Chapter 10 - Waking Up

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Bodhi's POV

I've been slipping in and out of consciousness. When I'm close to getting out of the darkness I get pulled under again.

At times when I'm here I hear bits and pieces of conversations. Some are about the car accident I was involved in. Some are about Cynthia, who caused the accident.

My family are pissed off because that woman is on the run and no one has found her yet.

I'm also pissed at that fact.

There's one conversation that made my heart race and that was hearing that Brielle is coming back to New York.

It's been a real pain in the ass not being able to reach out to my family and tell them that I'm here.

"Bodhi, I got phone call from Brielle earlier. She wants to see you. I hope that you won't be pissed but I told her to come. Maybe hearing her voice will wake you up. Everyone in your family are willing to try anything. I don't know how you let Brielle go."

I don't know how I let her go too. If I get another chance I won't fuck it up.

The darkness takes me under again. When I wake up the next time I hear a voice I haven't heard in over five years.

Bodhi," she whimpers. Then in a strong voice she says. "That girl really needs to be taught a lesson."

Yes, she does. We'll do that together. When I wake up.

I feel her hand in mine. "Bodhi, it's Brielle. I came as soon as I could. You need to pull through this. You have a number of people who love you and rely on you."

I love them too. I also have lots of employees that rely on me to keep them in a job. If anything happened to me I know my family would take on the job for me.

"This is the longest conversation that I've had with you. Where you're not ignoring me or grunting at me. Pretty much disregarding what I have to say."

I'm sorry I did that.

"You know it's hard for me to be in this room while you're like this."

I'm sorry.

"Bodhi, why did you choose that woman over me?"

She didn't give me much of a choice. After all she's been threatening you and I couldn't take it any longer.

"We may not have had the perfect marriage, but we still were a team when it came to the important things. Like family dinners, family events."

They were my favourite times too. I could be more of myself when we were behind closed doors of the Morelli mansion.

The darkness takes me under again.

"Please wake up, Bodhi. I can't live without you being in this world."

My heart races at those words.

Then I feel a kiss on my forehead. "My heart still belongs to you."

Mine is opening to yours.

The door opens and closes and I'm left to the darkness again.

I don't like it when I'm surrounded by darkness. I want the light. It brings me happiness.

"Bodhi," a gruff voice I don't recognise says. "You've got a beautiful girl. It would be a tragedy if something happened to her while you're in a coma." He laughs and it grates on my nerves.

He goes quiet for a moment. "By the time you wake up Brielle will be dead. They will find her body in an alley carved into pieces and no one will be able to identify the bitch." The door opens and closes.

I struggle against the darkness.

"You need to wake up, Bodhi. A lot of us are struggling seeing you like this, Bud. Please open those eyes for your family and friends."

I need to open my eyes and tell my family about Brielle.

As I keep thinking about her I start to feel like I can get past this darkness. Once I'm through it I struggle to breathe and that's when I know I have a tube in my throat.

I start thrashing around and the heart monitor begins to go off.

"Bodhi," Damon says. "You need to calm down."

I can't I need to save Brielle. My sweet Bri.

He places his hand on my arm. "Calm down." Damon takes some calming breaths and tries to settle me down.

That's not going to work. Not until I know that Brielle is safe.

The doctors rush into the room and start taking the tube out of my mouth.

The heart machine still goes off and the doctor looks over at me. "If we can't get you to calm down I'll have to knock you out."

No, no, no. You can't do that.

I try to calm myself down but it's not working.

"BRIIIIIIIELLLLLLLLLLLE." I yell over and over and over again.

The doctor puts a needle into my arm and it doesn't take long before I'm back to sleep.


A couple of hours later I wake up and see my family around the bed.

Mom is the first to see me awake. She pushes her chair back and walks over to the bed. Placing her hand on my face. "It's good to see you awake."

"Brielle?" I croak.

"She's not here."

"Mom, she's in danger."

"How do you know?" Mom asks worriedly.

"While I was asleep a guy came to the room and he told me how beautiful she was. Then it took an ugly turn where he told me that he was going to take her to an alley and kill her."

"Fuck," Damon pulls his phone out of his pocket. "Please answer Bri." He dials her number.

The phone rings and rings and rings. Until the call goes to voicemail. "It's Brielle. Please leave a message and I'll get back to you."

Damon: Bri, it's Damon. Can you give me a call when you get this message? I'd like to know if you're safe.

He hangs up the phone. "She could be somewhere that doesn't have reception."

"Or she's dead." I scrunch my hands into fists. "If she's dead I'm going to take my time when it comes to killing Cynthia. Maybe I'll skin her alive."

"Bodhi," Liana says. "I don't want to hear how you'll do something. I'm studying to be a lawyer and hearing this isn't good for me."

"Then you should leave. I love you, sis. Thanks for stopping by."

She hugs me. "Bye, Bodhi."

The rest of the family hug me before they head out the door.

Mom lingers a moment before turning towards me. "I'll go to Brielle's house and see if she's okay."

"Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome. I'll give you a call once I find something out."

"Okay," she leaves the room and I'm alone with my best friend.

Damon leans forward. "Was there anyone in the room when this person stepped inside?"

"No, my family were in the waiting. I'm sure they were catching up with Bri. Besides, what could my family do with me being in a coma."

"They should have been in the room with you." He yells. Taking a couple of breaths before he looks at me. Did the person enter after Brielle?"


Damon searches the hospital's surveillance and comes across a guy with dark, dark eyes and what stands out the most is the gruesome scar on his face. "Kill him. Then Find her."

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