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It was a bright day on Patch, an island located near the other islands of Japan and said Asian mini continent itself. Birds were flapping about, people were out doing their own things, while somewhere in the upper apartments where some rich people would live in.....a new chapter begins.


A brown-haired boy with chocolate eyes panted as he was sweating before he calmed down a little bit.

"Bad dream..."


The young lad looked to see his fiancée, Yang Xiao Long, who was lying beside him in bed now awake from his shout earlier.

"S-Sorry, Yang."

"Had that dream again?" She asked him as he sighed, "Yeah. It's been going on for weeks now."

Yang frowned sympathetically for her future shared husband, it had been going on since their childhood. The dream of seeing blood....monsters not known to man....and a giant machine of sorts roaring like a wild beast. Wanting to cheer him up, Yang kissed her beloved on the lips, "It'll be okay. It's only just a dream. Probably something that you saw on one of Dad's scary movies, like Night Of The Demons or something."

The brown-eyed young adult groaned, "Don't remind me. I had very bad dreams regarding about having sex on Halloween night because of that, and don't even get me started on Fright Night...."

The lilac-eyed blonde giggled, it was funny when she saw her boyfriend like this. All flustered and everything.

"Heart! Yang!"

The bubbly voice of Ruby Rose, the half-sister of Yang and Heart's sister-in-law/3rd future wife called out to them.

"Mom says you guys can go out now!"

Heart and Yang smiled as the two got out of bed.

"Okay! We're coming down! Just as soon as we're done changing."

Once done, Heart and Yang were in their casual outfits.

A/N: For those of you who are wondering, imagine Heart wearing Shinji's casual clothes while Yang is wearing her DGAS outfit but without missing an arm. And yes, she won't lose an arm in this story and won't be framed, there, yawl happy?

"So...what do you want to do, Yang?"

"Hmm...we could go to that ice cream place for starters."

"Calliche's Frozen Custard, right?" Heart asked her before she nodded with a mischievous wink, "Yup! And after that, we can go shopping at the mall and eat at Burger King~~!"

The "Hedgehog" of the triple family sighed comically. The three places had become their daily hotspots for dates, but, if he were to be honest with himself, Heart didn't really mind. If his girlfriend was happy, he was happy also.

Once they were at Calliche's Frozen Custard, it wasn't long that the two were able to order what they wanted.

For Heart, he had the Grasshopper while Yang had the Fudge Brownie Bliss. It was truly a perfect day to eat ice cream to cool themselves off from the heat.

«Here are the latest headlines.» A woman's voice came onto the TV as Heart, Yang and some people looked, «The Firefly Flower, one of Mistral's famous vacation cruises was seen destroyed earlier this morning. According to eyewitness accounts, the passengers that have survived the encounter claimed to have seen some sort of giant monster that came out of nowhere and attacked them. Once the cruise was demolished, the unidentified creature disappeared back into the ocean. It wasn't a Grimm, apparently. It was something else entirely. Can it really be just a Grimm? Or, is it a new type of threat that now lurks within the waters? That is all from me, Lisa Lavender. Back to you, Cyril.»

Once the news about the regular stuff came on, discussions began to ensue.

"You think it might really be a new kind of giant monster?" A student asked his friend, "That or it could be just a Leviathan."

"Leviathans don't travel that far," a waitress of the ice cream fast food place remarked while her associate nodded.

'A giant monster....' Heart pondered, 'Could it be....?' He then shook his head to get rid of the thought. The horrifying beings he saw in his dream were only dreams, so, everything was okay....right?

After that, Heart and Yang went to the mall as planned. They played some games, bought a few things and so on. Right now?

Auntie Anne's.

It was Heart's favorite place to eat pretzel bread. The cream cheese was badass. Nuff said. While Yang was out getting some make-up stuff, Heart got himself a little snack to pass the time.

"Ahh....good pretzel bread." Heart said in bliss. The bread gave him a sense of comfort whenever he ate it in the mall. While he relaxed, Yang paid for what she bought and left the store before quietly taking a pretzel bread bite to dip into the cream cheese before taking it to her cherry lips as she ate her snack as Heart gaped, "Eh?!"

"Mmm, tasty~~" Yang giggled as Heart pouted, 'Dang it, woman! Why you gotta do this to meeeeeeee~?!'

Unbeknownst to the two, someone was watching them. A gray-haired young man with blue eyes named Shang Ke.

A/N: Yes, I'm adding Shang Ke for those of you who have read the manhua Hasty Marriage Contract With The Heir into this story. If you think about it, Yang is somewhat like Ruo Na, tough sometimes, but carries a soft and fragile heart like any normal girl and woman who have a sweet side.

From childhood, Shang had a crush on Yang. However, because of some "mistakes" he made in the past, their relationship became strained, and eventually, Yang broke up with him. Heart, on the other hand, was a different story.

At first, Shang viewed Heart as a good friend who would support his relationship with Yang, but, on a certain incident during his engagement party, he saw Heart and Yang kissing in the rain. This act of true love angered Shang, but, it became his downfall when his "new in-laws(not Yang and Ruby's family obviously)" found out that he still had feelings for Yang and canceled their engagement.

At that time, it was also the first time that Heart had spoken not as a young boy but as a man of his vow. Not only that, it was when Heart had declared that while he had feelings for Yang, he would always respect her wishes and do whatever he can to support her choices, regardless of what other people think. And he also said, that if anyone were to dare lay their hands on her, will have to be prepared to die fighting him.

'Yang....why him?!' Shang said with a frustrated look. He tried to clear his mistakes with her, but, as usual, Shang is bound by his family's words like a dog bound by its leash. And that was the difference between him and Heart: One was bound by his unrequited love and his mother's "kind" words while the other was soaring freely together with his flock that gave him life, warmth, friendship, family and most of all: love.

As mortifying as it was to admit, Shang could see the pure love coming from the two of them. Yang had found her one true destined one, ironic as it is, although everyone doesn't know it......destiny has a way of rearing its ugly face.

"Hello, Heart, old buddy!"

In Burger King, Heart and Yang were greeted by Toji Suzuhara, the former who responded with a fist bump.

"What's up, Toji?"

"Nothing much," Toji said with a shrug, "How about you, Mr. Dragon Boy?" He finished with a cheeky grin as Heart and Yang blushed for different reasons: Heart was blushing because he was embarrassed while Yang was blushing because she can imagine having a baby that had her features and Heart's kindness.

"W-Well, we've been fine. Where's the other three?"

"Kensuke's out building crap with the crazy old man again, Hikari and Sakura are at school."

Yang comically sweatdropped. "And I can assume that you're skipping school?"

Toji tried to come up with a retort, but, eventually....


He just sank in comical despair.


The blondette and her boyfriend sighed comically with the jock's antics. He's a good friend, yes, but when it came to his perversity and mischievous acts? It was a total bummer.

"You guys ordering or what? I ain't paid for waiting all day." The employee said with a comical snark as Yang growled before she literally purred as Heart patted her head to soothe her before he began to order.

"Uhh—hmm....I'll have the, Triple Stacker Burger and some large fries, oh! Can I have some chicken nuggets please?"

"Your drink? Fountain or milkshake?"

"Fountain please."

Once Yang's turn came, she began to order. "I'll have a triple Whopper with cheese, hold the pickles, and I'll have some chicken fries, at large, not the smallest of fry!"

As if everyone had super hearing, the employees, the customers and the two boys comically fell from the bad pun as Yang laughed.


"Oh! I'll also have an Vanilla milkshake, please."

After getting up, the employee asked Toji, "What about you, kid?"

"I'll, uh....just have a Texas double Whopper with no pickles, large fries, a fountain drink, and, uh....ooh! A Hershey's Sundae pie!" He said with eagerness as Heart and Yang wanted said dessert also.

"Make that two."

"Make that three!"

A/N: I'm bad at counting prices, so, if anyone can tell me what it is, I'll be happy to hear.

Once the price came up, Heart paid the food with his credit card that somehow had a vast amount of money. Soon, their table would have burgers wrapped up, fries and chicken fresh out of the fryers and ovens, their drinks nice and chill, and the desserts nice and tasty.

"So," Toji began while eating his burger, "This one cruiser got attacked by a giant monster this morning?"

"Yeah," Heart nodded as he drank his Coke, "It went back into the sea right after tearing it down."

"Huh. They call that thing a "monster", a Demon is what it's really called."

""Demon"?" Yang blinked in confusion as Toji nodded before answering, "Apparently that's the official name for that thing and its kind."

"There's more?"

"Yeah. According to my teacher, the first Demon sighting occurred ten years ago when a volcano in the Pacific erupted while a giant beast came out of it. They're calling the one the witnesses saw just now 'Abaddon'."

"...Abaddon, huh?" Heart pondered out loud before Yang asked, "So...are they literal demons? Like the ones from the Bible?"

"Fortunately, no," Toji answered with a head shake, "They're just calling them that because they show no remorse for those who get in their path, just like the actual demons in the Bible."

Yang hummed before taking a bite of her burger while Heart asked, "So, how many are there?"

"Beats me. No one else has reported seeing them. Some say people make false rumors about Demons, others say they were most likely dead before they can even make a report. Damned if I know."

Throughout the whole meal, Heart pondered, hasn't he seen these "Demons" Toji spoke of in his dreams? If so, what were they exactly trying to tell him? More importantly, was the purple giant real too? He had to know. After lunch and saying their goodbyes to Toji, Heart and Yang went on their way back home until suddenly...

