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What if the director had some of the more expendable agents killed on suicide missions.


The director was sitting in a chair looking over the observation deck of his ship the Mother of Invention. As he is watching some of his most promising agents train a door opens behind him and the Counselor walks in holding a tablet.

"Mr.Director Agent Delaware has been sent on that special mission you requested for him, but I have some concerns about his selection for the mission." The Councilor tells him as he continues to click through some files on his tablet.

"And what are those concerns Councilor?" The Director asks as he turns in his chair to face him.

"Well sir Agent Delaware may not be skilled enough for this task due to him only being ranked number 31 on our list of operatives." The Counselor says as he opens a file with the current list of Agents and where they were ranked.

"Counselor may I mention you are here to offer advice and not to tell me who I think is or is not prepared for a mission I sent him on. Now go and prepare Agent Nebraska and Agent Maryland for their new mission." The Director says as he turns back to observe Agent Carolina and Agent York on the training floor.

"Yes sir also Agent Wyoming has arrived as you requested." The Counselor says as he turns to leave.

As Wyoming enters The Director hands him an envelope and says.

"You know what to do make sure the targets are eliminated immediately and that their is no evidence of you being there." He tells him.


"Agent Delaware reporting to command their are to many hostiles send reinforcements immediately." A soldier says being dressed in the standard Mark VI armor (painted to be a Dark green primary and Brown secondary) as he sits crouched behind a boulder while explosions are happening around him.

'Ugg there is no way I'm going to get out of this' Delaware thinks as more bullets fly past his cover.

"Surrender now and you will be taken into custody" A soldier dressed in white ODST armor says as he approaches the boulder aiming a shotgun to where Delaware is hiding. As he gets closer he is grabbed by Delaware as he shoots him with his magnum taking the soldiers shotgun and grenades as he is thrown out of the way. Now Delaware is running toward a group of 3 soldiers dressed in the same armor shooting 2 of them with the shotgun then using it as a club to hit the other in the head. While he is doing that one armed with a rocket launcher takes aim and fires at him. Delaware rolls away from the rocket then shoots the one holding the launcher 3 times in the chest with his magnum.

"Good looks like I didn't need backup after all." He says as he starts to reload his magnum.

After he finished reloading he could hear a loud rolling sound and as he turns he sees a tank rolling over a hill taking aim at him.

"Awwww shi....." He says as the tank fires upon him causing an explosion

"Target eliminated sir heading back to base." The soldier inside the tank says as it turns around.

30 minutes later

Delaware had woken up from being knocked out and removed his amour so he could stitch his wounds he is now seen as a 32 year old man with brown eyes and black hair that has been messed up from the helmet, wearing a black shirt and dark green pants. As he stitches up his arm from a bullet wound he hears something from his suit.

"Agent Delaware killed in action setting armor to self-destruct in 10 seconds."

As he hears the warning he runs away trying to get as far away as possible until it explodes sending rocks and dirt flying in every direction. As the fire dies he begins to search for useful gear and being able to pull together a suit if armor from the remains of the dead soldiers along with a DMR including 2 extra clips of ammo for it, a near empty magnum, and the rocket launcher that still had one rocket in it. As he puts his 'new' armor on and straps the rocket launcher to his back he makes his way toward the direction that the tank had gone carrying the rifle and leaving the magnum at the field.

As he approached an armored fort he sees about 4 soldiers on the wall each using a turret gun to guard it.

"Well time to have some fun." Delaware says as he walks toward the fort.

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