till death do us part 🔫 sunnylya

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WRITTEN BY: sunnylya

I will protect you. That's what he told her all the time everytime they met at night in the royal garden. With the moon brighten up the darkness as he kissed her under the moonbeam. Love was blooming between the two young adults who knew nothing other than their forbidden love.

The Joseon Dynasty in 1910 was ruled by Lee Hwan, the king who was loved by the folks as he ruled the kingdom with full fairness. He listened to the folk, gave help to those that needed the most and only punished people that only deserved it. But there's one thing that could make King Lee's anger boil. A relationship between royal family members and non-royal blood.

Whoever broke these rules will get a bad punishment for ruining the royal blood by having a relationship with servants. None of the family members dare to break the rules, especially not after seeing an awful sight of Lee Hilsun getting beat up to death 10 years ago after getting caught for loving his servant and having a child that was half royal blood.

Royal family was like the sun. A sun that was circled by a dragon symbolising the royal family was protected by a strong power. They radiated a pure yet powerful spirit and they didn't want non-royal blood to ruin the holiness of the royal family. Just like what Lee Hilsun did 10 years ago...

"Your Highness.. I don't think I can be with you—" Before she could finish her words, the young prince shut her mouth by pressing his lips on her. "Don't say that Iseul. Please, I'm begging you. I will protect you."

"You can't, Your Highness! The King will be wrathful. We need to end our relationship before they find out about us. Please.." She pulled his hands and gripped it tightly. She looked straight into his pairs of beautiful eyes.

She loves him. She knew she wasn't supposed to fall in love with someone from the royal family. She knew all of that but she still fell for him and her love was going deeper each time they were together. Living in the palace as a servant was hell but the crown prince made her happy by sharing his love with her. But, they can't be together. That's the rules. It was cruel because no one can stop someone from loving another person. After all, they're still human.

"Don't you love me, Iseul? Can't you trust me for once? I love you, Iseul. I can't live without you. My life seemed so dull before you came and now you coloured my life. I'm not scared of them. To be with you, I don't mind getting shot by the arrow." Heeseung tried to hold his tears as he looked down to prevent Iseul from seeing a weak sight of him.

"What are you saying, Your Highness? I'm not going to let them hurt you. Never! I will be sad if I lose you. But you are the future of Joseon Dynasty. You deserve someone better than me. A beautiful princess unlike me.. a poor servant. I'm just nothing but someone that will become memories to you." The tears she held all this time rolled down her soft cheeks. Heeseung wiped it using his thumb but her cries became harder.

Why is it so hard to be happy? To feel the love? Is this all her fault by falling for someone that couldn't be hers?

"My love, Iseul. I don't want you to compare yourself to someone that I will never love. You're the only one. You're my first and last. And if it's the only way to be with you, I don't mind getting hurt. As a man, I'm supposed to protect you, Iseul. I want to prove to you and to them that my love for you is beyond their imagination." He said, comforting her.

Heeseung.. Your Highness. It's not like I want to end this relationship too. I want to scream and tell everyone that I got to be with a handsome crown prince and I want them to know how lucky I am. But we need to end this. I don't want history to happen again. I don't want you to end up like Prince Hilsun. I'm scared of losing you. Imagine without you by my side, I don't know what I should do.

Suddenly they could hear footsteps heading towards them and Heeseung immediately pulled Iseul up and told her to hide behind the trees. Before that, he placed a soft kiss on her forehead and whispered something into her ear which made her dry eyes become teary again. "Till death do us part, I promise to stay by your side, my love."

"Your Highness, you're here. You should go to your room now since it's almost midnight." The royal guard said and the crown prince nodded with a cold face before he walked away with the royal guard following from behind.

He turned around to look around to make sure no one was there as he could feel someone's presence but he saw nothing. Iseul let out a deep breath when both of them left. She came out from behind the trees before heading back to her room.


"What?!" A loud thump was created when Heeseung threw the books he was reading on the wooden table. His eyes were staring deathly at the man who's in front of him. The King.

"Where's your manners? How dare you raise your voice at me?" The king asked. Even though he sounds calm, no one knows about the anger that was boiling inside of him right now. He wasn't that dumb to not know about his son relationship with the servant, Choi Iseul. He was the king and he had a lot of spies, eyeing the crown prince.

"You want me to marry the princess from another kingdom?"

"Of course. You will turn 21 soon, the age for you to take over my position but before that, you will need a Queen. It seems like you're not interested in anyone so I set everything up for you. What do you think about it?"

Heeseung clenched his fist as a way to calm down. How could the king do this to him? He might have already found out about him and Iseul. It's not impossible when he owned everyone in this palace as he could get any information easily. But no matter what the king tried to do, his love for Iseul would never change. Just like how he promised, she will be the first and last love for him. This is the right time to tell his father and he's ready to fight him and protect Iseul. There's no use keeping it a secret because they still will figure it out soon.