A small pup with white fur was found. Soundly asleep in a small brown furred basket all alone.

"A pup...? Out here in the woods?" Yang said in wonder as she and Heart kneeled down, checking on the little animal.

Awoken by the sounds of the dirt being scrunched by their feet, the pup noticed them as Yang picked it up gently.

"Morning, baby!" Yang said cheerfully, hoping to make the pup happy, unfortunately, this was not A pup.

Growling, the pup bit her, while it did hurt, Yang gave the small animal a frown that looked exactly like how a mom would scold her child.

"Hey now," Yang scolded the little one, who now looked guilty and sad on what it did, "That isn't very nice."

The furry whined as she softened her expression as she patted its head while cradling it in her arms, "Shhh...don't cry, baby. We got you."

Having calmed down, the pup licked Yang's cheek as she giggled while Heart smiled, "You know, for someone who isn't a parent yet, you're a great mother-figure."

Hearing those words made Yang smile too as she pecked his cheek, "And I'm sure you'll make a great Dad."

Heart smiled, but as they began walking for their home, unbeknownst to Yang, Heart sadly frowned. He had not known anything about his birth parents, so, he wouldn't know how it felt to be a parent. Truth be told, while he did feel the fatherly bond from Taiyang, he couldn't really grasp on what it meant to be a father.

Finally, Heart and Yang made it to the Xiao Long-Rose-Branwen household. Judging from the steam coming out of the pipes, dinner was being cooked. And speaking about being cooked, the food was downright looking delicious. What was it?

Katsu curry.

As the plates were placed down, a woman with black and red hair and silver eyes is seen humming as she sets the utensils down while Heart and Yang enter.

"We're home!"

"Ah, welcome back, you two." Summer said with a smile before noticing the small purple blanket in Yang's arms, "Ara? What's that?"

Heart scratched his cheek with his thumb as he smiled nervously, " you still have Zwei's old bed?"

"Yes, why?"

When Heart gave the ok nod, Yang slowly opened the blanket to reveal the same white pup who looked at the Rose matriarch curiously.

Now, if you saw an adorable thing like a pup at least about a month old, what would you do? You would scream out loud like a fangirl. And this is EXACTLY what Summer did.


While Summer, Raven and Yang ate, the other four were observing the small canine that was now cutely asleep in its new bed.

"Looks like you got yourself a new roommate, Zwei." Tai said as he patted Zwei while the corgi sniffed the young pup as Ruby gushed on how precious the little wild dog looked when asleep.

"It's so cute!"

"If only its owners understood that." Qrow said with a disappointed shake of his head, whoever owned the pup, shame on them.

"Well..." Heart began as he petted the pup, "We didn't really want to anyway, seeing as how this pup isn't so comfortable with how its former owners treated it."

"I see. Poor feller..."

"Well, I guess there's no choice..." Raven began as said as everyone got their attention to her, "The little one can stay here."

While the men tilted their heads in curiosity, Summer, Ruby and Yang gasped in joy as Raven gently picked up the pup.

"If you think about it, if we send this pup to some other family, I doubt they want to take care of it." The ravenette said as she gave the pup to Ruby as it made a cute sound.

"Aren't you just the sweetest cutie?" Ruby cooed as she tickled the pup's belly with her finger.

"So," Tai began as he asked his oldest daughter, "Since you found it, what will you name it?"

"Hmm....lemme think.....oh!"

Yang then zipped off as she grabbed a piece of her dad's katsu while grabbing a treat from Zwei's bowl as she held them up.

"Okay, doggy treat if you're a boy, or a katsu if you're a girl."

Qrow sweatdropped. "Firecracker. There's no way a pup is gonna—"

Before he would say his opinion, a crunching sound was heard. The source? The little white animal who had now ate the katsu and confirming its gender.


"We have our answer then!" Yang said with a cheerful smile, "I'll name you...Rouna!"

""Wolf of the fruit trees", right?" Heart asked as the blondette nodded, "Yeah. I named her because we found her under the apple trees earlier."

Rouna cutely made puppy sounds which earned her a kiss from Yang as everyone smiled at the moment.

"Well," Raven began as she patted her daughter's shoulder before she began to get her second serving, "Take very good care of her, Yang. It's not everyday a person gets to raise a wolf."

Everyone in the dining room except Raven twitched in shock. The pup that they have in their house now.....was a wolf?!

"A WOLF?!" Tai yelped in comical fright as he brought out his gun as Summer smacked the back of his head, scolding him, "There will be no shooting and absolutely NO KILLING an innocent animal in this house, Taiyang Xiao Long!"

"B-But, Rosie, it's—"

"Tai, come on," Qrow said with a sigh, "She's just a cub. And besides that, it's great that we have another girl in this house."


While he and Tai argued, Heart was currently with Ruby watching Yang feed Rouna her milk. The blonde smiled sweetly at the new addition of the family, it was as if she was really feeding her own kid.

"You're gonna be a strong girl when you grow up, Rouna," Heart said as he pets the wolf pup's head.

After having her fill, Rouna yawned while Yang gently set her down onto her new bed before falling asleep.

"She's had her fill for today," She said while getting up slowly as Zwei made sure the pup was nice and warm in her bed as Ruby petted his head, "Awww, good boy!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«Tooi Kioku by MONACA»
After dinner, Heart was in the shower. However, he wasn't scrubbing himself at the moment, he was lost in thought. First, it was his dream. Then, the existence of Demons had been confirmed. And now, the role of a father. Did Heart really deserve being a parent, even though he had not known his birth parents? After he got out, Heart sat on the bed he and Yang share while he looked at the ground still having thoughts in his mind.

'And I'm sure you'll make a great dad,' The words of Yang repeated in his head. Truth be told, Heart did feel happy when he heard that, but, he couldn't help but feel hesitant and nervous about the role. Why was he like this? He was afraid that he would end up failing the role of a parent because he did not show the right care for his child. And he wondered, did his birth family leave him behind just like how he thought right now?


Heart turned his head to see Yang who had just entered the room with new clothes as she had a concerned look on her lovely features.

"Oh. Hey, Yang." The brown haired lad said as looked down again while Yang stood next to him, "You okay?"

A brief moment of silence passed as Heart said nothing, just looking down with a hidden sadness that he bottled up. Yang knew that look—no, remember was the right word. That expression usually meant that Heart was genuinely afraid or insecure about something.....or, he had been thinking of his unknown past.

The one time she had seen him like that was during their childhood, when they first had their family dinner, Heart felt happy, but, after the meal, he was sad. The reason? It was obvious. He had never had a family meal that included him before, even worse, he had not known who his actual parents are, that is, if they're still alive.

Ever since the start of their relationship, Yang felt like her soul had become one with Heart's when she helped him unlock his Aura. But, she could feel two other things beside his warmth of kindness: The deep abyss of sorrow....and the flames of a violent rage.

And speaking of rage, Yang shuddered when she remembered the memory vividly: Blood was seen splattered everywhere. The white moon took on a horrifying crimson color matching the liquid that was all over the ground. Bodies were either seen mangled or worse, ripped apart. One unlucky victim was about to be brutally beaten. Heart howling like a beast on the prowl. And the worst part of all? The sight of eyes dyed in bloodlust.

Unlike her eyes when they turn red because of her Semblance and were believed to have fire, they weren't like normal flames. They were like hellfire with the smoke that had the scent of blood.

And that was what scared Yang the most. The man she fell in love with had become a feral berserker with the nature of an animal that lived to hunt prey. She had hoped to never see him like that again, but, the Sunny Little Dragon had the sickening feeling that "beast" inside of Heart would appear should the fires of Hell within him burn again.

Putting those thoughts aside, Yang sat down with the intent of comforting her fiancée. Already, it was like the two were actually married, but at such a young age. When Heart was happy, Yang was happy. When he was sad, she was sad. When he got angry....she didn't know what to think of.

"...Heart. I know you don't...feel like talking right now,'re in pain. And it's hurting me too, we can talk about it."

Sighing softly, Heart answered, "I don't know if I'll be a good father as you said earlier."


"I hardly know what that feels like. Don't get me wrong, your dad treated me like I'm his son, and I'm grateful for that, but....." Heart closed his eyes as he gathered the right words to say, "He's not really my real father."

Yang understood what he was trying to say. Although her parents had shown him familial love, Heart didn't really learn anything about giving said love to another from his own parents. Continuing, he spoke, "If I was a father myself....would I really deserve that role? I, who didn't even know anything about raising a family on my own from my family?"

Sensing his sadness rising to its peak, Yang laid her head down onto his shoulder while also having a sympathetic look on her eyes, surprising Heart.


".....The reason why I said that is because, even though we don't have a kid yet, you still shown your care for Rouna when we first found her. And do you remember back when we were kids?"

"You mean, when we were in Special Ed and we were given assigned roles as parents with the dolls and stuffed animals being our kids?"

"Yeah. The way how you cared for you treated them with love....and how you put them to bed gently and softly, it was something like how an actual father does." Yang softly said before she smiled very sweetly as she looked at him, with eyes glimmering of emotion, "That's what I love about you."

