Chapter 4: Kitty, You're Annoying. Leave Me Alone.

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Chapter 4: Kitty, You're Annoying. Leave Me Alone.

       I found myself actually waking up a lot earlier than I normally did, mainly because I wanted to get down to the barn and make sure Paint was taken care of for the day. He was still a stubborn horse at times but it was a lot easier for me getting him out of the stables than it was for everyone else.

       Even when he was out in the secluded field just for him, I stayed there for a bit to watch him. He never seemed to mind. He continued to run around the field, occasionally trotting over to me and allowing me to rub his neck.

       I missed him a lot. Of course I did. Sawyer and I went through a lot of trouble as a nine and seven year old trying to rescue Paint from where we found him. We even got in trouble for running off into the forest behind the Birches' land.

       I just didn't understand why Paint had to be evil and kick mud at me.

       Then again, it was while my family was saying goodbye to the Birch family so maybe Paint understood I was leaving and possibly wouldn't come back.

       I hated the circumstances that made me come back but I was starting to be happy that I was back in Ruralburgh.

       "Jamie!" I heard Sawyer call. I turned around and saw him standing by the fence so I walked over to him. "You need a watch."

       "That's what my phone is for," I said.

       "Uh huh, and how often do you check the time on your phone?" Sawyer asked. "Because you do know you're running late to school, right?"

       I quickly pulled out of my pocket and noticed that it was currently eight-eighteen. Meaning school started in two minutes and my mom probably left without me. Again. I understood if she left without me because I slept in. But did she really have to leave me behind when I was awake? And outside? 

       I put my phone back in my pocket and gave Sawyer a hopeful look. "So... Sawyer..."

       He immediately chuckled, knowing exactly what I was going to ask. "Come on. I'll drive you to school."

       "You are a lifesaver," I said as I climbed over the fence, picking up my backpack which I left nearby so I wouldn't have to go back in the house to grab it in order to head to school.

       "All I hear is you're still helpless without me," Sawyer said as we started walking to his truck. "And you owe me a lot because of all the times I've saved your ass taking you to school and picking you up."

       "Well, how exactly do I owe you?" I asked, giving him a wink.

       Sawyer rolled his eyes, though he had a thin smile on his face, one that he was clearly trying to hide because of the twitching on the corner of his lips. "You need to stop with the innuendos."

       "What innuendo?" I asked innocently. "All I asked was how I owe you?"

       "The wink implied the innuendo."

       "I didn't wink. I blinked. With one eye."

       "Uh huh."

       By the time Sawyer pulled over to the side of the school so I could get out, the bell had just rung. Everyone who was outside of the school was now scrambling to get inside so their teachers wouldn't give them detention for being late.

       Which apparently happened a lot at this school. I haven't been late yet, thankfully because of Sawyer, but some fellow classmates had been late so I witnessed my teachers giving out detentions.

       Because I didn't want detention, I quickly hopped out of the truck, thanking Sawyer for driving me to school yet again. I closed the truck door but walked backwards a bit to wave goodbye to Sawyer.

       Sawyer smiled and waved back before driving off.

       I was about to turn around to walk properly to the school but I clearly didn't turn around fast enough since I accidentally crashed into someone. "I am so sorry!" I said before looking to see exactly who I crashed into.

       I was no longer sorry.

       Kitty gave me a harsh glare, one that seemed a lot icier than all the other ones she had given me. "Watch where you're going," she snapped.

       "I said sorry," I said, not in the mood to argue with her right now, only because I really had to get to class so I wouldn't get detention. "I didn't see you."

       "Clearly," Kitty said, the bitterness clearly evident in her tone. She probably saw Sawyer drop me off. Oops. "I get that you're new here and have yet to learn the ropes around the scho--"

       I rolled my eyes. "Chill out. I accidentally bumped into you. I apologized. You don't have to make a big deal out of it just because your ex-boyfriend has dropped me off at school a few times."

       Kitty's glared turned sharper and she tried arguing back with me but I ignored her and walked into the school, hurrying to my first period class. I got there and sat down in my seat beside Lulu a few seconds before the tardy bell rang.

       Lulu leaned over towards me. "You look annoyed."

       "Long story short, I accidentally bumped into Kitty."

       Lulu winced. "I can already imagine how that went."

       "And it was right after Sawyer dropped me off."

       "Oh, you're so dead. I'd leave the town and change your name. Probably move out of Canada. Move to Antarctica."

       "I think I'll live."

       "You're still a brave man, Krukowski."