"Your Majesty, I declined it. I'm not going to marry anyone." Heeseung said and he saw the King smirked. "Why? Is it because you already have someone you love? Who is it? Don't tell me.. a servant?"

"If yes?"

"Lee Heeseung! Do you want to end up like your brother?!" The king grabbed the sword from the royal guard and placed it right in front of Heeseung's face. "It's your fault, Your Majesty. You never think of us like your children. The holiness of the royal family is more important to you than us. You killed Hilsun when all he did was fall in love with a servant. After Hilsun's death, mother decided to end her life. It's all because of you! We're nothing but just a toy to you!"

Can you believe it? Just to protect the holiness of the royal family, the king killed his own blood, his son. And the reason is.. because Lee Hilsun, a brother to Heeseung, fell in love with a female servant and she gave birth to a baby that became a half royal blood. The servant and the baby were safe but... Hilsun sacrificed his life for them. He chose to die for them. That time, Heeseung was just a 10 years old kid but he needed to witness something awful. Watching his beloved brother's head get cut off by his father. The look in the king's eyes, it seems like there's nothing to be regretful about.

"I don't care about that. Rules are still rules. I'm not going to sit and watch everything. You know something bad will happen if you disobeyed me." The king said before he left.

Heeseung covered his face before he broke down in tears. He hates his father so much. What's the point caring for the folks but treating your family like a toy? He was scared to hear that from the king. What will happen soon? He wouldn't let the king lay a finger on Iseul.

A knock could be heard before the voice he missed the most called for him from the outside. He opened the door and Iseul gasped when she saw his red eyes. Heeseung pulled her into a hug and cried again. How could he protect her when he was this weak? Iseul didn't say anything and just patted his back. She knew the pressure Heeseung had. Being the crown prince wasn't easy and she felt bad when Heeseung rather spent his time with her and not doing his job as the crown prince.

"I will protect you.. I'm going to protect you.." He mumbled between his sobbing as his hug tightened around her, and didn't let her go.

"I know, Your Highness. I know you will protect me." Iseul also could feel something bad will happen. Maybe history will repeat itself again?


Iseul was doing her work at the kitchen when more than five royal guards entered the kitchen causing chaos. She was confused with the situation but then the guards grabbed her arms causing her to scream and shouted at them to let her go but she decided to shut her mouth when they aimed the sword at her. Her knees felt weak as it was trembling. The guards pulled her with them as she was already scared of what would happen soon.

At the same time, Heeseung was reading as always in her personal library when his best friend, Jongseong, came into the library with a panicked look on his face. Heeseung laughed when he saw his friend was taking a breath as he looked like just got chased by a ghost. "Why?"

"Your Highness.. Iseul." Just by saying her name with a serious face, Heeseung knew something happened. He put the book back on the shelf and asked him about the situation.

Jongseong explained everything to him and Heeseung's heart dropped. Anger started rising and he immediately left the library, heading to the hall where Iseul was with others. When he reached there, he saw Iseul was tied up in a rope as she was kneeling down in front of the king on the floor. Heeseung's hands were shaking as he bit his lips. He ignored everyone there including the king and went straight to Iseul.

"Iseul.. are you okay?"

Iseul looked up to look at him but she didn't dare to say anything. She turned away from him. Heeseung noticed the bruise in the corner of her lips and he pulled her closer to take a look at it. "Who did this to you?"

"Your Highness, why are you here.."

"I asked who did this to you?! Tell me Iseul, obey my words." He stared deeply into her eyes. Behind the scary look, there's a caring side.

Iseul didn't say anything. She turned to her right and stared at one of the guards for a few seconds before looking down again. Heeseung went towards the guard and before he could open his mouth, Heeseung had cut his hands with the sword. "ARGHHH!" The guard groaned and fell to the floor as blood flowed out, covering the clean floor with his blood.

Everyone in the hall was scared to see this side of the crown prince. They didn't dare to open their mouths. "This is what will happen if you lay a finger on her."

"Heeseung, day by day, you acted like a stupid people. Is this what young people call.. an effect of love? It's ridiculous. I didn't invite you to come here so tell me, why are you here?" The king asked. He wanted Heeseung to reveal the truth he was hiding all this time.

"It's because of her. Choi Iseul, the girl I love."

Everyone let out a gasp when they heard that. Heeseung could hear someone mention Hilsun and it made him scared of what will happen next. The king just smiled. "I see.. do you know it's a sin to fall in with servants in our rules? And do you know what will happen right? That useless girl.. will die. Think about the future, Heeseung! Do you want to be like Hilsun?" Again and again. He used Hilsun as a way to make Heeseung scared.

"Before you can do that.. step over my dead body first."

"Your Highness, it's okay.."

"What do you mean it's okay, Iseul?! I don't want to lose you! Any of you, don't you dare to step near her. Or else, I will send you to hell." Heeseung gave a warning but he forgot he wasn't the king. Everyone obeyed the king more than him.