Heart sniffed as he wiped a few tears away before he smiled and hugged Yang, "Thanks. Honestly, meeting you, Ruby, Summer, Tai, Raven, Qrow and everyone here, are the best moments I will forever cherish throughout my whole life."

Yang smiled as she hugged him back.

"Same goes for us, baby."

And with that, the two shared a brief kiss before they both got ready for bed.


For a brief moment, it was all she could see. She looked around, but.....Heaven help her now, because she is in a whole world where blood and evolution come together as a whole, but not the good kind.

"Where am I?" Yang wondered out loud before she felt something wet that reached midway from her feet to her knees, and what a look of horror was on her face! Below her was a whole ocean of blood! Try as she could, the urge to vomit ran wildly in her stomach, but that wasn't what really made her so horrified.

In the sea of blood, she could see the disembodied parts of the bullies and the girl who stalked Heart during their high school years, all had terrified expressions upon dying. Desperate to wake up from this hellish nightmare, Yang hastened her every move to get out of the dark red ocean.

Reaching to what looked like to be the shore of a beach, Yang swam a few times before running onto the sand.

'What....what the hell is this?!'


Yang felt her heart beat two times for a moment as she looked to see a certain someone who she cut off her connections with a long time ago.

"Shang Ke....?!"

His eyes seemed to be empty sockets, tears of blood running down as he walked towards the frightened female speaking like a ghost, "wHy hAvE yOu aBaNdOnEd mE? I hAvE lOvEd yOu mOrE tHaN hIm...!!"

Yang shook her head as she wanted to prove him wrong, but was too scared to do so.

"No....get away! STAY BACK!" She yelled as she swiped her hands as he attempted to violate her before....



The loudest of scariest screams echoed loud enough for her ears to remember as Shang Ke had been pierced by a red spear which then caused his body to expand briefly before exploding into a mass of blood and gore.

Yang was beyond scared. As drops of blood splatter on some of her face, her whole body couldn't muster the strength to move. Oh, how she wished she didn't get up and see. Why? Standing behind her was Heart.

"Heart...?" Yang looked happy to see him at first, but, sadly, the horror had one last act before the ending.


There it was again. That same distorted language Shang Ke was speaking earlier. If you all thought THAT was creepy, think again.


Yang shuddered as she heard the water moving as the deep voice spoke again.









Slowly, Yang turned around. And when she did.....a Demon with a single horn, red eyes and green highlights came in the form of a tsunami.







After the madness ended, the blondette's wail echoed and bounced off the walls in the house as her lover, her half-sibling, her parents and uncle came to her side.

"Yang, what's wrong—"

Before he had the chance to ask, Heart was immediately hugged by Yang, sobbing. Despite hearing their voices clearly, she could still hear the roar of the massive behemoth in her mind.

While Summer made the coffee, Heart, Ruby and Raven were by Yang's side, listening to her story. What surprised Heart next was when she told him about the being she had seen in her nightmare.

"You saw the robot? The one from my dream?!"

Yang nodded, "It was in the form of a tsunami, definitely looked like the one you described in your dream."

"I see...." Heart then pondered, 'That mecha again....why does it keep showing itself? Why Yang, though?'

"Here you go." Summer said as she sat down four cups of coffee with a small glass container of odd pink sugar cubes along with a large plate of fresh oven baked chocolate chip cookies.

"What are those?" Raven asked as Heart explained as he looked delighted to see them, "Ah! Guimauve!"

"Gui-wha?" Was the collected question of Ruby and Raven asked out loud as Heart explained, "It's a French sugar treat that can either be eaten like a marshmallow or used as a sweetener for coffee."

"Oooh!" Ruby's eyes sparkled. Once the pink cubes were put into the coffee, the brown liquid turned into a crimson color. While the Rose matriarch, Branwen matriarch, the little cookie eater and their future in-law drank their coffee, one person didn't look so enthusiastic.

"What's up, Yang?"

Yang gulped, the color reminded her of her recent nightmare and even if it wasn't the crimson life force that flowed within the veins of people, the thought still remained and it made her sick to the stomach.

"N-nothing, it's just...." Yang hesitated but eventually spoke the honest truth, "The color just gave me a flashback of what I dreamt just now."

Summer felt sad, she didn't mean to make her oldest stepchild remember a bloody nightmare, she only wanted to help her get rid of that memory with some coffee. But luckily, someone managed to make things better with words.

"It's okay to think that, Yang," Heart spoke with a comforting smile, "But, you don't have to be nervous. Sure, it looks know, but, the sweetness will help get rid of the bitter taste in your mouth, trust me."

Yang nodded, after blowing her drink a little, she took a good sip before letting out a good sigh.

"Thanks, Mom. And thank you too, Heart."

Summer patted her head while Heart pecked her cheek.

"Oh, yeah, thanks for the cookie, Ruby!" Yang said as she took a cookie from Ruby's plate and ate it, much to the red reaper's shock.

"Heyyyy! That was MY cookie, Yang Xiao Long!" She said with a pout as the lilac-eyed gold beauty enjoyed her treat, "Mmmm, sweet!"

Yup. Yang was back to her old self again.

At class, Heart, Yang and their friends were notified by their teacher that they were going on a field trip of sorts.

Who was their teacher?

None other than the number one ladiesman/flirt, Kaji Ryoji.

"Alright, kiddos. Today, we're going for a little field trip in the forests and mountains. Don't worry, we'll get lunch, it'll be at Golden Corral, I promise ya that, ladies." He finished with a wink as all the girls except Hikari, Ruby and Yang squealed while the boys except Heart comically growled in envy. Since they were going on a field trip, a few lessons had to be skipped today.

On the bus, Yang sat next to Heart as she was currently lying her head on his shoulder for a small nap.

'Why must you be a curse, popularity?' He mentally groaned as he could feel the intense comical glares from the other male students while Toji gave him a thumbs-up as he smirked along with his friend who had his trusty camera.

His name was Kensuke Aida, the military-vehicle-mecha otaku of the group. Like Toji, despite his perverted tendencies, he has a good heart. Still, he couldn't resist the urge to record Heart who was comically fuming while a sleeping Yang was lying her head down on his shoulder.

'Sorry, man,' He said with comical flash on his glasses, 'But you gotta take on the brunt of our pain!'

Then, at last, what seemed like a moment or two, they reached to their destination. From there, the "hiking" began. As they walked, many things were seen: Various mountains, large trees, animals out and about while birds fly—


Stomachs growling for hunger.

"I'm out of gas..."

"Need food...."


Two collective sighs were heard from Heart and Sakura as they shook their heads at the predicament Toji, Kensuke and Yang were in.

"Toji~! You barely did a thing!"

"Ya~ng, we talked about this: No more whining like a kid."

"But, Heart, I barely ate anything since those cookies we had this morning."

Heart would've refuted, but, she was right, though. Still, Yang shouldn't be lying on the ground like a dog begging food from its what it would have looked like, if she wasn't so much as acting like a cat.

"D'ooooooooh—alllllright," Heart sighed as he gave up before he gave Yang a Slim-Jim, "Here."

As if it was alive, her cowlick twitched as Yang immediately went for the Slim-Jim while in the process...



She tackled Heart down onto the ground, with his head in between her breasts.


"Hm?" Yang raised her head before she looked around while she still held the Slim-Jim in her mouth.

"Git off.....puhlease?(Get off....please?)"

The buxom blonde looked down to see Heart who was in between her breasts before she got up a little so he could breathe.

'Hiiiiii! I thought I was gonna die!' Heart squealed comically in fright mentally before he growled, "Woman, the least you can do is take it by hand!"

Yang didn't say anything as she continued to stare at him.


The blondette smirked as she teased his lips with the Slim-Jim.

'What is she doing? Trying to feed me? Oh well, free food, I guess.'

Wrong assumption, buddy.

Her real intent was to have Heart eat before she gave him a kiss, but, just as when their lips were about to touch....

"While I hate to interrupt your "snack", but, sorry, we gotta move."

The two looked to see Kaji who smirked while holding a thumb to where the other students were at as Heart and Yang immediately blushed beet red.

'Crap!' Was the collective thought in Heart and Yang's heads. They were caught red handed! This was totally—


The duo looked to see two fuming boys and a certain red reaper who pouted.

"Hehehe, hey, guys..." Heart rubbed the back of his head sheepishly while Yang smirked playfully, "What up, little sis?"

That did it. Before a word could be said, the envious trio went after Heart and Yang as they comically chased them around while Kaji laughed.





"Oh really? Catch me if you can, Rubes~!"

Back on track, the group of students followed their teacher through the woods near the mountain range, where the other classes were at. As they walked to the upper hills, Heart noticed some odd machinery that looked like giant guns of some sort.

"Umm, Kaji-sensei?"

"Yes, Heart?" The older man turned as Heart pointed at the damaged weaponry by ruins of some sort, "What are those guns? They don't look like anything from here."

"Hmm..." Kaji pondered as he put a hand to his chin, "I'm not sure. But I think these aren't anything from Atlas, that much I'm sure of."


"Yeah. These guns look waaaaay too advanced if you ask me. Anyway, let's keep moving, don't want any angry restless spirits around here." He gestured as Heart nodded before the youth looked back and wondered, 'What were they fighting here...?'

As he continued to walk with his classmates and teacher, Heart did not notice that behind the ruins......was the skeleton of a giant creature.

While the sun shined down as the wind blew, the class were taking a 20 minute break to catch their strength. Heart lied down on the grass so that he could take a nap, but suddenly, he had heard something.


