The knight rusted no more

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A few years has passed jaune and ruby are now 15 and they just got back home from dust til dawn after stopping roman torchwick and getting thrown in jail yelled at then Offered a chance to skip 2 whole years to say they had a hectic night is an understatement now it is morning and ruby has planned a little surprise for her boyfriend while he is out training with her uncle

Ruby: "finally the custom weapon oil and armor polish came!"

She quickly pulled out a tray of cookies from the oven and puts it on a cooling rack and then goes to the front and open the door to collect what she ordered she then goes to he room and grab out the gifts she made him one was a full set of knight armor since jaune like them so much and he was her knight and a sword and shield

Ruby: "I hope he loves these gifts"

Saphron: "oh he will this is something you put your heart and soul into jaune will love it no mater what hell you could have made him a scythe and he love it and do his best to learn it because it a weapon you made for him cause you love him"

Ruby: "Ahah! Saphron when did you get here!"

Saphron: "I just got here and saw you looking at these thing while busting out the weapon oil and armor polish"

Ruby: "he deserves it jaune works so hard in everything he does and to this day he doesn't have a weapon stating he has no talent in forging and that just wont do ever huntsmen and huntress has there own weapon a wepon the is the very being of who they are and as for the armor he mentioned how much he like the rusted knight and how he wanted to be like him but actually succeed where the knight failed so I though why not make him the rusted knight armor but of course not rusted"

Saphron: "yeah that sounds like my baby bro always wanting to be a hero and knight are almost always the heroes in the old stories so makes sense he look up the the rusted knight"

Ruby: "yeah"

Ruby pours a light amount of the oil on the sword and shield and gets a rag and start spreading the oil on the sword and the shield

Saphron: "Hey that looks a lot like crocea mors"

Ruby: "Yeah jaune mention how he looked up to his grandpa and wanted to use crocea mor but honestly I told him crocea mor already had her run she a weapon of a hero and deserves her rest you are not your grandpa you are jaune arc you should have your own weapon but there nothing wrong with paying homage so I took a look at crocea mors in pictures and thought I can easily make an upgraded version of her currently our baby has no name yet that privilege goes to her dad"

Saphron: "you know it both weird and cute you and my brother treat your weapons like there your actual kids"

Ruby: "Of course we would our weapons are an extension of ourselves we pour so much time, love and personalities into them they are our kids"

she finished with the weapons and started on polishing the armor

Saphron: "I still don't get it but I won't question it too much anyways I came here for a reason"

Ruby: "and that is as she goes to wash her hand and change out into clean cloths and she lets her long hair down" (an:she grew it out since jaune liked long hair)

Saphron: "Jaunes down the street now it was originally going to be he was coming back from training but we got caught up in talking"

Ruby: "what! no no no! I still have to wrap up his gifts and everything stall them now please"

Saphron: "Oh don't worry about it you still have the boxes so it should be fine now hurry up and get dressed"

Ruby: "Fine"

she gets dressed and comes out right as jaune opens up the door

Jaune: "Ruby I am back what was it you wanted to show me"

Ruby: "your back early"

Jaune: "well my training sword broke mostly from how hard I was swinging it and qrow's bad luck semblance kicking in which sucks cause I was about to win that sparing session"

Ruby: "I see well I didn't get enough time to wrap it but here you go surprise!"

(AN: the armor is cleaned and polished)

Jaune: "Ruby these are amazing!"

he pulls her into a hug and spins her around and gives her a big kiss and then put her down

Ruby: "maybe I should do this more often then If this is the thanks I get"

Jaune: "what made you do this?"

Ruby: "Well since we both got accepted into beacon early I felt it was time for you to actually get a weapon and since you liked knights as well and you wished you could have crocea mors I though why not go all in on the theme and make my boyfriend a full blown knight now our new baby does not have a name yet so why don't you pick one out for him?"

Jaune: "argentum mortis or argentum mors, Silver death pays homage to my family ancestral blade but also incorporates a bit of the most important girl in my life you"

he pulls ruby into a hug it is perfect

Ruby: "Aw jaune you stink go take a shower!"

Jaune just laughs and let her go and walks up the stairs to use the shower

Saphron: "See I told you he would love it"

Ruby: "Yeah yeah I get it you where right"

Saphron: "look I know by law in vale once a huntsman in training goes to one of the 4 major academies they are legally adults and all but please don't make me an aunt anytime soon"

Ruby: "Saphron!"

she just laughs her head off as she leaves the house so ruby can have her alone time with her brother

Jaune: "Ruby what's wrong? I heard you yelling my sisters name"

 he came down from the stairs hair and body soaking wet and in nothing but a towel

Ruby: "EEEP!!!"

her face turns red and she faints as blood shoot out of her nose as she saw jaune naked soaking wet as the water was dripping off of him and his muscles

Jaune: "ruby!"

To be continued

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