Chapter 9

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These last five months have been something for me and Justin apically after finding out at it's Sarah at been kicking me, my parents have been visiting us at lest one a month they have even been there to help get the nursery ready, the fact at my teacher has told me I'm going to be moved up do to my test score showing very clear at I have what it takes wane I told Justin and our family's they told me how proud they are of me.  Justin- so what time is your parents getting in I ask Clara from the bathroom. Clara- not an till around two I say as I get up from our bed, Jay will be in later he has some meeting this morning so Heather is coming with my parents I say as I walk in to the bathroom and give Justin a kiss good morning. Justin- mhm good morning to you too I say to her, I talked to Alpha Derek last week and an till the twins are born I'm all yours. Clara- you sure at a good idea. Justin- remember wane you had Matt I was out fighting rouge I barely made it not this time I will be right here with you now let get some breakfast I say to her. Clara- let me go wake up Matt and I'll meet you down there. Mr. Martin- come on we should have been on the road by now I say to them. Mrs. Martin- ware coming I say to him you don't have to rush us. Mr. Martin- I now but ware talking about our little girl who is do any day now the fact at she want us there is important after we all get in the car and head to the Blue-moon pack. Justin- so what do you guys want for breakfast I ask Matt and Clara as they come in to the kitchen. Matt- I'll have some cereal I say to them. Clara- I'll have what ever you make I say to him as I go to sat down I fell Grant then Sarah letting me now at there up I'll be glad wane you too get here I say to them. Justin- Sarah start it I ask her. Clara- no it was Grant this time I say to him as he put my plat in front of me this smells wonderfully I say after eating breakfast I head in to the living room and take out my laptop and star my class's. Justin- after putting the dish's in the dishwasher I hear Clara on her laptop I head to my home office to get some work done I now Matt want to his room to play as I walk in to my office I shut the door half way in case Clara needs me. Mr. Martin- after driving for severely hours we reach the blue-moon pack just like every time I slow down and tell them at ware here to she our daughter and her mate and give them there names they let us pass as we get to there place in a few days we will have two new grandkids. Clara- as I go to put my glass of water back on the coffee table at is wane I fell a pain and a wetness I drop my glass on the floor and shatter. Justin- as I put the finishing touches on the training schedule for the next two months I hear a glass shatter I quickly get up and rush in to the living room and see glass on the floor near Clara don't get up I'll clean it up. Clara- no Justin I have to my water break just then there a knock at the door.  Justin- I'll get it I say as I get up with the glass in my hand as I open the door I see at it's Clara parents thank the moon goddess you guys are here take this I say as I hand the glass to her dad her water just broke I say to them as I help Clara up can you guys bring Matt with you. Clara- Justin we need to get going Matt your grandparents are here as well as Aunt Heather I say as we walk out of the house. Matt- as I walk out of my room I hear the front door shut as I get to the bottom of the stairs I don't see mom and Justin where are they I ask Aunt Heather as I look around for them. Heather- well your mom water broke so Justin took her to the hospital so they can have your brother and sister I tell him. Mr. Martin- Matt don't go near the couch I have to make sure there is no glass still there I say to him as I go to check for the glass. Mrs. Martin- how about the two of us go make sure the nursey is ready I say to him as we make way up the stairs. Heather- I'll let her teacher now at she want in to labor after getting off the phone with Clara teachers I call Justin parents and let them now what's going on. Homer- after getting off the phone with Heather hey we need to get over Justin and Clara's places her water broke. Justin- as we get in to my car crap I forgot your bag I say to Clara as I back out the driveway. Clara- it's alright your parents or mine can bring it I say to him drive faster I tell him. Mrs. Martin- as me and Matt walk in to the nursey I see at Justin has forget Clara bag after we make sure the room is all set I grab Clara bag just as we get to the bottom of the stairs I hear a knock on the door it most be Justin parents as I place the bag by the door I open it the see at it is Justin parents and sister come in just be carefully by the couch Clara dropped her glass earlier I say to them.  Justin- as we get to the pack hospital I take Clara hand as we walk in we go over to the nurses station and tell them at Clara water broke as they take her back I follow them I'm here I say to her. Clara- I now lets get those two out of me I say to the nurse as they wheel me in to the delivery room. Mrs. Allen- as we walk in to the house I see Clara dad checking for glass at is wane I Clara bag by the door did they forget it I ask her parents. Mr. Martin- they ware leaving as we got here they most be close or at the pack hospital by now I say to them so wane should we go down there I ask them. Homer- we should get going then I think we should be there for them now Matt who do you ride with I ask him. Matt- I would like to ride with you I say to Justin dad. Mr. Martin- I now over these last five months we have been working to earn there trust the fact at he wants to go with Justin parents at ok with us we will follow you hey dear don't for get the bag I say as we make our way out the door. Mrs. Martin- as we go to get in the car I hold up the bag to show them at I have the bag as I get in well let go see our new grandkids. Justin- just push I say to Clara as I hold her hand. Clara- if you tell me to push one more time I will beat you I say as I crush his hand you don't have two pups fighting to get out I say to him. Justin- ok I want say it Sarah, Grant quit fighting your both making your mom mad I say as Clara pushes. Pack Doctor- just one more I see one of the heads come on Clara. Justin- so doctor is it a boy or a girl I ask him as we here the sound of our new born child crying. Pack doctor- it a girl I say to them as I give her to the nurses ok one down one to go I say to them. Justin- you hear at Clara I say as I wipe the sweat from her head. Clara- I now I say to him now let get Grant out of me. Pack doctor- alright come just a couple more and he will be with us I say to her, alright one more I say to her as she push him out congratulations I say to them. Clara- can we see them I ask the doctor. Justin- hey our family is here I tell Clara as I give her a kiss.  