A beeping noise was heard.

"Huh?" The startled young adult got up to see where the sound came from. He could tell it was somewhere near.

'Where...?' Heart said mentally as he searched before once again—


The same noise was heard.

Heart looked around as another beeping noise echoed.


The orphan looked straight as he saw a cave near one of the hills.

"What's over there?" Heart muttered in question as he began his walk towards his new destination.

Unaware, Yang was talking with a few of the girls before she notices Heart going somewhere up in the hills near the mountains.

"Heart?" She wondered aloud before she went to her teacher, "Excuse me, uh, Kaji-sensei?"

"Yes, Ms. Xiao Long?"

"Heart's going somewhere, I'm going to accompany him."

"Oh?" He looked up to see Heart was indeed going somewhere, up to the cave where he believed to be the source of the sound that he heard.

"Hmm...let me come along, just in case."


The blondette and her teacher began to follow Heart who had already entered the cave, unaware that Shang Ke had noticed them, watching Yang all the while.



A flashlight is seen turned on as Heart looks around in the cave. When he was a child, he had a fear of being alone in the dark, but, thanks to Yang, Ruby and their family's efforts, Heart managed to somewhat overcome his fear. It was understandable to be afraid, especially when you're in a cave that no one knows about and you have no one walking with you.

Fears aside, Heart knew that something felt odd about the cave he was in, and he had to find it.

"There's gotta be something here...."

Lo and behold, a metal door was seen. Walking towards it, Heart pulled the handle down and surprisingly, it opened.

"Phew, okay." Heart sighed as he opened the door to reveal something that he should never have seen.

An abandoned research facility of blood and a dead body.


Backing up in fright, Heart was devastated. Damage like this wasn't something any human and Faunus was capable of. Most likely, it was either three things: 1: The work of a wild beast. 2: The carnage of a Grimm. Or....the third possibility: A new kind of horror had been unleashed.

'God....gotta keep moving.....stay focused.' Heart mentally said to himself as he tried to not see the rotting body which had a clear hole on its head. The victim was presumably a male in his mid-thirties, and judging from the suit he was wearing, he was most likely going to enter an area where it could prove harmful to the body without the suit.

After making a right, Heart saw a room where there were many computers, file drawers, desks and one laptop.

'This must be where they keep their data and such,' Heart thought. He looked around to see if there were any clues and answers as to what happened here in this facility, but, so far, none.

"Shit," he cursed in a whisper, "There has to be at least something around here..."

When we opened the last drawer, he saw a file that had some papers in it. Wondering what it had, Heart opened the file and saw papers that had the CLASSIFIED stamp marks which contained information that would shake the world to its core, namely a certain one that peaked his interest.

"Project....EVANGELION?" He read aloud in curiosity before he then widens his eyes as he sees a familiar mechanical being that he and Yang had seen in their dreams and nightmares once he turned the page.

«エヴァンゲリオン 初号機 TYPE: ANOTHER»

'That mech! I can't believe it! It''s the purple robot me and Yang saw in our dreams!' Heart exclaimed mentally as he put a hand to his mouth, "Oh my God...."

The thing he had seen in his dreams was real. If the purple titan was real, then that would mean one thing....

"The Demons are real too....!"

With those premonitions now solved, Heart had one more thing to do.

"The laptop..."  Going to the black laptop, Heart turned it on and surprisingly, it still had juice. Like at 97%.

"That's good," Heart said in relief as he sat down before he noticed the screen asking for a password. Playing it safe, Heart pressed "Forgot Password" before the screen gave him a hint to remember.

«The first book of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament.»

"The first book....." Heart wondered before he remembered, "Genesis?"

«Welcome to MYTHOS»

Smiling in accomplishment, Heart immediately went to find info on the Demons. But before he could continue....


The sound of a door being opened was heard.

Immediately, Heart got up and luckily, there was a bag to put the laptop in. Even better, there was this.

A gun called SILVERHORN TRIDENT. Normally, he'd question on what it was, but, in this situation? It. Can. Wait. Which would be proven when Heart accidentally kicked an empty Coca-Cola can out of the door he opened earlier.

"Someone there?"

"Heart? Is that you?"

Those voices....!

"Yang?!" Heart exclaimed in surprise and confusion as he came out of the room, with the bag on his back and gun in hand.

Gasping in relief, Yang ran up to him and hugged her beloved while Kaji smiled.

"Goodness," he said with a shake of the head, "You should know by now it's not safe to wander alone, Heart."

"Sorry," Heart bowed before Yang noticed the gun, "What's with the gun?"

"Oh, this?" Heart said before he gave her the weapon, "I found it in that computer and file room I was in. Don't know what it's for though."

Yang looked at the pistol in interest as she held it, "Pretty..." She admitted before noticing there were some words next to the small symbol.

"«Anti-DEMON Arms»...?"

Suddenly, the name "Demon" rang a reminder in her head.

"Wait, Heart," Yang began, "This facility....what is it?"

Heart had a grimaced look, he did not want to see Yang be horribly reminded of her nightmare, but, since childhood, if there was one thing he and Yang shared and didn't like: It was keeping very important information as secrets.

"Yang....Sensei....there's something you two need to see."

The two blinked in confusion, however, said confusion would be turned into shock when he showed them the files about the Evangelions and the Demons.

"Oh my God," Yang said with a shocked look, "Heart....this is—"

"Yeah," Heart nodded, "It's the same robot we've seen in our dreams."

Kaji was frowning when he saw the files, while they didn't know it, he had been reincarnated. Many others from his previous life were reincarnated also, some were born as different people but retained their memories from their previous lives, others were reborn as themselves.

If MYTHOS was like "the crimson leaf of his world", no doubt, the Evangelions' flesh and bones were made out of the very enemies mankind and Faunus will soon have a power struggle with...

'The Demons....if they're anything like the Angels,' Kaji thought, 'Then they can be just as deadly and malevolent than any Grimm here on Remnant.'


"What is it?"

"It's the information site for the «Anti-DEMON Arms Weapons». I need to type in another password." Heart said with a groan as he pressed the "I Forgot My Password" icon before it showed another hint.

«The paradise described in Genesis 2-3 and Ezekiel 28 and 31.»

"Paradise...?" Heart blinked before he looked to Kaji, "You know anything?"

"Nope, sorry," Kaji shrugged with a shake of his head, "Not much of a religious man."

Yang pondered as she put her a finger to her chin in thought before she knew the answer, "Heart. Try typing in Eden."

"Eden?" Heart asked as Yang nodded, "Yeah. At least, that's what I know."

While curious as to know how Yang would get that knowledge, Heart focused on the matter at hand and typed in "Eden", which was the correct password as all the weapons were shown.

"Well, I'll be Yanged—ump!" Heart was about to say before he closed his mouth as Yang had an oh so sweet smile while Kaji just facepalmed muttering, "Not you too...."

'Nooooooooooo! I've become infected by the Yang Pun Virus!' Heart wailed mentally as said blonde whispered some alluring words in his ear.

"Don't be afraid, my sweet little Hedgehog," Yang purred, "My words will keep you and forever.~❤️"


Feeling his heart beating, Heart got out of his chair comically and hid behind Kaji, "Please don't do it here...."

Yang simply blew a kiss before she sat down while Kaji sighed comically, ''re already past that point, hard feelings.'

Upon reaching one of the weapons that was in the files, Yang read aloud, "Anti-DEMON Arms 666: SILVERHORN TRIDENT. The gun itself is a state-of-the-art weapon that employs successsive decomposition processes to dismantle Zone Interference, Data Fortification and finally decomposes the target's body down to an atomic level. Despite its size, the Silverhorn Trident is a gun that is capable of destroying walls and tearing through the flesh of Lower-Level Demons, while also having the ability to charge up its blast to a shot with the capability to demolish a city block."

The last info made the trio widen in shock, just one gun.....can cause THAT kind of damage?

"Jesus...." Kaji said in shock while Yang nodded in agreement, "Yeah. You might wanna be careful with that gun, babe, because if you're not careful, that gun might get someone hurt," Yang advised her fiancée as he gulped, 'Damn....if this gun really has that kind of ability, I gotta be careful of how I use it.'

Before questions would be asked, another noise was heard. This time, the sound of glass being shattered.

"What was that?" Kaji asked as his eyes were slightly wide as Heart had the white gun ready, "That sounded like glass. Yang, did you bring your Ember Celica?"

As if on cue, Yang brought out her Ember Celica and were already active.

"One step ahead of you, Heart."

As soon as the two got out to the front with their weapons ready, Heart and Yang were ready to shoot if need be. Hearing some cracking noises, the trio walked further into another hallway, where the source of the sound was coming from.

'Whatever's making that noise....I hope it's a person...' Heart gulped while he readied the Silverhorn Trident as he and the blondette shared a look and nodded before they sprinted briefly and aimed their weapons.


The trio tilt their heads in confusion as they had seen one unexpected person who was holding his hands up along with a skinny man with long dirty blond hair and gray eyes. He wears a dark blue and gray jacket with torn sleeves over a long sleeved shirt He wears a bandana around his neck and has a shoulder pad on his right shoulder. He wears brown leather fingerless gloves with straps and brown pants with boots while he also wields a crude revolver-like pistol with knuckles and a blade attached to the handle.

