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Without a sound, you rushed into the office in which Kraus had disappeared minutes ago. It was strange, you had clearly seen him walk in, but not come out. But the room was entirely empty.

Bell closed the door.

"Get a good look around.", you said.

You pulled out a black light to check if fingerprints were anywhere to be seen as all of a sudden, Parks voice filled your ears.

"I've lost sight of Kraus every time he enters that room.", she informed.

You activated your speaker. One good thing about the Americans was that they trusted their own people a but too much. Park and the others were only able to hear what you and Bell said once you captivated the mice, otherwise you were safe to talk freely.

"Good thing you informed us about the child.", you joked, but made clear how little you were thrilled.

"It slipped our attention."

"Since when does anything slip MI6's attention, Park? That little fucker could have put us in serious trouble."

"I assure you it was a one time thing."

"Sure hope so, Park. Sure hope so..."

Bell tapped your shoulder.

You turned your gaze into the direction he was pointing in.

The blue radius of his black light pointed at a wardrobe. Then, he pointed it at a picture.

One corner was slightly titled. It wasn't all too obvious, but considering that everything else inside the office was well organised, this seemed odd.

"We're out, Park.", you informed her. "Stay put."

"Copy that.", she answered.

You walked over to the picture to take a closer look. It was hanging pretty stiff. As you poked the edge to see if it would swing, nothing moved.

"Bell, check the wall.", you ordered and gently pushed the edge of the frame further.

A clicking sound filled the silence.

Bell pushed the wall.

Again, something clicked. Not a second later, the wall started to move, pulled back and snapped open.

A dark room was revealed behind the fake one.

Your eyebrows rose.

"Interesting...", you pulled out your gun. "I'll go first. Cover me."

Nodding, Bell also drew his pistol.

The floor below your feet creaked as you entered the room. It was hard to tell what it was in that darkness, but the outlines seemed to be an awful lot like ropes from which pieces of paper were hanging.

The smell of chemicals was in the air.

"There's a lightbulb.", he pointed at the ceiling.

You pulled the cord.

Red light flooded the room.

Pictures appeared.

"Ah, so he is an intel as well.", you noted as your eyes wandered over the pictures, then to a table nearby. "Found the briefcase. Take a look at what's inside."

He followed your orders, popped the lid open and started going through the documents.

"Money, pictures, a fee stacks of paper.", he said and searched for a good place to plant the tracker. "I'll hide it at the side."

Agreeing, you hummed.

But your attention was captured by a row of photos.

You remembered them. They had been made in Vietnam, in one of the many camps you had served in, alongside Adler, Sims and Woods.

One picture in particular caught your eye.

It was one of the rare photographs of Adler smiling.

He was sitting on one of the barrels of the tanks, one arm tightly wrapped around your neck. He was laughing, not just posing for the camera, but actually laughing with his mouth open and teeth showing, living in the moment.

You were bending under the strength of his arm, hands holding the hat he had newly gotten for you.

Happiness was shining on your face as well.

You remembered that day.

It had been the day before the disaster. The day before Adler had gotten his scars.

A soft breath left your lips while the feeling of goosebumps chased through your body. You hadn't seen that picture in ages.

The only original copy had been in Adler's possession. But after getting married, his wife had throw it out. Only the devil knew why she had done that.

Without thinking about consequences, you grabbed the picture and let it disappear in your pocket.

"Bell, did you finish?", you glanced over your shoulder.

He nodded and closed the briefcase again.

"Everything in place.", he confirmed.

"Good. Let's get out of here."

You turned on your heel, already rushing towards the exit, as a sound suddenly reached your ears.

Bell noticed too. He walked up to another closet.

The sounds got more persistent.

His hand was laying on the door already as he looked back and waited for a command.

You raised your gun, pointed it at the door and gave him a nod.

Slowly, he pulled one side open, then the other.

A woman appeared, short ref hair and dressed in brown. She was tied up and a pice of cloth was stuck in her mouth to keep her from screaming.

"That's the intel I met at the cafe.", he said.

You took a step forward, but jumped back and pointed your gun at the exit as a shadow caught your attention.

Struck by surprise, Kraus pointed his gun at Bell.

"I'll shoot him.", he threatened.

The woman screamed.

Your finger twitched on the trigger.

"You're working for Volkov, no?", you asked.

Kraus pulled a face.

"I don't know why you should care."

"Because Volkov works for Perseus, correct?"

"You are not in the position to ask questions!", threateningly, he took a step closer.

A slim smirk appeared on your lips.

You raised your hands, gun turned to the ceiling.

"I'm a friend of the Union.", you said in Russian.

Surprised, Kraus froze.

"Speaking Russian won't save your ass!", he hissed back.

You shook your head.

"I am a spy. And he is the right hand man. Perseus send us for different tasks, but plans changed.", you took a step towards Kraus to offer him the Soviet way of shaking hands. "I need you to take him to Volkov. Perseus needs this man back. Quickly."

Unsure, Kraus accepted.

"What about you?", he asked.

"My mission isn't over yet. I need to stay with Adler."

"Adler? Russell Adler?"


"So... you're (Y/N)? I can't believe you exist."

A soft chuckle made your chest tremble.

"We don't have time for talking. I'll return to the Americans and tell them Bell was captured. Get him to Volkov as quick as you can. I'll buy you time. And remove the tracker. Or at least try to fool them with it."

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