Chapter 12

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those last three days have been something between the photo shoots and the greeting and the recaption, Justin been training his warriors hard these last three days. Matt- Grant wake up I say to him. Grant- what is it Matt I ask as I wake up. Matt- come with me I say to him, as we walk in to Sarah room Sarah wake up. Sarah- what I say as I wake up. Matt- as we walk in to Lily room ware going to wake mom up I say as I get Lily out of her crib and change her diaper. Clara- Justin wake up I say to him. Justin- what is it. Clara- ware going to be attacked soon. Justin- well you and your mom get the kids and stay in our office wale me and your dad fight them off. Clara- ware not going to be attacked by rogues but our kids I say to him. Justin- so what's the plan I ask her. Clara- well we just lay here and wait for them to attack then we trap them. Justin- your a great planner we should move over a bit to get them in. Matt- I'll put Lily on the middle of the bed and then you two follow right behind her as we walk in we see at there still asleep alright I say to them as I put Lily down go to mommy I say to her as she starts crawling thud's them Grant and Sarah follow her. Clara- as the bed drips we hear Lily babbling then we fell the bed dip as the twins clime in as they get close now I say to Justin over the mind link as we grab them. Sarah and Grant- Matt help they have us we say as they grab us. Justin- so who's plan was this I ask them. Sarah- it was Matt's plan. Matt- Sarah you not soups to rat me out and how did you now. Clara- you forgot the baby monitor in Lily room I say to them as I hold Grant. Justin- well we have to think of a punishment I say to Clara as I hold Sarah and Lily. Clara- how about he gives me a hug and kiss everyday in front of the school I say. Matt- but mom we just wanted to do something census it your big day. Clara- at sweet of you I say as I grab him and bring him on to the bed as we sat there are you guys hungry I ask them. Grant and Sarah- we are mommy we say as we get up. Matt- I'm as well. Justin- at good to now how about to day we eat at the Packhouse this morning I say tp them. Clara- at sounds great now you three go wake your grandparents and tell them and then go get dress I say to them as they leave I put my head on Justin shoulder I hope what happened to me never happens to Sarah and Lily I say to Justin as I hold Lily. Justin- we both will be there to stop it from happening I tell her now lets go get dressed. Sarah and Grant- grandma, grandpa ware going to the Packhouse for breakfast we say as we jump on there bed. Mrs. Martin- ware up I say to them as they jump on our bed will be there shortly I say. Justin- your not going to make him do at are you. Clara- no but I'll make him think for a bit I say as I get dressed after getting dressed I take Lily to her room now what do you think I ask her as I pick somethings for her. Justin- after getting dressed I go to Lily room as I walk in you ready I ask. Clara- well with one do you think I ask him. Justin- go with one you think she will like I say as I walk out I head down stairs I get out Lily stroller. Clara- after picking out an outfit for her as we walk down stairs I see Justin got out her stroller. Justin- I hear Clara and Lily come down the stairs I figure we walk there to day it soupiest to be lovely out. Clara- at sounds good I say to him as everyone comes down and tell them at ware walking to the Packhouse as we make our way there these last two days a lot of people have met there mates. Justin- my parents as well as Thea and Chuck are going to be meeting us there it shims at those to have an announcement to make I sat to her. Clara- you don't think tele be telling us at she is. Justin- don't say at she still my little sister. Mrs. Martin- Jay was the same way after he met Matt for the first time. Clara- as we get there do you see them I ask. Justin- there over there as we sat down Thea and Chuck get up. Thea and Chuck- well we would like to say at ware are expecting we say to them. Homer and Jackie- ware proud of you both we say to them. Clara- oh Thea I so proud of you. Justin- well you now at means at I'm going to be hard on you from now I say to Chuck and I'm proud of you little sis I say to her. Chuck- what do you mean I ask him. Justin- well back wane I met Clara and found out about at she was pregnant my dad put me through the ringer. Homer- at true I told him he now has a family to protect now alongside the pack for seven months I put him ringer it made him stronger so now it up to him to put you through the ringer. Justin- so starting tomorrow morning I will make the next eight months a living hell I say to him, I will put both Matt and Grant through it as well as Sarah and Lily mates. Clara- you are not going to put there mates through it I say to him. Justin- at if they can beat me, Matt and Grant I