Jay- as I get close to the Blue-moon pack I get a text from Heater I go to look at it and see at Clara in labor as well as the direction to the pack's hospital as I get there I rush in and see Heather my parents as well as Matt and Justin parents any word I ask them. Mrs. Allen- no I mind likened him and told him at ware here I tell Clara brother as he sat down. Justin- as take us to our room do you want me to go let them now the good news I ask Clara as she gets get in to her bed. Clara- yes I now they want to see there grandkids I say to him I'm going to get some sleep wake me wane you have Matt with you. Justin- alright you get some rest as I make my way to the lobby I see my parents and sister as well as Clara parents and brother as well as Matt and Heater as I walk up to them every thing want well I tell them and at it's is ok for them to go back as we get to Clara room she want to see Matt first I tell them as we walk in I see Clara is still asleep wait here I go over Clara I'm back Matts here as well I look over at and see at Sarah and Grant are asleep as well Matt come over here it your little brother and sister I say to him. Clara- I wake to the sound of Justin and Matt talking Justin are you planning to bring them over here so I can see them too I say to him. Justin- I sure will I say as I pick Grant up and walk over to Clara here you I say as I hand Grant to her I'll be back as I pick up Sarah hey Matt go stand by your moms bed as he dose at I hand Sarah to Clara stay like at I say as I take my phone out and take the picture of them. Clara- really you have to do at now wane our family's are waiting out side the door. Justin- I now but before they come in I wanted the first picture of them to be with you and there big brother after take the picture I walk over to the door and let everyone in as Jay walks in hey can you take the picture of all five us together I ask him. Jay- sure I say to him as he hand me his phone. Justin- after handing Jay me phone I walk over to the side of Clara bed here let me take Sarah after taking Sarah from Clara she give me a look at say to give her back relaxes Jay is going to take our picture after he done you can have her back Jay you better make it fast your sister look mad. Clara- I'm not mad you just took my little girl from me I say to him so Jay are you going to take the picture or not I ask him. Jay- ok say cheese after taking there picture this one is a keeper I say to them as I hand the phone back to Justin I walk over to Clara and look at them they have Justin eye I say to her. Clara- but they have my looks I say to him can I see the picture I ask Justin as he shows it to me it looks beautifully I say to him Matt do you want to see it. Matt- I look at it and see at it looks great I say to them. Mr. and Mrs. Martin- can we have a look at them we ask her. Clara- you can I say to them Justin can you. Justin- sure I say as I take Sarah and hand her to Clara parents as well as Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Martin- hi Grant, hi Sarah ware your grandparent's you both will hear at we did bad thing to your mom and what they tell you is true, we look over at Justin parents do you to want to hold them we ask them. Homer- we sure would I say to them as they hand them to us we look down at them ware your other grandparents we say to them after we look at them for a bit we hand them back to Clara and Justin. Rouge King- so she had her pups well let her spend some time with them for it will be the last time she will ever see them again I say to my men. Clara- as I hold them all I can think about is the fact at eight months ago we almost lost them I let out tears of joy. Justin- I look down at Clara and see her cry Jay here after he takes Grant what wrong Clara why are you cry I ask her. Clara- it just eight months ago we almost last them and me wale I was laying on the floor in at cell after what Roger did to me wale I was cry and saying I'm sorry and at I'm weak my thought ware on the fact at I would not see this day at is why I'm crying I say to him. Justin- it's all right I say as I hug her. Clara- as Justin goes to let go I fell two sets of arms wrap around me I look up and see at it my parents. Mr. and Mrs. Martin- ware here and ware so sorry at happened but you made it through to give brought to two wonderfully pup who are going to grow up and do wonderfully thing they will look back and see all the wonderfully thing you will do for them. Clara- as I wipe the tears away thanks mom and dad. Justin- I hear a knock at the door as I open it at it is Anna standing there her new born. Anna- can we come in I ask Justin I heard the news. Justin- you sure can I now she would love to see you both may I ask ware is your mate at I ask her as she walks in Clara there is someone here who wants to see you. Clara- who is it I ask him. Anna- how do you think would be here to see you. Clara- Anna it so go to see you I wanted to come and see you but Justin wanted let me. Justin- you ware close to your due date and I didn't want a repeat of wane Matt was born at is all I say to them as I take Grant back from Jay. Matt- can I hold one of them I ask them. Clara- you can but you have to be very carefully I say as I hand Sarah to him. Matt- she is so small I say as I hold her. Clara- Jay my phone is over there I say to him as he gives it to me I take a picture of Matt holding Sarah so Anna how is it being a new parent I ask her. Anna- it fell weird I never thought I would find my mate let at alone start a family with him I say to her how did it fell wane you hade Matt. Clara- I read the book at he reamended I was a little scared at first but we found at it was best to go with your gut I say to her and I see her I ask. Anna- you sure I say as I hand Sue to her. Clara- as looks lovely I sat Anna what if her and Grant are Mates I say to her. Anna- to would be great can I have her back if I not back in our room I say as I knock at the door. Justin- I'll get it as I open the door I see at it is Alpha Derek and Luna Beth welcome I say to them as I go to close the door at wane Dr. Jorden puts his foot to stop it. Dr. Jorden- I see Justin going to shout the door so I put my foot to stop the door hi Justin I just need to check on Clara to see how she is doing I say to him as I walk in to her room Anna what are you too doing here I thought you ware in your room I say to her. Anna- one of the nurse told me at Clara had her pups so me and Sue came down to see her at is way ware here we ware just on are way back I say to him. Dr. Jorden- after Anna leaves with Sue I turn back to everyone okay I need you all to leave so mother and children need to get some sleep I say to them after they leave I see at Justin is still here wane I said everyone at meant you too I say to him. Justin- I'm staying right here Clara will need someone to get up with them wale she gets her sleep I say to him and before you say it Clara parent will be watching Matt till we get out of here. Dr. Jorden- alright I say to him after checking on Clara and there pups I leave the room. Clara- after Dr. Jorden leave I pick Grant up and look at him wile he is sleeping. Justin- wile Clara is holding Grant I pick up Sarah your not going to find your mate an till your at lest thirty I say to her as she make a little fuss at that. Clara- you now she will find her mate before she is thirty I say to him at is way she giving you a fuss I say to him. Justin- I now I just want her to take her time in finding her mate at all now let get some sleep I say to her as I put the twins in there bed.

