Chapter 2

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help me we hear her say as she pass out I turn to my Beta let the Pack hospital know at I'm bringing in an unknow female in as I go to pick her up at is wane we see all of the browses on her ware every she came from they hurt her really bad who every did this will pay for hurting her as I get to the pack hospital I hand her over to Dr. Jorden I head back to the Packhouse as I get back I head to my office as I walk in I see at I have a pile of papers on my desk as I get started my Fourth comes though the door what is going on I ask he as he comes up to me. Justin- as I get out of my car I smell the most heavenly scent I have ever smelled I follow it to Derek office I walk in and go up to him and smell the scent Mate I say. Derek- after Justin says Mate all I can think is what she-wolf have I been around to have there scent on at wane I realize at the only she-wolf at I have been around next to my mate was the one at we found your mate is at the pack hospital wait I say as he goes to leave she is all browsed up and unconscious all at we now is at she ask for help. Justin- after Derek tell me at she is all browsed up and unconscious all I want to do is go and be by her side an tale she wakes up and tell me her name. Derek- I see at look in his eyes I now at if at was my mate I would want to be there for her go I say to him. Justin- after being told to go I rush over to the pack hospital I ask them at the front desk ware the unknow female room after they tell me I head strait there as I get there I see Dr. Jorden walking out of her room how is my mate I ask him. Dr. Jorden- as I walk out of her room I see Justin walk up to me and ask how is his mate doing well first off we are doing all we can for her but it don't look good I say as we walk in to her room from what we can tell this are from silver chains and these are the most resent wounds as far as we guesses at she was in a world of hurt her hole life I say to him I look up and see at he is fighting the change you now the rules no changing is aloud. Justin- as he tells me what has happened to my mate I fell my wolf wanting to take over and go find her former pack and rip them all to shreds but the doctor reminds of the rule after getting control of my wolf thank you doctor is it all right if I just stay with her. Dr. Jorden- at fine with me take as long as you want just now it will take some time before we get the test results back I will have to inform the Alpha wane we get them all back. Justin- alright I say as I pull up a chair and sit down next to her who would do this she is the most beautifully women at I have ever seen after sitting for a bit I hear foot steps I look up hoping to see the doctor but in stead I see Luna Beth walk in. Beth- how is she I ask him after Derek told me the news I came fast as I could I say to him. Justin- still nothing I say to her but the people at did this to her will pay for what they done to my mate I say as she sit down next to me. Beth- there is an old saying at a mate touchy can heal anything so at may be what she needs I say to him. Justin- you think so Luna. Beth- I now so if you need I will be reading to the children I say as get up. Roger- so Stan have you token care of the runt I ask him. Stan- well she got away I say to him. Roger- what do you mean she got a way I ask him. Stan- well there was some thunder and the next thing we now she was running a way. Roger- well she was very hurt so we may get lucky and a rouge kill her or she will just die out there all alone now we will wait a few days and then send out a search party to find what every left of her. Stan- and what if she is still alive wane we find her I ask him. Roger- just kill her your self I say to him now if you need me I will be busy for the next thirty minutes I say as I open the door to my next victim after I close the door well hello there I say to the person at I have tied up the fear in her eye I see  as I move close to her.  Dr. Jorden- well we got all the test results back Alpha I say to him over the mind link. Derek- I will be there soon I say to him as I get up I inform my Beta and Gamma to meet me at the pack hospital as we get to her room I see Justin in there holding her hands I now he is going throw hell he just found his mate and mite lose her before he gets to now her as we walk in his head snaps at us as we walk in Dr. Jorden got the results back I say to him now we just need to wait for him. Dr. Jorden- as I walk in all heads turn to me I have the results if you would all like to now thr results yes they all say to me well first off she has at lest four broken rids and these burn marks are from silver chains and bracelet and there are wounds on her back at are from ware she was wiped it will take a long time for them to heal at if she lives as I tell them the rest of what happened to her all I can guesses her wolf is in wearies shape then her. Justin- what do you mean her wolf is in worst shape then her. Dr. Jorden- well as you all now at are wolf can heal just about anything but if we under a lot of stress or in a lot of pain are wolf will have a hard time healing all we can do is help her wolf get better first and then we will see if she gets wakes up she will also need psychological help as well for all trauma at she haves gone throw I say to them I would hold off on sending out her picture to the local pack's I say to alpha Derek and why would I do at he ask me well if her pack is behind this if we hand her over to them they will just continue to put her throw more pain and with at I hear a chair get thrown a gents the wall. Justin- wane I here at I throw the chair gent the wall we are not sending her back to ware she came from I say to them.  Dr. Jorden- I was going to say at we should not send her back to her old pack now at I have gave you your report Alpha I hope you take what I said to heart she will die if she goes back. Derek- your both right if at was my mate laying there I would refuse to send her back she will stay but if she want to leave at is up to her I say to them all right lets give the love birds some alone time and with at we leave them to be alone. Justin- after they all leave I walk over to her and sit back down next to her I will stay right here for as long as I can I say as I take her hand I just hope she fells the spark between us after a bit I take out my phone to make a call after getting off the phone I wait for them to get here as I wait for a bit I hear them coming down the hall mom dad in here I say to them. Mr. and Mrs. Allen- after we get off the phone with Justin we head to the pack hospital like he asked us to as we get to the room at he told us to meet him at as we walk in we see an unknow female laying there in a hospital bed we see are son sating next to her son who is she we ask him. Justin- mom dad this is my mate I say to them. Mr. and Mrs. Allen- did we hear you right son we ask him. Justin- yes she is my mate Derek and some of the guys found her along the eastern boarder she ask for help and then passed out as far as we can tell her old pack abuse her to the point at she is near death door why would they do this to her I say to them. Mrs. Allen- I don't now why son but I'm sure she is lovely to be around there lose for losing her we are proud at you have found your mate son if you need anything just let us now I say to him. Justin- thanks mom there is one thing you both now at I'm terrible at clothes shopping I was wandering if you could get her some clothes for wane she wakes up she has something to wear. Mrs. Allen- don't weary I'll go and get her some clothes I say as I leave. Justin- well dad you haven't said anything. Mr. Allen- well son I wanted to wait till your mother left but hale bad is it. Justin- she has at lest four broken rids and those burn mark are from silver chains and bracelet she has been wiped and her wolf may be in worst shape after telling him every thing he just stand there well I ask him. Mr. Allen- well at is a lot to take in what does the doctor and Alpha think. Justin- well the doctor think at it would be a terrible idea to send out her picture for if her old pack is behind this they will just hurt her more and Derek agreed to hold off on sending out her picture. Roger- well have you guys found her I ask them. Stan- no sir we found nothing out there it looks like she ran for miles so may be she is dead or some rouge clamed her as his mate well he is in for a disappoint she is a good for nothing. Roger- well he will have some fun with her before he kills her I say as I pure Stan a drink cheers to at rouge. Stan- cheers I say as he hands me my drink maybe she got found by a group of them I say as I take a drink of my drink. Roger- I second at I say to him and with at we both laugh at her fate. Mr. Allen - well I have to agree with the doctor on that if they hurt her with what you told me and what I have seen her old pack is the worst there Alpha is a terrible leader for letting this happen to her. Justin- I will wait as long as posable an till she is a wake I will not leave her side I now mom will miss me at Sunday dinner. Mr. Allen- I now she will under stand if your not there but your sister will have a hard time with you not there but I will tell her at you are right next to your mate side. 