say to her. Clara-your forgetting someone. Justin- oh and who mite at be. Clara- me I say to him. Justin- they will run wane they have to fight you plus they will be scared of you I say as I kiss her on the forehead now lets go get something to eat I say to them. Jackie- as we all sat back down so have you two finished your speeches yet. Justin- I finished mine yesterday I don't now about Clara I say as I feed Lily. Clara- just about done with it I now I have only a few hours to get it done as we get done eating I get text from work. Justin- so what do they want I ask her. Clara- they want the teachers to come in for a late meeting I tell him. Justin- I didn't get one as we finish eating ok you kids go with your grandparents will catch up as soon as the meeting is over. Clara- as we get there so what do you think this meeting is about. Justin- don't now I say as we walk in we see a sign at says to go to the gymnasium. Clara- as we walk in we see a banner at says congratulations on it as wale as my students. Principle- well wane we all found out your students wanted to do something for there teacher so for the pass few weeks them and the staff been planning this I say to them. Clara- all I can think about is they did all this for me but how did they do this wane I came back I ask them. Principle- well at the thing we did it during you break they would meet with us and in the afternoon with there parents I'm surprises you two didn't bring your own pups with you I say to them. Justin- there back home with our folks I say to him. Clara- as they give me what they made and say at there proud at I'm there teacher I fight to hold back the tears. Principle- after they finish telling her how proud of her I have a quick speech I say to them, I first meet Clara wane Justin parent enrolled her here the marks and bruise on her I was concern at she would be bulled and then wane Justin told us at she was pregnant but the hole time she held her head up high and pushed her self wane I found out at she was going to college to be a teacher I now she would make a great teacher I say to everyone and today she get our most highs honor. Clara- after he give his speech Justin let take those to my class room as we get there I start placing what they made me as I get done I hear Justin ask why I want my future student to see at I say to him. Justin- alright I say to her now we need to get home so you can finish your speech. Clara- I think I have an end as we get home I head strait for our office to get to work on finishing it. Justin- as we walk in Clara head for our office as I sat down Sarah and Grant come running up to me. Homer- we hear the front door open at most be them know why don't you two go ask them about there meeting I say to the twins. Sarah and Grant- daddy how was your meeting we ask him.  Justin- I see our folks walk in well it wasn't a meeting her students wanted to do something she put what they made for her and she in there finishing it Mrs. Martin- how did they do it wane you guys got back. Justin- wane she was on her break and afterschool I say to them now ware Lily and Matt I ask them. Jackie- there out back playing on the swings I say to him those two are helping to make some cookies I say to him. Justin- you two are helping your grandma's make cookies. Grant- yes but there for later after mom ceremony I say. Justin- at good to hear now go get ready I say to them. 

Clara- as I get done I smell fresh cookies as I walk out it done I say to them ware the kids I ask Justin as I walk in to the living room. Justin- well the twins are getting ready and the other two are outback I say to her. Clara- I'll go tell them as I walk out I see Matt pushing Lily on the swings the sound of her laughing fill my heart with joy time to get ready I say to them as Matt and Lily walk up I give him a kiss on the head you do love your sibling. Matt- yes mom I say as we walk inside and put Lily down and take her to her room so mom can get her ready. Clara- as I follow Matt and Lily up the stairs to her room now go get ready I say to Matt as he leaves I pick Lily up now what should you wear I ask her after finding her a nice dress and getting her to wear it as we walk out of her room I see Justin come out of our room go to Dada I say to her. Justin- oh Lily you look nice I say as she walks over to me ware already ware just waiting on you I say to her. Clara- as I walk in I go to the closet and grab the outfit at I head planned out after changing in to it I put on some light make-up as I walk down stairs ware is everyone also. Justin- they want ahead so it's just the six of us I say to her as we walk out to the van do you have your speech I ask her. Clara- crap I say as I run back in to the house and grab it as well as Justin's as I get in the van your forget yours's I say to him. Justin- what would I do with out you. Clara- you would be screeching for me and you would have a house full of