file four: kjn + ksg

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She watched the moonlight filter through the thin slit in the curtains.

Jennie got up, the small bruises littering her neck stinging as she passed a hand over them. The room was dark as she slipped on a robe and walked over to the table, trying to adjust her eyesight to the dimness. The only light was that of the city and the moon, though the apartment was high enough to drown out the nighttime traffic's noise.

She cleaned the blood off her nose, discarding the tissues on the floor. The absence of a clock in the room gave it their strange impression of being timeless, a suspended, dimensionless moment. An eternity. An instant.

"Going somewhere?"

She turned to find Seulgi half-risen from her position on the bed. Jennie let her lips curve into a faint smile as she walked back to the bedside, climbing back into the bed.

Leaning in, she brushed her lips against the ravenette's soft ones shortly before pulling back to look at her. Seulgi's long, dark hair spilled over her naked shoulders, white powder dusting her skin and tangling in the strands of her hair. Her eyes were still half-lidded from the kiss, long eyelashes casting spidery shadows across her cheekbones which shone because of a sheen of sweat.

"Worried about your cousin?" the woman asked without opening her eyes. The blankets wrapping her bare form shifted around her as she sat up.

Jennie pursed her lips, pulling back and leaning against the pillows. "It's not about him."

"It's alright, Jen," Seulgi said as she finally opened her eyes, reaching up to trace the line of Jennie's jaw with her fingertips. "Family comes first."

The brunette's brow furrowed, but she didn't shake off the touch even as the sharp tips of Seulgi's crimson fingernails touched her skin. "Seulgi, please."

The girl's eyelids lowered slightly over her obsidian irises, making her look like she wasn't all in her mind. Jennie's breath caught in her throat as she looked down at her—face bare of the provocative makeup that usually decorated it, a sort of vulnerable look on her face that she was glad that she was able to see.

Seulgi had always been hidden away. Jennie remembered the first time she had seen her, a timeless beauty who looked like she had stepped out of a portrait. At first, she had been untouchable—an ice sculpture, covered by a veil of poisonous smiles and sensual touches. She had truly been a goddess, and she still was. Just not with her.

It had been hard at first, but she had warmed up to Jennie almost suddenly. A starless night, blood, tears. Family. That was all it had taken to undo the beautiful ravenette in front of the left hand's eyes, and Jennie was more and more grateful every day that she was the one of the few people Seulgi trusted.

With her, they were real.

Seulgi's fingers curled around the nape of her neck and pulled her in. Her lips stopped just before they could touch hers, but when she sighed, Jennie could feel her sweet breath brush her skin.

"Family always comes first, Jen," she said, faintly brushing the tip of her nose against the bridge of Jennie's, curling her fingers in the strands of her hair, making her heart skip more than just one beat. "Doesn't matter where you come from, how they treat you. When the time comes, family is what pulls you in and unravels ths tapestry of your soul."

She pulled back, and when her eyes met Jennie's, they were a shade darker than usual. "Even if they hate you. Even if you hate them."

"Seulgi..." The last syllable trailed off, like a comet's tail, holding more than it seemed to. "I can't go against Jungkook just to protect a brother who never acted like one. If I do that, I'm automatically on their side, which means I'm against you."

For a moment, she held her stare. Then Seulgi's eyelashes fluttered, eyes casting downwards. She pulled the girl in for another kiss, and Jennie responded, cupping the girl's elbow as Seulgi rose from her position, the blankets slipping off her form and leaving her skin bare to the brunette's touch.

Jennie's fingers traced a pattern into Seulgi's side, right over a scar that reminded both of them of the fateful night that had brought them closer together and pulled them further apart. The girls' breaths mingled, heavy and laboured, and Jennie shifted closer to her, lightly touching the other girl's jaw and tilting her head to the side so she could have better access.

How many people had she kissed this way? She used to ask herself, but she now knew that the others meant nothing. Body, she vaguely recalled Seulgi telling her when she had once voiced her doubt, not soul.

Abruptly, Seulgi pulled away, not bothering to pull the sheets over herself as she did, her fingers digging into the mattress, hands fisting n the blankets.

"We might not make it," she said.

Jennie paused, her eyes searching the girl's darker ones. After a moment of silence, she sighed, letting her lips curl into a sad smile. With a fond look, she reached forward to brush a few strands of Seulgi's midnight-black hair behind her ear, letting her touch linger for another second before pulling back.

This was something private, personal to both of them. To the world, and the playing ground of the criminals in Seoul, they were nothing more than two powerful people in a gang of powerful individuals, but they were so much more than that.

They were so more than just partners to each other.

"We might not," she agreed, arching her eyebrows slightly. "But we have no choice but to go on, don't we?" she asked. "Think of it as a culmination of the past few years. Of Lee Taeyong, of Vernon, of everything we have ever worked for."

She leaned forward, pressing her forehead against the girl's, closing her eyes and cupping Seulgi's fists with her hands as if cradling them. "Just remember that no matter the outcome, no matter who wins and who loses, who lives brokenly and who dies in peace, this is it," she said, voice soft. "This is the end."

"The final leap," Seulgi whispered.

"Yes." Jennie's voice was sad and soft, like a lullaby and a song sung to the dead in their graves. "The final leap."


so guys i put up a poll on my instagram story (under sugawiththistae) which has something to do with this might want to answer this one wink wink

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