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Mornings in Houston is kind of similar to Where I lived. Just before the sun could rise, It was all foggy and then just like that the fog vanished into thin air.

I used to take walks around my house to calm or think myself out. And I thought why not? Cause this is my home now . It's is going to be for eight months from now.

I took a few runs around my uncle's house which I guess would be equal to a couple of miles. I felt like sitting down cause something in me pulled me down. So I took a seat in the nearby stone bench where I got sweated like crazy.

Guess it's been days since I did some excercise. I took out my mini water bottle and tried to drink it. But again that something in me wanted me to throw up. So I did.

Guess my body isn't well adopted here, with the food and stuff. I tried to calm myself down but all I could feel was tiredness. Also a little bit dizzy.

Um maybe I should head back. I thought and Tried myself getting up from the stone with all my might. But I couldn't.

That's when I blacked out and everything in me lost its control. I was numb.


I regained my consciousness when a drop of water hit my face which was then a mess. "Um, are you alright?" I understood that it was a masculine voice after five seconds. "Cause you seemed passed out," I could feel his presence near me and I tried to open my eyes but I really couldn't. I tried speaking with all my might. "Could you- you call my sister?" My voice was almost like one of the eerie speeches that astronauts sound like when they are in space. "Yes, yes, your phone?"

I handed him my phone and that was all I could remember.


When I woke up I recognised with the sweet aroma of pancakes it was home. "You are awake," My sister Reece shouted like anything, startling me. "Geez, will you shut up?" I got from bed, having a stone on my head. I had a serious head ache and couldn't bear it.

The aroma of pancakes which was welcoming me before, just made me run to the bathroom now. I was feeling very nauseous.

"Jesus, pearl," My sister accompanied me to the bathroom and after I threw up. she made me sit on my bed and gave me water. "Should we go to a doc?"

"Not necessary," I said clenching my bedsheets. I hadn't ate anything from yesterday and it's that it. I need to eat something. Ofcourse, not that pancake. No offense auntie.

My sister frowned. "Maybe you should take a pregnancy test or something?" I almost died on hearing that part. No it can't be, Oh my fucking heavens!

"No that's not it," that came out right away cause it can't be right? Or it could be. "Dont worry about going there and buying it, I'll do it for you," she said sheepishly looking at my car keys which arrived yesterday. "Uh uh," I said raising myself from the bed. I can't risk losing her too. I can't even imagine that.

"Come on let's go," I rubbed my nose and took my car keys from the table. "What? Preggo! You should be resting," She squealed in disappointment and I covered her mouth with my hands. "Shut up or I'll slit your throat,"

I didn't mean that and she knows it too.

Still I was not feeling very well but Reece made a lot of jokes about I having a baby. It was silly yet annoying at that time. I just wanted to have a nice breakfast. How about some french toast and pickles? I think that's nice.

"Hello, miss, you are way ahead of the drug store, whatcha dreaming about?" There she goes, disturbing me. Go to hell, please. This way.

I gave her a death stare and she replied with, "oh oh," I turned the car and parked it in front of the drug store. "You or me?" Reece shouted. I was too embarassed to go and ask for a 'pregnancy test' so I let her go.

Reece was a free spirit unlike me, having a thread to the past. She just cut the past and focused to move forward, while I just lag behind like a old hag.

I thought of a thousand times about the physical interactions I had before and I couldn't think of anything that'll make me pregnant. Because It's been four months since I broke up with that butthole and- wait. That party, Aiden Gregory's Party.

Fuck. Shit shit shit. I stopped taking pills since I was just not able to think about physical interactions, my dad just had passed away. What am I gonna do? I didn't even knew who it was, I was freaking drunk!

No no please don't do this to me! Please, I beg you. I prayed continuously to God that I should be clear. Please please. I ask for this one thing!

I cannot take care of a baby at this time. Why? Just why?

This is all because of him. That motherfucker. Sorry Reece, but I had to swear here, I just had to. Not that bitch too. She was clearly being a bitch. Why would she ask me to go to a party to just show that she had been cheating on me with my boyfriend? Stating that It was my father's death that made them do it and they missed him, My ass.

Every inch of body felt rage and I was ready to kill anyone right now. How could she?

I ran away from the party carrying a bottle of vodka and that's all I remember except for the guy wearing his emarald necklace, and his magnificent rings.

Stupid, how can I find a guy wearing this stupid ornaments and stuff who I had met back when I was at my home? I came running home crying to mom and she told me that she would take me to the doc.

Guess, I was not capable of promises and even love. Not to mention friendship.

"Dreams about the baby?" Reece touched me from the back to which I shouted out loud. "Jesus, Reece why do you always have to startle me?" I geared up the car. "Why did you always get scared by silly things?" Reece pinched me, optimistically.

"Dont get tensed, It is all stress. I was just kidding," Reece said taking her phone out.

No Baby sis, your sister might be pregnant. Be prepared.

We got to home and luckily aunt and uncle was not home. They went to school to check up on the admissions.

I stood still on my bed, after peeing in that little tube. My heart was pounding. It could get out of my body if I don't calm myself down.

Simultaneously, tears fell from my eyes. And soon enough I was screaming as hell.

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