Chapter 28: A Secret Training Course Can Also Be a Secret Make Out Spot

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Chapter 28: A Secret Training Course Can Also Be a Secret Make Out Spot

       I was never going to go camping with the Birch family ever again, even if we did go to a different campsite.

       Every single time there was some sort of sound in the middle of the night, they all wanted to go see what it was.

       Sawyer was kind enough to stay back with me, and Posie refused to go because she kept saying she was too tired to care about what was going to kill us.

       Honestly, Erica should have introduced me to her girlfriend and long time ago. I liked her.

       When morning came, I was extremely relieved. I couldn't handle being in this creepy place anymore.

       Despite only hearing weird sounds. And seeing shadows. 

       That still didn't shake that creepy feeling that I got from being in this cursed forest.

       We didn't stay for long after we woke up. We sat by the fire for a bit, making sure we were fully awake before packing up. We were going to have breakfast here but someone forgot to bring the breakfast, despite bringing all the other food.

       I'm looking at you, Vincent.

       Sawyer and I decided to go to the diner for breakfast after we left the campsite. After we got there and our food was served to us, Sawyer said, "So... About last night..."

       "You're making it sound like we slept together and you regret it and you're trying to find a way to let me down easily."

       Sawyer sighed. "Can you ever take anything seriously?"

       "Sorry," I said. "I'll be serious. So what about last night? A lot of things happened."

       "About what I told you when it was only me and you at the campsite," Sawyer said. "About... me wanting to get back into showjumping."

       "Right," I said. "Do you still want to?"

       Sawyer hesitated before nodding. "I still don't want anyone else to know about it because they'll only pressure me a lot so... Do you still have an idea about how I can attempt it again without anyone seeing me?"

       "I do," I said. "Awe, those are the words we'll be saying on our wedding day. Wait, sorry, serious mode. Yes, I still have an idea. I won't tell you yet because I want to surprise you. And it might not work. But I'm positive it will."

       After we finished eating, we went back home. I told Sawyer I was going to get started on my idea and that he would have to just wait until I got him.

       And that it could take a while, depending on the supplies I would be able to find.

       I dropped off my bags in my bedroom before heading to the stables, walking over to Paint's stall. When he saw me, he whinnied happily. I smiled as I rubbed his neck. "Hi," I said. "Want to go on the trail to set something up for my amazing boyfriend?"

       Paint whinnied happily again so I took him out of his stall and prepped him for riding. When he was all ready, I got on him and lead him to the trail.

       I knew the perfect spot to help Sawyer get back into showjumping.

       Not too far down the trail was an open area, almost as big as the training course that was set up back at the farm.

       I hopped off of Paint, looking around for stuff I could use to make Sawyer a training course. Of course, it wasn't going to be a proper one. Just one that helped him get back into jumping.

       It took a lot of time, and energy, to get the track set up but I didn't care about how long it took. I wanted to do it for Sawyer. If he wanted to get back into showjumping, I didn't want him to feel too overwhelmed with a course similar to the one he was injured on.

       When I finished, I stood back to admire my work. I really think this was going to help out Sawyer.

       Since I never took my cell phone riding with me because the ringing and even the vibrating always startled Paint, I had to head back to the farm to get Sawyer.

       I kept Paint in his field before walking inside the house. Sawyer was in our bedroom, standing by his dresser and looking at all his trophies.

       I stood beside him, looking at the trophies as well. He had a lot of first place trophies. A tiny bit of second place. And that was it. No third place. No participation ribbons.

       He must have been a really good showjumper.

       "I started showjumping shortly after you moved away," Sawyer said, still looking at his trophies. "And I loved it. I really loved it. I trained all the time and it never felt like a chore or anything to train. I never got annoyed when my mom told me it was time to train. In fact, most of the time I had to tell her since she was my coach and I was usually ready before her. And then I was injured and I was terrified I'd never do it again. I'm still scared."

       "I can imagine," I said. "If you're still not ready, you don't have to do it."