                   one week later 

Rouge King- well it been one week you better go get her y 'all better beat her up a bit before y 'all get back here I say to them now go get her I want her here bye night time. Clara- I cant wait to get home I say to Justin as he finish zipping up our bag. Justin- I now Matt and our folks have been here everyday I can wait to get them home too I say to her. Clara- as we pull in to the drive way Justin tell me to wait for him to come. Justin- as I bring grant and Sarah in I hand them to there grandparents at is wane I hear Clara screaming for me I run out to see her be thrown in to a van I take off running at the one at is shutting the door. Clara- as Justin take the twins inside out of no ware I smell the scent of rouges just then my door fly's open all I can do is scream aloud as I can for Justin as they throw me in to the back of the van I see Justin running to us as they shut the door and take off what do you want with me I ask them. Unknown rouge- the boss wants you I say as I start hitting her as well as kicking her. Justin- I throw the rouge on the ground ware are they taking her I ask him as I break his leg just then Alpha Derek come up behind me and stops me. Derek- Justin we will find her I say to him as they take the rouge away. Unknown rouge 2- you will never get it from me I say to them if you ask Roger he may tell you. Justin- just let me talk to him I can make Roger talk I say to Derek as we walk outside. Derek- you sure you can get him to talk no one has got him to speak a word not cense his trail I say to him. Justin- this may have been what he was talking about. Derek- your right I say to him you can see him but there is to be someone with you I say to him. Justin- after leaving I head for the pack cells to have a talk with Roger as I walk in I see him sating there reading I see the person Alpha Derek assigned to be in there with me do not say a thing let me do all the talking I say to him. Roger- I hear the door open it not time for lunch I see at it is Justin Clara mate so ware is your little mate I ask him. Justin- the way he is talking about Clara like at I slam him in to the wall don't ever talk about her like at again now ware did they take her. Roger- so she had her pups i was wandering wane she was going to be token I say to him with earns me a punch. Justin- tell me ware they took her I ask him again. Roger- they are taking her near the yellowthorn pack I say to him don't you want to now way they took her I ask him as he break my arm and leg. Justin- I want to now I ask him. Roger- well it started three years ago. 


Roger- so you will have your men will find and capture the names on this list and bring them back here dead or alive. Rouge king- I will have them do it but I want one of them for my self. Roger- so who do you want I ask him. Rouge king- this one I say to him. Roger- I look at the name he is pointing at why would you want her she is a runt fine but they are to bring her back here first I have something in mind I say to him after going over a few things so we have a deal I ask him. Rouge king- we do I say to him. 

Roger- I bet they will have a good time with her like I did, but I now you will fell it I'm I right I say as he hits me again. Justin- you trade my mate to the Rouge King I should kill you right now but I now Clara would like to see you hang so for her you get to live as I leave I see Alpha Derek standing there. Derek- you now you didn't have to break his arm and leg to get what you wanted out of him. Justin- I now recesses permission to go and get her back I ask him. Derek- granted I'll call Alpha Jacob and let him now at your on your  way as well as at he has Rouges near by. Justin- as I walk inside mine and Clara parents come up to me I'm leaving to go get her back the Rouge king has her thanks to Roger ware are the twins I ask them. Homer- there up in the nursery I tell him Matt has been up in his room. Justin- I go in to the nursery and walk over to there cribs I look at them I put my fingers on them and tell them I now you cant understand me but I'm going to bring your mom back I say to them as I walk out of the nursery I head to Matt room as I walk in I see him on his bed I sat down next to him come here I say to him as I give him a hug I'll get her back I say to him I need you watch over your brother and sister wale I'm gone both of your grandparents will be here so listen to them I say as I head to mine and Clara room I grad a suitcase as I start throwing clothes in it my dad comes in I now what your going to say I have to be the one to go. Homer- your right but have you stopped and think about the kids I ask him. Justin- I have and they need there mother I'll call wane I get there I say as I get in to the SUV after driving for hours I take out phone and pull up the picture at Jay took of us and put it on the dashboard. Clara- Please stop I want to go home I say to them as they hit me. Unknown Rouge- ware on are way to your new home I say to her as I punch in the face. Clara- I have a home, kids and a mate. Unknow Rouge- you will never see them again so quit talking about them after we get to are pack house if you call it one get moving I say to her.  Rouge King- I hear a van stop put front I look out to see my new plaything as I walk outside ah I see you hurt her a good bit welcome to your new home I say to her as I smack her across the face as I look her over Roger was wrong about you I say to her. Clara- I fell him reach under my shirt and up to my breast please stop I say to him. Rouge king- whoa these fell great oh we will have a great time with her I say to my men but first get to work ware all hungry I say to her as I hit her in the stomach. Justin- as I get to the yellowthorn pack I slow down as get close to there border I stop for the two warriors on guard I tell them at Alpha Derek called ahead and told your Alpha to expect me after they confirm how I am they tell me to head for there Packhouse as I put the SUV in park I look around and see at they don't have many house around like some pack I walk in and tell the person at the front desk at I'm here to see Alpha Jacob they tell me at he is in his office as I get to his office I knock to let him now at I am here. Jacob- I hear a knock at my door come in I say knowing at it has to be Justin Derek told me at he will be coming to get his mate from the Rouge King to think they have been near us this hole time as he comes in so your Justin your Alpha told me at you ware coming here I had a room prepared for you and your mate we found ware there at I say as I show him a map of the area there we are and that's ware they are we will hit them in the morning. Justin- don't take this the wrong way I cant leave Clara in there over night just the thought of what there doing to her has my wolf on edge. Jacob- I now you want to go now it will be nighttime soon if we are to stop them hitting them in the morning is are bust bet I say to him go get some rest I'll have someone bring you some food I say to him. Justin- after leaving Alpha Jacob office he has someone show me to my room as I sat on the bed I take out my phone and call my folks after my mom picks up mom how are the kids I ask her. Mr. Allen- well the twin's have been cry off and on scenes you left and Matt has been watching them have you made it there I ask him. Justin- yes mom I made I'm sure Matt is being good big brother to them I hear a knock at the door I have to go I say to her we'll get her back in the morning I say to her. Clara- after finishing making them there dinner I go to get some of the food at wane one of them punch me and throws some of it in a bowl and tells me to eat it with my hands after eating what little food they gave me they throw me in to a room at I can not move around in as I seat down I start crying I miss Justin and the kids, the way he touched me has made me fell dirty I hope Justin didn't fell this my wolf  is felling dirty as well( I now you felling at way as well we just have to hold on till Justin comes and saves us so we can go home and see are pups, your right we have to hold on Justin will save us) after talking to my wolf for a bit I cry my self to sleep. 

