Chapter 24 - Got Milk?

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Brielle's POV

Knock, knock, knock. Someone pounds on my door at 8 am in the morning. I put a dressing gown on and head to the door. I look through the peephole and see Bodhi on the other side. He's leaning on crutches.

Great, what does he want?

Pulling the door open I look him in the eye and say. "What do you want?"

Bodhi holds up an empty milk carton and he looks a bit sheepishly. "I forgot to buy milk. Do you have some I can borrow?"

Shaking my head I step aside and let him in. "I'll make you a cappuccino. We both know how much you dislike straight up coffee."

He laughs. "Did you buy one of those fancy coffee machines? Like the one we had back at the house?"

"Yes," I head towards the kitchen and start making the cappuccino for Bodhi. "You can sit down. Is there anything else you need?"

He takes a sit across and folds his arms on the counter. "I got an interesting call last night."

"Really," I look up from making the cappuccino. "Who called?"

"Cynthia," he shakes his head.

Oh, shit. I hope she didn't say anything to him about me.

"Apparently, she was walking around the city and got caught up in the storm." He lets a breath out. "She thought I would let her into this building to stay safe from the storm."

"Did you?" I finish the drink and place it in front of him.

"No," he shakes his head. "I'm not going to risk the safety of people that live in this building for the likes of her."

"That's good."

"She blames you for her parent's not being here. Did you have anything to do with that?"

Not directly. I can't help what my parents did. However, if he asks about my actions I won't lie to him.

I turn my attention back to the coffee machine and make a hot chocolate. "I have nothing to do with that. What happened to her isn't my fault in any way. Now, that you've been caught up with the gossip you can leave."

"I haven't finished my drink." He protests. "You should be a good host to your visitor."

Laughing, I shake my head. "You're not a visitor, Bodhi. You're a neighbour who wanted milk, but I gave you something else because I know the type of person you are."

"And that's?"

"A hot asshole who still has my heart." My heart a beat as I tell him the truth.

A smile slowly spreads across his adorable face. "I can't believe you still have feelings for me. I have feelings for you too, Brielle."

"We can't act on them. Not, until you talk to someone about what's going on with you, Bodhi. Those words you said to me in the office hurt me badly."

"I'm sorry." He moves from his seat and around the counter. Pulling me into his arms he whispers. "I'm sorry, Brielle. I spoke to Mom yesterday and she's booked me an appointment with a therapist. I'll try my best to talk about my problems. I want to earn back the trust you freely gave me."

"Thanks, Bodhi." I lift my head from his shoulder and my eyes land on his lips.

His head dips and captures my lips. He kisses me like I'm his lifeline.

I return the kiss and he deepens it. Taking the lead.

He's a great kisser.

It doesn't take long before he pulls away and looks me in the eyes. "I could tell you wanted that, Brielle."

"I did." I step away from him. "Thank you for reminding me what it feels like to be with you. I know this time will be different."

"I hope so. All we have to do is be honest with each other. I know there's things that you are hiding from me, Brielle. I won't push you for answers right now."

"Thanks," I put more distance between us. "You should go. I have things to do today and you're getting in the way."

"Damn, Brielle. I feel used by you." He shakes his head. "Let's have breakfast tomorrow?"

"I can't, Bodhi. I'm in the middle of damage control and there's a lot on my plate right now."

"Which is more the reason for breakfast. I'll make it while you do what you have to. I want to help you through this."

"Thanks for the offer, Bodhi. I can't look after myself. Please, don't ask again." I walk over to the front door and hold it open.

He hops over to the door on his crutches. "You're cold all of sudden. Did I do something wrong?"

I sigh. "Sorry, Bodhi. I'm not the best company to be around right now. Just do me a favour and stay out of my way for the next couple of weeks."

"Okay," he leaves my house and enters his. "I'll see you around, neighbour." Bodhi closes the door behind him without looking back.

Closing the door to mine I walk back to the kitchen and make breakfast for myself.

While cooking my phone starts to ring and I look at it. 'Damon' flashes across the screen.

I really don't feel like talking to him.

Hitting the cancel button I put my phone on vibrate just incase he calls me back.

Once the bacon is finished frying I butter my toast and put the bacon on it. I sit at table and eat.

While eating breakfast I go onto the internet and see read the articles about my company. Not many of them are good reviews.

I'm going to have to change that and as quickly as I can.

A message comes through from Damon.

Damon: Please, answer your phone. There's something I need to tell.

Me: Just message me.

Damon: There's a lot of people outside Bri Jewellery and they aren't happy.

That's not surprising.

Me: Thanks, for telling me, Damon. I appreciate it.

Damon: Do you want me to pick you up and take you to the building.

Me: No, I'll be doing that myself. As the CEO it's my responsibility.

Damon: There's a lot of people outside the Morelli Building. This is going to affect Bodhi's company too. This is a disaster.

Me: I'll let Bodhi know what's going on.

Damon: How are you going to do that. You don't have his phone number.

Me: I don't need his phone number when he lives across the hall from me.

Damon: I didn't know he left his mother's place, but I shouldn't have been surprised by that.

Me: I was surprised when I came home the other night and the door across from mine opened revealing him. He wanted to know where I was. He was acting like my partner. The one he should have been years ago.

Standing up I make my way down the hall and then open my door. I cross the hall and knock on Bodhi's door.

When he opens the door he's wearing a suit. A smile spreads across his face. "What have I done to see you before I head to work?"

"Ah," I look at the ground. "You haven't done anything. It's all me."

"What do you mean?" He opens the door letting me into his place.

"There's a lot of people that aren't happy with what's happened to Bri Jewellery. People are standing in front of my building and yours. I'm sorry to be bringing problems to your door."

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