Chapter 25: A Haunted Forest? After I Survived an Axe Murderer? No Way.

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Chapter 25: A Haunted Forest? After I Survived the Axe Murderer? No Way.

       I stared at my math homework in front of me, not being able to concentrate. I wasn't really feeling all that well recently ever since Pierce came to the farm on a field trip.

       I wasn't hoping to never see him again after I moved back to Ruralburgh but I guess that wasn't the case.

       At least it was the weekend so I had a few more days to get my homework done.

       Sawyer walked into the house, noticing me at the kitchen table. He walked over and crouched down to my level so he could see what I was doing. "Math homework?"

       "It's torture," I said. "I can't even concentrate because I've been in such a bad mood recently."

       Sawyer wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "You need a break?" he asked.

       "Yes," I said. "More than anything."

       "Perfect, because I have an idea," Sawyer said.

       "Does it include going to the bedroom with not too many clothes on?" I asked. "Or any clothes on for that matter?"

       Sawyer sighed. "No, it doesn't."

       "Well, then I'm not too interested in it," I said.

       Sawyer chuckled. "Okay, just put your horny mind away for the day and listen to what the idea is."

       "I don't know," I said. "I'm always horny and it's hard for me not to be. But I guess I'll listen to what this idea might be."

       "So my siblings and I like going on a camping trip in a forest just outside of Ruralburgh," Sawyer said. "We're planning on going soon and if we're all free, we're going to leave in a few hours."

       "That's a big spur of the moment," I said.

       "Yeah, well, that's my family," Sawyer said. "There's a lot of things we do in the spur of the moment. Anyway, would you like to come?"

       "Would your siblings be fine with me going?" I asked. "It seems more like a family thing."

       "Oh, yeah, they'd be totally fine with you coming," Sawyer said. "Especially because Posie comes along too. It wouldn't be fair if you can't come. So do you want to come?"

       "Actually, it does sound like the thing I need," I said. "Getting some fresh air away from all of my problems. Also snuggling with my boyfriend in the tent. But you do have to promise me that you won't be attacked by an axe murder this time."

       Sawyer furrowed his eyebrows. "Remind me when I was attacked by an axe murderer."

       "During that camping trip for the seniors," I said. "You got lost in the forest and an axe murderer got you. At least, that's what I immediately thought when you took too long getting back to the tent."

       "Okay, well, I promise I won't get attacked by an axe murderer," Sawyer said. "Well..." 

       I frowned. "Well, what?"

       "Nothing," Sawyer said. "Nothing at all. I'm going to talk to my siblings if they're up to going on the camping trip." He kissed my cheek before leaving the kitchen, not even telling me exactly what he meant by that 'well'.

       Whatever the reason he said it, I didn't really care. I just needed to get out for a bit to try to clear my mind after all the stress I was feeling.

       Sawyer's siblings all agreed to go on the camping trip so we had to start packing so we could leave as soon as possible and not arrive when it was starting to get dark out.

       It didn't take long for all of us to pack up all the camping supplies since apparently, the Birch family went camping a lot. They all knew where the camping supplies were and it was always easy to grab.

       Even though all five of us could fit into Sawyer's truck, we had to take two separate vehicles since Posie was coming along too and someone needed to go pick her up.

       So Vincent, Erica, and Monica went in Vincent's car while I had Sawyer all to myself in the truck.

       Gave me the perfect opportunity to flirt with him. Then again, I would have flirted with him even if his siblings were in the truck with him.

       He was just too beautiful for me not to flirt with him.

       "So what exactly was up with that 'well' when you told me you won't be attacked by an axe murderer?" I asked Sawyer as we were driving to that forest we were going to camp in.

       "Nothing," Sawyer said. "Nothing at all. It's just a normal forest."

       I eyed him suspiciously. "That sounds like you're hiding something from me."

       "I'm not," Sawyer said. "I would never hide anything from you."

       This certainly didn't seem safe. 

       Wait a second...

       What if this was another axe murderer situation? 

       What if Sawyer was the axe murderer?

       Oh my gosh, was he on his way to kill me?

       "You could stop looking so worried," Sawyer said.

       "I don't look worried," I said. "Nope. Not at all. It's not like I'm worried you're an axe murderer or something."

       "Jamie, if I was an axe murderer, I wouldn't have told everyone where we're going," Sawyer said. "My siblings will literally get to the camping spot a few minutes after us."

       "Okay, fair point," I said. I guess I was safe for now.

       It wasn't long before we were driving down the trail of the forest. Sawyer already knew where he was going to stop since he and his siblings always camp in the same spot every time.

       He soon pulled over to the side of the road, turning off his truck. "And here we are."

       "Since your siblings aren't here yet, can we make out?" I asked.

       Sawyer just gave me a smile before getting out of the truck, leaving me behind in the passenger seat.

       I sighed heavily before getting out of the truck as well and going to the back, helping Sawyer get the stuff out that we packed in here.

       Once everything was unloaded, Vincent's car pulled up behind Sawyer's truck. Vincent, Monica, Erica, and Posie got out of the car and Vincent immediately looked at me. "So did Sawyer tell you the stories of this forest?" he asked.

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "What stories?"

       "Oh, he didn't?" Vincent asked. "Sawyer, how dare you not tell your boyfriend that this forest is haunted?"

       "Wait, what?" I asked. "It's haunted?!"

       "What?" Sawyer asked. "No. Vince is lying."

       "I don't believe you," I said. "That's why it sounded like something really was up with this place. I don't want to be here anymore."

       "Oh, come on, it's not really haunted," Sawyer said. "At least, it's not haunted that much. You might see shadow's and hear noises but--"

       "Yeah, you're not making this any better," I said. "Take me home, please."

       Sawyer wrapped his arm around my shoulder before whispering in my ear, "We'll sneak off later to make out if you stay."

       "You know, I suddenly feeling like staying," I said. "Even though I might get killed by a ghost."

       Sawyer gave my shoulder a tight squeeze. "You'll be fine."


plot twist: jamie is actually the axe murderer :o

lmao jk jk

i seriously love these chapter titles so much. they're so fun to come up with.

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