Chapter 22 - Lurking In The Shadows

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Brielle's POV

At 10 pm, I gather my bag and get ready to leave Bri Jewellery. When I get downstairs, I see a security guard still there. He looks at me as I have approach. "Are you ready to leave, Miss Hilton?"

"Yes, I am." Looking at his name. "Thanks, Ricardo."

A smile slowly spreads across his face. "You're the first person to use my name. When the temporary CEO left, she wouldn't use my name and all I was to her was a nuisance."

"I'm sorry you had to put up with that. I won't be treating my employees like that."

"I can tell. You've done more for this company than Serena ever did. That's why I know the future of this company is going to go in the right direction. Do you need me to call you a car?"

"No, I will be fine. It's a lovely night to go for a walk. Besides, I have a place nearby. So, I won't take me long to get home." The doors for the building opens and I walk out. I waved at him before disappearing into the darkness.

As I walk through the street I hear the bustle of traffic and people walking around. When I get closer to the main road, I feel like someone is watching me. Turning around a couple times I don't see anyone and continue on my way home.

Getting closer to home I start to shiver as it is starting to get cold. I turn around again to make sure that no one is there. This time someone steps out of the shadows letting me know that they are there.

The street lights show the person and it's Cynthia. She's wearing all black. A beanie is covering her head. "How did you know I was following you?"

Moving towards her, I shove her against a brick wall. "Cynthia, I'm not going over this again. I've told you too many times that you know nothing about me. I have many secrets ones that will get you killed. Why are you following me?"

"I need to know all your moves. But, that's gonna be hard with everything that you're doing. I've never met someone who doesn't have a routine, and that is something that is unusual to me." She shakes her head. The next time we meet I will kill you."

I put my arm against her throat, cutting off oxygen for her. "Don't threaten me." I don't let up until she passes out.

She falls to the ground and I step away from her. It's gonna be awhile before she wakes up. She can take care of herself.

Walking through the Morelli Building I'm greeted by a new security team. "Good evening, Miss Hilton. I'm Johnson. Next to me is Carlos. We'll be the night team. There's another two that you will meet over the weekend. Is there anything that we can do for you before you go up to your apartment?"

"No, everything is all good. I will see you in the morning. Have a good night, boys." I walk over to the elevator and press the button.

When I get to my apartment, I unlock the doors. As I'm about to enter the door to the apartment across from me opens and it reveals.  Bodhi. He looks at me from the wheelchair. "You're coming home late. Where have you been?"

Moving towards my ex-husband, I lean my arms on his chair and look into his eyes. "Where I've been isn't any of your concern. If I want people to know my moves, I will post it on social media. However, I don't need people to be in my business and that includes you. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have better things to do in to explain myself to the likes of you."

"Bri, are we okay?" he asks.

I step away from him and move towards my apartment. Before I enter it, I slightly turn towards him and say. "We're okay. There's nothing for you to worry about. Just keep your nose out of my business and I'll do the same for you."

"I can't. Since, you've been back all I've been thinking about is you. I want to make things up to you. Would you give me a chance to do that?"

"Not right now. I have too much on my plate and working things out with you will complicate things. That's not to say we won't work it out in the future. When the time is right, will have a proper conversation, one that I will reveal everything about me for now I need to be alone." I enter my apartment, and lock the door behind me.

I can't believe he lives across the hall now. I will be seeing him more.

Pulling my phone out of my bag, I send Jessica a message

Me: Why didn't you give me the heads up that Bodhi has moved into the apartment across for me?

Jessica: I didn't know he was moving there. When I got home, he was already gone. His father has no idea where he went, and now we know where he is.

Me: Do you want me to keep an eye on him? You know that won't work between us.

Jessica: My son is old enough to look after himself. If there's any problems, I'm sure he will contact someone. Or he will show up at your apartment to get help. If he's smart enough, he would have your contact details and call you if something happened.

Knowing him he probably does have my details and will use it when it suits him.

Me: This is going to suck living close to him and working closely with him. How did you manage that with your husband?

Jessica: It wasn't that easy. It took time for us to get things right. We had to leave our personal life at home and deal with our professional life in a different manner. I know you want to protect my son, but that's not gonna work if you continue to hide everything from him. Give him some details in small doses. He will like that better than being hit with everything in one go.

Me: Okay, I'll do that. Right now, I need to go to bed. I've had a long day and I think it's catching up to me. I will see you tomorrow. Good night.

Jessica: good night.

I put my phone on charge and then grab my pyjamas before getting ready for bed. Once I'm changed, I walk over to the window and look at the street. In the alley between the building, I can still see Cynthia on the ground. She isn't moving which is fine by me.

Hopefully, the next time she follows me she won't make it so obvious, and then I won't have to teach her a lesson.

Before climbing into bed, I look at the clock and say that to 11 pm. I climb into bed and hug the pillow next to me. It's the only way for me to fall asleep.

I hope tonight I don't have a nightmare. I'm over having to relieve the same stuff over and over again.

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