Prelude II: A Wish Upon A Star

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«Descent Of The Demon by Kenji Kawai»

Abaddon roared as he and Unit-01 gazed each other with fierce glares while the people watched with various reactions. The giant Demon growled as the two circled each other momentarily before the EVA got into a battle pose as it and Abaddon charged towards each other.


A shockwave was emitted from them as they tried to overpower one another by getting into a grip-lock with their hands and heads butting against each other.

"Ggh....Damn...!" Heart cursed as he could feel the phantom pain from his hands as bubbles emitted from them as a sign of whatever the EVA felt, he could feel it as well. What he wasn't going to expect to feel was....


Abaddon was charging up a blast in his mouth, and as he was doing that, Heart widened his eyes in horror.

"Oh shi—"



Everyone watched in shock and in fear as the blast sent the EVA flying, crashing through buildings and landing into a train station of sorts. Without any time to think, Yang got out her Scroll to call her fiancée.

"Please pick up...."

Sadly, the call went unanswered as Yang, like any faithful woman who would try to find their loved one, she went out of sight to head for the train station.

"Yang?!" Shang Ke said in confusion as he was wondering where she went.

While Abaddon continued his rampage while military forces tried to put up as much as a fight as they can, Yang was running as she was worried about her boyfriend. Again, she calls, but, no answer came. Yang's worry and fear was increasingly growing, with one resort, she could only do this.


She called out for his name, but, much to her dismay, not a reply was heard.

'God....please no....!'

Yang then continued her way as she then heads to the train station where it was all dark and damaged while water was coming out slightly.

"What a mess...."


Yang then got out her Ember Celica as she tried to look where the noise came from. While afraid, she wasn't going down without a fight. So, taking careful steps, Yang walked to the nearest corner where the sound came from, and there it was, Unit-01 all flopped on the ground and currently turned off.

"Oh my God....the mech from me and Heart's dreams....!" Yang muttered in shock as she went close to it. While her gauntlets were active, Yang made sure the safety locks were on so that she doesn't shoot herself in the process or anything for that matter. And then, suddenly....she heard it.

'This sound....!'

Yang then slowly backed up in realization and slight horror. This....machine was not a  machine at all! It was....

"It's a living thing....!!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


If that wasn't frightening enough, an inhuman growl followed by other sounds was heard. It was clear that Yang knows that she wasn't alone. How so? The mech was a literal giant artificial lifeform. And these growls were its breathing.

Unbeknownst to her, though, Heart was in the EVA, knocked out. But, through some inhuman fashion, his wounds and bones start to reassemble while repairing themselves. And in the midst of that, the system reboots itself while adopting a sinister red glow as the seat forms into a controlled chamber of sorts, like the one in G Gundam where the pilots are piloting with their own bodies.

"I....won' away....." Heart spoke in a mutter before repeating, "I won' away...I won't run away...I won't run away....!"

As he repeats over and over, Heart's teeth slowly sharpened into fangs while his eyes turned red as he finally said, "I....I....wILL.....Destroy.....Destroy.....I will....!"


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«The Final Decision We All Must Take by Shiro Sagisu(0:43 start)

Right in front of Yang, Unit-01's eye opened, revealing a blood red iris as it gazed back at her. There was an old saying: When fighting monsters, a man must make sure he doesn't become one. For if you gaze into the will stare right back at you.

And Yang was staring at it alright. Only that this abyss....was alive.

"AHHHHHH!" Yang screamed as Unit-01 rose up slowly, growling before unleashing a loud bloodcurdling roar that could make gods and demons tremble in fear.


Turning around, Abaddon saw his enemy back on its feet as the EVA ran towards him before literally jumping onto him and then....

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(WARNING: Now would be a good time to go throw up in the Bathroom.)


Flesh and bone were being crunched and torn off as Unit-01 began to bite like a beast.

"Oh my God....!" Summer said in shock while Raven barfed as Qrow gaped while Tai did the same like Raven. The youngsters like Ruby, Yang, Toji, Kensuke, Sakura and Shang Ke weren't so lucky either. They had to witness a whole gore fest in front of their eyes as the giant mechanical purple humanoid with a ceratopsian head bite down on a demonic Kaiju.


"Oh God....!"

"RRRAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Heart's roar echoed as he then began to make gestures to hold Abaddon by the jaws as Unit-01 then proceeds to pry open and then....


Unit-01 literally ripped Abaddon in half as blood was let out like a fountain.

"Dear God...." Yang could only mutter as she had never seen such brutality in her entire life. what reality's cruel bloody fate awaited for those who fought and died. This, was how battles were like. All bloody and brutal.

As the sun went down, Unit-01 also went into shutdown mode while the Demon's split corpse fell flat. Immediately, the sight of the battle was marked off limits, the media could not help but report of what had transpired. Many people were amazed, others were scared of the fact that such brutal and deadly creatures had existed in their world. On top of that, the mech that was probably meant to destroy these things was just as deadlier than them.

