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Surprised, you raised an eyebrow to give Adler one of those kinds of looks.

He just needed to meet your eyes and immediately understood.

"I know it's risky.", he tried to defend his decision.

"It's stupid, shades.", you huffed.

A slim smirk appeared on his scarred side.

"I knew you would say that, angel. But we both know it will work."

"How so?"

"Because we will do it together."

A cold shiver crawled down your spine.

Not only was this mission set to be in mother Russia itself, it also implied the KGB.

Officially, your existence was a myth to most Soviets. But being seen inside the most important building of the Union, killing your own men, was something that you probably couldn't explain without being titled as a traitor to Perseus.

Either way, you couldn't pull out.

Adler had already made up his mind. And if he wanted something, he never let go.

The fact that he was still trying to convince you to stay by his side made that as clear as dawn. He hadn't picked up that topic for a few days now, but the way he acted around you and the way you acted with him started to push you into a direction that made you question if it really would have been such a bad idea.

Quickly, you shook the thought of. You weren't allowed to think that way.

Lazar walked up to the room you, Bell and Adler were in and leaned against the doorframe.

"Just got word Belikov is back in Moscow.", he informed.

His deep voice made something inside of you stir. He was a danger, a huge one to add to that.

Either he had to go or you had to be very, very careful about him.

Satisfied, Adler nodded. He was holding a lit cigarette, halfway smoked.

You wanted to take it, just out of the habit, but he didn't offer it yet.

Maybe he was trying to make you act first. If you'd take that cigarette on your own it would only feed into his believes that he could win and make you stay.

That should never happen.

"You guys know the plan.", Adler said and looked at everyone. "Bell, you're with me. Lazar, be ready for exfil."

You gifted him an amused smirk.

"And I?", you asked, just to tease him.

Adler shook his head.

"You know the drill.", he replied and took another breath from the cigarette.

Usually, he didn't smoke his cigs all the way. He'd just start them or make it to the half before throwing them out or offering the rest to you. It was a terrible habit that the sharing at war had caused.

But today he seemed to push your limits.

You wanted to take that damn thing. But asking him for it or making the first move would have out you in serious shit.

All of a sudden, Hudson came storming over and pushed Lazar aside to point at Bell.

"Are you taking him into the KGB with you?", he asked Adler angrily. "Are you crazy? Wait for Mason or Woods to return."

It was good to know that not even Hudson knew what role you were playing. His entire concern was laying on Bell, which gave you a lot of air to breath.

Also, it came in handy that he was coming along. If you were lucky, you'd be able to drop him off somewhere for Perseus to find.

Yet again, luck had not been on your side for quite a while. First the brainwash had gotten out of control and you didn't know if Bell was now Russian or American and then Volkov failed to do his part.

Things really didn't look good.

Adler wasn't impressed by Hudson's rage.

"I don't need Mason or Woods.", he replied. "I need Bell. He's got the skill we need. And angel is with us."

Hudson pulled a face.

"Are you enjoying this?", he asked. "You're risking the entire operation unnecessarily."

Adler took another drag from the cigarette.

"It's not unnecessary. It's calculated."

With a threatening expression, Hudson stepped closer to Adler to meet him eye to eye. Or shades to shades.

"Just understand that if you botch this we can't get those names.", he reminded him. "It's over."

"Hudson.", you jumped in with a bored look on your face, arms crossed. "You need to put some faith in us."

He turned to you.

"Don't tell me you agree with him?"

"I always do. That's why we get along so well. Great minds think alike."

"This is ridiculous."

"It's a necessary evil. Get over yourself. Or do you want to take Bell's place? See Moscow in all its KGB glory?"

His lips twitched and a hint of pesky white teeth appeared.

"You should know your place as someone who's only here because of one man's request.", he warned.

"Hudson.", Adler tilted his head, visibly amused. "You're forgetting that angel is here because the president approves. And so do I. So be carful what you say to my partner."

With a shake of his bald head Hudson turned on his heel and rushed off, probably to have a serious talk with someone who had higher authority than him.

Adler looked at you.

With an amused smirk, you just shrugged.

That man had always been a pain in the ass to you. It felt good to see him get infuriated by Adler's trust in you and his own decisions.

"I know you can do this. Hudson doesn't trust anyone he can't control.", Adler said to Bell. "That's what he doesn't like me nor angel."

Playing shocked, you gasped.

"He doesn't like me?", you asked with a perfectly played hurt expression. "Oh no, what am I doing now? I thought we are the best of friends! Disappointing..."

Adler huffed.

"Don't get cocky, angel.", he advised and pointed a finger at you. "He's still one level above us."

"Probably because he's sucking the president's dick."

To hide a grin, Adler turned around and walked off.

"Don't let him hear that.", he said.

You smiled.

"Aren't you going to deny that theory?"

"Not at all."

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