"Shang Ke?" Yang asked as Heart frowned and asked the man beside him, "Who're you?"

"Uhh—Shay! Shay D. Mann!" Shay nervously chuckled as he outstretched his hand for a handshake which Heart warily frowned before he said his name while shaking his hand, "Heart."

"Ah! You're the Faunus Hero! And..." He then lecherously smiled at Yang which made Heart and Shang Ke frown before the latter frowned even more when Heart hugged her to him while she blushed, "She's Yang Xiao Long. My girlfriend, daughter of Taiyang Xiao Long and Raven Branwen, the chief of your tribe."

"How did you—"

"I heard from her that you and some other bandits had a fallout with her idea of reforming the tribe of merciless thieves into honorable thieves who steal money from the greedy and give it to those who really need it. Am I wrong?"

Shay gulped, the boy in front of him was sharp. He now understood why his chief held him with high regards.

'This kid's smart,' Shay mentally paled, 'He'd be dangerous as an opponent, all right....'

He hadn't seen him in action, but he did hear rumors that at one point, at a certain incident, Heart single-handedly took down students who were bigger than him with supernatural speed and fierce fighting skills. He'd really wanted to test him, but, his glare alone made Shay shudder.

"And now for you," Heart looked at Shang Ke still having his frown, "Why are you here? And don't even say that you're here for Yang, because I swear to God, I—"

Before he would say his threat, Yang put a gentle hand on his own to calm his anger, making him instantly calmed down with her smile before she frowned at her ex, "Shang Ke. I appreciate you for trying to clear your mistakes, but....what's already done can't be undone."

Shang Ke gritted his teeth in frustration and despair. If only he was like Heart....if only he had told her about what was going on back then! Desperate, Shang Ke reached out to her with his hand outstretched, intending on trying to grab her shoulder to pull her in for a forceful embrace.

"Yang, listen to me, I—"


A blue laser went past his cheek as Shay fell back on his behind, which he barely dodged as it went straight through a wall, making a small hole. The person who made the shot? It was Heart, who had fired his new pistol at him while the light died down.

"That was a warning shot. Next time, I won't miss," He threatened.

Now, this? This was the second time that Yang felt afraid of Heart losing his temper. If Shang Ke or Shay did one more dumbass move, it would spell their end. Kaji on the other hand was shocked to see this side of Heart, but understood why he did it. He specifically told the silver-haired young man to not go near her, but, what does he do?

Trying to reach out to forcefully grab her to his side.

'I know it's not my business to pry,' Kaji thought, 'Clearly these three have some story going on.'

"Umm..." Shay began as they all looked at him, "Pardon me for interrupting, but, can we get a move on? I heard some rumors that there's some crazy shit going on around here!"

Heart raised his eyebrow, "Rumors?"

"Yeah," the rogue bandit continued, "Something's roaming around this place.....something you wouldn't believe."

"Like what?"

"A killer! Ya get it?"

"A killer? Here?"

"Yeah! I ain't seen it, but, I heard from one of my buddies that it's been picking us and some other people who try to loot here off, one by one."

Yang then asked, "Like what? A psycho? A person? A Grimm?"

"No no, little lady, something else. Something even more worse than a monster. Something—"

"A Demon...."

They all turned their heads at Heart who looked at something that would forever engrave into their minds. On the wall, was a cross symbol painted in blood. The "painter"? A hooded person who had a deep gash on his chest whose parts looked chewed.


"Jesus Christ!"

While Shay and Kaji spoke out, Shang Ke said nothing as he stared in horror while Yang hugged Heart as she buried her face into his shirt, frightened by what she had seen.

"Heart..." The lilac-eyed blonde slowly looked back at the dead body as she regained some of her bravery back, "Is this really...?"

"Afraid so," Heart answered, "Judging by this guy's robes, looks like he was from some sort of demonic cult."

Kaji nodded as he took out a cigarette and smoked, "From the looks of things, he looks about 23 years old. Poor feller died young."


It was then Shay noticed a little note beside the body as he walked over to pick it up and read out aloud, ""My name is Legion"? The heck does that mean?"

Once again, Yang surprised everyone with her knowledge of Christianity as she said the words, ""And He asked unto him: "What is thy name?" And he answered back, "My name is Legion.....for we are many.""

Heart, who was the most surprised, asked, "Was that...from the Bible?"

She nodded, "Mark five verse nine. And if you recall, God was trying to cleanse a person who somehow had souls of various demons inside of him."

Kaji was impressed as he never expected Yang to have such knowledge, "For a girl who likes to flirt with Heart and cracks puns, you sure have some interesting knowledge."

Yang rubbed the back of her head sheepishly, "Well, my mom would usually take us to this one church when we were kids before eating out."

Heart fondly remembered those times, Summer's main reason of taking them there was to try and pass on the faith so that one day, they can pass on their faith in God to the next generation....mostly its because to give hope and to say prayers before eating dinner.

As the five-man group walked right around the corner, they saw two men, but they were definitely not friendly.

"Get down!" Heart ushered with a whisper as Yang went to his side and hid with him as the others hid in their own hiding spots while listening to the conversation of the men.

"This is bullshit, man," The man with a tired look said to his friend, "We should be looking for a way off!"

"Are you crazy? There's no way off! At least we're safe down here."

"For how long? What if they come for us?"

"Then we shoot the crap out of them," The other man said in an annoyed tone, "Now shut up, you're making me nervous."

After they left, the group of five quietly went into a different hallway, with Heart whispering.

"Friends of yours?"

Shay shook his head, "I've had run-ins with those guys before. They don't like strangers, even nice guys like me."

Heart raised an eyebrow with a disbelieving look, "Really? Because you do look like a shady person."

The rogue Branwen tribe member was about to retort but comically slumped in defeat. "Yeah, you got a good point."

"Thought so."

Shang Ke, being the dumbass—er, "sensible" person in the group, tries to come up with a logical suggestion.

"Maybe we can try to negotiate with them!"

Shay gaped incredulously as he asked Heart, "Is your friend fucking insane?!"

"He's not my friend," Heart spat with a frown before glancing at Shang Ke, "And negotiations are off the draw board, genius. You wanna go and say hello? It's your funeral. Those guns aren't for show, that's for damn sure."

"Someone should be doing something!" Shang Ke argued as Heart retorted, "They are. It's called surviving."

As Heart continued to walk further, the silver-haired youth growled. Back then, he was only a meek and weak nobody, right now? He was a different person. Shang Ke refused to believe it, this insufferable arrogant little bastard was NOT Heart! He refused!

"You little—"


Before he would yell, Yang hit his side as she glared at her ex.

"Shut up and show some respect, asshole." Yang said as she turned away and walked alongside Heart, with Shang Ke looking on in shock. Before, Yang wouldn't hit him, but now, ever since he got wrapped in that engagement and had some "affairs", Yang refused to be with him. When he saw that her heart was broken on that night, he wanted to explain to her and say that he was sorry, but....

Someone else had a special place in Yang's heart.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«Make Me Feel Sad by Koichi Sugiyama»

Ironic as his name was, Heart was the one who comforted Yang, despite her dress being wet which made his clothes wet in turn. He didn't hear what Heart was saying, but Shang Ke could tell that his words were calming Yang down. Suddenly, the brown-haired young man kneeled down and brought out a small little black box.

(Music ends here)

Inside the box was a golden ring with a lilac-colored jewel with two diamonds on each side.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«Although There's No Possibilities by Xiang Xiang»

While Shang Ke gasped in shock, Yang looked genuinely surprised as a brimming joy was building up inside her.

"Heart...." Yang sniffled as tears of joy slowly came down, "Is this....?"

Heart nodded with a smile, "Yang Xiao Long. Throughout my days, you were the sun that always shined down on me, even when I'm down myself. In my darkest of nights, you were my light and the fire that kept me warm. Most of were my strength. So, I ask of you....would you....would you be willing to spend my life with me forevermore? Even when things happen unexpectedly?"

Yang hit her breaking point. This was it. This was the time. Meanwhile, Shang Ke paled, from the looks of things, he could see that Yang was about to say the one word he dreaded to hear.

'Yang...! Don' can't marry him! Please! Say no! Say—'

"Oh, can't back out on this, you know?!" Yang sobbed before she eventually calmed down, "Because...."

The Sunny Little Dragon smiled sweetly as she said her words, "I feel the same...!"

While her ex slumped to the ground in shock and despair as he slid his back against the wall on the back of a stone pillar, Heart smiled as he put the ring on his childhood sweetheart's finger. Eventually, for the first time, Heart and Yang....shared their first kiss.

At the next day after the party, Signal Academy was filled with cheers. While the majority of the teachers and students congratulated Heart and Yang on their engagement, there were those who felt regret. For example, the Female Basketball Team felt bad and wanted Yang back because they didn't know that she was Tai's daughter.

There was a teacher who used to berate Heart for his weakness, but thanks to the training of Qrow, Tai and Raven, Heart got stronger. He tried to convince the lad that he was sorry, but Heart was too focused on school and caring about the welfare of his future in-laws and girlfriend.

The most person who regretted most of all was Shang Ke himself. If only....if only he had told Yang about what was going on! If only she hadn't met Heart!

On some days, he would see them going out on dates, like the date they had yesterday, and he even overheard the conversation of Heart talking with his friends and in-laws last winter.