Two weeks later

Justin- it has been two weeks scenes they broth you in and I haven left your side my mate the Dr. Jorden say at her wolf must be getting better and at mean at she is getting better I cant wait for the day wane she opens her eye and says her name to me. Clara- I keep felling sparks at is making my wolf and I fell better ware at the point at my wolf wants to wake up my hearing is the first to come back all I hear is the sound of machines beeping I guesses I'm in a hospital I start to smell the most heavenly scent is at ware those sparks are coming from I open my eye to see at I am in a hospital room I look around the room and see the most handsome guy ever all my wolf can say is mate I look at him there is no way that he is my mate they all told me at I have no mate or if I did he would just reject me at first sight hello I say to him. Justin- I just want to sleep wane I hear a voices I look around to see who said hello I look over at my mate and see at she is up I get up from ware I've been sating at and walk over to her hello my love I say to her. Clara- I see him walk over to me as he goes to open his mouth I braces my self for him to reject me all he says is hello my love am I dreaming or is this real my name is Clara I say to him. Justin- after waiting two weeks it was all wert it just to here her say her name Clara at is the most wonder full name I have ever heard my name is Justin after I tell her my name I go to get Dr. Jorden I will be right back my love. Clara- after he tell me his name he tells me at he will be right back I guesses he want to get the doctor I try to get up for I need to us the bathroom but my feet fell numb guesses I will have to wait. Justin- I rush out of Clara room I find Dr. Jorden she I awake I say to him. Dr. Jorden- all right I just have to let the Alpha now. Derek- after Dr. Jorden informs me at she is wake I tell my Beta and Gamma to meet me at her room As I walk in to the Pack hospital I go over to the children ward to find my mate after finding her Beth I now your busy but we may need you Justin mate has woken up she may need someone with a friendly faces as we walk to her room I see my Beta and Gamma waiting for us. Dr. Jorden- Alpha, Luna I say to them Alpha before we go in there is something I must tell you there is one test at I did not tell you about at I have to tell her first so if Luna Beth will come with me with at out of the way we go to walk in to her room wane Justin stops us. Justin- her name is Clara I say to them just before they walk in to her room. Dr. Jorden- as me and Luna Beth wall in to Clara room after two weeks it is good to see her awake as I stand in front of her bed Luna Beth stands next to her as well as takes her hand Clara must now at Beth is the pack Luna for she is more relaxed Clara what I have to tell you may come as a shock to you at is why I ask Luna Beth to be here but your pregnant as far as I can tell the father is an Alpha am I right I ask her. Clara- I'm pregnant I say to my self your right but it wasn't the Alpha of my old pack but his son I say as I start to cry I just found my mate and now he will reject me for sure I say to my self. Beth- I now she must think at Justin will reject her I pull her in to a hug he will not reject you I say to her. Clara- you sure I say as she continue hug me. Beth- yes I say to her. Clara- as I go to say something my stomach growls I guesses I'm hungry I say to them. Dr. Jorden- I'll have them sent some food up I'll leave you two alone I say as I walk out of the room as I walk out I turn to Alpha Derek she is pregnant with the Alpha son of her old pack Justin she think at you are going to reject her because of it. Justin- I would never do at to her I need to get in there and tell her at. Clara- Luna I was wandering if you could help me to he bathroom I ask her. Beth- sure here let me up you up I say to her. Clara- as we get to the bathroom I see clothes sating on the counter are those for me. Beth- yes Justin mom got them for you for wane you woke up I say as she sit down on the toilet. Clara- I look at them for a bit and pick out the one at will look good on me at is wane I notices at I haven't taken a bath in two weeks I look around and se at the shower is all so a tube I try to stand up but fell back down. Beth- here let me up you is say as I catch her what do you need. Clara- I was going over to the tube to get a bath I say to her. Beth- you just sit back down I will drew you a bath I say as I  turn the water on. Justin- after talking to the doctor I walk in to her room to find her and Luna Beth gone I can still smell there scent at is wane I hear water running she must need a bath I say to my self as I sit down and take out my phone so I can let my parents now at she is up  after getting off the phone with at wane Luna Beth walks out of the bathroom how is she I ask her. Beth- she is getting a bath right now. Clara- Luna do you mind I say to her. Beth- what do you mean I ask her Clara- I now at you all seen the wounds. Beth- it all right I say as I turn around so she can disrobe after she disrobe ask me to help her in to the tube as I help her in to the tube I see at what Derek told me is true the scars on her back how can they do at to her I ask my self. Clara- thank you Luna I say as I get in the tube man the fell of warm water it must be bring the felling back to my legs your a nice Luna I say to her. Beth- wasn't your last one nice to you I ask her. Clara- no she would never of helped me like you have she would have just pushed me out of that bed and make me crawl wile she kicked me. Beth- oh my I say well you have a new Luna at is nice now I have to go talk to my mate I say as I walk out if the bathroom as I walk out I see Justin sating there after he ask how she is I tell him at she I getting a bath after telling him at I walk out in to the hall to my mate Derek we cant send her back I just seen the scars on her back and she told me at her old Luna would have pushed her out of that bed and make her crawl wile she kicked her. Derek- I now at love but we have rules to follow an lest someone in her old pack can send us the papers at we need too make her a member of are pack then my hands are tied. Beth- I'm sure there is someone at can send us her papers I guesses I will just have to ask her I walk back in to her room and head strait for the bathroom. Clara- I hear a knock at the door come in I say to who ever is knocking at the door I look up to see at is Luna Beth I there something you need I ask her. Beth- is there someone in your old pack at can send us the papers so we can make you a member of are pack. Clara- the only person at I can think of is Dr. Stewart she would have all of my records scenes she is the only person at showed me an kindness next to my brother I have her number mannerized I say to her I can wright it down for you if you like. Beth- no I say as I hand her my phone just dial it for me after she dials it for me I will be right back and with at I walk back out in to the hall and hand it to Derek I walk back in to the bathroom to see her trying to get up you need some help I ask her. Derek- after Beth hands me her phone I press the dial button after I hear someone pick up is this Dr. Stewart I ask. Dr. Stewart- as I sit down my phone starts to ring I look down and see at it is an unknow caller I now at it may be a prank call or it mite be Clara I hope it her after I answer I hear a voices with a commend tone in it most be an Alpha after he ask me who I am I yes I say to him can I ask what this is a blat. Derek- yes we have a girl here named Clara we ware wandering if you can send us her papers. Dr. Stewart- you found her thank the moon goddess she is still alive why do you need her papers I'm just glad she wont have to deal with the people around here but I hate to lose her yes I can send you her papers I guesses you guys have seen her wounds. Derek- yes we have seen them and her mate is mad he wants to come over there and destroy the places I can tell your the only person at cared for her. Dr. Stewart- she fond her mate I'm so glad at she found and yes I have been taking care of her right after she would get hurt or much worst I say to him I will send them right away can I talk to her I ask him. Derek- I'll check as I walk in I see Justin sit across from the bathroom are they still in there I ask he just nod I walk over and knock on the door Beth comes out Dr. Stewart would like to speak to her. Beth- let me check Clara a Dr. Stewart would like to talk to you is at all right I ask her. Clara-Dr. Stewart yes I would like to talk to her as Beth hands my her phone Dr. Stewart I say as I hold the phone up next to me. Dr. Stewart- Clara it is so good to hear from you they have been saying at your dead or some rouges took you but I never believe them. Clara- Roger he took me to the custodian office and had his way with me just like he had with the girls he then had the custodians