       I had a suspecting feeling that since Kitty and I actually met and talked to each other, she was going to hesitate to try talking to me again to tear me down. I had to brace myself for what was going to come.

       And my suspecting feeling was right.

       I was just sitting peacefully in the cafeteria with Lulu and Beau, minding my own business when Kitty and a friend of hers walked over to the table. Kitty, nor I, wasn't the first person to say something in the upcoming conversation.

       Lulu was after she sighed heavily. "Go away, Kitty. We don't want to hear you whine about how you're still madly in love with Sawyer and don't want anyone hanging out around him because God forbid he isn't allowed to be friends with anyone just because he's bisexual."

       "Dang, you took the words right out of my mouth," I said. Kitty had no control over who Sawyer was able to hang out with. She wasn't hid girlfriend. She couldn't expect Sawyer to not be friends with anyone just because he was attracted to males and females.

       "She's not still in love with Sawyer," Kitty's friend said. "If she was, she wouldn't have dumped him in the first place."

       Lulu snorted. "Okay."

       "You don't even know anything," Kitty said.

       "I know enough," Lulu said. "Mainly because I was nearby when you broke up with Sawyer since you did it in a public setting. Just to let you know, you're a heartless bitch."

       "Can we please not argue right now?" Beau asked. From getting to know both Lulu and Beau, I've come to learn they were polar opposites. Beau was the calmer one out of the two. He hated arguments. Hated large crowds of people. Hated gossiping. 

       And Lulu, on the other hand, loved being around people and loved gossiping. I couldn't tell if she loved arguing but it was something she did a lot with people she hated.

       "No, we are going to argue right now," Lulu said. Beau sighed heavily and didn't bother trying to stop Lulu.

       "We're not even arguing," Kitty said. "I'm just here to clear up the confusion with..." She looked at me, raising an eyebrow in a way to silently ask my name.

       I wanted to be a pest and say Your ex-boyfriends future boyfriend but I didn't. Why didn't I? I had no idea. I guess I really didn't want to start any drama yet. I really needed things to stay calm while I got used to living in this town.

       Living without my dad.

       Because I still wasn't used to it.

       So I just told Kitty my name. "Jamie."

       "Right, Jamie," Kitty said. Her eyes than lit up as if she realized something. "Oh, Jamie Krukowski. I heard all about your family moving back here. I am so sorry for your loss."

       I tried my best not to roll my eyes. She wasn't sorry. The tone of her voice made it a dead giveaway that she didn't really mean it. I could hear the clear sarcasm in her voice. She probably brought up my loss to start some drama or to get a reaction out of me.

       Lulu frowned before looking at me sympathetically. "What loss?"

       "Oh, he didn't tell you?" Kitty asked. "He lost hi--"

       "It's not your place to tell," I snapped at Kitty. "If I haven't said anything to them, then I clearly don't want to talk about it so go mind your own business."

       Kitty gave me a fake, sweet smile. "I was just being polite. I didn't know you haven't told them. I really am so sorry for your loss. And I am so sorry your family can't afford your own home so you have to live with the Birch family."

       Screw it. Screw everything. The Birch family was nice enough to open up their homes to us and Kitty was making it sound like my family was a shame and a burden to them just because of our current financial situation.

       If she wanted to play with fire, so be it.

       Because she was only going to get burned in the end.

       "I don't know, I wouldn't necessarily consider it a bad thing that my family has to live with the Birch family," I said. "In fact, I think I'm very lucky I get to see Sawyer every single day. Watch him work. See all those glorious muscles. I've even seen him shirtless a few times and whew. He's quite the man."

       Kitty's 'sweet' smile immediately faded, her cheeks tinting red with fury. "Stay away from him."

       "Oh, and what happened to you not being in love with him anymore?" I asked. "He's a single man. I can go near him and check him out all I want. You might want to get used to it before your head explodes with jealously."

       Kitty didn't continue the argument. She just turned around and walked away, her friend quickly following her.

       "You, Jamie, are my role model," Lulu said. "I've never seen her so mad before. How did you do it?"

       "You said it yourself," I said. "She still has feelings for him, obviously. I just said what she doesn't want to hear. And what I definitely wanted to say. My mom doesn't let me talk about Sawyer like that anymore. Something about me being inappropriate."

       "Oh, you should hear what I say," Lulu said. "Everyone tells me to filter my mouth. Do I need a filter, Beau?"

       "Yes," Beau said. "Please. Get one. I don't like hearing what you say at times. It scars me."

       "Well, too bad I didn't ask for your opinion," Lulu said.

