Chapter 12.5 - Intruder Part I

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Brielle's POV

Last night I got in touch with a friend who is good with computer and I asked her to track Cynthia. It took a couple of hours for her to find the location.

When I look at it I see that she's holed up at my families estate.

She sure knows how to use people. Too bad my cousins are too stupid to know they are being played by Cynthia.

Grabbing my bag I get an Uber to my families estate.

When I get there I see an iron fence with the letter 'E' on it. Next to that are cameras. There's a booth for security. None of them are in place.

I hope my family are okay.

A siren blares in the distance. It sounds like it's coming closer.

I move behind a brick wall and hide.

The ambulance pulls into the driveway of The Esposito estate. The paramedics are buzzed in and they drive to the house.

Moving away from the brick wall I head towards to the side gate. Stopping short of opening it.

I promised my family that I wouldn't interfere with family matters while I'm not there.

The paramedics bring Nonna out on a stretcher before taking her to the hospital.

Cynthia walks out of the house with a smirk on her face. She orders her driver to take her to the hospital.

I walk over to the Uber and tell him to follow the black SUV.

I think she's heading to the hospital.

After ten minutes, the SUV come to a stop outside NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.

I pay the driver and step out of the car. "I'll order another car later." I pull my phone out of my bag and call Damon.

Me: Hello, Damon.

Damon: Hey, Bri. We need your help.

Me: Who is we?

Damon: Bodhi and I.

Me: What do you need help with?

Damon: We need to flush Cynthia out.

Me: She's out and about right now.

Damon: Are you sure?

Me: Yes, she about to head into the hospital. Damon you should make yourself scarce. I have a feeling that she's going to see Bodhi.

Damon: Thanks for the heads up. Bye, Bri.

Me: Bye,

While Damon is hiding from Cynthia I send him a message.

Me: I need your help.

Damon: With what?

Me: Sending flowers to Nonna.

Damon: Why can't you do it yourself?

Me: I'm not allowed to see anyone from my family. It's part of the verbal agreement that I have with Nonna.

Damon: I can't believe you're the only one that takes something like that seriously.

Me: I do. With my family your word is gold. Now, meet me at the florist.

I walk into the florist and point out a bunch of flowers that I want sent to Nonna. "Can I get a card too please?"

"Sure," the florist gives me the card and I write a message to Nonna.

Dearest Nonna,
            I promised that I wouldn't see you until it was done. I'm still keeping that. When I found out about the accident I had to see you without being there in person. These flowers are to make you feel better. I hope my friend didn't scare you by calling you, Nonna.



Ps She'll be heavily punished for pushing you down the stairs.

Damon enters the florist and looks at me. "Is there anything else you need?"

Shaking my head I say. "Thanks for helping me, Damon. Can you take them to Nonna? Don't mention my name."

"Yes, madam." He salutes before taking off with the flowers.

I hope she likes them.


Later that night I climb into bed and tell Alexa to turn off all lights.

They turn off and I make myself comfy in bed.


A man with a long scar on his arm enters the house holding a gun. He looks around at his men. "Take the man, woman and child. When you get to the warehouse lock them up in a cage.

No, I begin to thrash in my sleep.

Mamma, Papa and I are locked in a cage that smells like piss.

The man enters the room and orders his men to take Mamma, Papa and I out of the cage.

They drag us over to some chairs and tie us to them.

An older couple enters the room. They have dark hair and dark eyes.

When they look at us they don't seem impressed.

The wife looks at Mamma and Papa. "I'm going to ask you a few questions. If I don't like your answers I will break your fingers."

The husband walks over to me and grabs a cloth before putting it over my face.

What's he doing?

I tug my hands and find them securely tied behind my back.

I need to break my dislocate my wrist to get out of the ties.

The woman stands in front of Papa. "Do you know who is am?"

"Yes, you're the Richardson's."

"Good," she smiles. "Why did you kill my son and daughter-in-law?"

Papa looks at Mamma and his face pales. "I was given orders to take them out."

The woman puts the pliers on his finger and breaks it. "I didn't like that answer. The next time you become smart I'll make sure your daughter suffers."

"Please don't touch her." Papa pleads. "You can do whatever to me, but leave her out of it."

"Where is the fun in that? Watching everyone suffer is what I need right now. After all I'm going through a hard time without my son around. He was the one that made the light shine brighter for the family."

The husband has a bottle filled with water and it's sitting on the table next to me. "Have you heard of waterboarding?"

Papa thrushes in his chair. "You can't do that to a minor."

The woman steps closer to Papa. "You didn't think about that when my Granddaughter lost her parents. I'm going to show your daughter what it looks like to be in hell. It's not a pretty place." She turns back to Papa. "Answer my questions."

Papa answers her and she's not satisfied. "Waterboard the girl. Don't let up until she stops breathing."

"No," Mamma screams.

The water is poured over the cloth and it goes into my mouth, nose and eyes.

After a couple of seconds Nonno's training comes back to me and I hold my breath. Hoping the water will stop coming.

*end dream*

Creak, the floorboards make a sound and I reach under my pillow and pull out the glock. I fire the gun in the direction and someone cries out in pain.

Turning the light on I see a guy I've never met before. "Who are you?" My hand tightens on the gun. "I won't ask again."

Before he gets to answer I fire the gun again and it hits his shoulder again. "I'm Aldo. Cynthia sent me."

That part I knew.

"I can't let you leave without a few more wounds." I shoot him in the leg and thigh.

Hopefully, this will deter people breaking into my apartment and trying to take me out.

My enemies underestimate me.

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