       "I may never be fully ready but I at least have to try," Sawyer said. "Otherwise, I'd never do it because I'd keep holding it off."

       "Well, if you're sure," I said. "Just take it slowly, okay? If it starts getting too much for you, just stop for the day."

       "I will," Sawyer said. "So are you going to tell me this idea of yours?"

       "I'm not going to tell you, but I'm going to show you," I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him downstairs, then outside of the house. "You're going to need Raven."

       "Jamie, I can't do it right now," Sawyer said. "My family is home."

       "Trust me on this," I said. "Nobody's going to see it."

       "Alright," Jamie said hesitantly before heading to the stables to get Raven. In the meantime, I went back over to Paint and got on him so I could lead Sawyer to the trail.

       When Sawyer was on Raven and trotted over to me, he said, "I'm very confused right now, Jamie."

       "You won't be for long," I said. "Just follow me."

       I led Sawyer down the trail and to the opening where I set up the make-do showjumping course with a bunch of logs and branches.

       "Jamie, what's this?" Sawyer asked, getting off of Raven once we arrived.

       "A temporary course," I said, getting off of Paint as well. "I know the height of the jumps aren't as high as the ones on the course back at the farm, but I figured a smaller height will help you get back into showjumping. That, and nobody will see you practicing. They'll just think you went for a trail ride or something."

       "You seriously made all of this for me?" Sawyer asked.

       "Yeah, of course I did," I said. "I figured this would be the best for you to start off with until you're ready to both do your regular jumps and have your family know you're getting back into showjumping. Do you like it?"

       Sawyer smiled widely at me. "Like it? I love it." He cupped my face in his hands and give me a lingering kiss. "I love you."

       Hearing Sawyer say those words for the first time made my heart skip a few beats but there wasn't a single doubt about me feeling the same way.

       Sawyer was just such an amazing person. He was kind. Thoughtful. He had such a big heart.

       He was the best.

       I smiled back at him. "I love you too. Oh, and I forgot one more thing about this training course."

       "What is it?" Sawyer asked.

       "Not only is it a secret place to train, it can also be a secret make out spot."

       Sawyer rolled his eyes but still chuckled. "Of course that's the only thing on your mind."

       "Not the only thing. A big thing, but not the only thing. Now give this course a go. I mean, only if you want to right now."

       Sawyer smiled at me and gave me one more kiss before getting back on Raven. I moved Paint out of the way so we could watch Sawyer give this course a go.

       I could see he was a bit hesitant as he went to the starting spot. He had to make sure he wasn't too hesitant that Raven would sense it so it did take some time for him to start.

       Eventually, he did. He did knock down a few logs on the course but that didn't matter. What mattered was that he gave it a go. He still tried even though he was still mentally recovering from his injury.

       "I clearly need a lot of practice," Sawyer said after his first run of the course. "Right?'

       "Do you want my honesty or do you want me to lie?" I asked.

       "Asking that means that the honest answer probably isn't the best," Sawyer said. "Just give it to me."

       "Well, I haven't seen you run a jumping course at all," I said. "So I can't compare what you did from what you've done in the past but that wasn't the best run."

       Sawyer sighed. "I know."

       "But you haven't jumped in months," I said. "It shouldn't matter how well you've done. You still got on Raven to do a jumping course. You still faced your fears. And for that, you did amazing."

       Sawyer smiled. "Thank you, Jamie. Seriously. My family was always giving me so much pressure about showjumping again and being the best again. But you're not. I don't feel any pressure at all coming from you."

       "The last thing you need is to be pressured," I said. "You just need to slowly ease back into it."

       "And I am, thanks to you," Sawyer said. "Seriously. You're the best."


jamie may be a horn dog but he's also a big sweetheart 😌

also i was going to add SHOCKING INFORMATION but sadly, it wouldn't fit with the flow of this chapter. will it come next chapter? idk, we'll see.

i wonder what this SHOCKING INFO is????

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