chain me up with silver and beaten with the silver night sticks he then had Roger and his friends do the something he did to me told them to take me to the western woods and get rid of me at is wane I got away and made it to wait hold on what pack is this I ask Luna Beth. Beth- ware the Blue-moon pack I say to her. Clara- the Blue-moon pack I tell her. Dr. Stewart- there a good pack I say to her so what is your mate name I ask her. Clara- well his name is Justin and I don't now to much of him I say to her and I'm pregnant with Roger child you are not tell anyone at I'm here and about the baby they will just ask them here to send us back you now I can't go back I hear her say at she wont say a thing after talking for a bit I hang up the phone I hand the phone back to Luna Beth thank you I say to her. Beth- after listening to what she want through on her last day with her pack all I want to do is give her a hug for all at she want trough do you need some help getting dress I ask her. Clara- I can handedly it Luna but thank for asking I say as she walks out. Beth- I walk out to the hall I see Derek I go over to him and just cry on his shoulder. Derek- what is wrong I ask her. Beth- I just listened to Clara tell Dr. Stewart all at happened to her on her last day with her old pack the stuff they did to her is just wrong. Derek- I now I seen the wounds and scars. Dr. Stewart - after getting off the phone with Clara I go over to my desk and pull up her file and send it to the Blue-moon pack I hope she has a good life there. Clara- as I finish getting dress I look in the mirror after I get done looking at my self in the mirror I walk out to see Justin and a lot of food waiting for me are you going to have some I ask him. Justin- this is all for you doctor orders I say to her as she walks over to her bed. Clara- as I get to my bed this food smell wonderfully ware should I start after looking at it for a bit I deiced on the chicken after eating it I move on to the some of the meatloaf who ever said hospital food is the worst is so wrong after finishing all of it I look over to Justin they never let me have this much at my old pack. Justin- just wait till you get out of here my mom makes the best roast in the pack I tell her. Clara- we would like at I say to him are you going to reject me for being a runt. Justin- why would she ask me at no I will not reject you I will never reject you I say to her. Clara- I like the sound of at can I ask you something. Justin- sure whatever just ask. Clara- after I have the baby can you train me crap I haven't ask you what it is at you do. Justin- well I'm the fourth so that means at I'm head of all training around the pack scenes I took over the role from my father I travel to packs at ask for are help in training there warriors and yes I will train you but why do you want me to train you. Clara- I don't want him or her to think at I'm weakling. Justin- your not a weakling you are strong you ware able to get away from your old pack and make it here. Clara- I guesses your right it just they all way told me at I was the runt of the pack and at is what I will always be. Justin- they are wrong. Clara- Dr. Stewart told me at Roger is telling everyone at I'm dead or some rouges took me I bet my parents are glad at I'm gone all they will have to wearier about is my older brother beside Dr. Stewart he never laid a hand on me or hurt me. Justin- you have an older brother I have a little sister she is at lest three years young then you if I may ask hale old are you. Clara- I turned 16 four weeks ago I hope at not a problem. Justin- well in five weeks I turn nineteen so at may be a problem if we ware in the human world but not around here after you get out of here my mom and sister can take you shopping for some more clothes and you should see my places. Clara- that sound like a good idea and don't take this the wrong way but I have someone also to take care I just need to stand on my own two feet first. Justin- your right well how about this we try and take things slow for a bit I ask her. Clara- at sounds good to me do you now if there are an job opening. Justin- there are some but you don't have to wearier I will take care of you both. Clara- but like you said there are going to be time ware you have to go and help train a pack what am I to do wale your gone. Justin- first think tomorrow I will talk to Alpha Derek and see what is available have you thought about going to the pack school. Clara- I haven't thought about at. Justin- I'm sure you would have a good time. Clara- if you think I will have a good time then I will go do you think I will make some friends I ask him. Justin- I now so I do have one more question do you have a driver license. Clara- no my parents' told me at I would make a terrible driver so they never taught me to drive. Justin- I'm sure you a great driver I will teach you along with my parents will also help. Mr. Allen- after I get off the phone with Justin well she is up I say to them. Mr. Allen- oh I'll  make her something I bet she is starving after making her a plat we head over to the pack hospital as we walk in we see Justin talking to her Justin sweetie aren't you going to interradius us to your mate. Justin- mom, dad this is Clara I say to them. Mr. and Mrs. Allen- it nice to meet you Clara we say to her. Mrs. Allen- oh here I made you a plat in case your hungry I say as I hand her the plat. Justin- mom I didn't now you ware going to make her a plat my mom is one of the best cooks here I say to her. Clara- thank you I say as I take the plat it look lovely I say to her. Mrs. Allen- why thank you I look over at Justin I see a look on his faces at says he needs to talk us why don't we give her some spaces after we all walk out to the hall what is it at you need to say son. Justin- well there is no good way to say this the Alpha son had his way with her be for she fled her pack and she is pregnant. Mrs. Allen- oh my is she going to keep the baby I ask. Mr. Allen- you now this child will be apart of both of your lives. Justin- I now dad and I plan on being there all the way ware going to take things slow an till after she has the baby I'm going to be there for this child despite the fact at him or her real father is a pieces of shit. Mrs. Allen- to think two weeks ago you found your mate and now your doth going to parents and us grandparents. Mr. Allen- the two of us grandparents ware here if you both need us.  Justin- she plans on it and she is asking if there are any jobs. Mr. Allen- don't she now at you will take care of them. Justin- she knows at I guesses she thinks if some thing comes up and I'm not there. Clara- after eating I look over at the all the plats I most have been hungry I guesses all at food has made me sleepy I don't want to fall a sleep not with out Justin can you come here I ask him. Justin- after my folks leave I hear Clara asking for me yes I say as I walk back in to her room. Clara- can you lay here next me so I can go to sleep. Justin- I can lay here for as long as you need me to I say as I get in next to her as I curly up next to her after two weeks I get to hold her this way, I told my parents the news and there here for us I say to her. Clara- you told them ware they mad. Justin- no my mom is proud and I think my dad is a well I think I saw a smile on his faces. Clara- hearing him say at his parent are glad I let the tears flow. Justin- I see Clara crying what's wrong. Clara- your parents have only know we for a few hours and they want to be apart of this child life even though this child not yours, my parents would have told me at I brought shame to my family and pack they would have kicked me out and then disown me and there grandchild. Justin- well I'm here and so is my family, I'll be here all the way. Clara- thank you I know with what happened. Justin- are you asking if I'll love this child if at the case I'll love him or her as if they are my own pup. Clara- your going to make a great father. Homer- as me and Jackie leave the pack hospital I see Thea hanging out with her friends as we make our way over to them Thea we need to talk to you I say to her as her friends leave. Thea- what do you need to talk to me about. Jackie- we just left the hospital and your brother mate just woke up her name is Clara and there is something also. Thea- what is it I ask them. Homer- I set down next to her she is pregnant with an Alpha child. Thea- what dose at mean I ask. Homer- the Alpha son at her old pack had his way with her ageist her will and before you ask he didn't reject her he is right now spending time with her plus you and your mom are going to take her shopping wane she gets out. Thea- so I'll have a nephew or nieces in seven months if memory serves right. Jackie- yes dear. Thea- can I go and visit her now I ask them. Homer- no I think they want some alone time but we will go and see them tomorrow just remember she has been throw a lot so be carefully I say to her.

