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You still remember the day that Adler had started to call you again.

It was a rainy day, cloudy and grey, almost ugly.

You felt depressed, not just because the communication with Perseus had been rare these days but also because it felt like your only purpose in life had slipped out of your finger.

Staring out the window, you took a sip from your coffee.

It was good coffee, sinfully expensive, but tasted just the way it was supposed to be.

You had never tasted anything like this. Somehow, it reminded you of the touch of Adler's lips.

He had also always been special and extravagant, just like this stupid liquid that you loved to drink just so that the bitterness reminded you of who he was.

For months now you had been longing for him.

You hated it.

You hated how you thought about him first in the morning.

You hated how you dreamed about him at night.

You hated how you remembered things about him and it made you smile like a fool.

At some point you had admitted to yourself that it wasn't just a stupid crush or the memories of the war that pushed you back to him.

You liked Russell. Maybe even loved him at this point.

A deep breath escaped your lips as you let your forehead fall against the cool glass of the window.

"Yebat...", you cursed in your mother tongue. "I failed... how could I fail like this? Father... you raised me to be better."

The sound of raindrops shattering on the window filled the silence of the house.

This house, so stupidly big for one person, with so many empty rooms and unused bathrooms was just one more thing that made you feel miserable.

After the CIA had moved you to this place, further away from Russell, you had felt lonelier than ever.

As you had still lived in Maryland, after the two of you had slept with each other and came to the agreement that it wasn't wise to keep meeting like this, he had still managed to slide in some road trips and friendly meetings at diners.

But now the two of you were living too far apart to do that.

And you also feared to meet him again.

He was already so close.

All of a sudden, the sound of a ringing phone cut through the chaos that was dominating your thoughts for weeks now.

As if struck but lighting, you jumped from your chair and ran across the living room.

At first you thought it was Perseus, who finally called to pass on new orders.

But as you entered the kitchen, you noticed it wasn't the phone hidden underneath a fake cabinet floor.

It was the regular phone that was ringing.

Confused, you froze in your happiness and stared at it.

You didn't have friends. There was nobody out there who had a reason to call you.

Unless it was those annoying salesmen again.

Sighing, you placed the mug on the table and shrugged. You didn't have anything to do anyways so listening to these people trying to sell you something might bring some fun.

You picked up the phone.

It had been ringing for quite a while, you noticed in that moment. Whoever it was really wanted to talk to you.

"Hello?", you said and looked at the clock.

It was four in the afternoon. Not late, but too late to start doing something for your liking.

"(Y/N).", a familiar, rough voice said.

As soon as that name, your name, reached your ears, you had to shiver. A soft gasp escaped your lips.

"Russell.", you had to sit down. "Why are you? I thought we made a decision."

On the other end of the line, he let out a deep breath.

That sound alone was enough for you to sense that something was wrong.

"I didn't have anybody else...", he started to explain himself. "I... I didn't want to call anybody else. I only wanted you for this."

You frowned.

"A mission?"

"No. I would understand if you don't want to. We didn't talk in a while. I made bad decisions in the past."

"Stop beating around the bush and give it to me straight, Russell."

"I'm divorcing her. Or she divorces me. Doesn't really matter anymore."

"I'm coming.", you jumped up.

He fell silent.

The crackling sound of the phone filled your ears, mixed with his heavy breathing.

For a long moment, you just stood there, phone in hand and just didn't say anything.

"Thank you.", he finally said and hung up.

"I came as fast as I could!", you gasped as you finally arrived at the state court. "Am I late?"

With a soft expression on his face, Adler shook his head.

"Always arriving at the right time.", he hummed and turned to you.

It was obvious that he was expecting some kind of intimate greeting, a side hug, you grabbing his hands, maybe even a kiss to the cheek.

Without skipping a beat you closed the distance between the two of you and wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him into a hug that said more than anything you've ever said out loud to him.

By their own will, his arms wrapped around you too.

"I missed you.", he whispered into your ear.

With a concerned expression, you pulled away and held him by the shoulders so that you could have a good look at him.

"You look terrible...", you noted and immediately started to caress his scars. "Did she suck you dry?"

"No. We had a prenup."

"Well... at least one good decision you made."

"He should have married you instead.", a nasty voice suddenly replied from across the corridor.

With an annoyed expression, yon turned your head to meet his ex wife's gaze.

"Hello to you too.", you said.

She raised her chin.

"How do you feel about loosing?", she asked with an evil smirk and turned to leave with her lawyer. "He's all yours now. I hope he makes you miserable the same way he makes himself."

A deep breath escaped you.

You had left the courthouse as the winner that day.

But she had been right.

He did make you miserable. Even if it was in an entirely different way.

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