Chapter 12 - Find Her

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Bodhi's POV

Being stuck in bed due to a head injury and broken leg sucks.

I wish I was out there looking for Cynthia and making her pay for what she's done.

Damon walks into the room with his phone in his hands. "Ok, I will let him know." He ends the call.

"Hey, Damon. Have you found her?"

"No," he shakes his head. "She's gold at hiding. I'm not sure that we're going to find her. Maybe flush her out will work."

"Who do we use as bait?"

"We can't use you. Not while you're this defenceless."

That remark grates on my nerves.

"Brielle, she'll be the perfect bait."

Absolutely, not. I don't want her in any danger.

"We need to think of something else."

Damon moves over to the chair at the side of my bed. "There's no one else, Bodhi. She wants Brielle and you. That's it."

Fuck, it looks like we'll have to use Brielle to get her out of hiding.

"Call Brielle. Let her know of our plan."


Damon calls her and we wait for the phone to ring.

Brielle: Hello, Damon.

Damon: Hey, Bri. We need your help.

Brielle: Who is we?

Damon: Bodhi and I.

Brielle: What do you need help with?

Damon: We need to flush Cynthia out.

Brielle: She's out and about right now.

Damon: Are you sure?

Brielle: Yes, she about to head into the hospital. Damon you should make yourself scarce. I have a feeling that she's going to see Bodhi.

She's putting herself in harms way by following Cynthia. I need to talk to her about that.

Damon: Thanks for the heads up. Bye, Bri.

Brielle: Bye,

Damon stands up. "I'll see you later." He walks out of the room.

About ten minutes later, Cynthia walks into my room wearing a low cut short dress. Her boobs are spilling out of them.

Who in their right mind would step out of a house like out. Oh, right a woman who is hiding.

My hand grips the call button.

If she's going to hurt me I'll call someone to help me.

She sits in the chair next to my bed and grips my hand tightly. "Do you want to know why I'm doing this?"

"Yes," my eyes don't leave hers as I wait for her to tell me the story.

An evil glint appears in her eyes. "When I was fifteen my parents moved to New York on hopes of cleaning up the place. Instead they run across the Esposito Family and their illegal business."

"Your family stuck their nose into the Mafia Business. Why should that matter to me?"

"It matters because Brielle is part of that family."

I throw my head back and laugh. "That's a good one, Cynthia." I continue to chuckle a bit more before she continues the story.

"The Esposito's had my parents  and brother's killed. My Grandparents returned the favour and had Brielle's parents killed. Knowing that she lost her parents isn't enough for me though."

"This eye for an eye will catch her up to you, Cynthia. Have you thought that maybe you are way over your head?"

"No," she pushes the seat back and laughs. "I want her life. She has the man, the fortune, the career. The only thing missing is a baby. One that you will put into me."

"Cynthia, I won't be putting a baby inside you. You're a sick individual who needs help."

"I DON'T NEED HELP," a tear falls down her face. "I need you to love me, Bodhi."

Sitting up in bed I look toward the door and see Damon close to it. "You can't make someone love you. It doesn't work like that."

She moves towards me and stand above my head. "Everything will work out once she's dead." She chuckles. "I have her family working for me. This way I'll take out the entire Esposito Family. I won't be getting my hands dirty because they are doing this to themselves."

Someone is wheeled past my room and I see that it's an older woman."

Cynthia waves at the woman and she doesn't look happy to see her. She turns her attention back to me before laughing. "Grandma Esposito had a fall down the stairs back at the mansion. She wasn't supposed to survive. Next time I'll make sure she dies."

She's playing with fire when it comes to the Esposito's. They won't let her get away with this.

Cynthia grabs her bag. "I'll see you around, Bodhi." She walks out of the room, whistling.

A couple of minutes later, Damon enters the room. He moves over to the chair and sits close to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, she told me an insane story. I'm finding it hard to wrap my head around."

"Is it about, Brielle?"


"Then it's probably true."

"Did you know Brielle's parents are dead? I know she doesn't talk about her family. So, something major happened for her to stay away from her family."

"That's her story to tell, Bodhi. I'm sure when the time is right she will reveal everything to you."

"Do you know everything?"

"No," he shakes his head. "She feeds me small things, but that goes with every favour she asks of me."

"I'm glad she has you, Damon. Have you seen Nonna Esposito?"

"Yes," a smile spreads across his face. "Brielle asked me to send her some flowers. With a card attached to it."

Why would Brielle do that?

"Do you know why she doesn't want to see her Nonna?"

"I do. However, I'm not going into specifics with you."

The door to my room opens and Mom walks in. She moves over to the bed and hugs me. "I saw Bri last night. She was attacked on her way home. You were also right about that man."

"Have you found him yet?"

"No," she looks away from me and has a far away look in her eyes. "He'll show up dead sometime."

"Mom," I reprimand. "How could you say something like that?"

"I'll say that because of the way she looks. It was hard seeing her eye swollen shut and a bruise forming on her face."

Why is she letting everyone see her? And I'm the one who misses out.

The Doctor walks into the room. "You can go home today, Bodhi. Do you have someone that can stay with you?"

Mom looks over at the Doctor. "He'll be coming home with me."

"Good," he gives her a piece of paper. "These are the list of medications that he needs. Also, the head injury will heal in time, he's out of the woods for any complications coming from that."

"Thanks, Doc."

It doesn't take long before I'm signed out of the hospital and given a pair of crutches to use when I'm out and about.

Before I leave the hospital I'm told that I need to use a wheelchair until I'm out.

Damon runs me down the hall towards the lift and I'm having a lot of fun.

"Boys," Mom yells. "You're in the hospital. Be respectful to everyone that needs to be..." she cuts herself off mid sentence. Looking into the room she says. "Nonna,"

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