the next day 

Clara- I wake to Athena felling happy then I remember yesterday I roll over to see my mate I let out a little giggle to think I found my mate and at he accepted what happened to me and at he wants to be apart of the pup at I'm caring life. Justin- the last two weeks waking up cross from my mate and after yesterday I get to be with her, good morning my love you hungry this morning. Clara- yes I am I say as I get up from my Hospital bed. Justin- alright I say as she heads to the bathroom I go and let the nurses know at she up. Clara- after doing my business and getting a shower all I can think about is at I'm going to be a mom I'm going have to drop out of school and give up on wanting to be a teacher I'm going to love this pup now no matter what as I get out and dressed and walk out to Justin waiting for me. Justin- your breakfast will be here soon I say to her as she walk out of the bathroom, I see a sad look on her face what wrong. Clara- wale I was in the shower I relished at I'm going to haft to drop out of school to support this little one and my self. Justin- I feel Apollo get a bit sad, don't drop out of school I sure my parents will watch him or her wale your at school and at work. Clara- what about your sister. Justin- I'm sure she will love him or her too I say as I pull out of my phone I ask my parents to bring her by before she goes to school so you can meet her. Jackie- as I get up I see at Justin has sent me a text saying at there up and if it okay if we can bring Thea by before school I let him now at we will bring her by, Homer wake up Justin wants us to bring Thea by before school so she can meet Clara. Homer- well I'll  go and make breakfast wale you wake her up I say as I get out of bed. Justin- as they bring Clara food in to her I get a text from my mom saying at there going to bring her by I look up there going to bring her by. Derek- after working all night on Clara papers normally I would just call her old Alpha but circuses have it, look at her grads I say as I hand the paper on her school work. Beth- as I take the papers and look at them your right if she goes to the packs school she could graduate on the honor roll hell if she want to go to one of the packs collages with these grads she could get a scholarship. Derek- your right I say as I finish signing the last paper making her a member of this pack let Ben now at tomorrow will intrudes her to the pack. Beth- will do I'll head over and let them know you go and get some sleep. Derek- yes dear I say as I get up. Clara- as I set down are you going to eat. Justin- I will but first you. Clara- as I eat I think this is the first morning ware Athena was happy I know the two of us have never had at. Justin- I see a smile on Clara face what got you so happy. Clara- the fact at this morning is the first time Athena has been the most happy scenes the day we met ware she been happy waking up and you are the reason why just having you next to me has made her happy. Justin- so at why you ware giggling wane you woke up. Clara- yes and to think I found you as I eat and talk we hear a knock at the door they sure got here fast. Justin- I don't think at my parents they would have texted at the ware here first I say as I get up and open the door to see Luna Beth come in Luna. Beth- thank you Justin I see at your both up first off let me be the first one to say welcome to your new pack Clara I say to her. Clara- I'm a part of this pack now I ask my new Luna. Beth- yes you are and you will be intrudes to the pack tomorrow. Clara- ok Luna. Beth- wane you get out of here Derek will have someone show you to your new room. Clara thank you Luna Beth. Justin- Beth ware waiting on my parents there going to bring Thea by so her and Clara can meet. Beth- I'll leave you to alone then I say as I leave. Justin- well looks like your now a member of this pack I say as I kiss her check. Homer- after we all eat you ready to see your brother mate I ask as we head out the door. Thea- yes dad I am. Homer- good I say as we get in to my truck and head to the pack hospital, as we get there I text him at ware here. Justin- I look at my phone and see at I have a text from my dad there hear I tell Clara as she sets up. Clara- at good to hear i say as I play with my hands. Justin- I see her playing with her hand it will be okay I say as I place my hand on hers. Homer- you will get to see her after school so don't take to long I say as I knock on the door to Clara room. Justin- come in I say to them. Thea- bro I say as I rush up to him and hug I look over and see his mate Clara hi I'm Thea I say with my hand out starched. Clara-I'm Clara Lynn Martin I say as I shack her hand. Justin- good mom dad can I talk to you both. Jackie- sure son I ask as we head out in to the hall way. Justin- well we ware talking this morning and Clara is thinking of dropping out of school so she can take care of the baby and I was wandering do you to mind watching the little pup after he or she is born. Homer- well of course we can right dear it is are first grandpup. Jackie- he right we will watch the pup and wane I drop your sister off at school I'll go in and get the papers to enroll her have you two heard from Alpha Derek or Luna Beth about her joining the pack. Justin- we have Beth came by a little wale ago and told us at Clara is now apart of the pack she will be intrudes to the pack tomorrow. Thea- after everyone walks out I turn to Clara so what do you like to do. Clara- well wane I was not being beaten up I would read and at lest some studying and cooking. Thea- what about shopping I ask. Clara- I bow my head in shame no I've never been shopping like at I say as I cry. Justin- I hear Clara crying as I rush in to the room what wrong. Clara- I look up at Justin and try to say the words. Thea- she never been shopping like what me and mom do I say to Justin as he holds Clara. Justin- it alright I understand I say as I hold her. Clara- you sure I say as he holds me. Jackie- what is it I ask as we walk in to her room. Justin- Clara never been shopping like what you and Thea do. Jackie- oh sweetie it is alright wane the doctor says your free to go me and Thea will take you ok. Clara- you sure Mrs. Allen I ask as I wipe the tears away. Jackie- yes and call me Jackie your apart of this family. Clara- nearly a half a day here and I'm part of Justin family, what about my pup I ask them. Jackie- he or she is apart of this family too I say to her. Homer- well it's about time we get your sister to school. Thea- ah I say as we go to leave see you this afternoon Clara it was nice meeting you. Clara- your sister scenes like a fun person. Justin- she is so tell me about your brother. Clara- Jay he was there wane I need him to be he made sure I got looked after wane my parents or someone in the pack would beat me up he would take me to Dr. Stewart if I was to hurt to bad. Justin- hope I get to meet him someday. Clara- you would like him and he would like you as well. Jackie- as we drop Thea off I head in to the main office. Thea- mom you don't have to follow me in. Jackie- I'm not following you in I have to go to the main office and get the papers to enroll Clara in here, as I get the papers I head back to the car so ware to next I ask Homer as I get in. Homer- I'm going down to the training ground and let Harry now the new and watch over the training sessions. Jackie- just don't tell him about the baby let Justin and Clara tell him just think in seven months we will have are first grandpup. Homer- ya I think Clara is worried at we want accept the pup, ah just think Halloween thanksgiving and Christmas there will be a little pup running around the house. Jackie- and don't forget the rest of the year. Homer- your right I say, as we get to the the training grounds we should get her a phone I sat as I get out of the car you going to stay or head back to the house. Jackie- I'll stay for a bit it been a long time scenes I seen a training session. Homer- as we walk down I see Harry I wave him over to us. Harry- I see Homer waving me over as I jug over