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Authors note: Ok before this chapter starts do you guys think that I should include the other Freelancers in this.


"Okay are you two ready?" Delaware asks as he gets on a warthog.

"Yeah Del we're ready just make sure you don't crash." Maryland says as she gets into the passenger seat.

Nebraska gets on the turret then they drive off.

Arriving at the outside of the brute camp minutes later, Delaware parked the warthog behind some trees and bushes to hide it.

They then stealthily moved to the camp and were now right outside it. They could now see the brutes gathering around their chieftain who looked like he was ready to make an announcement.

"Today my brothers we shall take the human capital and claim this planet for our own but not until we remove every single piece of human filth this planet has! Are you ready to exterminate these vermin from our planet my brothers for brute pride and honor!" The chieftain said raising a gravity hammer causing an uproar of cheers from the brutes.

"Then lets go, prepare your weapons for we shall leave immediately!" The brute ordered waving everyone off.

Meanwhile with the agents

"Okay we are going to need a plan fast." Nebraska whispers as they hide to avoid being spotted.

"Ok Nebs you take the rocket launcher and destroy the vehicles, but wait until we distract them got it." Delaware says giving him his orders.

"Yeah just make sure you don't get killed." Nebraska says as he takes the launcher and runs off.

"Okay Marry we are going to get over to one of the larger groups and toss our grenades and take as many of them out before the real fight starts." Delaware said as the started to move to the edge of the camp.

As they neared the camp they saw a brute captain arguing with some of the other brutes.

(The ones who wear yellowish armor are captains)

"Ok get ready." Delaware whispered pulling out his grenades with Maryland doing the same.

"Now." Delaware ordered as they tossed four grenades right at the group that soon detonated sending the brutes flying and then hitting the ground each with a loud thump.

"The humans are here eliminate them!" The chieftain shouted pointing in the direction the grenades came from.

The brutes were now getting their weapons to chase down the two only for a large explosion to interrupt them. They then turned around to see that all of their vehicles were now scrap metal.

"There's another one!" A brute shouted pointing to where Nebraska was.

"Get them!" The chieftain shouted now enraged that he had lost their transportation.

(Delaware and Maryland)

Brutes were now running in their direction at full speed.

"Shit." Delaware cursed as he started to shoot at them with his DMR, killing a few while the rest went for cover.

"Del cover me while I move up!" Maryland said putting her DMR on her back and then pulling two SMGs from her hips.

"Got it." Delaware said firing off more bullets at the brutes.

Maryland sprinted forward mowing down any off the brutes that came close while she advanced to where some were taking cover behind some rocks.

As she continued to run what she didn't expect was for the chieftain to appear from behind a large tree raising his hammer ready to splatter her onto the ground. As he was about swing three DMR rounds hit his helmet making him turn his attention to Delaware.

'Maybe I shouldn't have done that' Delaware thought to himself as the chieftain was now racing toward him.

Maryland was about to shoot the chieftain in the back but the brutes who were hiding were now firing at her. She ducked behind a tree as the brutes advanced to her position.


Nebraska had dropped the rocket launcher since it was now out off ammo. He then took his shotgun off his back and fired at three brutes who were racing toward them sending them back as they fell to the ground. They then started to fire their weapons making him hide behind one of the recently blown up Prowlers.

'Well hope they like explosives.' Nebraska thought to himself as he chucked two grenades at the ones firing at him taking them out.

But soon after two brute captains showed up one armed with a bruteshot and the other with a Fuel rod cannon and had started to fire upon his position sending green hot plasma and grenades flying at him.

'That is so not what I meant. I wonder how the others are doing.' Nebraska

thought to himself as he hid back behind cover.

(To be continued)

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