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I entered the hallways which was then crowded with people standing, kissing, studying, singing and doing all the world's worst things. I raised my head up and started walking towards the office.

As usual chicks were noticing my makeup and style which I didn't do to the max and the jocks and guys just noticed my ass. Assholes.

I had a smile in my face and my children shouted 'Go mommy,'

I walked up to the counter and asked where I could meet the Principal. The lady took me to an old room which looked like it is about to fall.

"Hello, Miss Jefferson," The principal greeted me as soon as I stepped in to the room. "Good morning Mr. Hathway,"

He told me to take a seat which I gladly took cause my feet were already sore. He told that I could approach him any time and he felt sorry for my circumstances. But he didn't know that I was pregnant. No body would know.

I said thankyou and collected my schedule from him. It was mentioned that I am in French class for morning. I kind of liked French. My mom and I used to watch al the hit French movies and the thought of her made me cry.

I rushed to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. I was clearing away my tears when I heard the bathroom door open.

She wasn't supposed to see me cry in the bathroom and I am going to get busted for it.

I tried not to look at her and minded my own business. "Are you alright?" Her voice was soft. I don't think she is one of those girls. "Yeah, thanks," I was about to leave when she talked to me. "I am Dahlia, you can call me Lia," She said reaching up to me. I forgot that I was supposed to introduce myself and shuttered fully. "And you?" She asked patiently. "I am Pearlin, I am from Vegas,"

"Vegas? That's so cool, " She was cool. "I loved the movie 'what happens in Vegas'," I do love that movie. "Yeah that was a nice movie,"

We chatted for a bit and Seems like I got myself a friend who loves Star wars just like me. She is a total geek on Taylor Swift just like me. Not to mention Lana del Rey. Damn.

It felt nice talking to her and she also said that I'd look hot in tights and she insisted me to wear one the next day, which I am clearly not gonna obey.

We parted ways as she had Spanish and I had French.


"Class, this is Pearlin Jefferson, our. New student," Mrs. Dawn said as she took a pause. "She is from Las Vegas and just moved here, let's welcome her to Brenden oaks,"

Everybody did welcome me, surprisingly unlike my old school. They used to show their middle finger to the new children. Yikes.

I smiled and took my seat on the second row which was then Empty.

The class was going on smoothly when that black eyed guy, possibly the daddy of my children came rushing in. His face was annoyed on see me sitting on this spot. Must be his place.

He just stared at me while The teacher stood uselessly, wearing the specs on his nose. He was irritating me to the maximum. He stared at me like I am kind of a sick trash. I don't like this.

"What?" The whole class started oohing and aahing when I said that. Like some forbidden thing to say.

"This is my place," He spoke to me. Only me. Shut upppp, he just looked at you like a trash. "So what?"

I asked and the shouts from the fellows just increased. It was easy talking back to him. The annoyance in his face just crescended and He still wanted to sit in this damn place.

"Mr. Blaze, why don't fill up the last seat, you are quite disturbing me," The nosy teacher out of curiosity said to him and I longed for the teacher to scold him. "Fine," He muttered like a rodent and dragged his body through the aisle. Before going, he practically murdered me.

Can't believe I am the new nemesis to possible father of my babies. Funny, isn't it?


School was over and I didn't see the mystery Mr. Blaze anywhere and he just vanished into thin air. I caught up with Dahlia for lunch and she told me about the bimbos and jerks and nerds of this school. Atleast people didn't litter in the hallways like my old school. Trust me, it was the worst. She said that we should exchange numbers and didn't even notice my bump. Lucky.

I gave her my number after thinking thousand times about paparazzi and stuff. I have had a bad experience with them. I hate them. But she didn't seem like one, so I put my number on her phone.

And I couldn't wonder more about Mr. Mysterious Blaze and I just spoke my mind out to Dahlia. Told her how he behaved in today's class.

"Ooh, you mean the grumpy Blaze?" She asked and I immediately understood why she called him that. "Yes, I think so,"

"Let's see, He was on the soccer team the year before and He used to be the king of Brendon Oaks high and something happened in the fall and he was thrown out of the team," She paused to stuff a bunch of fries into her mouth. "Actually, he just quit,"

I couldn't think about the reasons of his quitting, maybe family, relationships, studies or maybe.... Maybe... Me?

Nah The odds that The reason why he quit is one is to thousand.

"He barks to people who talks to him and I have never seen him smile, like forever," what a poor kid. I wish I could help him.

"Anyways, do you maybe, wanna hangout somewhere?" Dahlia asked right away while I was still the dilemma. "Oh yes, sure, ofcourse," I snapped quick and came back to reality.


We were seated on the cubicle of Mc Donald's arguing on who is cute: Steve or Dustin from Stranger things. Ofcourse, Steve is cute but not cute as My dusty bun. "Come on, Dahlia!" I practically yelled at her. "Ooh cry baby, It's Stevieee!"

We were talking until it was seven and I decided to go home cause I felt a little bit of dizzy, again. I promised myself a good sleep which I hadn't had in a year. I felt numb and tired. Moreover, my babies were growing. It made my back sore.

I couldn't sit or stand in a place for ten minutes. I was sixteen weeks long and Only few more months. I can do it.

Although I still hope that he is him, the father of my children.


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