3 ~ Missing her

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Six years earlier

Maeve's hand traced up and down my back in a circular motion, laying in each others arms underneath the safe haven of my bedsheets.

Slowly catching our breaths inched in the afterglow.

After we reached out high I collapsed on top of Maeve out of exhaustion.

"Otis?" Maeve's voice whispered below my earlobe.

I hummed in response running one of my hands through her long chocolate hair. "Yes?"

Maeve's lips drew into a naughty smirk. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

I pressed my lips on hers then put my forehead against hers with a massive grin across my face.

"Of course I did"

Maeve kissed my nose and forehead then I leaned in to nibble her neck.

Hitting sweet spot on her neck caused Maeve to hitch her breath and whimpered. She soon got impatient and turned me on my back allowing her  to be the dominating one on top.

Maeve smiled into our forbidden kiss and giggled. Afterwards we retreated and caught our breaths.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" I queried as Maeve rolled off me to rest her head against my shoulder. Her gentle hands roamed along my chest to calm down my breathing.

One of Maeve's eyebrows cocked up in an instant, cautiously analysing my question.

"Well, Sex Kid?" She tapped her pinky finger underneath her chin in deep thought. "It was much better than I had ever imagined"

I could've fell out of the bed in that moment out of pure shock.

Maeve Wiley had thoughts of us having sex.

"Otis, you look like a cat has swallowed your tongue or something?" She asked in a flock of amusement.

"I'm just really taken aback by what you said" I confessed through a bashful smile.

Maeve glanced down at her nails biting on lower lip. "I've thought about it for awhile now. But I always tried to push it out of my mind after we started the clinic together"

Tears brimmed below Maeve's cheeks. I threw my arms around her and held her tight.

"You don't need to explain" Maeve's body trembled  over my body heat as she entangled into my lovingly embrace, sobbing. "It's Ok, Maeve"

We pulled apart and Maeve was startled to see that I was crying too. She wiped my tears as I wiped hers.

Maeve clutched her hand in mine and kissed the top of my palm. Our faces were inched a lot closer than before.

I cupped Maeve's cheek and lean in to give her a tender kiss.

I kissed top of Maeve's palm and held it close to my heart, glazing into her beautiful brown orbs.

"I love you, Otis"

"I love you too, Maeve"

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