       Beau furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "But you... You just asked me... if you needed a filter." Lulu swatted her hand as if to dismiss his comment. 

       "So..." I said slowly. "About this loss of mine..."

       "No, Jamie, don't tell us if you don't want to talk about it," Lulu said. "It's your choice. Kitty shouldn't have brought it up at all because she clearly only did so for a reaction."

       I told her and Beau anyway. "It's was my dad. Cancer." Before Lulu and Beau could say anything, I continued. "You don't have to say you're sorry or anything. This is a small town. Word gets out, especially with Kitty apparently knowing everything."

       "Her mom is the mayor," Beau reminded.

       "Right," I said. "That explains it. Anyway, it's still fresh so I would rather not talk about it. I just wanted to let the two of you know.""

       "Well, since you don't want to talk about it, we can talk about Sawyer instead," Lulu said, which did make me smile. "Ah, you smiled. You like him?"

       "I find him attractive," I said. "And I like bugging him by making suggestive comments. That's it. We're friends."

        "Right, friends, got it," Lulu said. "But if you two ever date, stay clear of Kitty. I know you probably want to anyway but... Trust me on this. You're going to have to really stay away from Kitty."

       Lulu didn't expand her reasoning which only made me very curious. I knew there was one person I could ask about it but I didn't know if I should. I didn't know how long ago Sawyer and Kitty's break up was so if it was still fresh for him, I didn't want to rub salt into the wounds.

       After school, Sawyer ended up picking me up from school, something he did very often. If he was already in town close to school ending, it made sense to him to come pick me up. Today, he was at home and still decided to drive into town to get me.

       "Do you still think I'm helpless?" I asked as I got into the truck.

       "Yes," Sawyer said, starting the drive home. "But I actually wanted to pick you up so you could get home faster. Paint is getting restless. I've been trying to bring him to his stall so he could eat but he won't budge. I figured it was best to drive you home so Paint doesn't have to wait with your walking. Thank you, by the way. For working with him. I still wish he would listen to everyone else but at least there's one person he listens to. Better than nothing."

       "I'm going to say something really shocking," I said. "I missed him while I was in the city. Thought about him all the time."

       "I kind of figured that," Sawyer said. "It's not that shocking. You okay? You look as if something's bothering you."

       I hesitated. "I just... Is it okay if I ask you something personal?"

       Sawyer stiffened. "Is it about me not competing anymore? Because I don't want to talk about that."

       "It's not about competing," I said and Sawyer relaxed a bit. "I already know you don't want to talk about it."

       "So... What do you want to talk about then?" Sawyer asked.


       I was expecting Sawyer to stiffen again but he didn't. He just repeated, "Kitty?"

       "Yeah," I said. 

       "And I'm guessing you want to know about the break up."

        "Yeah... You don't have to tell me. I just got curious because, well, she was being a jerk to me today since she has seen you drop me off and pick me up a few times."

       Sawyer snorted. "I'm pissed she still has feelings with me. Her actions prove otherwise and she should have thought about what kind of bigot she was being towards me. Okay, so, I came out while I was dating Kitty. I didn't tell her. When I did come out, I only told my family and a few close friends. But you know, small town. Word gets around. Kitty found out and wasn't happy about it. She was... downright biphobic, really. Told me she didn't want to date someone who, in a nicer way than how she put it, liked receiving and not just giving. She said a lot of spiteful things and then dumped me. So yeah, if she still has feelings for me, she has a funny way of showing it because she hasn't once tried to apologize for what she said. Maybe I would accept it. Maybe. But I wouldn't get back together with her. If she ever does anything to bother you..."

      "Don't worry, I can handle myself," I said. "I did pretty well today, in fact. I mad her furious. Lulu thought it was the best thing ever."

       "As much as I would have liked to see that, try not to get into a feud with Kitty," Sawyer said. 

       I think it was too late for that warning.


beau is the most precious thing in this story (apart from paint) and i just love him so much and i want to protect him and ugh <3 such a bean

also there's a lot more to the break up than what sawyer said. a lot more. he just touched on the basics. so long story short: kitty is horrible and we should stan beau.

beau is an angel <3

okay we really need to see more of sawyer's older brother. he's the only birch member we haven't met yet. and i'm happy to report that none of the family are annoying buttfaces. they're such a lit family. vincent can be annoying but only because he's an older brother and it's what they do. i think. i don't have an older brother. just two younger ones (one i claim as my twin) but he does bug our younger sisters so my theory is still correct.

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