cobweb. Justin- that is true now lets get going. Clara- as we drive there I fell very nerviest at wane I fell a hand on my shoulder and on my arm. Justin- I now Clara must be nerviest my wolf lets me now at he can fell her and her wolf nerviest about it I put my hand on her. Matt- I put my hand on her shoulder to make her fell clam I now mom most be nerviest my wolf fell it ware proud of you I say to her. Justin- he right we are proud of you I say as I give her a kiss as we get there someone shows us to the waiting room. Clara- alright kids I now you four want to be up there wane I get it but your going to with your grandparents I say to them as we wait we hear the door open to see at it's Alpha Derek what can we do for you I ask. Derek- it's time I say to them Beth will take them to meet up with your folks. Justin- alright you four give your mom a hug I say to them. Matt, Sarah and Grant- ware proud of you mom. Lily- mama proud. Clara- oh Lily I say as she hugs me thanks I say to Matt and the twins now go and be behave I say to them as they leave pinch me I ask Justin as I turn to him. Justin- and why would I do at. Clara- I want to make sure I'm awake and at this isn't a dream. Justin- alright I say as I pinch her there at prove at your awake. Clara- thanks I say to him I need it as we wait I go over my speech wale we wait for them. Justin- as we wait I paces back and forward wale Clara go over her speech. Clara- as I get done we hear foot steps there ready I say to him as I get up as Alpha Phil walk in. Phil- there ready for you guys I say to them as we walk as we get to the stage wait here my dad is going to interduces you both. Clara- I fell very nerviest right now I say as I put my hand over my stomach. Justin- it just butterflies I say to her, look out there I say to her. Clara- I look out and see our kids holding up signs at say ware proud of are mom wane did they do at. Justin- well wale we ware working on our speech's they ware making those I found out yesterday wale I was getting there laundry they asked me not to tell you. Clara- as we watch the Alpha's goes by and shack my hand as Jay walks by he hugs me. Jay- as me and the Alpha's walk out they shack Clara hand as I get up to her I give her a hug I'm so proud of you sis. Clara- as Jay hugs me he tells me how proud of me I now I say to him now get out there as Alpha Derek walks up to the podium here we go I say to Justin. Derek- after all the Alpha at made it walk out I turn to the people to day we are gadder here to present our high horror to Clara Lynn Allen for stopping a very great treat to our kind, I first met Clara well over nine years ago me and my beta as well as one of my warriors we ware out on patrol wane we found her in her wolf form even though it was evening time I saw the pain her wolf was in wane she tried to change back and wane she did my beta throw her a shirt before we could ask her anything she said help me and then passed out after I gave her to Dr. Jorden I made my way back to the Packhouse just as sat down to get some work done Justin her mate came in and said mate after figuring out who could be his mate I told him at she was in the pack hospital and at it didn't look good after we ware told what happened to her for two weeks me or my mate would check in on them wane we ware told at she was awake and meeting her as well as finding out what she want through after she got out of the pack hospital she started training not to make her self stronger or to be a warrior but to show her first born pup at she was not weak but someone who is strong her mate will tell you at she has always been strong, wane I hearted from Alpha Jacob at she took down the Rouge king and then from my own son at she killed Roger baker and Stan smith I was token back now to get to the reason ware here Clara and Justin come out here I say as the crowed applaud as they walk out on the stage. Justin- just take a deep breath I say to Clara as we walk out on stage. Clara- as we walk out on the stage I take a deep breath just like Justin told me to do we wave to the crowed we stop just short of Derek and wait for him. Derek- as they come out and wait nearer me I pull out the case as Phil comes up to me I open it and hold it out so he can take the medal. Phil- as I pick up the medal and walk behind her and place it on her. Clara- as Alpha Phil puts the medal around my neck I choke back the tears I fell Justin take my hand. Derek- after Phil puts the medal around her neck I turn back to the crowed I now this is nun camion but we have two speech's the first one will be by Justin Clara mate and then the person we all came to see will give her speech. Clara- as Derek speaks my wolf lets me now at she is very proud right now ( Clara I'm too I say, Athena ware both proud ,Clara your right, Athena our pups are proud of us as well, Clara I'm proud of them) after talking to Athena I see Justin walk up to the podium. 

