Chapter 18 - She Did It

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??? POV

I've been trying to call some of relatives from overseas and none of the are answering the phone.

Which is unusual they are quick with picking up and talking about their lives and catching up with mine.

Why won't anyone call me back?

My husband walks into the room with a bag in his hands. "Hey, babe. How are you?"

"Not good." I pace back and forth. "I've been calling our family from all over the world and none are picking."

His brows pull together. "That unusual they are doing the same thing. What about the bastard children have you called them?"

Shaking my head. "Do you think I should?"


Bzzz, bzzz, bzzz.

The bell goes off.

My husband walks over to the door and pulls it open. "Hello?"

No one answers and on the ground is a box. He brings the box into the house.

It's addressed to us, but no one should know where we are. The only person that does is Cynthia.

I open the box and find a hand in it. It has the family symbol on it. "Fuck," I throw the box across the table and it falls onto the ground. Spilling all its contents.

Walking over to it I find a tongue, ears and eyes.

I'm going to be sick.

I run to bathroom and throw up. Making a mess of the toilet. Once I'm done I dry heave.

I've done a lot in my time. Seeing that is something I can't stomach.

While I've been in the bathroom there is another ring of the doorbell.

I hope it's not another package for us.

Cleaning up I head back to the warehouse and look at the box. "Are you going to open it?"

"No," he places his hands on my shoulder. "I think it would be best if we leave it."

I need to know what's inside.

Ignoring my husband I pull the box open and inside is my brother's head. I scream.

Next to is a note.

With shaking hands I open the envelope and pull the letter out.

Dearest Richardson's,
Today is a magnificent day. After five years your entire bloodline is wiped out. Yes, all. Including the bastard children. The ones you didn't know I would find out about.

There's this magnificent site called Ancestry. It gave me all the results I needed.

All I had to do was take a lock of hair from Cynthia and run the DNA results and that matched me to everyone in your bloodline.

You can hide for now. But, I'll come for you at night and recreate a scene. One that I can't wipe from my memories.

You, your husband and Cynthia's time is running out.

Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.

The letter isn't signed, but we know who it's from.


Grabbing my phone I call Cynthia. It rings a couple of times before she picks up.

Me: Cynthia, we have a problem.

Cynthia: No, we don't.

Me: Yes, we do. Brielle sent my brother's head to us. It's a warning that she's coming for us.

Cynthia: That girl wouldn't do something like that. She's meek.

Me: She was playing a role. Your  grandfather and I created a monster when it came to her.

Cynthia: That's not my problem. I have things to take care of. I'll talk to you when I'm not busy.

She hangs up on me.

The bitch isn't taking this serious enough. How do I make her listen to me?

My husband walks over to me and wraps his arms around my stomach. "She's stubborn. Just like you. Leave her to her plans and when they blow up on her face, she'll return to us."

"Just like the seventeen times before that." I lean my head back against his chest. "She's not going to let us live is she?"

"No," he shivers. "She's close to succeeding with her death sentence of our family. Once that's taken care of she'll return to a normal life."

Turning in his arms I look into his green eyes. "There won't be a normal life for her. She's going to remember this for the rest of her life. I bet she won't be able to sleep because of the nightmares."

We stay this way for a couple of minutes before I say. "I need to get rid of my brother's body parts. It won't look good when we have Cynthia visit us."

I step away from my husband and start cleaning everything up.

He helps me and then we walk to the kitchen and make dinner.

I make ravioli and sauce.

It's quick and simple. Just the way I like my cooking.

During dinner my phone starts ringing and I look at the caller ID. 'Cynthia' flashes across the screen.

It can't be good if she's calling me. Maybe, her plan didn't work like she was hoping it would.

I let it ring a couple of times before answering it.

Cynthia: You're right my plan didn't work. They found all the listening devices I had planted inside the office.

I shake my head.

What would she get out of listening to stuff that's happening inside the office.

Me: You're underestimating, Brielle. She's a smart woman that would be able to pick up on the smallest thing being out of place.

Cynthia: I have more plans up my sleeve. She's not going to get away scot free.

Me: We should pick our battles. We've got a huge one coming our way and we won't be getting out of it.

Cynthia: How is there no way out of it?

Me: You're Grandfather and I have made some questionable decisions. All of those have caught up to us.

Cynthia: I'll come by tomorrow. We need to keep ourselves safe.

Me: I can't wait to see you tomorrow. You should think about living with us again.

Cynthia: No. I like my privacy and being around you makes that hard. Besides what if I bring someone with me to the house. I won't be able to fuck him. 

Me: You can't always have sex, Cynthia. Just be careful.

Cynthia: Always.

Me: Bye, Cynthia.

Cynthia: See you, Grandma.

I hang up the phone and move over to my husband. "Her plans aren't working out and she thinks that we're here to help her when it's needed. I don't want to drop everything just to help her."

"Maybe, we should. If Brielle sees us out in the public it might make things a bit more difficult."

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