Justin- I wake up early for all my wolf can do all night is worry about Clara and the kids with them home and Clara in some rathole around the wariest of our kind as I walk down stairs and find the dinning room I make my self a small plat and seat down to eat. Clara- I'm woken to the sound of someone kicking me I look up to see the one at is keeping me here away from my pups. Rouge King- wake up runt we have a long day ahead of us I say as I grab her by her hair and drag her to my office and chain her up and start beating her. Justin- after eating I head for Jacob office wane are we leaving my wolf cant stand being away from his mate. Jacob- we leave soon I say to him let me show you the battle plan as I show him the plan. Justin- sounds like a good plan but I get to kill the Rouge king he has Clara so he is mine I say to him. Jacob- okay as we wait for the rest of my warriors after waiting for a bit as they all fill in alright I tell them the plan. Justin- as Alpha Jacob tells his warriors the plan as we start taking off we change in to our wolfs as after running for an hour we get near ware they are I see one and change back and put on the clothes at we brought I changer at him and snap his neck I open a mind link with Clara( Clara I'm here ware are you, Justin I'm in his office he has me chained up I now you would come for me hurry) after closing the mind link I take off inside I now she told me ware she is but I smell her scent in two places I head for the first one I open it and I don't see her there so I head for ware her other scent is. Rouge King- so there here as well as your mate is with them he is in for it wane he finds you I see the look in her eyes one of pure fear for the fact at I'm going to kill her mate. Justin- as I bust in I see Clara chained up like she told me I got you just then I fell someone behind me knock me to the ground. Clara- I see Justin get knocked to the ground all my wolf wants to do is help our mate I grab the chain and start to pull it out after getting I walk up behind the Rouge king and throw it around his neck and start to squeeze as hard as I can. Rouge King- I fell someone wrap chains around my neck I'll kill you too I say to her just after I kill your mate then I will kill your pups. Clara- I hear him say at he will kill Grant, Sarah and Matt, you will not touch them I say as I pull it the hardest I hear a snapping sound I lose all felling all over. Justin- I hear a snapping sound I look up to see the Rouge King fell over and Clara laying there motion less Clara can you hear me I ask her as I hug her. Clara- I fell someone wrap there arms around me in a hug I blink and see at it is Justin did I kill him I ask Justin as he picks me up.  Justin- yes you did  I see Alpha Jacob and his warriors come in  I put my hand up to stop them from coming in come on Clara I say as I pick her up. Jacob- who killed him I ask them as Justin walks out of the room. Justin- Clara did it I say to them is it all right if we had to your infirmary I ask him. Jacob- you can I say to them. Justin- after leaving  and walking for an hour and half we make it to the Packhouse I take her infirmary. Clara- the hole walk to the Packhouse all I can think about is I killed someone I now Justin has trained me to defend my self  but this is another thing I'm brought out thoughts to Justin telling at they need to check me out. Pack doctor- all right lets have a look I tell her after giving her an exam well you have a busted lip some broken rid and some of your fingers are broken and a black eye as well you will need some pain medicine but first I now you gave birth a week age so are you. Clara- yes I am I say to her. Pack doctor- okay I say to her. Justin- can we leave now I sure Clara wants to get some rest first. Clara- no I want to go home and see our kids I say to him. Justin- Clara if we leave now we would not get home till late I say to her. Clara- I just want to see our pups they most miss me I say to him. Justin- I now both of our parents are watching them after we leave the infirmary we had to the room ascended to us as Clara get on the bed I take out my phone and call my dad after he picks up we have her I say to him. Homer- at good to hear hey Justin has her I say to everyone in the room. Justin- so ware is Matt at is he still watching the twins I ask him. Homer- he still up there he only comes out to eat and to use the bathroom. Justin- put him on I say to him. Homer- Matt there someone who wants to talk to you. Matt who is it I ask as he hands me the phone I hear the person on the other end mommy I say. Clara- after Justin hands me the phone I hear Matt ask who he is talking to I tell him yes sweetie Justin saved me I tell him so I hear your watching your brother and sister I say to him we will be back tomorrow I say to him after talking to him for a bit I tell him at I love him and at we will see him tomorrow after hanging up I lay there till Justin puts his arms around me. Justin- how are you and your wolf doing I ask her. Clara- she fell much better now at your here not like yesterday evening wane he touched me. Justin- ware did he touch you I ask her. Clara- he put his hand up my shirt and touched I start cry at the thought of what he did I cant talk about it. Justin- from what she has said I now what he did he made you and your wolf fell dirty. Clara- yes he did I cried my self to sleep last night but I now you would come and save me I say to him as someone Knocks at the door. Jacob- as we get back I go to my office to start the paper work as well as let Alpha Derek now at we have her and at she was the one to kill him as I wait for him to answerer. Derek- as I go throw the papers on my desk I get a phone call I look to see at it Alpha Jacob he most be calling with some good new yes Jacob he tells me at they found Clara and at she killed the Rouge King all by  her self as I go to say something at wane Gamma Ryan comes in. Ryan- Roger and Stan have escapes I tell him. Derek- what hold on Jacob my Gamma just told me something what do you mean escaped I ask him. Ryan- as he was being escorted back to his cell from the infirmary he attacked his escort and freed Stan be for you ask I have sent some warriors to Justin places and informed Jay at Roger and Stan has escaped he is on his way back to the Ruby-rose pack in case Roger try's to take it back. Derek- Jacob Roger has escape I say to him. Jacob- I'll inform them I tell them I say to him as I hang up I now they don't need this right now but it is best they now as I go to leave my office I mind link the pack doctor and have she bring a melded sedative, I get to there room I here them talking I knock on the door. Justin- I'll get it I tell her as I get up I open it to see at it is Alpha Jacob come in I say to just as I go to shout the door I see this pack doctor behind him come in I say to her after closing the door I go over next to Clara what can we do for you I ask him. Jacob- I spoke with your Alpha I told him what you did he told me at Roger and Stan have escaped. Clara- he escaped Justin our kids all they have to protect them is our parents I say as someone injects me with a sedative at puts me to sleep. Justin- what did you do to her I ask them. Jacob-  I had the doctor