Locus (2)

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(This takes place after Locus leaves Chorus, once S14 ends. Basically he's trying to take down all the terrorist organizations that he helped in the past.)

Blood, sweat, tears, screams.
Blood, sweat, tears, screams.
These four things were on a constant repeat. Every day you were beaten, bloodied, and bruised. You bled, you sweat, you cried, and you screamed.
Your head hung downwards, and you stared at the floor. Every single day you were tortured for exactly five hours. Then, a man would come in and ask you a few questions. He wanted to know more about the UNSC, but you didn't know anything. You were just a civilian who wanted to join the army. That was a big mistake, because they snatched you out of the military barracks and now you were stuck in this room, tied up and in pain.
"What are they-"
"I don't know." You said, interrupting him.
He sighed, almost pitifully. "You're never going to see the sunlight, ever again." He told you. "But if you can just answer our questions, you can at least have a quick death. Wouldn't that be nice?" He asked you.
You nodded, tearing up. "But I really don't know anything."
He was silent for a long time. Maybe he almost believed you. "Sorry about this." He muttered, leaving the room.
You heard the intercom turn on, and a robotic voice announced that all the oxygen was being sucked out of the room. It looks like they were going to suffocate you. They wouldn't kill you yet, but it would definitely hurt, and probably damage your lungs.
You didn't bother shouting or trying to tell them that you didn't know what they wanted from you. There was no point; thet would do this either way.
You took a deeo breath, then held it in as the room walls made a hissing noise. That was the sound of the oxygen being sucked out. You squeezed your eyes shut, hoping that they'd return the air soon. You couldn't hold your breath forever.
The seconds ticked bu, and you started to feel lightheaded. Your lungs ached.
You opened your mouth and gasped for air. You were breathing stuff in, but it didn't relieve your aching chest.
Then, as your vision started to grow blurry, there was a loud explosion.
You watched the door fly off its hinges, and then a man stepped into the room you were being held in.
Fresh oxygen flooded the small room, and you gulped it down. You took a second to examine the person whi came to save you.
He wore dark armor, with green accents. He looked around the room, almost confused, like he was in the wrong place.
Then, he noticed you. He knelt beside you and removed the ropes around your wrists. You almost cried as you felt relief from the tight restraints. You rubbed your wrists, feeling the blood start to flow again.
"Thank you." You whispered, with a small grateful smile. Your voice was cracked and hoarse, but he seemed to understand you, because he nodded.
His head quickly turned as a few men came to attack him, and you watched as he disappeared from sight.
You looked around the room in awe, then watched as one of the attackers went flying.
"What's happening?!" One of them shouted in confusion.
Your savior appeared again and slammed one of the men into the ground.
"Where's the control room?" He asked, with a threatening tone in his voice.
"D-Down the hall! On the left!" He whimpered.
"He's lying." You quickly told him. They both looked towards you. "I heard the men talking. That room's a trap. There isn't actually a control room." You explained. "If you wanted their secret files or whatever, they were all sent to another ship."
He slammed the man's head against the ground, knocking him out.
"Thanks." He said, and turned to leave.
"W-Wait!" You called. He stopped and turned to look down at you when you grabbed his wrist. "You just saved my life."
"You just saved mine." He replied.
You shrugged and grinned a bit. It was weird to feel happiness after all that time in your cell.
"I was gonna join the army... but you don't look like a soldier. I wanna be like you." You confessed.
He was quiet for a while. "Don't be like me." He warned. You sat there for a moment in a slightly awkward silence. "What's your name?" He asked suddenly.
"Y/n." You replied.
"Y/n... If you really want to help people, don't join the army." He told you.
You nodded, trusting him.
"What's yours?" You asked him.
"My... what?" He asked, sounding confused.
"Your name, dummy." You laughed a bit.
He seemed surprised by the question, as if he hadn't been asked in a very long time. "Locu-" He paused, then thought about it for a moment. "Sam." He told you.
You nodded. "Well... thanks for saving me, Sam. I'm gonna jump on an escape pod and get the hell out of here... But I'll look you up once I make it back to Earth. Then maybe we can hook up, m'kay?" You asked.
He was quiet. "W... What?" He asked after a while.
You laughed again. "Maybe I'll take you out to dinner or something. It's the least I can do."
He watched as you cheered and ran down the hall to freedom. You were definitely a strange person, but... you managed to make him smile.

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