Chapter 20 - Confronting Serena

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Brielle's POV

Damon pulls the car in front of a tall building near Central Park. He looks at it and whistles. "I didn't know you own this place. It looks better than the Morelli building."

A smile spread across my face. "It is better than the Morelli building. I can give him a run for the money."

He throws his head back and laughs. "I shouldn't be surprised by what I learn about you. Do you want me to wait for you?"

"No, I need to do this myself. These women need to be taught a lesson one that they will never forget. I'm sick and tired of people underestimating me and expecting to pull the wool over my eyes. I'm a lot smarter than them when the time comes. I will be after them and they won't know what's hit them." I say that with so much conviction.

Grabbing the door handle, I open it and step out of the car. I put my bag on my shoulder and head towards the building.

As I get closer to the building, I notice that security has tightened.

How the hell am I supposed to get into my building?

The automatic doors open for me and I had towards the security desk. The security guard looks up from the screen. "Can I help you, Miss?"

"I'm the CEO of this company and I would like to speak to Serena."

"Bullshit, Serena has been the CEO of this company from the moment I worked here. I will not be contacting her for you. Please, leave or I'll have you escorted out of the building."

"I'm not going anywhere. If you have me escorted out, there will be hell to pay."

He laughs. A full belly laugh. He hits the table with his hand. "That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. Hell to pay. You don't look like you could hurt anyone. Just do me a favour and leave. That way I won't have to embarrass you."

"Are you sure this is the route you wanna take?" My hands form fists. I'm itching to kick some ass. I wait for him to answer.

He nods towards some of the security guards that are around. "Please take her out."

As the security guards approach me I say out loud. Do you know the name of the building?

"Yes, the building is called Bri jewellery. Why are you asking?"

"The one you call the CEO what's her name?"


"That's correct. She's a temporary CEO. My name is Brielle Hilton. I'm the one that started this company from the ground up. I hired Serena just before I went away. I won't ask again. Let me up to the CEO office."

He lets out a long breath. "If I get fired for this you'll pay for it."

"If you get fired, I will rehire you and give you a bonus for letting me take what's mine?"

He hands me a card that will allow me access to the top floor. "I'm sorry for giving you a hard time. This is what Serena wants. She doesn't want anyone near her office, everything she does is a secret."

"Nothing will be a secret for long. Everyone in the country is going to know what she's done. I will embarrass her for pulling this stunt." Taking the card from him, I head towards the elevator.

I press the button for the elevator and wait for it to come.

A few people wait with me in the hall. When the doors open we step inside. I press the button for the top floor.

One of the guys in the elevator looks at me and says. "Who the fuck are you? How do you get access to the top floor?"

Shaking my head, I look him dead in his blue eyes before saying. I own this company. The CEO. You should be careful with what you say, because that would, get you fired."

His mouth drops open. "I'm sorry,"
he quickly apologises.

Like that, would let him keep his job. I've taken a lot of shit lately and it's starting to piss me off that people keep piling more on.

"Saying sorry isn't going to cut it. When you get to your cubicle, pack it up. You're fired."

One of the females steps in front of me and says. "You can't fire him. Serena is the true CEO. You're a nobody."

We'll see about that in another half an hour. These bloody doors better opens soon I can't stand to spend another minute with these idiots.

As I'm counting in my head, the doors open, and everyone exits. I'm finally on my own.

The doors close and takes me to the top floor. As soon as I reach the top floor, I see Jessica. She is sitting in front of the desk. All the paperwork in front of her. A smile spreads across her face as she sees me. "What are you doing here?"

I approach to the desk and have a look at what she's got in front of her. "Photo copy of everything in that book. Then I want you to leave this office." I give her a piece of paper. "I want you to close all three of these stores. All inventory must be gone. I don't want anyone to know about this. Serena illegally opened all these branches. My name shouldn't have been put on these buildings. Now, I have a lot of work to do. Cleaning up other people's mess."

Serena opens the door to her office. She sticks her head out and has a look at who Jessica is talking to. When she sees me, she quickly retreats to her office.

I rushed to the door before she can close it. I stick my foot between the door, and make sure that it can't close. Stepping into the room, I look at Serena. "What's going on, Serena? You don't look too happy to see me."

Her face pales as she begins to shake with fear. "I can explain." she quickly says. "I didn't want to do it. It was Darcy's idea to open more branches and rip people off. She was sick and tired of watching you make money and us losing out on everything."

"Don't," I cut her off. "I don't want to hear lies. You knowingly took part in embezzling from my company. I have called for a meeting that will begin in 20 minutes. You will let the media know that you were stepping down as the temporary CEO and giving the reigns back to me. You will apologise to everyone that you have hurt and you will let them know that they can return the cheap jewelry to the store with a receipt for a full refund. For the store that is located in the Morelli building, you will be compensated with a new set of jewelry which will be worth more than $200."

She shakes her head. "I can't do that. This is your problem and you'll have to fix it without my help I'm taking my share and leaving."

"Good luck with that, Serena. Check your account. Make sure that you have all the money you want."

She pulls her phone out of her pocket and types away on it. After a couple of minutes, she looks up at me and says. "What have you done? All the money I have in the account is gone." she starts cursing, and then picks up a vase. She throws it towards me. I step out of the way before it shatters against the wall. "You can't get away with this, Brielle."

Stepping into her personal space, I say. "I can do whatever I want. The money you took belongs to Bri jewellery and it's been returned to its rightful owner. The money I retrieved it be going to the victims of your scam."

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