here give her a mild sedative she will be asleep for a few hours your Alpha told me at you both have a history with him so I now she would react to the news of him escaping like at so I had the doctor put her to sleep. Justin- at sounds alright we will be leaving early in the morning I tell him. Jacob- I'll have some of my warriors escort you both back to your pack just to be safe. Justin- thank you I say to him after they leave I call home to let my parents now. Homer- just as we get done eating I see at Justin is calling me as I answer we all ready now at they have escaped I tell him Jay and Heather are on there way back to make sure at Roger and Stan don't try and take the pack back I tell him so how is Clara taking the new I ask him. Justin- they gave her a mild sedative she will be asleep for a bit I say to him after getting off the phone I go down to there dinning hall and fix us both a plat of food and take it up to are room after sating them on the stand next to the bed I go and get a quick shower as I go in to the bathroom I give Clara a kiss on the head after getting a shower I walk in to our room to see her curled up on the bed no matter how many time I see her sleeping she see still looks like an angel as I get in next to her I put my arms around her so wane she wakes up she will now at I'm right here next to her. Clara- I wake to see at I'm in a strange room at wane it hits me everything at has happened in the last 24 hour at wane I see Justin lay there next to me is it true I ask him. Justin- it is and don't worrier Ryan sent some warriors over to protect them they had to put you under I say to her you still look like an angel wane you sleep. Clara- what about Jay and Heather you think I look like an angle wane I sleep . Justin- there on there way home Just case Roger and Stan should attack and yes you look like an angel wane you sleep now go get a shower and wane you come back we can eat I say to her. Clara- the thought of food makes my stomach growl did you pack me some fresh clothes I ask him. Justin-  you now I packed you some clothes there over there in suitcase I say to her. Clara- after getting a shower and putting on some fresh clothes I walk back in to our room I see the food at Justin brought up for us I sat down next him you now wane we get home times like this will be rare I say to him as we eat. Justin- I now but remember there will be time wane we can send them to my parents I say to her after eating you stay here I'll take them I say to her I packed your book.  Clara- how did I get a mate like you I ask him as I get my book out. Justin- just thank the moon goddess I tell her. Clara- after he leaves I open my book to ware I left off at after reading for a bit I put it down and look outside to see at it is a beautifully day out can we go out I don't want to spend the rest of the day inside I tell him. Justin- your right I say to her how about a walk. Clara- at sound like a lovely idea I say to him. Justin- let me check with Alpha Jacob first to see what they have around here  as I get to his office I knock after he tell me to come in we ware wandering what all you have around here to do I ask him. Jacob- well there a nature trail not far from here I say to him. Justin- thanks after getting to our room there is a nature trail not far from here I say to her if you still want to go for a walk. Clara- I do I say as I get up from the bed. Justin- alright but first you mite want to put on some make-up. Clara- I look in the mirror and see what he talking about I go over to the suitcase and look throw it you forget to pack me some make-up I tell him. Justin- crap your right I was in a hurry my bad just the thought of what they ware doing to you. Clara- it all right I say to him. Justin- after we get in the car I punch in the directions at Alpha Jacob gave me as we get there we see a gas station we need to get some gas as well as get us some water after paying for everything we continue driving as we get there it looks like we will have a good time here. Clara- as we walk along the trail I see humans looking at me Justin there looking at me I say to him. Justin- I look around and see what Clara is saying it true pay them no mind ware here to have some fun as we continue our walk we come across a little rest area I see at they sell hotdogs and stuff here you still hungry I ask her. Clara- I am I'll go and find us a places to eat I tell him you now what I want I say to him. Justin- obscures I do I say as i give her a kiss on the forehead. Clara- after Justin leaves to get us some food I find a spot away from everyone else at wane two people at have been following us come up to me and ask me if Justin has been hitting me no he hasn't and he never will he love me to much to do at they look at me like I'm covering for him these ware a accident I tell them now leave us alone I tell them after they finally leave I see Justin come over with a lot of hotdogs you remembered how I like them I say to him as he puts them down on the table. Justin- so what did those two want I ask her as I sat down. Clara- they thought at you ware hitting me. Justin- you now I would never do at to your or our kids. Clara- at what I told them but they thought I was covering for you not to change the topic you got me my chilidogs I say as I take a bit of them you now I have been craving these for the last eight months I say to him. Justin- I now there favorite and why didn't you say something I would have made them for you. Clara- remember what the doctor told us. Justin- your right  after we get done eating we make it to the top of the trail we look out on the horizon. Clara- it looks so beautifully I say to him. Justin- it is I say to her after we make our way back SUV what I ask her as we drive back to the yellowthorn pack. Clara- earlier you said our kids. Justin- yes Matt, Sarah and Grant I say to her. Clara- even though Matt isn't your you think of him as your own. Justin- I have loved him as a son from the day you woke up in at hospital room at is why I clam him as my son along side Grant and Sarah I say to her as I put the SUV in park now we have to met with our escort and let them now what time we plan to leave I say to her as we walk inside and head for Alpha Jacob office. Clara- after telling them at we plan to leave around four in the morning we head to our room to get some sleep as I look in the mirror I hope Matt doesn't go on a rampage wane he see me tomorrow I say to Justin as I get in bed with him. Justin- he will understand there is something we need to talk about like wane should we interduces are wolf to the twins I say to her. Clara- well we showed your wolf to Matt after his first birthday I say to him and it wasn't till he was three and that was with your parents around to show him how to react to mine I say to him. Justin- I still have to video that my mom made of it you looked nerves in it. Clara- I was afraid at he mite not like my wolf at he would be afraid of her. Justin- well he was little bit but in the end he was patting you and hugging you and if I remember seeing you giving him a lick or two I say to her. Clara- your right in the end he loved her still dose it was for a time ware all he wanted from me was to see my wolf. 

