Florida (1)

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[(s/n) = state name]

You sat down in the cafeteria, all alone. You were used to this by now. You didn’t have any friends in the freelancer program, mostly because you were too scary. The only person you got along with was Maine, and occasionally CT, who saw past your rough exterior.
That’s why you were surprised when someone sat across from you, not wearing the familiar white or brown armor. It was a striking blue, and the person that spoke from inside it had a cheery voice.
“Well butter me up and call me a biscuit! You’re s/n, aren’t you?” The mystery man asked.
“Um… Yes.” You said, slightly shy. “How did you know?”
“I make it a habit to know everything about everyone. That way, we can all be friends.” He flashed you a bright smile before grabbing a spoon full of mashed potatoes off his plate. “Aren’t these the dandiest potatoes you’ve ever had the pleasure of eating?” He admired the spoon before shoveling it into his mouth.
You examined your own spoon, which also held a bit of mashed potatoes. “I don’t know, I haven’t tried them yet.” You admitted.
“Well, try them! I’m sure you’ll like them!” He encouraged.
You tugged off your helmet, letting your h/c hair loose. You brushed a strand out of your face before eating the food off the plastic tableware. You hummed thoughtfully, then noticed he was staring at you with his jaw wide open.
“What?” You questioned, feeling embarrassed.
“Why, you’re more gorgeous than a sunset over a big blue sea.” He rested his chin on a hand. “And in that sea, someone should tell the lifeguard that I’m drowning in your eyes.”
A soldier you recognized as York chuckled as he passed. “Nice poetry, Florida. Maybe I’ll try that sometime.”
Your face turned as red as the apple on the side of your tray. You’d received compliments before, but none like that. Besides, you didn’t really think of yourself as attractive or drop-dead gorgeous, so hearing somebody say something so sweet made your heart flutter.
“Thanks.” You managed to mumble. You quickly covered your face with your helmet again. “I, uh… Need to go.”
“Oh, already? Well, my name’s Florida in case you ever want to chat again. Maybe I’ll see you at breakfast tomorrow? I hear they’re making muffins and chamomile tea. It’s great for stress-relief, you know.” Florida held out his hand, and you went to shake it. You were surprised when he pulled you into a big hug instead.
“Oof!” You grunted as he lifted you up, hugging you tightly before setting you back down.
“See you tomorrow, s/n?” He asked hopefully, and you nodded, completely flustered by your new boy-crush.
“Bye, Florida!” You called out, a little louder than you normally would. His pleasant and outgoing demeanor seemed to have changed you already… You wondered what else would happen tomorrow.
You slept soundly, dreaming of muffins, sunsets, and chamomile tea.

[Up next: Tucker x reader, Felix x reader x Tucker]

[REQUESTED BY Sakura3434]

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