"Lucky punk," Qrow said as he rubbed Heart's hair, "Getting engaged at a young age!"

"I know, right?!" Toji said with a smile as Heart rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "Come on, guys, I'm already flushed enough!"

"Why not?" Tai asked, "My Sunny Little Dragon's found the right man, she'll have kids, maybe even a cute girl and a strong boy!"

"Well...we'll reach that point sometime in the near future, but, for now, I just want to spend time with Yang and you guys....and I want to eat!" Heart admittedly said as he was indeed hungry while Qrow laughed as he put an arm around his neck, "That's the spirit, kid!"

As the group walked towards the buffet where the girls were waiting, Shang Ke growled as he was both angry and jealous that he was receiving Yang's love. Heart wasn't even from a prodigious family, and yet, the Xiao Long-Rose-Branwen family treated him LIKE family! Shang Ke gripped his fists in anger as he spoke in regret.

"Yang....if only I did the same like Heart....!"

That's it! Suddenly, Shang Ke got an idea! If he spoke to Heart and the rest of the family about what was going on back then, then Yang will forgive and be with him again!

But, alas, things weren't always meant to be. Why? Because a certain dad and a ravenette was blocking his path.

"But, Mr. Xiao Long, if you could just—"

"No. No means no, you little shit, and that's final." Tai said with a frown as Shang Ke mentally shouted while he had a shocked face, 'This isn't how it's supposed to be....! They treated me so well, so, why—'

"Judging by your expression..." Raven began with a frown as she closed her fan, "It seems you're wondering why you are being rejected like this. Well, let me tell you something that's so very simple for your asshat brain to comprehend: Yang is our daughter, our pride and "rising sun" of our family. She lost all happiness the minute you betrayed her heart, and I'll be damned if I let you break it again. That, I promise you, as a mother who cares deeply for her child, and as a woman who loves the man she chose dearly."

While Shang Ke frowned, Tai smiled at his first wife, sure, she was sometimes reckless and a bit stubborn, but, Yang did get it from her, which allowed them to bond easily.

"You really are the best woman, Rave." Tai said as Raven smirked and hugged him towards her chest as he tried to get out while they went inside the buffet, "And you deserve some cuddling, little man.~❤️"

"O-Okay! Let me out please! Your great boobs—ack! What am I saying?!"

The Branwen chief and matriarch giggled, she and Yang did indeed share one other thing: Hugging their lovers to their bosoms.


Shang Ke never felt so lonely in his whole life. Despite saying it wasn't his fault that he had to break up with Yang, he knew deep down that it really was his fault. All he had was a cup of sake and his only food was a loaf of bread. The silver-haired youth then heard laughter as he saw Heart's in-laws and friends laughing at his expression as he had his whole face comically covered in ketchup.

"Okay, very funny, Kensuke." Heart said with a comical deadpan before Yang gently wiped off the ketchup on his face, "That better, babe?"

"Much better." He replied with a smile before he noticed Qrow eating some fried chicken wings like an animal as he gawked, "HEY! Save some for the family, you hog!" Heart shouted as he grabbed a few while Qrow corrected him with a trolling smile, "I'm a crow, and we crows love our job."

Heart comically growled before he eventually smiled, "And we love you too, dude."

"Dibs on the baobao~!" Summer cheekily said as she took one of Qrow's buns.

"Hey, that was mine!"


Everyone enjoyed their food while Shang Ke frowned in despair as he imagined himself in Heart's place, sadly for him, no matter how much he wished for it, Yang already found the love and warmth she needed.

Back to the present, the quartet find themselves near an old weapons area where the two men from earlier were with another male.

"Yup, I hear ya, will do." The man with the slick black hair spoke to his comrades, "Gotta meet the others, something's going down."

"There's always something going down!" The male with the glasses complained.

"Come on, we don't wanna piss him off."

Heart motioned the others to follow him as  they were now at a cargo and supplies area, where the group of untrustworthy survivors were now at.

"What's the emergency?" One of the male members asked before his colleague answered, "Someone else has been in here. Everyone, stay alert. Keep your guns tight. Shoot anyone you don't know. Stick around while I check our stock."

Yang whispered, "What's with these guys?"

"Everyone's turning on each other," Shay answered, "The fear, it makes people crazy."

"So it would seem," Kaji spoke as he talked to Heart, "What now, Heart?"

The brown hair youth looked around as he tried to come up with a plan before noticing a generator at the room behind the distrustful group of people who had their weapons out.

"Alright. I'll go cause a distraction. The generator at that room. If that went off, they'd have to check it out. I'm short, so, I'll be able to make it since I make less noise." Heart explained as Yang had a worried frown, "Are you sure?"

"I'll be okay, Yang. Just wait here until I give the signal."

As he went to what needed to be done, Heart could hear the conversation the other group.

"Which one of you checked our supplies last?"

"I did, what's up?"

"You decide to help yourself a little?"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Hey, he's been with me the whole time!"

"We're missing food, ammo and meds. If it's not one of us, then we were right. Someone's been in here!"

"This is no good," A woman with maroon hair spoke, "We're supposed to be secured down here."

"Shit," A buff man cursed, "What about the lock Hans rigged up?"

The dark blue haired "leader" of the group, Hans, answered, "I've just come from there. It's sealed tight, eyes open, keep your guns ready."

"Someone's gonna have to tell the boss," a young woman with auburn hair twin tails and light blue eyes said to the group, much to their displeasure.

""Boss"? He's a goddamn store clerk!" Another woman who had blonde hair like Yang but had green eyes shouted.

"Maybe you think you can do better?"

"She's not saying that."

"I'm just, saying—"

"Then stop saying," Hans growled, "And help me check the rest of this stuff! That is, if you can keep your mouth from running for five seconds!"


"What the fuck just happened?!"

"Generator's died."

"It just turned itself off? No! Somebody's here!"

"Check it out, everyone with me."

As they searched, they were unaware that Heart and his group were sneaking past them.

"Is this thing broken?"

"It's not smoking."

"And how would you know, genius?"

Before they could argue, they heard footsteps echoing.

"Hey! Who's there?!" Hans shouted, his only response? Silence.

Meanwhile, in another hallway, Heart and the others were walking through some containment and testing labs. Needless to say, the labs reeked of blood.

"Agh...the smell..." Heart said with disgust, the stench of rotting flesh and blood gave off a disturbing smell that he hated.

"What do you think happened here?" Yang asked as Kaji answered, "Who knows? But, hopefully, we live long enough to find out."

"Amen to that." Shay agreed as he brought out his gun, just to be safe in case they all ran into something that wasn't pleasant.

And speaking of unpleasant....


A loud rumbling noise that clashed against metal was heard.

"The hell was that?!" Shang Ke yelped in fright as Heart shushed him, "Shhh! Quiet! We can't draw attention to ourselves, whatever made that noise, we better keep a lookout."

Yang gulped, "What if....what if it's one of those....Demons?"

Heart was silent before he gave her a simple answer, "Run."

As the "tour" through the abandoned facility continued, fear was already starting to get a grip onto their minds, but, only Heart and Kaji had a strong will to be brave. After exiting out of the containment lab, they were in the testing labs. Whatever they were testing, that was a story yet to be told.

"Awww man," Shay groaned as the door was locked, "This damn door is locked!"

Heart looked around as he then saw a keycard of sorts.



"I got an idea. Slide this keycard on these two sliders, we'll lift the locks and we'll press the buttons at the same time. Alright?"

"...Good idea." The bandit nodded as he did what he was told before he and Heart both opened the locks and readied to press both buttons at the same time.

"Okay, kid. Ready?"


"Alright, on three. One....two....three!"


With both buttons pressed, the door opened as a bright light shined on them.


Before they knew it, Heart, Yang, Kaji, Shang Ke and Shay were ambushed by the group from before. If they were regular people, this would be no problem, but, unfortunately, they had Aura.

"Fuck off, asshole!" Shay yelled as he kicked away the buff male while Heart and Kaji fought off Hans and some of the female members.

"Thought you guys can steal our stuff, huh?!"

"We didn't steal shit, idiot!!" Heart cursed out as Yang managed to beat the other members who Shay was having trouble easily before the other blonde pointed a gun at her as she yelled, "DIE, YOU BITCH—"


Everyone turned to look at the now dead woman who was shot by Shay.

"You alright?!"

Yang could only nod before Hans yelled in anger as she dodged his gun's bullet, "I'LL KILL YOU!"


Hans was tackled by Heart who proceeded to beat him to a pulp repeatedly. It was for the first time for everyone except Yang(who now had a shocked face)to see Heart's anger at its peak. As he kept punching him, the dark memories of his high school years popped up as he started to fasten his punches before a certain blondette hugged him from behind.

"Heart! Stop! He's already beaten! Please stop! If you keep this up, you'll really become a monster!"

Hearing the words made Heart snap out of his anger-induced state as he muttered, "Monster....?"

Sensing danger, Shay alerted the others, "Hey! I hear more of them! Come on!"

With post haste, the group of five ran for their lives before they ended up into a large testing area with little light, some claw marks, broken machinery and.....bones?

"Did....did we lose them?" Kaji panted as Shay nodded, "Yeah, I think so."

The older man looked at Heart, who seemed to be down from earlier. "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah...." Heart said sadly as Shay patted his back, "It's all good, man. Your girlfriend saved my life, I saved her's and she saved yours. So...I guess we're even."