As everything was silent, the EVA's neck slightly moved, opening its hatch as out came out Heart who was unconscious as he fell.

"Urgh...." Slowly, Heart grunted as he got back up, "What the hell...?"

Upon noticing the amount of blood and destruction, Heart then came to a horrible realization: All this was caused by him. And he was no hero. He was a monster. A Beast.

"What....what have I done...?!" The young lad then ran away, to where? No one knew.

In the next day, Yang went to look for Heart again. When she got home, her family was worried sick about her and Heart. Because of that, Yang couldn't sleep well because of the bloody battle that occurred yesterday, add to the fact that Heart was nowhere to be found. She REFUSED to believe that he was dead, Heart will be found, no matter what.

"Heart..." Yang softly muttered as she clenched her fists with determination.

With that in mind, Yang began her search. To everyone who is reading this story now, Yang wasn't just a student, she was also an idol and an actress alongside her sister and two other girls she knew from childhood, but, that didn't matter right now.

She asked people if she had seen him, but, so far, no luck. It should be clear that Yang is no stranger to breaking the rules, so, when night came, Yang went to the wrecked part of the city to find Heart. Everywhere seemed to be broken and tonight would have been safer.....if they didn't include more demonic dangers.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«Anger by Yasuharu Takanashi»


These Low Class Demons were called Wolfens. Like wolves and hyenas, these fanged beasts were known to hunt in packs or clans. Astonishingly, they can roar like lions, "laugh" like hyenas, snarl, growl or howl like wolves.

"N-Nice dogs..." Yang gulped as she tried to calm them by having them at ease as she didn't want to have trouble, but, sadly, these Wolfens were not too keen on that idea, and so, a chase began. Thankfully, Yang was very built on running and fighting, so, she was able to keep the pack hunters at a fair distance before one of them nearly got her by lunging as she then jumped and climbed onto some debris.

"Yeah! Suck it, puppies!" Yang taunted with a smirk as the lower Demons howled in disappointment briefly before suddenly, large mechs were seen as they shot down the Demons while also on the lookout.

[Secure the area!]

Yang gulped. She knew who these guys were as soon as she saw the logos on the suits. These were Vital Suits, machines built for hunting Lower and Mid Class Demons, all created by...


APOCRYPHA was one of the factions within MYTHOS, serving as the task force and militia for killing Demons. Needless to say, she didn't know how they would react to a human or Faunus walking in the area, so, quietly, Yang walked until...

A Mid Class Demon called Strigoi appears!

[It's a Strigoi! Attack!]

As the Vital Suits fought the electric T-Rex, Yang was unfortunately caught up in the fighting as she is sent flying unaware that a Vital Suit which was stolen by a certain boy had seen her.


Heart cursed as he boosts after her to catch her as he crashes through some vehicles and a bridge as soon as he got close to her while he brought the left hand close and slowly before gently cradling her. Heart sighs in relief until he yelps when he sees an open hole into a subway highway tunnel as he crashes while holding Yang close.

In the tunnel, Heart slowly opens the hatch as he gets out his flashlight, looking around until he sees....

(Pretend she is unconscious)

"Yang!" Heart said in worry as he slightly shook her, "Yang? Speak to me!"

Slowly waking up, Yang gasps as her tears slowly come forth, "Heart...?"

"'s me."

Words could not describe how happy she was. At last, Yang had finally found her soulmate....her heart.

"Thank God...!" Yang sobbed as she hugged her beloved close.

After calming down a bit, Yang noticed the state of her hair.

"Oh no! My hair! It's a mess!"

Chuckling, Heart teased, "What's more important: Your hair or your life?"

Yang pondered, but, she smirked back, "Well, my hair, of course!"

"I'll bet!" Heart laughed, and so did Yang.

"So....where are we anyway?"

"In the subway highway tunnel, I think." Heart said as he began looking around.

"Can you find a way out?" Yang asked as Heart replied as he banged on the wall, "No. These walls are made out of hyper carbon....hang on a second."

Heart then gets out a strange communications device as he taps the buttons to call for help, but, only static was heard.

"Damn...too much static."

"Can you use that VS's communication system?"

"No....I'm afraid it's busted."

"I see..." Yang nodded before she then calls out, "Hellllp! Is anyone there~?!"

Only silence and the blowing of wind is heard as Yang sighs.

"No good, huh...?"

She then chuckles, "That's good then," Yang said while stretching, "I've been tired of all that constant rehearsals and all...!"

"Eh?" Heart pondered aloud before Yang smiled at him, "I could finally take a rest."

Suddenly, rumbling is heard as Yang gets to his side.

"What's that?!"

"I d-don't know, maybe MYTHOS is up to something..." He said with a blush as Yang's breasts were close to his arm.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«Macross: Do You Remember Love OST»

After that whole commotion, Yang and Heart are suddenly floating by gravity.


