Chapter 1 - New Job

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Brielle's POV

The gates to the mansion opens and I wait for the Uber to pick me up.


My phone alerts me to a message and I look at it.

Maxwell: Hey, Bri. Do you need the job?

How does he know what's going on before anyone else?

Me: How do you know?

Maxwell: I saw an article with your husband looking cozy with another woman. It's splashed all over the world.

Me: I'll take the job, Max. I need to get out of the States for awhile anyway.

Maxwell: Great, when can you leave.

Me: Now,

Maxwell: Done, my plane will be fuelled and I'll meet you there in the hour.

Me: Okay, so where are we going?

Maxwell: Paris, Tokyo, London and Sydney.

Me: That sounds like fun.

Maxwell: It will be. I can't wait to have you by my side again.

Me: Same, it will be like high school all over again. This time we'll be able to drink and cause some trouble.

Maxwell: Not too much. We don't need to end up in prison on your first couple of months being a free woman.

Me: I'm going to stay single for awhile. Concentrating on my career is the first thing I want to do.

Maxwell: Good, cause the modelling world is going to need someone like you to be a good example to the younger girls.

The car pulls in front of me and I climb inside. "Can you take me to JFK international airport, please. I just got a last minute flight."

"Sure, Miss." he pulls onto the road and takes us to JFK.

My life has changed in a short of amount of time and it has everything to do with being free from Mr Morelli.

If his life wasn't displayed all over magazines, newspapers and online no one would have known about his ex being back in his life.

There's one thing that they didn't know about and that's the marriage between Brodhi and myself. It was a quiet ceremony and with it just being close family no one else knew.

During the time that we were married he was on the top ten bachelor's in New York. Most of the time he was no 1.

Last year he was 2nd because Max Hardwell took that spot from him.

It doesn't take long before the car is pulling in front of the airport. I climb out of the car and grab my stuff.

Max is standing close to the door with a few of his security guys. "Hey, Bri." He moves over to me and kisses my cheeks. "We're finally going to get our wish of working together."

"Of course." I chuckle. "I've heard you've got some amazing new clothes for this season. Is there any chance I get a sneak peek?"

"No," he holds his folder close to his chest. "I'm keeping you in the dark because the last time I told you something you ruined the surprise. However, I have a great dress for you to wear."

"How long have you been hiding this dress?"

A smile appears on his face. "I designed it tonight, actually. It was after I saw the articles of Bodhi with another woman in his arms. I thought maybe tonight will be my lucky night and I find out that you're divorcing the sleaze-ball."

"It was perfect timing then." I wheel my suitcase through the airport and we head towards the area for the private planes.

My bags are put on a conveyer belt and checked before it goes onto the plane.

A female with long brown hair, tanned skin and piercings steps towards us. She runs over to Max while screaming. "Uncle Max."

Max picks the girl up and swings her around. "Hey, Harlow. What are you doing here?"

"Dad has agreed to let me go to my first fashion show." She points to her father who is standing with a woman that looks exactly like Harlow.

"Are you sure about this, Hunter? You can't take back your permission for her to come to my shows. I won't be dropping her off quickly either."

"I know, Bro. I trust you with my daughter and she's going to make a great assistant to you."

"Dad," Harlow whines. "I don't want to be an assistant I want to model the great stuff Uncle Max creates."

Hunter points towards me. "That's her job."

Harlow spins around and comes face to face with me. "Agh," she screams. "You're... you're Brielle Hilton. I have your poster in my bedroom." She pulls her phone out of her bag. "Can I get a picture with you. I want to show all my friends that I met a model one that's from New York. Can I tag you in it too."

"Sure," Harlow stands next to me and she holds her phone up taking a snap of us together. She shows me the photo. "That's a nice photo."

"Thanks," she types away on her phone and then I get an alert.

Pulling my phone out of my bag I see that she's posted the photo on all her social media pages. When I look at her profile I see that she has millions of followers.

How does she have over 3 million followers? Mine hasn't hit that many, but I think it mostly has to do with me being absent for the last two years while I was married.

Max looks over to me. "It's time for us to board the plane." He holds his hand out for Harlow and she takes it. "You need to listen to everything I tell you. Also, you'll be working closely with Brielle. When she asks for something you'll get it for her without complaint?"

"Yes, sir." She lets go of his hand and skips towards the plane.

When we get outside I look at the plane and it has the company logo on it. It's a fancy H with snakes around it in purple.

Max stops before the stairs and turns towards me. "What do you think of the plane?"

"It's great. You succeeded while I sold myself out." I tell him with regret.

He puts his arm around my shoulder. "Forget about all of that. Let's get you back on the stage and in front of the camera. The one place you belong. You shouldn't have been a dirty little secret. Once you have everything you need I hope that man loses much more."

I climb the stairs to the plane and then take a window seat. Before putting my bag in the compartment I grab a book out of my bag and place it on the chair.

Harlow grabs the book and looks at the cover. "Are you going to read this while we fly?"

"Yeah," I turn my head and look at her. "What's wrong with that book."

Her face turns red. "It's Fifty Shades of Grey. That book is full of smut. How can you read it without being turned on?"

"I never reach that part when I'm flying. I need the book to distract me while we take off and land. I'm a nervous when it comes to those things when it comes to flying."

"Oh," she looks away blushing.

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