Caitlyn: Well I am his daughter. I'm gonna get up and get ready.

Roisin nodded her head and leaves my room as I gotten up and changes into some fresh clothes as I grabbed my bag and walked out of my room and down the stairs to see my aunt and her girlfriend talking and drinking tea.

Leshawna: *saw me* Oh hey Cat, how was your sleep?

Caitlyn: It was good, almost overslept.

Roisin: Almost?

Caitlyn: O-okay I kinda did.

Roisin: Better. Now run along girly.

Caitlyn: *mumbles* You act girly too.

Roisin: The hell was that?

Leshawna: *laughs a bit*

I quickly opens the front door and leaves as started making my to my high school hoping to not deal with bullies again today

(Eleven Minutes Later...)

After some time walking I made it to my high school and was walking to my locker as I felt a touch on my shoulder which made me jump.

Caitlyn: Ah!

Brandon: Woah sorry about that. Forgot you get scared easily.

Caitlyn: *hits his shoulder* Should of just called out my name jackass.

Brandon: Eh, you rather have me scare you or Tucker?

Caitlyn: ..........F-fair...

Brandon: Thanks you.

Caitlyn: ............

Brandon soon sighed and pulled me into a hug.

Brandon: Sorry for bring up that asshat's name. Let's just forget about him.

Caitlyn: Y-yeah.

I smiled as Brandon let go of me and I walked over to my locker and opened it, putting my bag inside as I turned my head to see Monica Jefferson, a girl who I have a crush on since she somewhat helped my from Tucker and his gang of friends. I quickly turned my head and saw that Brandon was smirking at me.

Caitlyn: W-what?

Brandon: You know what....Monica.

Caitlyn: *blushes* S-shut up.

Brandon: Not until you tell her your feelings and hell Tracy knows and is on my ass about that.

Caitlyn: S-she's a sophomore. She wouldn't be talking with me at all. 

Brandon: You just gotta talk to her idiot to find out if she wants to talk to you instead of just thinking that she wouldn't. Well you do got a math and science class with her due to you being good in those subjects.

Caitlyn: Just got my smarts from my parents.

Brandon: I can tell.

The bell soon ranged as I closed my locker and waves goodbye to Brandon as we both leaves for our first class.

(Three Hours Later...)

It's been three hours into school and I was walking to my locker for get my textbook for my next class but I was tripped and fell  to the ground losing my glasses as I heard laugher.

Tucker: Woops didn't see you there Puny Parker.

Caitlyn: O-h ha ha Tucker....

I started looking for my glasses as I somewhat saw it in front of me as I tried to grab it but Tucker took it.

(What Tucker looks like)

Tucker: Oh you needs these lil old glasses to see?

Caitlyn: G-give them back!

Tucker: Hmmm.....Nah. Maybe if you can punch me but you can't see for shit six eyes bitch.

I heard his friends laughing at me as my body was tensing up as I heard footsteps and heard a loud slap.

???: Okay enough of that!

Tucker: *holds his cheek* The fuck Monica?!

Monica: You leave Caitlyn alone you bloody idiot and give me her glasses

Tucker: Why the fuck would I? That nerd don't need these.

Monica: Tucker you better give me the glasses or else I'll beat your ass again.

I heard Tucker cursed at Monica before leaves as I felt my glasses on my face as I saw Monica as my face started to heat up.

Monica: You okay?

Caitlyn: Y-y-y-y-yup. Th-th-thanks.

Monica; *smiles* It's nothing, just talk to me if he or his friends tries to mess with you.

I nodded my head and watches her leaves as I could hear my heart wanting to explode as I grabbed my books and rushes towards my lockers.

(Couple of Hours Later.....)

After some hours school was over as I walked back home and enter to see my aunt Roisin watching tv.

Roisin: *saw me* Hey there kid. How's was school?

Caitlyn: It was okay......dealt with Tucker again....

Roisin: .....Great that asshole. I can beat him up with you want.

Caitlyn: I-i don't want you to go to jail!

Roisin: I don't care about all that. No one is bulling my favorite niece.

Caitlyn: ....I'm your only niece....

Roisin: And?

Caitlyn: J-just don't.

Roisin: Fine I won't happy?

I nodded my head and yawned a bit.

Caitlyn: I'm gonna go take a nap and maybe go into deep sleep.

Roisin: Alright have some good sleep, kid.

I smiled at her before walking up the stairs and into my room as I dropped my bag and flopped to my bed and closed my eyes hoping the next day would be better.

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