Justin- we woke up around three-thirty and eat then we met up with our escort and give them the directions to our pack as we get on the road there is little to no traffic at this time of the day so we will make great time on our way home why don't you go back to sleep you will need it wane we get home I say to her. Clara- okay butt wane I wake up I want to see at video I say to him. Justin- after driving for the last four hours I flash my lights to let the car in front now at we need to pull over for a bit I reach over and give Clara a shake. Clara- what going on I as Justin as I wake up. Justin- ware pulling over to starch our legs I say to her as we pull in to a rest-stop I look at the time your parents should be up by now if the twins aren't up as well. Clara- your right I say as I take out my phone and call them. Mrs. Martin- your mommy and daddy will be home to day I say to the twins as I finish changing there diapers I look over and see Matt asleep in his chair at he has been in scenes Justin left to get Clara back just then my phone starts ringing I see at it is Clara hi sweetie I say as I walk out the nursey the twins miss you and Matt is still watching them your dad is still asleep are you two on the road I ask her. Clara- yes we just pulled over at a rest-stop for a bit I say to her we should be home around lunch. Mrs. Martin- at good to hear do you want to talk to your dad. Clara- I would like to talk to him. Mrs. Martin- dear do you want to talk to Clara wile she on the phone. Mr. Martin- give it here I ask her I look at the time you should wake Matt so he can eat, Clara how are you doing I ask her. Clara- I'm fine dad but yesterday wale we ware out some people thought Justin was hitting me but I told them off I say to him. Mr. Martin- he loves you I say to her. Clara- oh I don't now if Alpha Derek told you guys this but I took out the Rouge King by my self I say with some pride. Mr. Martin- you did what I ask her. Clara- I killed the Rouge King I tell him. Mr. Martin- at what I thought you said I'm proud of you I say to her I'll let you talk your mother I say to her. Clara- thank you dad  I say to him after getting  off the phone my dad is proud of me I say to Justin as we get back in the vehicle. Justin- at sounds good I say as I give her a kiss here I say to her. Clara- after he hands me his phone I pull up the video and watch it after watching it all I can think about is at day. Mr. Martin- so Matt you ready for your parents to come home today I ask him as I set the box of cereal down on the table. Matt- I am I say as I pour the cereal in my bowl. Mr. Martin- there is one thing you need to now the Rouge king hurt your mom she has some bruise so you have to be very carefully wane you hug her and she did something at would make you proud of her I say to him. Mrs. Martin- she didn't tell me anything wane I talked to her. Mr. Martin- she will tell you both wane they get here not to change the topic how about we go to the park get out of this house I say to them. Mrs. Martin- at sounds like a good idea it would do Matt and the twins to get some fresh air 


                            two years ago

Matt- mommy to days the day I say as I jump up on her bed to wake her up. Clara- Matt it is still to early I say as I roll over and see the smile on his face I now I say to him. Matt- I'm just happy I get to meet your wolf today. Clara- and she is happy as well I say to him, I just wish Justin was here for this like the books we read at it is best to have someone in human from to show the young pup on how to react to a wolf wane we showed his wolf to Matt just after his first birthday Justin was happy at Matt wanted to play with his wolf  I just hope he likes mine lets get some breakfast I say to him but first mommy needs a shower I say to him now go get changed after he leaves I look over at Justin side of the bed  I miss him I just hope he is aright as I get my shower I talk to my wolf ( are you ready for to day I ask her, what if he is afraid to be around me what if he hates me I say to her, you seen the smile on his face as well as the energy at he has plus Justin parents will be here to show him what do around you I say to her) as I step out of the shower and dry off I put on some fresh clothes I guesses I'm doing a load of Laundry today but after showing my wolf to him as I walk down stairs I see Matt waiting for me you ready for breakfast I ask him. Matt- I am. Clara- what do you want I say as I walk in to the kitchen after fixing us breakfast. Matt- as I sat down at the table I see a look on my mom face why do you look so sad I ask her. Clara- as I go to sat down Matt ask me why do I look so sad well mommy wish Justin was here for this I say to him but your grandparents will be here instead. Matt- do you miss him I ask her as I take a bit of my breakfast. Clara- I do I just wish Alpha Derek would let them come back if for a bit but with the Rouges starting stuff he is needed to help train other packs now finish your breakfast we have some stuff to do today I say to him. Matt- like what I ask her. Clara- well we have to get you some training clothes scenes wane you see my wolf at manes you can join me with my training I spoke to Gamma Ryan and he said at you can join and then we have to get some fresh cleaning supply's for around here and then we can come back here so you can see my wolf  after we get down with breakfast we head to my car as we get to the mall now stay close I say to him as we head to the kids clothing store ware stopped by some guy at want take no for as an answer as we walk away from him Matt ask me why I said no to at guy because he is not my mate Justin is now lets get you some training clothes I say to him after getting everything we head back to Justin places as we pull in I see at his parents are already here as we walk in wane did you get here I ask them. Homer- just a little bit are you ready to met your moms wolf. Clara- he was jumping on the bed this morning I say to them let get this over with Matt follow your grandpa outside wile your grandma and I get ready I say to him. Jackie- I see the look on Clara faces what's wrong I ask her. Clara- my wolf is afraid at he will hate her I say to her. Jackie- he will love her. Clara- at what I told her I say as I walk in to the bathroom after changing out of my clothes I let the change flow over me. Jackie- Athena are you ready I ask throw the door I hear her paws on the door at lets me now at she is ready ok I say to her as we make are way to the backdoor wait hear I say to her as i walk out I see Homer talking to Matt I walk over to him can I talk to you I ask him. Homer- sure what is it. Jackie- it Athena she is afraid at he will hate her I say to him. Homer- I'll have a talk with him first. Jackie- alright I say as I as walk inside. Homer- Matt come here as he comes over I tell him your mom wolf is a bit nerves so be carefully I say to him I wave to them so she can come out ok Matt close your eyes I look at the backdoor and see Athena come out and walk over to Matt ok open your eyes and remember be genital I say to him. Matt- I open my eyes am a little taken back at her wolf I stick my hand out so she can now at I'm not afraid of her. Athena- he sticks his hand out I move my head under so he can pat my head as he pats my head I can fell all the nerviest and being afraid just wash away all I want to do is let him now at I'm not afraid of him any more. Matt- as me and moms wolf Athena are playing she starts licking me stop I keep saying. Homer- it just her way of showing you at she is not afraid any more. Athena- it time to change back I say to Clara he not afraid of us. Clara- your right we should change back just let them now at. Athena- I open the mind link and let them now at ware going to change back after closing the mind link we head inside and change back I had fun playing with him I say to her. Clara- after changing back I now you did I say to her as I walk outside Matt comes up to me and hugs me you have fun with her I ask him. Matt- I did can we play some more I ask her. Clara- well so did she I say to him maybe next week I say to him. Homer- I seen you video taping the hole thing I say as I walk over to her. Jackie- I just wanted Justin to see what he missed out on I say to him and sent he should get it soon . Justin- as we walk in to the gust places my phone lets me now at I got a message I see at it is a video from my mom as I watch it I see Matt react to Athena them playing the happiness on there faces  how I miss them both I let the tears flow here I am far from home missing it a wonderfully thing. 