what up I ask him. Homer- good new she awake and her name is Clara. Harry- at is good news is there anything also I need to know I ask them. Homer- there is but it there place to tell you, you should bring May by as well it will help Clara a bit. Harry- okay I'll let her now. Clara- do you think Dr. Jorden will let me go outside. Justin- I'm sure he will we will ask him wane he comes for your check up I say as there a knock at the door. Dr. Jorden- as I walk in so how are you this morning Clara I hear ware you have some visitors already. Clara- a bit better I say to him. Dr. Jorden- at good to hear I say as I check her vitals, your vitals are better today I have this pamphlet for you we have these for any human at maybe mated to one of us but this one is for those having an Alpha child I say as I hand it to her. Justin- hey doc Clara was wandering if it ok for her to go outside to day. Dr. Jorden- she can but how are your legs. Clara- there a bit fine they did hurt a bit wale I was getting my shower this morning. Dr. Jorden- well a few days from now they should feel fine but I do want you in a wheelchair just for to day. Clara- ok doctor what about wane I start school. Dr. Jorden- well no to much physical activity I look over at Justin are you going to be training her if you are I want you to stop around the fifth month I say to him I look back at Clara then the rest of your pregnancy to take it easy. Clara- ok and work. Dr. Jorden-same thing and I will talk you your boss about it and I'm writing you some prescription's for you there noting to strong take them for the week it will help you get better and how is your wolf doing. Clara- she a bit better but she is still in pain. Dr. Jorden- well Alpha Derek told me at wane she want to change back at her back leg looked broken and is she healing you both. Clara- yes she is should she stop. Dr. Jorden- yes she need to forces on healing her self she needs to be strong. Clara- I nod my head (Clara you hear at, Athena yes I understand our pup will need us both healthy, Clara your right) she understand I say to him. Dr. Jorden- good and I want you to wait a week before starting school. Clara- ok wane can I leave the hospital. Dr. Jorden- around 10:30 tomorrow ok. Justin- sound good to me it will give me chance to show you around. Clara- sound good to me after Dr. Jorden leave we spend some time getting to now one an other. Justin- after talking to Clara for a bit well I have to go and see Alpha Derek about your job. Clara- ok as Justin leaves I curly up and cry. Unknown Nurse- as I walk by one of the room I hear crying I walk in what wrong. Clara- I look up at the nurse my mate will have to rise an other wolfs pup and at I'm no longer pure for him I say as I cry. Unknown Nurse- has your mate rejected you or told you to give the pup up for adoption. Clara- no he hasn't, he seemed happy at the news and a bit mad at what happened to me and his family wants to be apart of the pup life. Unknown Nurse- there you go he loves you and understands what happened to you. Justin- as I get to the Packhouse I head to strait to Alpha Derek office. Derek- I hear a knock at my door come in I say to who ever on the other side. Justin- as I head in can we talk I ask as I set down. Derek- sure but make it I quick still need to get some more sleep. Justin- Clara was wandering if there ware any jobs avloibly. Derek- there are two one in the kitchen and the other one is on the cleaning staff just let me now with one she wants to go with. Justin- I'll do just at, after talking to Alpha Derek for a bit I leave and head back to the pack hospital as I walk in to Clara room I see her crying what wrong. Clara- I just missed you I say as I wipe away the tears knowing at not true. Justin- ok I say as I set down well I talked to Alpha Derek and he said at there two openings one on the cleaning staff and the other one is in the kitchen. Clara- there both go jobs I say to my self can I work on both of them I ask. Justin- I'm sure at can be arranged. Clara- wane can we go outside I ask. Justin- I look at my phone adn see at it about lunch time I'll have send your food at to one of the tables I say as I pull the wheelchair up to her bed so she can get in. Clara- as I get in Justin push me out the room as we get near the Nurse station he tells them to send my lunch out to one of the tables as we get to the front I see the gift shop and a cute stuffed animal and then a sad face as I relies I have no money and try not to let Justin see. Justin- as we pass the gift shop I see Clara looking in there and away there most be something in there at she likes, as we get outside I see a smile on her face. Clara- as we get outside I feel the warmth from the sun hit me god it feel so nice to be out in the sun light can I ask you something. Justin- sure I say to her. Clara- can we dance I say as I get up. Justin- we can do you have a song in mine I say as I put my phone on the table. Clara- I do I say as I type it in. Justin- have you picked out a song I ask her. Clara- I have Rhett Atkins she said yes I say as I take his hands I've never been given the chance I say as we dance. Justin- let this be the first of many I say as we dance, after we get done dancing I see at we have a crowed. Clara- I see a crowed around us I feel a bit scared. Justin- after showing everyone away it ok ok I say to Clara knowing at she a bit scared. Clara- as everyone leave I see one of the nurse bring my lunch as he sets it down, as I go to eat I see a couple come with two little pups I look over at Justin. Harry- as me and May go to inter the hospital we see Justin and his mate Clara at one of the tables, Justin are you going to intrudes us to your mate. Justin- Clara this is Harry and his mate May and there little one's you now we may half to have some play dates in the near future I say to the them. Harry- you mean Justin what ware you doing. Justin- it not like at you know me harry I would never. Clara- my old Alpha son had his way with me I say knowing that there pups arounds. Harry- at is wrong I sat to them, so at why your dad told me at I should bring may with me. May- I set down next to Clara it going to be ok me and Jackie know what ware doing so if you ever need any help ware there for you. Clara- thank you May I say to her. May- wane it time me and Jackie will be there to help you plan the baby shower. harry- as are mates talk so you parents now then at the pup not your right. Justin- they do and they want to be apart of the pup life they even agreed to watch the pup wale Clara at school and work. harry- don't she now at you going to take care of her. Justin- yes she does but she wants to make her own money I say as I see Clara hold Harry and May young's one she look so natural. harry- she does and has your dad told wane he going to start your training. Justin- not yet but soon. May- she like you Clara and there are so few people she likes. Harry- she don't even like Justin she cry every time he holds her. May- he right Julia like you see the look on her face. Clara- she look so happy I say as I hold her, after talking to harry and May I hand Julia back to May. Justin- as they leave did you have fun and you ware a natural back there I say as she eats her lunch. Clara- I didn't think so I say as I eat my lunch. Justin- you did after we eat our lunch back inside I say to her. Clara- but it so nice out I as I get back in to my wheelchair. Justin- as I push Clara back in I steer us to the gift shop what did you see in here as we headed out. Clara- there a stuffed animal in there at looks cute. Justin point it out to me and I'll get for you as she points it out I go and pay for it as I give it to her the smile on her face. Clara- as Justin hands me the stuffed Bear I hug it with a smile as he push me back to my room I get up wale holding my teddy dear at was fun. Justin- it was and what do you like to do in your free time. Clara- as I set on the bed I would read and stuff. Justin- sounds like fun you will like my front porch and as well my deck wane the sun hit it in the evening.