The guards pulled Iseul harshly and Heeseung was about to go to her when he got pulled by the guards too. "LET ME GO! AS THE CROWN PRINCE OF JOSEON, I ORDERED YOU TO LET ME GO!"

"Your Highness.."

Heeseung punched the guard at his left and took his sword before stabbing another guard that was holding him. The Ministers were shocked and everyone in the hall panicked. More guards came to stop Heeseung when the crown prince had killed more than five royal guards. His clothes were covered with blood as he sliced the throat of the man who was holding Iseul.

"Iseul." He untied her rope. "Your Highness!" Iseul jumped on him to hug him as she cried because of everything. Heeseung comforted her by shushing her while patting her back.

He realized none of the guards dare to come close to him anymore. Everything became a big mess and the king was sitting on his throne, enjoying the bloody performance in front of him. Heeseung walked towards him with anger as he put the sword right at his neck but the king didn't even flinch. "What are you waiting for? Slice my throat too and everyone here will be the witness. Once the folks find out their beloved king gets killed by his own son, they will hate you. Joseon will be the worst kingdom to have a future king like you, Lee Heeseung."

"It's not my fault. I only followed you, father. You were the one who raised me to become like this. Your folks will be disappointed if they find out the truth about you."

"I'm okay with it because.. I'm sure I will die. I don't need to suffer anymore because of them. Such worse folks this kingdom has.." The king's statement made everyone speechless.

"Father.. say goodbye to this world and you better apologize to mother and Hilsun but I'm not sure about that since you're going straight to hell." Heeseung said before sliced the king's throat but it was weird to see him smirking even though his eyes went wide because of the pain before he dropped to the floor and let out his last breath. That's when he realized something— Heeseung turned around to the direction of where his father was looking when he saw from afar, a guard letting go of the arrow and it was heading towards him at the speed of light.

Before he could move, Iseul came and immediately hugged him from the front and became the shield as she was the one who got shot by the arrow. Heeseung's eyes widened as he was shocked by her actions. With trembling hands, Heeseung could feel blood dripping out from her back. He looked into her eyes in disbelief but she softly smiled at him before coughing up blood and almost falling because of balance but Heeseung caught her before that.

"Iseul, no! Why did you do that, Choi Iseul?!" Heeseung bursted into tears when the girl coughed blood but it turned to a black colour. "No way.. the arrow.. don't tell me it has a poison.."

"Heeseung.. it hurts—" Iseul coughed more blood as her hand went to his face. She cupped his face and wiped the tears. "Don't cry.."

"How can I not cry when you're like this.. why Iseul why? Why did you run to me and take the arrow for me?! It's dangerous, Iseul! I can't lose you!" Heeseung searched for the psychian but he's nowhere to be found and everyone was in a panic.

"I- I want to protect you. All this time... you said you would protect me, I want to p- protect you too, Heeseung." Iseul chuckled with tears streaming down her face. Finally, she got to protect her love. "I was the one who was supposed to protect you, Iseul.." Heeseung tried to pull out the poisonous arrow but it just caused Iseul's condition to be more bad because of losing blood.

"Iseul, please don't leave me! I love you, my love! Don't leave me! You will be safe with me!" Heeseung hugged her while his hand covered her wounds, trying to stop the blood from flowing out. "Heeseung.. I feel weak. I can't hold this pain anymore.."

"No, Iseul! You will stay alive, okay my love? Do you hear that?"

"Heeseung.. please fulfil my wish. Be a great king for this kingdom and be happy.. I love you too, my prince." Iseul said smiling before she closed her eyes and her hands dropped to her side as she let out her last breath.

"ISEULLLL! ARGHHH!" Heeseung screamed and screamed. Jongseong, who just came with a psychian couldn't believe his own eyes too. He dropped to the floor, tears brimming in his eyes. His best friend.. Choi Iseul.


"Your Majesty, it's time to sleep. You have overworked since the day you took over the throne." Jongseong said while bringing him a cup of tea.

"I will but let me go to the garden first. I don't want anyone to follow me."


Heeseung walked to the garden and sat under the tree, a place where he told Iseul to sleep on his lap whenever she felt tired. He would play with her hair and she would blush all the time and hide her face with her hands. He looked at the night sky and the moon. Moon was Iseul's favourite. He didn't understand why she said staring at the moon was fun. The moon seems like nothing to him but when he was with her, he would look at the moon too.

"Now, I understand my brother's feelings. When you love someone, you will do anything for them even though one of them needs to sacrifice for their lover's happiness. Iseul, if you are watching me, I want to say that I will become the great king for you. I will be happy for you but just like I said before, you will be the first and last love of mine. I will make people remember you as my love, as my wife. Your name will always be mentioned by my mouth. Iseul, I love you."

Lee Heeseung decided to not get married and live alone as the king of Joseon. Since he was the only royal family member, he would be the last king for the kingdom. For the future, maybe there's no Joseon Dynasty anymore. But just like he had promised, he will be the greatest king and create an amazing history.

Till death do us part, but you're still in my heart even after the next life.


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