                                       end of flashback

Justin- Clara I keep saying to her. Clara- I'm brought out of my thoughts to the sound of Justin voices what I ask him. Justin- ware near home I say to her do you want to stop and eat or wait till we get home what ware you thinking about I ask her. Clara- just the day wane I showed Athena to Matt lets eat at home I say to him I miss them,  I'll let them now at we will be home soon I say as I take out my phone and send them a text. Mr. Martin- as we leave the house and head to the park Matt why don't you go play we will be right here I say as we sat down on the bench and watch him go off and play I look down at the twins and see at there still sleeping not a care in the world I look back at Matt and see him waving to someone I look to ware he was waving to and see at it Justin parents. Matt- grandma, grandpa I say as I run up to them. Homer- you ready for you parents to come home I ask him. Matt- yes I say to them. Jackie- I look over and see Clara parents and the twins so who idea was it to come to the park I ask him. Matt- it was granddad idea I say to them and he also said at mom will tell me something at would make me very proud of her wane she gets home. Jackie- I guesses we will have to be there to just to hear what she did. Matt- granddad said at the Rouge King hurt her and at she has some bruise. Mr. Martin- I look down at my phone and see at I have a message I see at it is from Clara I look at it and see at the will be home an in hour Matt they will be home an in hour. Matt- yay I say at wane I see can I have some ice-cream I ask them. Mrs. Martin- I see an ice-cream stand  I look at Justin parents they give a nod of approval you sure can I say as I hand him so money. Matt- thank you grandma I say as I take off to get some ice-cream after getting it I walk back over them. Jackie- did they say if they stopped and get any thing to eat I ask them. Mr. Martin- no I say to them. Mrs. Martin- well she may have wanted to get home so they may want to eat wane they get home so we should get back to the house. Clara- there not going to have a banner outside wane we get home I ask him. Justin- not at I now of I say to her after an hour later will be home soon and to our pups I say to her. Clara- I cant wait they told me forget them and you but I now you ware going to come and save me I say to him. Justin- I would never leave you I say as I take her hand and give it a kiss as we get home I singled are escort at we are going strait to our places as I pull in to the driveway wait here I say as I get out and rush over to her side. Clara- what is all I can say as he  opens my door and pick me up bridle style this what you wanted a few days ago I ask him. Justin- yes I did I say as i kiss her. Clara- not here maybe later I say to him as we get to the front door you can put me down I can walk in on my own two feet. Justin- let me have a look at your face I ask her. Clara- I tilt my head up so he can see it. Justin- just what I thought it healing quite fast I say to her one more I say as I kiss her. Clara- come on I want to see them. Justin- alright I say as I open the front door to the sound of Matt voices. Matt- we hear the SUV there home I say as the door open mommy I missed you I say as I up off the couch and hug her. Clara- I missed you to and what have I told you about upping from the furniture I say to him. Matt-I sorry I missed you this much I say holding my hands out as far as they can go. Clara- I now don't you have someone to thank I say to him. Matt- I go over to Justin as he keels I give him a hug. Justin- I told you I would bring her back. Matt- I now you would thank you. Clara- if you all will excuse me I have two little pups to check on I say to them as I walk in to the nursery I see them laying in the cribs I just tears flow down my faces just knowing at I would never see them again at wane I fell hands on my shoulders. Justin- I follow Clara up to the nursery as I walk in I hear her cry at wane I put my hands on her shoulders I have you I say as I spin her around. Clara- you always do I say to him how did I get a mate like you. Justin- just thank the moon goddess I say as I turn the baby monitor off I don't want to see those tears till they start walking and saying there first words I say to her. Clara- you have always put me and Matt first, remember the first time we planned to mark each other. Justin- I do I had it all planned out we weren't planning to come out of that room only to eat at hole weekend I say to her. Clara- and wane we got there your mom called and said at Matt hade a fever. Justin- and I put the car in reveres my wolf was sad but he understand he was willing to wait. Clara- and you stayed with us till his fever broke you even want and got him his medicine's your a great dad I say to him we better get back down there or they will think something happened to us. Justin- they now ware still here as well as the twins beside you have to tell everyone the news I say to her. Clara- your right I now Matt will be proud of it. Justin- he is proud of you already in more way then one. Clara- I now he proud of me but this will make him more proud of me just like they will be wane we tall them I say as I turn the baby monitor back on and head down stairs everyone I have something to say with them all looking at me I killed the Rouge King I say to them at wane I see Matt get up and comes over to. Matt- after I get up and go over to ware Mom is standing and give her a hug you are the best mom ever I say to her. Clara- I look over at Justin and see him give me a nod at its okay I let the tears flow I now I'm am I say as I hug him back I look around at ever one. Mrs. Martin- Clara I'm proud of you I say to her. Homer and Jackie- ware both proud of you we say to her. Clara- Matt why don't you go and play outside I say to him. Justin- after Matt goes outside we sat and talk about what we missed I look over at Clara parents don't take this the wrong way but how long are you staying I now you two want to head back yesterday I ask them. Mr. Martin- to tomorrow morning I say to him just an extra day with them is wart it. Justin- you hungry I ask Clara as I get up. Clara- I'm I say to him as he goes in to the kitchen. Justin-as I make us lunch I look out the window and see Matt playing I now two wolf at haven't had any time with him as I finish making our lunch I let Clara now. Clara- as Justin brings me my lunch thank I say to him. Justin- how about after we eat you go and Change in to Athena I now she is itching to be let out who knows Apollo mit come out as well and before you ask I left Matt a plat and told him to eat and if at there be a surprise later. Clara- she is itching to be let out after everything we been throw she could use some time with you I say to him as I eat my lunch. Justin- as we all get done eating we all but Clara head outback and wait for her to come out. Clara- as I walk in to the bathroom I change out of my clothes and let the change flow over me have fun I say to her. Athena- after Clara lets me out I walk out the bathroom and take off for the backyard as I walk out there I see Matt playing I rush over to him and tacky him and lick him. Matt- stop Athena stop I say to her as she licks me after she stops licking me we start playing. Justin- I now this would work after what Clara told me what the Rouge King did they both need this I look over at our parents if the twins make a sound I'll handle it I say as I get up and go to the bathroom after taking my clothes off I let the change flow over me. Apollo- as Justin lets me out I rush out the bathroom out the backdoor I see Athena playing with matt I run up to her knocking her to the ground  these