Jackie- after getting Clara a phone we head to the school. Homer- as Jackie goes to get out I look the papers wait there is one thing we missed. Jackie- what at I ask him. Homer- right here ware not her parents even those she is a member she will need a guardian. Jackie- your right I'm sure Alpha Derek and Luna Beth will enplane to them at we are her new guardians. Homer- I sure they can but if not I say as we sign the papers, as we walk in I hand them the paper wale Jackie tells them at ware here to pick up Thea and sign her out. Thea- as I get to the front office mom tells me at her and dad have to talk with the principle. Homer- after talking to the principle me and Jackie and Thea head to the pack Hospital. Thea- I run in to Clara room I see at she have a stuffed bear ware did you get it I ask her. Clara- your brother got it for me I say to her I look over at Justin parents am I in rolled at the pack school. Homer- you are there was one thing in order for you to be in rolled  you needed a guardian. Clara- so who is my guardian I ask them. Jackie- we talked it over with the principle and we are going to be your guardians an till your eighteen I say to her. Thea- Clara me and mom talked about this on the way over here tomorrow afternoon after I get out of school the three of us are going shopping at the local mall I say to her. Homer- so what have you two been up to after we left did Harry and May come by I ask him. Justin- they did and Julia like her I say. Homer- I burst out laughing so she like Clara but not you I ask him. Justin- yes dad she like Clara. Jackie- what got you laughing I ask them. Homer- Julia like Clara more then Justin. Clara- I hear them laughing and talking about me, Justin did I do something wrong. Justin- no I was just telling about early wale you ware holding Julia and how she likes you. Clara- I breath a shy of relief at that what there talking about, so did they tell you what my class will be. Jackie- no they didn't. Clara- ok I go back to talking to Thea. Homer- as Clara and Thea talk well starting tomorrow your training will began we will start after your mom and sister take Clara shopping. Justin- alright I say to him I'll get her some money tomorrow before I come over here. Homer- your not staying tonight. Justin- I have something to do at home and stuff, as everyone leave I set down next to her and take a deep breath we need to talk about how ware going to raise this pup. Clara- hearing Justin ask how ware we going to raise this pup what do you mean I ask him. Justin- like how do you want to raise this pup I say as place my hand on hers. Clara- so you don't want me to get rid of him or her. Justin- never I no it would hurt you and the pup, what I'm saying is at what ever go you with on raising this pup I will stand by you. Clara- so you don't want me to give the him or her up for adoption I see him shake his no and tell me at he is here for me, so what ever I say on training you will obey what I say. Justin- yes if you want to have them start till there six then I want push it I say as her dinner come in. Homer- as we leave I remember at I still haven't gave Clara her phone I'll be right back I say to them as I get back to her room I see one of the nurse leaving  as I walk in I  see at she about to eat I forget to give this to you I say as I hand her phone to her. Clara- I look at it my own phone I say to my self thank you. Homer- your welcome I already programed our numbers in as well as Justin's and Thea's. Justin- I take Clara phone and add her number in to my phone and give it back to her. Clara s Justin hands me my phone back I see the camera app I smile as I take Justin picture. Justin- oh why you just take my picture I ask her. Clara- I wanted your picture I say to him as I go to eat my dinner. Justin- as Clara eat I get up I have to head home I say to her. Clara- why did I do something wrong. Justin- no I just have to get some work done and clear up some space for your stuff for wane you stay over and the last two months of  your pregnancy's your staying with me. Clara- ok I as I take a bit of my food, after Justin leaves I curl up with the bear Justin got me he wants me to keep my pup I say to my self. Justin- after leaving the pack Hospital  I head strait home as I walk through the front door after two weeks I head to my office and pull out my laptop adn get to work on some papers and training schedules as I get done with at I scroll over to the pack day-care site an print out a resume for Clara just in case she wants to send the pup to day-care, as I lean back I hear the front door open who is this I say to my self. Homer- as I walk in I head strait for Justin office as I walk in to his office. Justin- dad what are you doing here I ask him. Homer- just coming over to have a talk with you without your mom or Clara around I see him nod his head, you know some people will talk and at Clara will get picked on at the school. Justin- I know we even talked at about how ware going to raise the pup what she say will go. Homer- as I set I see a pieces of paper on his desk as I grab it and see at it for the pack day-care you going to send the pup to the pack day-care I ask him. Justin- it not set in stone it just in case Clara want to send him or her there and it would be good for him or her to be around other pups I see the look on his face as I say at. Homer- you now some of the other pups will pick on him or her. Justin- I know dad I haven't talked to Clara about it just yet. Homer- you both should but it not your mom and mine places to tell you too. Clara- after an hour after Justin left I buzz one of the nurse as she walks in  can I go to the nursery I ask, as we get there I look at all the little pups then down to the one I have I hope you like your step-father for your real father is a monster but your not going to be like him as I get back to my room I turn the tv on and see if there anything on. Homer- so what are you going to do near the end of her pregnancy's. Justin- I told her at she going to stay here I just don't want her at the Packhouse with all those stairs. Homer- smart move. Justin- I know and let mom know to make sure Clara picks some clothes for here and the other stuff. Homer- so have you two talked about having more pups. Justin- no we haven't dad you know what she just been through and I don't even know if she wants to have any more. Homer- well your right but do you want pups. Justin- yes dad and this one will need some one to play with after ware mated and before you ask it will be after she has this pup, after talking to my dad for a bit he leave and I head to my room and start making room for Clara clothes in both the closest and in my dresser as I get done I get dress for bed. Clara- as I get dress and curl in to bed I grab my bear and watch a movies on tv for a bit the fact at Justin scent is on the bear at make me feel clam.

