Chapter 15 - Talk With Dad

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Bodhi's POV

I've been living with Mom for the last four days and it's driving me crazy. Having her hover over me and making sure that I'm taking my medication.

When I enter the kitchen a maid is cooking food instead of Mom. She's insisted on making breakfast for me every morning. "Fiona, have you seen, Mom?"

She shakes her head. "She left a message for me to take care of breakfast for everyone because she had something important to take care of."

The crutches begin to annoy me as I move through the house.

Dad walks down the stairs and stops when he sees me. "Is everything okay, son."

"No," I stop moving. "She has breakfast with me most morning and she's not here. Do you know where she is?"

He leads me to the living room and takes a seat. "Your mother got a phone call from, Brielle this morning. Someone broke into her apartment. This person works for Cynthia."

"Damn," I sit on the couch. "Is Brielle okay?"

"She's shaken up and your mom is with her until the lock smith comes. We have to look for new security for the building. As Brielle doesn't feel safe."

"I'll move into the apartment across from hers. I can keep an eye on her."

Dad shakes his head. "You're staying away from that building and woman. There's only so much I can do the protect you."

"I don't need protection, Dad. I can look after myself."

"You're incapacitated, son. You'll put yourself and Brielle in more danger. Cynthia has it in for both of you and it will make her problems disappear quicker if you two are together. Keep your distance and be vigilant."

I can't believe my old man would say something like that.

Dad stands up. "Go outside and enjoy the sun. You don't need to stay indoors all the time. Your wheelchair is by the front door. I'll get it before I leave."

"Thank you, Dad."

A couple of minutes later, Dad comes back with the chair. "Fiona's set a table for you outside. Your laptop is out there too so you can catch up on work."

Smiling at him I say. "Mom and you both know what I need before I do. So, thank you for having it ready for me. Where are you going this early?" It's 8:30am, on a Sunday.

Mom and Dad use the time for themselves, but today it's a change for them. One that we have Cynthia to thank for.

"Damon will be here shortly. I'm sure the two of you have a lot to catch up on."

I shake my head. "We see each other all the time. I think we're running out of things to say. Bye, Dad."

"See you later, son." Dad leaves the house.

Sitting in the wheelchair I push myself outside and see the table is set with a variety of foods and orange juice and a coffee.

Fiona set the table like I'm going to have many guests with me this morning.

I drink my coffee and wait for Damon to show up.

A car pulls up in front of the house and my best friend steps out of the vehicle. He walks around the car and opens the passenger door.

Out steps a beautiful red head. Her hair hits just above her ass. She has beautiful blue eyes that reminds you of the sky on a clear day.

Jesus, this girl is making me gush like a little boy.

The only other person to do this to me is Brielle.

She laughs at something Damon says. "I can't wait to meet your friend." Her eyes land on me and a smile forms on her face.

Damon had to find the one woman that would leave him for me in an instant. I don't know why he had to bring her here.

I turn my attention away from them and begin to eat a piece of watermelon.

Damon stops in front of me with a smile on his face. "Bodhi I want you to meet Sara. I took her home from the cafe early this morning."

Why would he need to go to a cafe? Unless he wanted to delay going home.

"What happened last night for you to go to a cafe?"

He looks at me. "I just needed a caffeine hit after a long night at the club. Also, I saw an ambulance outside of Brielle's apartment and I was worried about her."

Sara touches his face. "It's sweet you care for this woman." Something registers and she hits her palm against her face. Her eyes land on mine. "Are you in love with her?"

Yes, I love Brielle.

Scoffing I shake my head. "I'm not in love with her. She's my ex wife."

A smile spreads across Sara's face. "The way you defend that title tells me that you care deeply for her and she's lucky to have someone like you. I'm guessing there are circumstances that's keeping the two of you apart?"

"That's correct." I put some grapes into my mouth and start eating.

"When you see her next time tell her how you feel." Sara grabs some fruit and puts it on a small plate. "You're lucky to have someone do all this work for you. I would kill to be rich and have people serve me all time."

A lot of people would do that too.

The table goes quiet and we enjoy the company of each other until all the food is gone.

Damon holds his hands one to Sara. "It's time for us to leave, Bodhi. I will see you tomorrow at the office."

"Yes, you will." A smirk appears on his face. "I can't wait for you to see the new face of Morelli."

I hope she isn't someone that will bring shame to my families brand.

"She won't bring shame." Lowering his voice he says. "She'll bring you blue balls."

My mouth drops open at my friend remark. "You've met her before?"

"Yes," he smiles at me. "She's going to be everyone's favourite girl."

Brielle, she's the only on that could have that  position of being everyone's favourite.

I'm sporting a hard on thanks to all the talk about Brielle.

I'll have to take care of it when I get house to myself.

Before the girl leaves she slips me a card. "It was nice meeting you, Bodhi. I hope you call me when you're over waiting for the woman to come back to you."

I'm not going to call her. Doing that will end a long friendship that I've had with Damon.

The last time we had a falling out was over my wife.

It seems that we are going down the same track for a second time and I don't want to rehash something like that again.

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