Justin- as I walk up to the podium I look out in to the crowed and see the smiles on our kids faces as I places the folder down and open it I take a quick look back at Clara and see at she is waiting for me to give my speech, first off let me just say I have said this a thousands time and I will say it as thousands more time I'm proud of my mate as I start wane I first meet Clara all I wanted was to now her name for two hole weeks I waited for her to wake up and wane she did and told me I was so happy wane Clara first asked me to train her I was shocked at she asked me and wane she told me why I made sure to train her and for five months I watched as she got strong even after she gave birth she pushed her self even harder then before after I left to train other pack she never gave up on her training wane Matt our oldest joined her wane she told me at he would be joining her in training I was proud of both of them and wane I came back and we started on making our little family bigger she was more detrend in her training and wane we welcomed our twins a and then being kidnapped by the rouge king and killing him wane she got back to her training there was a new fire in her eyes wane I asked her, she told me at we hade our family to protect and she was right it was no longer just the three of us it was the five of us, after we welcomed our last member of our family after nearly losing them I told her at her training was on hold till she was fully better she was mad at me for a hole month wane she started back she pushed her self even harder, there have been times ware I thought Clara was pushing her self to hard between training raising a family and school and then later college wane I asked her she told me at if it wasn't for the hard work how would she show our kids to work hard there self for that I'm proud of her and with today being the biggest day of her life I now this is for her up there with the day we first met and the days we welcomed our pup in to this world as well as the day we mated and the day we got married as I finish my speech's to the sound of applause I look back and see the tears on her faces as I step away from the podium I walk over to her did you like it I ask her. Clara- after wiping away the tears it was lovely I say to him. Justin- did you see the look on there faces wane I got done I ask her. Clara- I did the look on there faces I wanted to go down there and let them hug me. Justin- well get to do at just after you give your speech I say to her. 

Clara- your right I say to him as Alpha Phil talks as he gets done I walk up to the podium I look out a take a deep breath and look down and see the proud look on there faces, as I open the folder and start my speech I was told at all I will be was a runt and at I didn't have a mate and I believed them and then on the worst day of my life as Roger walk theurge me I figured I was going to die and at if I was I was going down fighting and gave Roger a cut on his left arm I think at is wane he got obsessed with me then two weeks later on a day I will always remember for it marked the begin of a long line of happy and proud days in my life and each one of them will always have a special places in my heart just like today, the proud look on my mate and our kids faces wane I was told I would be getting this our highs honor it was priceless, being the first she-wolf to get the Medal of Valor I now other she-wolfs at get this will look back on this and will fell a scenes of pride all I can say to them is they earned it, this morning me and Justin ware called to the pack school wane we got there we found out at my students presented me with gifts at they made and tell me how proud to have me as there teacher I fought back the tears as they told me one at a time so in closing don't let anyone tell you what to do for you mite show them there is one person at I would like to thank even though he isn't here I now he looking down and at he is proud of me my uncle Matt for he always told me at I would one day to something great as I get done I wait for the applause at is wane I see them get up and give me a standing ovation I look back at the Alpha's and see Jay and Phil as well as the other Alpha's give me a nod of approval as Derek calls the event over I wait as everyone go to leave our pups come running up the stage as I keel down so Lily can give me a hug as she wraps her arm around me I stand up so Matt, Sarah and Grant can hug me as well so how did you guys like are speech's. Matt, Sarah and Grant- we liked your speech mom we say to her as we hug her. Justin- what about mine I ask them. Sarah- your was fine daddy I say to him wane can we go home. Justin- we have two pictures to do then we can go home I say to her one of us and one with the other winners. Sarah- alright daddy. Clara-Justin you take Lily so she want try chew on it I say as I hand her to him. Justin- come on I say as Clara hands her to me. Clara- as our family walks on stage my mom comes over to me. Mrs. Martin- as I walk over to Clara as I lean in he was always proud of you if he was here right now. Clara- he would be saying just how proud he is of me as we all stand there Jay whispers in to my ear. Jay- I'm proud of you sis. Clara- I now you are after they take our picture I wait for the other