the next day

Justin- I wake up early as I look out the window I see at it just about dawn I grab a quick a shower as I get done and dressed I make my self a quick breakfast and head to the nears Wal-Mart so I can get Clara a Laptop after picking one out and paying  for it I get some money out for Clara to spend at the mall I head back home and get to work on setting everything up for her. Clara- I wake up after the bad dreams I had last night to see at I'm in a safe places and at Justin will be here some time this morning as I get out of bed I head strait for the bathroom today I leave here as I get my shower I start thinking dose Justin wane pups after this one I know he is going to be part of this pup life as I get done and get dressed I walk to to see at my breakfast is already here and no sign of Justin so I start eating. Justin- as I get done setting up Clara laptop I hear a knock at the door come in. Jackie- as I walk in your dad dropping your sister off so what do you think ware at the mall Clara will like to shop at Justin- I don't know but make sure she get stuff for here. Jackie- alright you get a new laptop something wrong with yours. Justin- nothing wrong with this is Clara I figure she would need one for school and stuff. Jackie- I see so do you think she up by now. Justin- I sure she is. Clara- as I get done eating I look at the pamphlets at Doctor Jorden gave me. Dr. Jorden- as I get to Clara room one of the nurse meets me as we walk in I see her reading one of the pamphlets at I gave her yesterday, so how are you this morning Clara I ask her. Clara- glad at I get out of here today I tell him. Dr. Jorden- how did you sleep last night. Clara- I had some bad dreams are you going to tell Justin. Dr. Jorden- no I want tell him but you should tell him. Clara- I'm not sure if I should he doing so much for me I don't want him to ware him about it. Dr. Jorden- alright I want tell him. Clara- thank you doctor wane will I get my hospital bill. Dr. Jorden- don't wear about it Alpha Derek has token care of it and just so you know at I'm yours and Justin doctor. Clara- what do you wane about it. Dr. Jorden- I'm in charge of seeing to the pack top four and there mates and family. Clara- oh ok is there anything else you need to tell me. Dr. Jorden- not much I'll go and fill out your release papers. Jackie- I look at the time you better get over to the hospital. Justin- your right do you need a ride home mom. Jackie- no I'll walk. Justin- alright just let dad now I say as I grab the laptop as we walk out the door here the money for wane you guys go shopping. Beth- as I walk in to our office I see a package with my name on it as I look at it I see at it at it from Dr. Stewart I guess she looked up my number and sent this to me I see at there a letter for me as I read it as I get done I pick it up and head to the hospital to deliver. Justin- as I get to the pack hospital I head to Clara room with her laptop in hand she going to like it as I get to her room I see Dr. Jorden leaving her room. Dr. Jorden- as I leave Clara room I see Justin she fine I'll have her release papers done soon I say to him. Justin- as I walk in I see her in bed reading one of the pamphlets I have something for you I say as she jumps a little. Clara- I look up Justin you scared I say with a putty face. Justin- sorry I got you something I say as I hold up the case. Clara- I get out of bed what did you get me I ask him. Justin- oh something for school and stuff I say as I hand it to her. Clara- as I open the case I see at it's a laptop Justin you did have to. Justin- well I did and everything is already set up for you to use. Clara- as I look it over I cant help but think of how amazing he is, I look up at him as I put my laptop Justin there something I want to tell you. Justin- what is it. Clara- I know I have seven moths to think about this but I want you in the delivery room with me wane I have the baby. Justin- I'm honor at you want me but you should think of having a back up just in case like my mom or Luna Beth I'm sure they would be honor wale. Beth- as I walk in to Clara room I hear my name be said what would I be honored to do I ask them. Justin- I turn around to see Luna Beth standing there and asking what she would be honor to do, Clara wants me in the delivery room with her wane she has the baby I told her to have a back up which being you or my mom just in case Luna. Beth- i would be honored to be there with you Clara but before you make up your mind on your back up talk to Jackie first I say to her as she nods her head oh this came for you I say as I hand her package to her it from Dr. Stewart. Clara- I wander what she sent me I say as I open to see at it my book I was reading I see a note on top of it as I read it I tear up a bit as I get to the end she tells me to open ware I left off as I open to ware I left off I see at she put some money in there for me I break down crying. Justin- I hate to see Clara crying what wrong I ask as I hug her. Clara- it Dr. Stewart she sent some money for me to get started here. Justin- how much did she send you. Clara- she sent me nine hundred dollars why do you ask. Justin- well I gave my mom at lest four hundred to my mom to get you stuff you need. Beth- as I look over face and arms your going to need to cover up those bruises so people want stare wane you out later. Clara- your right Luna I say as I look at my arms and see at they will need coving up. Beth- I'll cover them up for you after your inter dosed to the pack. Clara- thank you Luna. bath- your welcome Clara I'll leave you too alone and get your things packed up. Justin- as Beth leave alright you just set there and I'll pack your clothes up. Clara- no I don't want you to see my underweare I say as I get up and do it. Justin- alright I say to her as Dr. Jorden walk in with Clara discharge papers and hands them to me. Clara- as I walk out of the bathroom I see Dr. Jorden talking to Justin what are you to talking about I ask them. Justin- you ready I ad her and we ware talking about you all good stuff. Clara- yes I ready I say as I pick up the rest of my stuff and follow Justin outside wale holding on to his arm. Justin- as I get to my truck I open the door for her. Clara - as I get in to Justin truck and close the door I wait for him to get in. Justin- as I get and start my truck if you ever want to talk about what happened I'm here. Clara- ok and can I ask why. Justin- Dr. Jorden thinks it would be good for you. Clara- ok I say as I hold my teddy dear., as we drive throw the pack I see the people and how the pack looks like. Justin- like what you see. Clara- yes I do, I tighten my hold on my teddy bear as I look over at Justin it started just after lunch I was heading to my next class wane I bumped in to him and then he graded me and dragged me to the custodian office he told to go and get the silver night stick  after they left he pulled out a gag. Justin- as Clara tell me what happened my anger starts boiling. Clara- as he walked over to me I thought I was going to die so I jumped at him claws out I got him on the left hand  at is wane he grab me again and ripped off my and then slammed on the desk ( I say as the tear flow down my face) and at wane her raped me. Justin- as I pull in to the driveway I go to her side and carrier her inside and set down on the couch wale holding her. Clara- after he got done he open the door and let the custodians back in and told the to have fun with every hit I cried and screamed after they done at wane he called his friends in to the room and let them rape me as well and he told them to get rid of me in the western woods they dragged me throw the school and stuff wane we got to the western woods at is wane we got a way from them, as I finish telling him everything tear are just flowing down my face. Justin- all I want to do is go there and beat everyone of them up for hurting my mate as I run my hand down her back she slaps it away. Clara- as I wipe away the tears I feel Justin hand on my back and slap it away sorry I say to him it just I have been wiped with silver so some of the scars will never heal. Justin- I am fighting so hard, after taking a very deep breath do you want to see my house. Clara- I would I say as I look up and around and see just how he has his living room as I get up. Justin- how about my office I say as I take her hand. Clara- at would be nice I say to him as we walk in I see just how set up it. Justin- as I set Clara down I grab the application for Clara and hand it to her it for the pack day-care. Clara- as I look it over are your parent still want to watch my pup. Justin- they still do it just for he or she get a bit older and it would be good for him or her to be around the other pups, there is one things I want to talk about you now at him or her may be picked on right. Clara- I have thought of about it and I will think this over. Justin- as I show her the rest of my places I see at it about time to head to the Packhouse you ready. Clara- yes as we head back to his truck the upper part of my back is ware they are located I say as I get in. Justin- as I get in alright I say to her, as we get to the Packhouse I led Clara to Alpha Derek office so Beth can do her thing. Beth- as Justin and Clara walk in you ready I ask her. Clara- I am I say as I set down. Beth- good I say as I set down in front of her and apply the make-up to her arms and around her face there I say as I hold up a mirror so she can see. Clara- thanks Luna I say to her. Beth- alright you two I say as we stand up and head out the door. Clara- as we get to the dinning hall as Justin and Beth tell me at ware I will be introduce to the pack. Justin- as we get there me and Clara go back stage and wait how are you holding up I ask her. Clara- a bit nervine what if they don't accept me or my baby. Justin- I'm sure they will accept you too your my mate. Clara- yes I am but it not your baby. Justin- Clara it will be ok I say as I hold her as Alpha Derek talks to the pack.  