Heart chuckled, "Thanks. And, also...." He turned to Yang with a smile, "Thank you, Yang."

Yang smiled back as she pecked his cheek, "You're welcome."

While Kaji smiled, Shang Ke frowned as he still felt that Yang should've been with him instead, but, little did the four of them know.....they weren't alone.

The sounds of chains being moved and droplets of some kind of liquid being dropped are heard as everyone looks around to hear what's causing these sounds.

"You hear something?" Shay asked as he backed up, "Shhh....I hear something....!"

While Shay wasn't paying attention, Heart, Yang, Kaji and Shang Ke looked what was behind the bandit in fear of the unknown terror that was lurking in the darkness, peering down at him from behind.

"Shay...." Heart said nervously as the dirty blonde looked at his arm and noticed a strange sticky "liquid" on his shoulder before he touched it, "What the fuck I got on me...?"

As if to answer his question, an angered growl was heard. Gulping a big one, Shay turned around quickly before he slowly looked up to see something which would be the stuff of nightmares.

This was one of the Lower Level Demons: Hellhound. A monster dog with a ravenous appetite and a very bad temper. The dark fiend glared down at the group of four frightened humans as there was only one thing in his mind: EAT.


As the demon roared, the group of five began to run. The only problem was, the place they were in was very dark. They couldn't see where it would attack, which only made things more frightening. Unbeknownst to Yang, she had flipped on a switch which turned on the lights in the testing area, temporarily blinding the Demon while everyone ran for safety.


Smogs of gas come out from the holes as Kaji notices them, "Gas!"

Heart then sees a large door with a rectangular window which was most likely the room where people watch the tests from inside as he called out, "In there!"

Upon reaching to the door, Heart tries to open it, but, it was locked shut.

"Damn it! It's locked!"

Yang looked ready to break down while Kaji tried to help Heart open it as Shay brought out his gun and said, "MOVE!"

When the two moved out of the way, Shay used the blade to slash open the lock as the door opened at the last minute, allowing all except one get inside. Why was it one?

"Everyone okay?" Kaji asked as Shang Ke panted while Yang answered, "Yeah."

Heart then noticed, one person was missing.

"Where's Shay?"

As they looked out the window, Shay could be see in the gas, coughing as they gasped.

"He's in trouble!"

"He won't survive in there!"

Yang looked around and noticed a control panel which had a button that said «EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN» as she slammed her fist on it, shattering the glass while also pressing the button, deactivating the gas and turning off the lights except the ones in the room they were in now.

"Shay!" Heart called out, "Shay, are you in there?!"

A brief dead silence is heard before groans of pain and fear come from behind the window.


Once they looked down, they saw an awful, Awful, VERY AWFUL sight! Shay looked like he had been clawed multiple times in many grotesque ways one could not imagine.


Heart looked horrified while Yang had her hands to her mouth while Kaji looked very shocked and Shang Ke looked ready to throw up.

Before Shay could even move, a sickening crunch was heard as he was dragged by something in the darkness, his screams dying down at the same time.

Once again, everything went dead silent as Yang stepped forward to the window.



Her only reply? A human arm and blood splattered onto the window.

Yang screamed while the three men shouted in fright as Shay tried to call out to her before he got dragged again and was being swung around briefly before he got tossed onto the floor, crawling in desperation and despair just RIGHT before the Hellhound silenced him by ripping him apart and eating him, piece by piece.

"Don't look!" Heart said as he hugged Yang closely to his chest as while she couldn't see, she could hear the screams of agony and flesh being teared down by the monster's teeth.

As soon as it was done eating, the Hellhound gave out a loud howl that shattered the glass and made the whole facility shaking from its outburst before the door slowly opened as the Lower Level Demon turns its head towards the four humans who looked back at him in fear.

Heart, mustering up whatever courage he had left, said one word that put everyone into overdrive.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«SPACE BEAST-Ferocious- by Kenji Kawai»

With that, the chase began, and time was running out! The Hellhound chased the quartet throughout the facility, crashing through various objects while relentlessly pursuing its prey.

Suddenly, stopping in his tracks, Heart got out the Silverhorn Trident as Yang looked back, "Heart!"

"Go! Go warn the others and tell them what's going on!" He said before he ran the opposite direction, "I'll take this monster dog out for a run!"

Before she would call him back, Kaji told her, "I'll help him, Yang. You go outside and tell everyone to get out of here," He instructed, "GO!"

Nodding, she and Shang Ke ran out of the cave while the Hellhound chased Heart as he shot laser shots at it, which only made it angrier as the pain was hurting like hell for the demon.

'Damn! I'd kill him easily with a charged shot if it weren't for all this running!' He cursed as he saw a stairway and ran up fast as the Hellhound skidded and tries to pick up his scent, but to no avail as it roared in frustration before continuing its path in the halls.

Panting, Heart peeked down as he heard the beast's footsteps dying down before he sighed in relief, "Thank God...."

Just as when he was about to turn around....


A slap out of nowhere sent Heart skidding on the ground before he fell onto his behind.

"Owwww! What the hell—"

As the brown-haired youth looked up, he recognized the person standing in front of him.


The blondette was panting hardly, with her eyes red and tears running down her face as she yelled, "YOU FUCKING IDIOT!"




A punch to the gut made Heart cough out his oxygen as he felt the blow, now he knew how Shang Ke felt when Yang gave him the beating of his life when she broke up with her ex.

"Ouch..." he wheezed as he started falling towards the floor. But before he could hit it, he felt two arms wrap themselves around his torso and push him back to his feet. He let out a questioning noise when two arms had tenderly held him. Yang was hugging him now.

'She punches me, then hugs me. Take your pick, woman!' he thought bitterly. But one thing he noticed was it. That it wasn't as bone-crushing as usual. It was...tender, yet still tight. She held him like he was going to disappear from her if she let him go. It was just like she did when they were kids and that one time back at high school.

"Uh...Yang?" Heart asked while still confused and afraid that she might punch him again.

"Heart... shut up..." he could have sworn that he heard her voice quavering as she held him. "Don't you ever...EVER do something like that again! Do you hear me, idiot?!"

"Yang..." was all that he could manage in this situation.

"Do you hear me...? I was so scared and angry. I thought you were gonna die! You could have DIED! HOW do you think I'd feel if you suddenly disappeared from me?"

"..." He simply stayed silent afterwards and held the blonde closely. "I'm... I'm sorry..." he then apologized. It wasn't just aimed at her, but to Kaji as well since he arrived when heard the yells and crying. He started stroking Yang's hair until he felt that she's calmed down a bit. Of course, she was embarrassed that he had seen that side of her. She cleared her throat and looked downstairs, checking to see if the Hellhound was nearby.

"Did we lose him?" She asked as Heart answered, "I think so, but, knowing him, he'll most likely pick up our scents and somehow heard our voices."

Kaji nodded, "If that's the case, we better get a move on. No telling when that thing will come back."

The trio then head to yet another hallway as they saw a black metal door where it required a keycard, only, it was for an executive.

"Great," Kaji sarcastically said, "None of us have an executive keycard."

Yang then saw another stairway as she could see the signs that said "EXECUTIVES ONLY", "We could try looking for one up there."

The room was a mess. Some chairs were flipped over, papers were unorganized, everything was messy.

"What a mess..." Heart said as his fiancée commented, "Definitely needs a woman's touch."

The trio searched all around the room looking for a keycard, but with little result.

"Damn it, there's nothing here!"

"Well, we were bound to not find anything since most likely, that Demon pretty much ate everybody here."

Yang shrugged, "Okay, so....what's Plan B—"

"What's wrong with this thing?! Work, damn you!" A woman's voice echoed as the trio quietly snuck in another area which looked like an area to hang out where the main elevator was all the way at the back.

(Think of the area in Alien Isolation when you get the Access Tuner.)

The woman with the cap turned around as soon as she heard the trio's footsteps while bringing out a pistol, "Stay back!"

"Shit!" Yang cursed as the woman did a few shots before Heart fired back with his Silverhorn Trident as the beams nearly hit the woman, "HOLY—! Guys! Over here! We have a Anti-DEMON Arms user!"

Heart tsked as he put away his weapon, "Dammit, she got away." As he walked up, he noticed there was a small device.

"What's that?" Kaji asked as Heart looked at it, "An access tuner."

"Access tuner?" Yang asked curiously as her lover nodded, "Mm. I'm assuming that she was trying to hack into the security to get into the elevator. Circuits are fried, but, it's an easy fix. We just need to find a new data cell."

"This way, he was downstairs with some other two people!"

Heart, Yang and Kaji quietly left as the woman from before came with three men as the first one spoke out, "Maybe they were just scavenging like us?"

"Do you really wanna take that chance?"

"...Okay, we find them, then we kill them."

In the shadows, the trio frowned. They would go that far just to get what? A tuner and their belongings?! What heartless and greedy bastards they are...

"Now what?" Kaji asked Heart who gestured them to head back down to the 2nd floor, "We go back to the way we came downstairs, if we can go to the tool/tech room, we should be able to find a new Data Cell."

"I see."

With that in mind, the three began to head back. Once they were at a sufficient distance, they began to run, while attracting the other looters' attention.

"Hey," the man with the gray shirt talked to his companions, "I think they went downstairs, come on!"