winners to come up as they stand around me they tell me at I gave a great speech after taking the picture I walk of the stage and put my medal in it's case now then let go home I say to them. Justin- as we walk to our vehicle wale you ware up there getting your picture taken I talked to my parents about them having the kids this weekend. Clara- what did they say. Justin- you now what they said and before you ask Lily will be staying home with us. Clara- so it will us be the three of us just like old times I say to him as we get in I show the kids my medal as we get home as Justin gets Lily out I get the mail at wane I see it Justin they came. Justin- what came I ask. Clara- our wedding pictures I say to him I guesses I'll have to go to the store and get some picture frames wile you put Lily down for a nap I look over to Matt and the twins so do you three want to come with me or stay here just now if you two stay here your to get a nap as well. Matt- I'll stay here can I go for a run. Clara- you can just be back before I get home. Sarah and Grant- will go with you Mommy. Clara- alright go change first as they run up the stairs I turn back to Justin and Lily have a nice nap you two I say to them as they go up stairs. Justin- as me and Lily get to mine and Clara room I see Zeus come out of Matt's room now after your run and change back get a quick nap all right I see him nod his head yes. Clara- and I put my medal on the self and places the envelope on the table I hear Zeus come down the stairs as he comes in to the kitchen wane you get back change and get a quick nap I see him nod his head yes like he has been told at you ware told to do at he nods his head yes alright go on just then I hear Sarah and Grant run down the stairs you two ready. Sarah and Grant- yes we are. Clara- alright out to the car I say to them as we get to the store I get a cart with room for the twins as they get in we head for the aisle as we make our way there so what do you two think this weekend at your grandparents house. Sarah- will Lily be joining us. Clara- no she will be at home with me and your dad. Grant- do they now at ware going to be there all weekend and why. Clara- well me and your dad think it time you three spend some time at your grandparent's places your dad parent's get you three this weekend and one week this summer at my parents and yes they do now there on bored. Zeus- as I walk inside and head for our room I hear sound coming from mom and dad's room as I stick my head in I see Lily talking to her self as she see me she start crawling through me to keep her from crawling off the bed I jump up next to her and lay down next to her so she can take her nap. Clara- as I get some picture frames I now they have been good I push the cart to the toy aisle I see the look on there faces you both get one I say to them as we go down the aisles Grant ask me if they can get Lily and Matt something yes I say to him as Sarah picks her and Lily out a stuff animals and Grants picks him and Matt some Marvel action figures after paying for everything's as I get in I hear Sarah ask me a question. Sarah- who is uncle Matt. Clara- I turn around he was my uncle wane I was little then comes the hard part you both will learn after your birthday your brother was told after me and your father mated I say to them. Sarah and Grant- mommy we don't need to hear at. Clara- well how do you two think we got you and at earned me another gross as we get home as we walk in the front door you two nap I say to them as I walk up the stairs to our room as I walk in I see Lily curled up next to Zeus and Justin laying next to her I take out my phone to get a picture of Lily curled up next to Zeus, Lily look what your sister got you as she wakes up and see it as I pick her I wake Zeus up as well as he look at me like he did something wrong go change back and meet me down stairs as I pull her play pen in the to the kitchen I put Lily in her play pen so she can play with her stuffed animal. Justin- as I roll over I fell for Lily oh no I say as I shoot up and look around for her at is wane I catch Zeus scent he most have token her to her room as I open the door I see at she not there just then I hear the door to Matt's room and see him walk out ware is your sister I ask him. Matt- she is with mom there down stairs as we make our way down stairs we hear the sound of giggles coming from the kitchen. Clara- as I put some pictures at go to my parents in a pile I hear sounds come from up stairs I look over at Lily daddy up I say to her at gets her to giggle at that. Justin- as we walk in to kitchen so how are my two girls doing and ware did you get at Lily I say as I sat down. Clara- well the twins ware good wale I was getting the picture frames so I got them a toy and made them get Matt and Lily something your is on the counter I say to Matt. Justin- I see at you been working hard got to piles of pictures. Clara- at one your parents and at one is my parents you should let them now at wane we drop the kids off at they will be getting there pictures as I go to put the one of all of us standing there this one is going on the shelf I say to Justin as I show him the picture. Justin- at is a lovey places for it I'm going to go put Lily new bed to getter I say as I get up from the table. 