Clara- after Alpha Derek introduce me and tell them about what happen to me and at I'm pregnant I see some shake there heads and say that is a shame what happened I feel the link to my old pack disappear and a new link to my new pack form in it places. Justin- I see the smile on Clara faces as she is accepted in to the pack, as we walk off the stage see what did I tell you. Clara- your right I say to him as we head over to his parents. Homer- you ready son I ask him. Justin- yes dad and have fun Clara and remember to get stuff for my places.  Clara- I will I say as I head off with his mom as we get to there car and get in we head to the pack school. Jackie- as we get to the school I look over and see Clara taking in how big the school I'll be right back I say to her. Clara- alright I say to her as she goes in to get Thea, goddess I told Justin what happened now he going to think this pup going to be just like Roger I say my self ( Athena he doesn't he going to love this pup, Clara you sure about at, Athena he loves us Clara- yes but he got very mad as I told him what happen to us, Athena your right but  he did not kick us out or told us to get rid of our pup, Clara- ok). Jackie- after signing Thea out and waiting for her we head back to my car. Thea- Clara you ready I ask her. Clara- sorry I was talking to my wolf what did you ask. Thea- I asked are you ready to go shopping. Clara- yes Justin told me to get some things for his place as well. Thea- at my big brother for you take the fun out of shopping. Clara- as we get to the mall I see how big it is. Jackie- after parking so what do you think. Clara- it big I say as we get out and head inside we look at in informant sign I see at they have a baby store. Jackie- there some clothing stores over this way I say as we head at way. Clara- as they walk to the stores I head to the baby store, as I get there I find a beech and set down wale looking at the store. Jackie- so Clara which one do you want to hit first I say as I turn around and see at she at see is not there ware did she go. Thea- I don't know mom I was following you. Jackie- ok I say as I try to stay clam and mind link her. Clara- as I set there I feel some one trying to mind link me( Clara- yes I say to who ever it is, Jackie- oh thanks goddess ware are you I ask, Clara- I found this store and it in other way at you and Thea want, Jackie- ok ware on are way) as I close the mind link I wait for them. Jackie- come on I say to Thea as we get to ware Clara is setting oh you had me worried I say as I run up to her. Clara- as Jackie comes up to me I wait for her to yell at me. Jackie- I run up and hug her I thought someone kidnaped or worse. Clara- I sorry I say as I hang my head down I just wanted to see if sign was true. Jackie- what store was at. Clara- a baby store. Jackie- we can go and have a look around if you want. Clara- no I want to wait and see what I'm having first. Jackie- I know how you feel know let go and do some shopping. Clara- ok I say as I get up and follow them. Jackie- after heading back to the store, Alright first off what is your size. Clara- about between a medium and large I say to her. Jackie- alright I say as I start looking at some dress Thea will take you and pick out some shirts. Thea- alright I say as I go through the racks of shirts and pick out some. Clara- as Thea hands me shirts I wait for her to get done and go and try them on, as I put them on and see how they look on me put the ones I like in a pile and the ones I don't like. Thea- as Clara come out of the changing room I see at one of the piles has a lot in it those the one you like. Clara- no they just felt a bit small. Jackie- it alright I say as I come up to them with some dresses now I want you to think about this but do you want to go to prom I say as I hand her the dresses. Clara- as I look at the dress I see some at I like and some at I don't as I try the ones at I like on it would be nice to go to prom. Jackie- so how do you like them I ask her. Clara- they fit well I say as I look over of the last one, as I walk out these are the ones I like. Thea- you sure about the rest I say as I see the pile in the changing room. 

Homer- alright I say as Justin breaks another punching bag what got you so mad at the fifth punching bag and don't get me started on the rest of the training equipment. Justin- Dr. Jorden thought it would do Clara some good to talk about what happened and she did what they did to her I had to fight to keep Apollo under control and wane I want to put my hand on her back she told me at she has scares over the top part of her and some of them was with silver so they will never heal. Homer- I can see why at got you so worked up much I say as we take break. Justin- it just how are we to tell this pup and our own at there mother has scares on her back and stuff. Homer- after talking for a bit well back to training. Jackie- ok Clara now at we got you some dress and shirts, how about you know I ask as motion with my hands. Clara- I'm not very comfier with at, I never been comfortable with my body and I don't think I ever will. Jackie- I sure you will love your body someday I say as we start on getting her some more clothes after getting Clara all the clothes she needs how about we get some thing to eat. Thea- sounds go to me mom. Clara- yes I say as we head to the food court. Jackie- Clara you get to pick I say to her. Clara- as I look at all places how about Pizza hut I say to them. Jackie- sound good to me I say as we head in and get our food. Clara- after we all get our food and I get a large pizza. Thea- did my brother not let you get something to eat. Clara- he made me a sandwich plus all I have had to eat was from the hospital and your cooking Mrs. Allen. Thea- wait till you try dad cooking I say to her. Clara- I'll look forward to it. Jackie- as we get done with lunch ok next off we need to get your school supplies and some stuff for Justin places. Clara- ok I seen an FYE wale we ware walking. Jackie- you want to get some movies for his place I take it. Clara- yes scenes later in the   pregnancy' I'll be at Justin with him so he can take care of me. Jackie- sounds like the right choose we don't need you walking up and down those steppes. Homer- as we get done with the first day of training well I'll say this wane your grandpa put me throw this I did not destroy half of the training equipment. Justin- your right I say as I look around the gym I wander how the girls are on there shopping trip. Homer- knowing your mom and sister I'm sure they bought her a lot of stuff. Clara- as I walk in to FYE I start picking out some movies at I like after getting done and paying I go and get some books. Jackie- as Clara walks up you get everything you need. Clara- yes. Jackie- alright I say to them as we head to my car are next stop is Wal-Mart as we get there and get Clara her school stuff we head back to the Packhouse. Justin- as we get done for the day I head home and grab a quick shower as I check my phone and see at I have a text from my mom saying at there on there way back. Jackie- as we get to the Packhouse we see Justin waiting outside. Clara- as I get out Justin I say as I hug him I missed you. Justin- I missed you more did you have fun I ask her. Clara- I did I say to him as we go inside. Justin- I have the key to your room I say as led her to her room. Clara- as I walk in to my room I see at I have a soft mattress and clean sheets I love it I say as I put my bags down. Justin- at good and I have something ales I say as I close the door close your eyes I say to her. Clara- as I set down on my new bed and close my eyes what do you need to show me. Justin- as I take my close off I let the change flow over me. Apollo- as Justin let me out I jump up on the bed lay my head on my mate leg. Clara- I feel a wave of sparks as I open my eyes I see what I guess is Justin wolf your so cute I say to him. Apollo- as she I'm cute I start licking her. Clara- as Justin wolf start licking me I start laughing. Beth- as I get to Clara room I hear laughing as I walk in I see Apollo licking Clara I see you have meet Apollo. Clara- so your name is Apollo  well wane you meet my wolf her name is Athena. Apollo- after playing with Clara I give her a nudges at it time for for me to change back. Clara- ok I say as I close my eyes. Justin- as I put my clothes back on so did you have fun with Apollo. Clara- I did and thank you. Justin- your welcome he been wanting to meet you for two weeks. Clara- and you got to wait seven months to meet mine and so wane you meet her name is Athena. Justin- at a good name I say to her and you start work in the morning in the kitchen and in the afternoon on the cleaning staff ok. Clara- ok I say as I get up and start putting my close away

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