"Oh no, gravity!"

Yang then hugged him to her chest, but...

"W-Wait, Yang! I-If you do that—"

Before Heart could finish, Yang blushed embarrassedly as his hand was on her breast as she pushed him away, but, by accident as she rolls away slightly.

"I, uhh, sorry! My mistake!" Heart apologized with a deep blush as Yang replied, "Never mind that! Do something!"

"O-Okay, uhh, try swinging your legs forward and then pull them back slowly!"

"Like this?" Yang asked before she does so and then she was amazed.

"Yeah! That's the way!"

"This is fun!"

With a happy smile, Yang then pushed herself and then flew to the corner, making Heart worried as he followed.

"Yang! Wait up!"



Despite his words, Heart was also having fun as he tried to chase after Yang, only to stop when she made a yelp.

"Yang—Ow!" Heart winced as he bumped into a rock, "Darn rocks...."

And then, he saw an incredible sight: Yang's gold lines on her black dress was glowing!

"Wowwww!" Heart said in awe as Yang flew past him, "Take a look! You like my dress? It's the latest in fashion light holography, I bought it just for the concert!"

Heart was very astounded, it was like he was seeing an Angel from Heaven. Heck, everywhere whenever Yang was by his side, it was Heaven for him. As they flew their way in the tunnel, they see an inactive MCDonalds and surprisingly, an abandoned place with a good spot for sleeping and such.

"Wow, there's a McDonalds here!"

"I see some stuff still on in there, and luckily, that spot's free for us!"

In the middle of that? A small doll of Yang in her Chinese clothing is seen.

"Ara? There's a doll of me here too," she said before tapping, "Boop!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«Zero G Love by Mari Ijima»

What starts off as a doll's small radio then begins to play as actual music being played in the scene as Heart tosses Yang a Coca-Cola can as she opens it before it comes flying down as the liquid flies out of the can as Heart and Yang were confused before they laugh as Heart then tosses her a straw as they both drink before another scene shows him making a shower as he does the thumbs-up as Yang enters and starts getting undressed before turning on the water as she enjoys it.

And then another scene shows Heart putting their clothes on a liner as Yang shows off the clothes she was wearing before another scene shows her sleeping in peace as Heart checks on her with a smile.

Three days, and yet, everything was fine. Heart and Yang were now getting used to living in a subway highway tunnel. Right now, they were having a good meal of burgers, fries, nuggets and two McFlurry courtesy of the McDonalds they found.

"So, he tells me, "Do you understand your position?! You can't be so enthusiastic with the common folk! They only love you for your looks!" Boi, puhlease! He ain't one to talk!" Yang said with a hmph as Heart asked, "And then?"

"So I thanked him for the advice, and I told him I'd show everyone more of the real me."


"Yeah," Yang said as she floated to their bed, "From then on, that pretty much became my drive as an idol and actress."

"That's awesome."

"But, you know...."


"I do miss some people from me and Shang Ke's class." Yang said before sighing, "I just hope....everyone else is back safely."

"Weren't they with you guys in the other side of Patch?"

Yang sadly shakes her head no before she turns to Heart, "They were in the city."

".....The city, huh?" Realizing about that, Heart then looked to the side in regret.

Momentarily, they both didn't say anything as Yang looked up at the stars above them from the small hole up top before she asks Heart, "Did you see anyone around while you were in the city?"

"I heard in the news, there were people who had gone missing, and so far, no one has found them."

Yang then pressed on, knowing Heart was trying to conceal something.

"Heart, please. Tell me the truth."

Sighing sadly, Heart explained, "I don't think....anyone could have survived that fight, especially with how Unit-01 acted when I went berserk and in regards to those other demons."

"I see..."

"But, I'm sure they made it out okay," Heart began, "We'll see them, just not today though."


"....Say, can I ask you something?"


"That movie you're starring in?" Heart asked as Yang replied, "What about it?"

"Well....that man you you, him?"

Yang giggled, "Me? It's only a movie, Heart. It's a PR story."

"Really?" Heart said as he wondered, "Well, do I say it....that love scene....looked so real."

Yang then laughed again.

"I must be a very good actress!"


"It's only for acting! Strictly business!" Yang giggled as Heart gawked, "No way...!"

"Want me to show you?"

""Show me"...?"

Yang smirked as she tackled Heart to the bed as saxophones playing sexy music was heard while his eyes were focused on her chest.

"Hey, Heart...."


Yang then asked him in a longing tone, "I loved you for a long time. Tell me that you love me...."

"I, uhh..." Heart stammered as Yang looked a little disheartened, "Ohh, but, you don't love me..."

"N-No! I really do, Yang!"


"O-Of course!"

"I'm so happy...!" Yang smiles in relief and in joy as Heart was mesmerized.


"Heart....I love you...."

With that, Yang kissed Heart. It's said in a song from a certain children's movie, that when you wish upon a star....your dreams....come true.

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