Clara- on your way up put this on the shelf please I say as I hold the picture frame up. Justin- yes dear I say as I take the picture frame as I places it on the self I head for the garage to grab my tools and head up stairs to put Lily bed to getter. Clara- I look over at Matt so why was Zeus sleeping on the bed next to Lily. Matt- well as we ware making our way to my room  we heard Lily talking to her self and then she seen me and started crawling we didn't want her to fall so we jumped up next to her and took a nap. Clara- I now I got a picture of the two of you I say as I show him the picture she sure dose love her big brother. Matt- as I look at the picture I now she dose. Clara- as I get done I put the pictures for my parents in an envelope and lay it next to the door so wane we leave to tomorrow I look at the time and see at it is almost dinner time. Justin- after moving Lily crib I get to work on her new bed at Clara parents got her for her birthday seeing as we been busy with the wedding and Clara ceremony. Clara- as I walk up the stairs to wake Sarah and Grant room, as I walk in to Sarah room Sarah sweetie it time to wake up as she gets up your sister is enjoying her stuffed animal you picked out for her. Sarah- she is I say as I get out of bed. Clara- yes dear she is why don't you go show her yours I say to her, as I go to Grants room Grant it time to get up your dad is putting Lily new bed to getter he mite need a hand. Grant- as I get out of bed you thank he will need help. Clara- yes I say to him as he walks out I head down stairs to see Sarah playing with Lily and Matt sating on the couch watching them why don't you go help put Lily bed to getter I say to him. Matt- but what about keeping an eye on Sarah and Lily wale you work on dinner. Clara- there having fun go help and if anything's happens Sarah will come and get me as Matt  heads up stairs if anything happens I'm in the kitchen as I look in the fridge I get what I need out and get to work. Justin- as I get the parts out I hear a knock at the door come in. Grant- can I help you dad. Justin- you sure can I say to Grant as he comes in, just as I get the plans out a another knock come in I say to who ever there. Matt- mom told me to come and help I say as I walk in. Justin- come on I say to Matt as we get to work. Clara- after get done with dinner I walk in to the living room and pick Lily up time for dinner I say but first go wash your hands I say to Sarah now let go see who daddy and your brothers are doing with your new bed I say to her. Justin- after we get the matters on the bed well we got her done I say to Matt and Grant just then we hear a knock at the door come in I say. Clara- as we walk in oh Lily look at your new bed. Justin- well Lily do you like your new bed I ask her as Clara puts her down so she can look at her bed. Clara- diner is ready I say to them as Justin picks Lily up before to wash your hands boys I say as I walk down stairs and fix Lily her plat as Justin and the kids come in and fix there plats. Justin- kids thank your mom I say to them. Matt- thanks mom. Sarah and Grant- thanks mommy we say as we sat down at the table. Clara- so Matt this weekend you and your siblings are going to your grandparents I say as I take a bit you now it just like wane I was in school there night's wane I had to study for exams. Justin- it true my parents enjoyed having you over, after diner and getting the twins and Lily there baths after getting a shower and putting on my pajamas I walk in to see Justin reading as I get in next to him they all asleep. Justin-yup there all asleep and Lily is in her new bed. Clara- as I warp my arms around his chest there some thing  I have to tell you I should have done it years ago wane Roger was rapping me all I could think about was you and our pups and at I would never get to meet you and wane you left to talk to Alpha Derek I cry the hole time you ware gone. Justin- and why ware you crying. Clara- because I wasn't pure any more. Justin- you have been to me everyday cense we meet I wanted my mate to have some fun before we meet but wane I heard what he did to you I now wanted to rip him to pieces and why didn't the nurse tell me. Clara- I told them not to tell you wane I smelt your scent and wane come in I told you at I missed you. Justin- at a lot to take in and not to change the topic but remember your first day back after you hade Matt. Clara- yes wane we got to your parents house I was so afraid it was the first time being away from him right wane you want to knock on the door your dad open it the look on his faces. Justin- yay he loved having Matt over you now he told all of his friends at he was going to grandpa. Clara- then there the time wane we want on a date wane we want to pick him he was playing with Matt and then wale you ware away they ware calling for a bad snow storm Alpha Derek was going around making sure at the hole pack was ready for it you dad showed up covered in snow wane I opened the door Matt almost attacked him he brought us some extra blankets and he told us at if it gets worst he was coming back and get us. Justin- so what did you do at night. Clara- I put all the blankets on my bed and told Matt at he was sleeping with me at night. Justin- you now if things had happened differently like if rouge problem didn't happen and Roger asked us to come and train his warriors I would have told Jay ware you ware and snap-chatted you just so you could see him. Clara- I would have liked at, wane we pick the kids up from my parents the three of have someone to visit. Justin- oh and who is at. Clara- my uncle Matt grave I now the last two times i been there I didn't go and visit him at and I think it time Matt meets the person he named after. Justin- at sounds like a good idea now lets get some sleep.

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