last eight months I miss her all I can do is give her is kiss. Athena- I look up and see Apollo giving me kiss I've missed him so much I open a mind link just between us ( I missed you I say to him, Apollo so have I was worried about what they ware doing to you both, Athena we ware scared but wane you two bust through I now you both came to save us  what about the twins if they need us, Apollo Justin told there parents at he will handy it now let have so fun I say to her.) Mrs. Martin- I look out at them playing my own hated caused us to miss out on stuff like this Athena I say as I get up and go over to her I now I have said this to Clara but I have to say this to you as well I sorry the most if it was not for me you never would have been hurt and abused made to fell like you weren't wanted and for that I'm sorry I say as I hug her. Athena- what do I do I ask  Clara( Clara let her now at you forgive her, Athena you sure about it, Clara I am) after talking to Clara I give a lick at lets her now at I forgiver her just then I hear the twins crying I look over at Apollo and see him give me a nod at says for me to stay here. Apollo- I hear the twins crying I head in to the house as I get to the bathroom I let the change flow over me. Justin- after Apollo lets me back in charge I grab my clothes and put them on as I walk in to the nursery what is it I asks as I pick Sarah up. Athena- you want to go help him don't you I ask her after she tells me I head to the bathroom and let the change flow over me. Clara- after getting my clothes and putting them on I rush up to help Justin as I walk in I see Justin holding Sarah here let me help I say as I pick Grant up and see he his diaper needs to be changed don't cry mommy has you I say to Grant. Justin- I see at Sarah need a change as well after we get them changed they could spend sometime with us I say to her. Clara- Athena says thank you I say to him and it would be good idea I say as I hold Grant as we get to the bottom of the stairs I hear a knock at the door I wander who at is I ask. Justin- I'll see as I open the door Alpha, Luna I say to them come in I say to them. Derek- Justin, Clara thanks and hi little ones I say to there twins the resin why ware here is to get you both to sign this I say as I hold out the paper from Alpha Jacob we just need you both to sign it so we can send it to the council and I have two announcements to make so ware is the rest of our family I ask them. Clara- there outback we ware just going back out to them I say as I hand Grant to him, and sign my name on the paper. Derek- thank you Clara and here you go I say as I hand Grant back to her. Justin- as we walk outback everyone Alpha Derek is here I say to them. Derek- ok first off Clara I have recommend you for a medal for taking down the Rouge King it not every day at someone other then an Alpha at can take him down let alone a she-wolf trained in defaces and secondly I'm stepping down at the start of the new year I say to them Phil has shown at he can lead the pack I say to them. Clara- why thank you Alpha but I think Justin should get it not me I say to him. Justin- Clara you ware the one to defeat him so it your medal I say to her as I give her a kiss on the check. Clara- I accept I say to him, Luna Beth do you want to hold them I ask her. Beth- I would love to hold them as she hands him to me you going to be proud of your mom wane your older I say to them looking down this is one of the best things about being Luna at I like being around the new born pups after giving him back to Clara, Justin hands me Sarah she look like you Clara I say to her. Clara- thank you Luna, after they leave we  sat there for a bit and watch Matt play I look at the time mom can you hold Grant wile I fix dinner. Justin- there is someone you still need to tell I say to her. Clara- your right it is best he hears it from me I say as I go and get my laptop and pull up the snapchat so we can facetime. Jay- after getting back all I have to do is paper work. Heather- as I walk in to Jay office and put my arms around him you now Clara and Justin have had three pups we should have some of are own I say to him as his laptop lets him now at someone one wants to facetime him. Jay- your right how about after I talk to how every this we will start are own family as I click on we see at it Clara what can we do for you. Clara- well I wanted to be the one to tell you this I was the one to kill the Rouge King the look on there faces tell me at they don't believe me. Jay- Clara lets be real here Justin did it right. Clara- Justin will you tell my stupide brother at I was the one who killed the Rouge King. Justin- I walk over she did do it I say to him. Jay- so what your both telling me is at Clara my little sister killed the Rouge King all by her self they nod there heads yes well Clara I can be more proud of you now if you all will excuse us we have a family to start on I say as I chick off I'm all yours I say to Heather as I give her a kiss. Clara- well at want well I say to everyone I have dinner to start. Jackie- let me give you a hand I say as I walk in to the kitchen I say to her. Clara- I was planning to make something simple I say as I get some meat out of the fridge and fry it up, dinner is ready I say to them as they come in Matt go wash your hands after he come back I hand him his plat. Mrs. Martin- I'll be right back I put them down for you guys and be right back Is ay as I take Sarah from Justin and head up to the nursey after putting them down I head back down stairs and get something to eat. Justin- after we finish's eating I see Clara go to get up sat right back down I say to her and go to my office and grab her present as I walk in to the kitchen I give her a kiss I was planning to do this a few days ago I say to her as i hand it to her open it. Clara- I unwrap it Justin you didn't have to I say to him wane did you have the time to do this. Justin- well you have to thank your brother I sent him the picture and he did the rest as well as Matt he wrapped it i was planning on giving it to you wane we got home from the hospital but at didn't happen like I wanted now you have something to put next to the one of you and Matt I say to her. Clara- you didn't have too I say to him after cleaning everything up my parents say there going out to fill up on gas so wane they leave in the morning they can head strait home I'm going to get a shower I say to Justin as I head up the stairs. Justin- after Clara says she getting a shower I rock the twins for a bit I look at Matt why don't you go get a bath as well I'll be up shortly after rocking the twins for a bit I take them up to the nursery as I put Sarah in her crib I hear Clara behind me. Clara- after getting my shower and putting on my pajamas I head to the nursery to see Justin putting the twins down for the night your a good dad I say as I wrap my hands around him. Justin- I now I say to her as we make our way to our room and see at she put her new picture next to her other one I'll get my shower now I say to her after getting my shower I put on my pajamas pants on I walk in to see her already waiting for me. Clara- you now it fells wearied a house full of pups at out number us I say to him as he get in next to me and cuddly up next me. Justin- your right all we have to do is be strong. Clara- I now we never talked about this but which one of the twins will secede you wane they get older I ask him. Justin- I don't want them fighting over it so I'll name them both now lets get some sleep. Roger- as we make are way I'll be back for you Clara Allen and you little family I say as I me and Stan as well as our mates we race ahead of the warriors.

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