"I'm not going down there, nooo way." The woman with the cap said otherwise as the man looked at her with a "Are you kidding me?!" look, "They got your hack tool and one of them has a Anti-DEMON Arms weapon!"

"It didn't work, we'll find another way in, we've been here too long already!"

At the tools/tech room, Heart managed to find a working Data Cell as he inserted it into the Access Tuner.

"Okay...looks alright," Heart informed his two companions as they went to the door they tried to get in before they went up to the executives room, "Let's test this little trinket."

Turning on the small device, Heart made sure that he was getting the right codes. One small mistake can lead to an outright big disaster. While he worked on that, Yang was on the lookout in case the Hellhound or the looters show up.

"Any luck?"

"Just about....."


"Got it!"

The door automatically unlocked itself as the three tensed up, wary of what was inside.

"If you guys have second thoughts, say them now." Heart said to his teacher and girlfriend.

"If you don't have any second thoughts, babe, I don't either," says Yang as Kaji crossed his arms, "I wouldn't call myself a man if I just backed out and let my students have all the action."

Heart smiled, "Alright. Let's see what's in here..."

As the door let out a creak while being opened, the trio entered the dark room(?)while observing their surroundings. Immediately, they could tell they were in some sort of very large area, and unless they were hearing things, moving water was heard.

"Are we in a swimming place?" Yang asked Heart who was curious as her, "I'm not sure, maybe?"

Turning on their scrolls, Heart, Yang and Kaji looked around for a light switch before eventually the blondette found it by the corner.

"Hey, I see it."

Lo and behold, the minute she turned it on....


Yang gasped as Kaji spoke out in shock, "My god...."

"....Unit 01!"

Upon Heart's word, was none other than the Evangelion itself. The place they were in was no swimming area, it was a docking area for the unit itself to be placed in! The water was glowing in a bright blue light, much to the trio's curiosity.

"What's with this water?" Yang asked in wonder, "It looks so ethereal..."


Before anything could be said, the door just a few blocks away by the corner suddenly broke down. The one responsible? The Hellhound.

"Shit! It found us!" Kaji cursed as Heart called out to him and Yang, "Get behind me!"

The Hellhound growled as it felt the pain from the shots its prey gave him, but those mere blasts only served to fuel his anger as he used his tail to slam the trio away in opposite directions, while they were unaware that the looters from before had heard the commotion and saw the fight going on.

As he got up, Heart struggled to get his aim, only to be greeted by the sight of the Hellhound who now had his sights onto him.

"Oh crap...!"

The Hellhound roared as Yang noticed it running towards her beloved. This couldn't happen! She already experienced with almost losing him before, she didn't want to lose him for real! That can't happen!

"Heart! RUN!"

It was too late. Heart did not run as he was scared stiff. But, just when things looked like it was the end.....


The sound of metal being torn apart can be heard as something big had broke out of its bonds and somehow prevented the Hellhound from getting him, opening his eyes a little bit, Heart looked, and he could not believe what he had saw.


"The Evangelion...protected him?!" Kaji said out loud as the giant mech was indeed protecting Heart as it had the Hellhound in a tight grip. The demon beast roared with anger before the Evangelion grabbed its snout with its other hand before.....


It ripped the demon apart while blood splattered all over.

One of the looters' screamed in fright while the others were too horrified and shocked to see the gory action performed by the mechanical giant who then powered down while dropping the halves of the Hellhound into the glowing blue water at the same time. What seemed even more unsettling is that the water itself dissolved the severed halves into nothing but small red bubbles, which turned clear as if the water had purified. It was at this moment, the answer was clear to Heart.

"This's gotta be Blue Earth!" He said in shock and surprise. Blue Earth was a rare variant of the common liquid all over the world. Unlike normal water, Blue Earth was always pure, meaning it wasn't salty and it wasn't that weak to be tainted. The water itself was strong enough to purify any impurities, earning it the nickname, "Heaven's Tears Of Life."

On rare phenomenons, Blue Earth would sometimes make itself known to oceans, purifying them while clearing away the salty taste. Not only that, the usual blue glow they see right now would glow a turquoise green, making the sight so breathtaking and beautiful.

But alas, the time for awe would have to be put on a hold, for a great shake shook the facility.

"What's going on?!"

"An earthquake?!"


Kaji's Scroll rung as he answered it, "What's wrong?"

«Kaji-san! It's a Demon! A freaking huge Demon is spotted out in the coast, about 12 miles from here, surfacing!»

As Kaji widened his eyes, the facility's lights turned red as warning sirens blared while a female AI announced.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«SPACE BEAST -Rage- by Kenji Kawai»


The name gave Yang and Heart made their hearts beat with horror, the very same Demon that destroyed the cruise was on its way here! And speaking of Abaddon....

The giant beast in question was literally "walking" in the ocean as steam and lava were emitting from him with each step he took, unaware that he was being watched by two groups: The CCT and a certain mysterious group dedicated to the eradication of the Demons.

[This is terrible!] Lisa Lavender said in horror, [I never seen any Grimm like that! It would seem that this giant creature is heading towards for Patch, for what reason though? I'm terribly sorry to say this, but, people of Patch, if you are seeing this, you must evacuate immediately, because this terrifying beast is on its way. Once it reaches the shore, there's no telling what might happen!]

As she said that, Yang exclaimed in worry as they all saw the news, "This isn't good! We won't be able to evacuate in time!"

"Not on our watch!" Kaji said as he took Heart's hand, "Come on, Heart!"


In another unknown location, Kaji took Heart to a pilot entry area of sorts while he ignored Yang's calls. In the middle was a strange cylinder that had words and numbers «EVA 01» on it.

"Sensei, what's—" Heart's question was interrupted as another tremor occurred as Kaji urged him to get inside.

"Questions later! Right now, you got an island to save!"

"Wait, what?! But," Heart asked, "This doesn't make sense! Why do I have to do this?! How do you know this place so well?! Who are you, exactly?!"

Kaji could only smile as he said, "Believe it or not, you, me, and several others were given a chance. A chance to make things right."


Once that was announced, Kaji pressed a few buttons to open the door on the strange cylinder, revealing an advanced cockpit of sorts.

"Okay, kiddo, get in."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«NEXUS -Encounter- by Kenji Kawai»

"But, Sensei....what is this thing?"

"It's an Entry Plug. A cockpit for you to control the EVA."

As Heart gasped, the lid closed as sirens were heard as the docking claw machine grabs the Entry Plug while Kaji just smiled and waved as he called out to him, "No wait! Kaji! Kaji!"

As the Evangelion's neck opened, Kaji saluted as he spoke in a tone wishing good luck for an old friend, "Good luck.....Shinji."

After entering into the Eva's neck, Heart looked around as an orange light turned on while strange water rose up as he closed his mouth, holding his breath. Luckily and shockingly surprising, the water didn't really seem harmful at all as he managed to somehow speak in it, much to his surprise and curiosity.

"Whoa...I can breathe....and talk in this?! This is amazing!" He said as various colors appeared all around while orange screens appeared beside and in front of him. Outside, though, the glowing blue water was getting drained as the bridges were lifted up while the AI spoke.


Unbeknownst to Heart, Kaji was in an unknown room of sorts, working on a computer as he was making the final preparations.

"Alright..." He began before he yelled out, "Evangelion Unit 01, LAUNCH!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«A Step Forward Into Terror by Shiro Sagisu»

Upon saying those words, the Evangelion's eyes roared to life as the hatches opened really fast as the unit was on a moving platform of sorts as it was then connected to a back railway.

"What...?" Heart said confusingly before he felt the lift off as if he was on a roller coaster while he screamed, "WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«ANGEL ATTACK by Shiro Sagisu»

Meanwhile, at the surface, Abaddon was almost near the shores of Patch as the military of Atlas fire their weapons at the beast, despite the fact that they had no effect on him.

"SKRRAAAUUUUUUUWGH!" The High Level Demon roared as he fired red beams from his mouth as he continued his march.

"No good!" An Atlesian soldier said to his commander, "Our weapons aren't doing a thing to it!"

"Damn there anything that can—"

Suddenly, a loud tremor is heard as the "mountain" by the forests and other mountains opens up to reveal a launching area of sorts as smoke comes out while something is heard coming to a stop like a train hitting the brakes.

At the top of a building, the students are gathered with their teachers as they all saw what was going on.

"What's that?"

"A new military weapon?"

As if answering their questions, two intimidating golden eyes flashed within the smoke as it revealed Unit 01 standing tall and proud, ready for its first step into a new world as said world now had its eyes on the giant war machine.

"Whoa..." Toji said in amazement as Kensuke took pictures while Ruby spoke out, "What is THAT?!"

"Unit 01..." Yang said with shock while at the same time, STRQ had arrived to see what was going on, only to be greeted with a shocking sight they were currently seeing right now.

"I can't believe it!" Tai said in shock while Qrow spoke, "Oh my god."

"It's huge!" Summer said while Raven remarked about Abaddon, "Is that a demonic Godzilla?"

Abaddon roared out loud as within the Evangelion, Heart was nervous, but, right now? He had a home and an island to protect.

"I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't—To hell with it! Here we go!" Heart shouted as he gripped the controls before letting out a battle cry as the Evangelion's eyes flashed again before it ran towards Abaddon, ready for a fight.

And so it begins anew, with the boy becoming a legend.....once again.

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