Xena Blueprints

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A/N Hey I'm not dead! Yeah sorry for not updating like at all, I've been busy with school and had a bit of writer's block, anyways hope you and enjoy. oh and comment down below if your sad or not that this book is going to end soon....

*Yang's POV*

I just sat there, in too much pain to move and my eyes had lost most of their vision, all i could make out were the shackles around my body and what seems to be two guards patrolling me.


*Ruby's POV*

After Ozpin explained this blueprints, I was still left more confused then I thought I would be. So I raised my hand to ask him to explain again.

Ozpin: "Yes Ruby?" he said in a monotone voice as he noticed my raised hand and confused expression.

Ruby: "Well uh I don't really get it, like why would you need to make this thing anyway? I'm also still a little confused on what it does, exactly" I trailed off, this was probably a 

Ozpin: "I can understand how this is confusing", I sighed in relief, he noticed but quickly continued, "to summarise my explanation, the xena blueprints are the blueprints for a holopad type machine that is used to remove large patches of land. it was made at first for construction but General Ironwood stopped their production once he realized that they could be used to keep a city under siege and even unearth an entire city causing innocent civilians to fall to their deaths." 

Ruby: "oh..." I looked to the ground that was much more depressing then I thought it would be.

Blake: "So now that, that's out of the way can I ask a question?" I noticed Blake wore no expression.

Ozpin: "Of course" he exclaimed in a serious tone while nodding his head in approval, he knew when Blake asked questions they weren't ones to take lightly.

Blake: "With how important you make the Xena blueprints out to be, I'm guessing no matter who the student is you aren't going to give it away" as she said this she now had her hands placed on ozpin's desk and was looking straight at him, still with no expression.

Ozpin: "Which is why I have a plan, one that will require all of you, including you Adam" he looked to Adam who only nodded in response.

We all exited the room and I decided to look back at Adam since he was behind us all. I swear, just for a second, I saw Adam flash a sadistic grin, I just told myself it was my imagination. 

Oh, how wrong I was.....

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